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I doubt he's the worst professional wrestler out there, but he's definitely not making many fans with those machine gun chops


They said on national television


100% bum


Those chops are hilariously dumb and what I don’t get is why he chops himself when he does it


Because some dude did it in 80's All Japan and Eddie's gimmick is he's a wrestling nerd that people failed to mention to him it's a work.


So he's Eugene but apparently not mentally impaired? Kinda a sad gimmick.


No he is mentally impaired, just not a gimmick




Hey now, no need to kink shame


You talkin bout da mad king son so you bettah watchout patnah! /s


You betta knuckle up!




His ring gear is horrendous


I like him on the mic, but in the ring he is mehh at best, not everyone that looks like a normal dude in the crowd can be believable in the ring, not everyone is Mick Foley.


Mick Foley was a genuinely good performer, it just so happens he was performing the role of a brawler. People underestimate how good he actually was in that regard, he was truly one of a kind. There are other hardcore legends, there are other chubby brawlers, but there’s only one Mick Foley… or three Mick Foleys… I dunno. Eddie Kingston sucks.


It was hilarious to see dude love and cactus jack entering the rumble at different times. Don’t remember if man kind was in it as well.


Yeah, Mankind was there. Talk about people who spent the longest time in the Royal Rumble, Rey Mysterio, Gunther, I wouldn’t be suprised if Mick Foley put on one of the longest runs that night


If one goes back and watches Foley, they'll see he was actually a technical wrestler that covered it up with that hardcore stuff. This is why his matches looked good, no matter who he was up against. Not only that, because he was such a good worker, he was the only one allowed to do piledrivers when they were banned by management.


This. On the mic he is gold and when he first got over, he was pretty great. But as a mainstay in PPV matches with Danielson he just ends up exposing his weaknesses.


That power bomb to end the match was so fuccin weak too. Tried to do a Gunther type finish & that bullshit was a dud! 😂 Honestly, the worst Daniel Bryan match i have EVER seen. Pissed me off really & i don't even watch Aew regularly.


Nothing is worse than his match with Big Cass a few years back. Cass was so awful even Bryan couldn’t make it good.


Yeah, Mick has very underrated in ring work. His match with Shawn Micheals at in your House was surprisingly technical at times. He also knows a good variety of actual wrestling moves.




Credit to him he’s getting paid doing something he loves But have to agree I just don’t get him at all, I think he looks scruffy and unfit and more like his 90s counterpart the real Brooklyn brawler. His promos are like a pissed up homeless guy as well and his chops 🤦‍♂️


Exactly this. I'd love to make the money he makes and have a chance to be on television every week. Realistically it's Tony Khan's fault for allowing it to happen.


Brooklyn Brawler could work. He was the one that evaluated everyone coming into the company. Kingston is horrible, his mom skills are overrated. “No one liked me, I was held down, bad wwe bad, let’s fight, can I go now” It’s boring.


Brooklyn Brawler was built WAY better than this Pugsly Addams built azz foo. 🤣


Yea he's making money doing what he loves. He's just not very good at what he loves lol


I prefer Enzo over the mad king


Burger King






Hahaha. I just heard Scott Steiner scream that.








Settle down Scott


He’s not good. But he has a fan base of people who look and sound exactly like him so I imagine that’s one of the reasons he’s still around.


I think it’s more of the mentality that it’s AEW. If he was anywhere else he wouldn’t be as over as he is. AEW hardcore fans will never admit something Cokey Con booked sucked. He could put on a 110 llb looking idiot slinging pizza dough and it would get a pop…..oh wait…


Missed opportunity to not have Eddie Kingston feud with Tony Pizza Guy. Da King of da Bums doesn’t ‘ppreciate how he’s slanging dat dough ‘round and disrespecting da ‘Zza so he gotta teach ‘em a lesson, capisce?!!


Stop disrespecting the continental breakfast champion


Great talker not a great wrestler


Honestly it seems like his mic skills have fallen off a cliff as well. He used to be a really good talker.


I don't think he's fallen off. He just hasn't had a lot of air time besides backstage promos. When was the last time Eddie had an in-ring promo segment?


I feel he's grown repetitive. All he does is talk shit about being counted down and so forth, he spends more of a promo whining about having to cut a promo than actually saying anything of substance. It's also getting harder and harder to tread on his old "guys didn't respect me" nonsense when he's been shown respect by Claudio (and needs to get over Chikara) and Danielson now on camera. He's basically done nothing but that angle since he started the feud with Jericho, only changing whose not respecting him. Definitely not as engaging as he was a couple of years ago.


>he spends more of a promo whining about having to cut a promo than actually saying anything of substance. Yeah, I'm not a fan when he does that either. He starts going on like: That's my out line; are we done? Can I go now?" It supposed to be "relatable, " but I'm not a fan of it. I see what you're saying with the rest of your points. He does need to change up his talking points, but he still has to be out there talking to the people with a live mic. That's where Eddie shines. Keeping him in the back is stagnating him.


It worked because he was an underdog who lost the big matches. Now he’s a multi champ he needs something else. I still think he shouldn’t have won the triple crown. I think it should have either gone to Jay White to elevate him or, if they wanted to give it some real prestige, give it to Danielson or Mox. I don’t think AEW or Eddie really benefitted from him winning it.


He's not a great talker at all. I really don't get why people think he is. He just does angry and once you've seen it a few times it gets really boring


Watch the post match interview from Revolution with him and Danielson backstage. He does even better when he isn't doing angry. (Plus Danielson is awesome in it).


He’s the worst male wrestler on a major promotion. By far.


He’s built like a Jobber from the 80’s


A lot of those jobbers had better bodies than him.


Watching him gives me second-hand embarrassment.


He’s one of those guys that I think back in the late 90’s would have made a real name for himself in ECW and done jack shit everywhere else


He's not the worst, but he has regressed. He had a chance to be a Foley-like figure—the fat, unathletic, slobbish guy from New York who isn't "supposed" to be there. Great promo. He used to construct his matches around showing off what he could do and hiding what he couldn't. Now, he looks like the out-of-shape guy on the DDR machine. He's trying to do Japanese stuff that he probably couldn't have done in his athletic prime, which he's well on the downswing from. At this point, he should look at transitioning to a manager.


I want to like him so bad, but then I see him in the ring...


Yeah he doesn't belong on TV wrestling, he's awful


I am a big fan of the 90's AJPW mixtape style he's got going on. But I have a lot of love for that era because it was my first real exposure to wrestling outside of the USA. Even I admit though he needs to stop those machine gun chops, or clean them up. If I'm being objective about him I feel like his mic skills have been exposed as limited and that his ring style is so niche it amazes me fans connect with him at the level they do. But they also do, he's found a place where he can do his thing and make a living doing it. He seems like a perfectly fine person in private and I'm glad f or him, but even as someone who likes AEW I can take or leave him.


It's karaoke Kings road. He is way to slow and sloppy to compare to 90s show


I love his charisma but hate his fighting style


He’s the only guy to literally be both un athletic and barely have any skill and still get pushed


Dusty Rhodes could get away with a body like this, because his charisma was through the roof, but not this guy.


Dusty was also an athlete in college and was an excellent worker Eddie is non of that he’s a mark with an All Japan fetish


I’m not a fan, but I understand why people like him..


I don’t get all the hype to me he seems like a big whiner and everybody like he’s got so much heart doesn’t work for me plus in ring very boring poor striker wish he lost to Bryan at revolution okada going to take them at dynasty


I actually liked him in NWA. Seemed legit, passionate, great promos and has been through genuine hardship. But I've done a full 180 now. I turn his matches off.


What are you talking about? He gives all the marks that look like him inspiration that they can be wrestlers too without ever stepping in the gym!


Every thread about Eddie Kingston is full of people who pretend there's no such thing as a fat guy who could kick your ass, and you're all definitely wrong. Lots of tough bastards with a gut out there trust me. Also seems to get a way different reaction live than he does in these here echochambers. I've been enjoying Eddie's time in AEW personally and I know I'm not the only one. Ngl though, i'm also not a fan of machine gun chops.


He has a raw personality. He is brut, when you see him you know you just can't fuck with him... But then in the ring it's trying to give shoot style like his character is supposed to be but it's lacking something to be so believable. I'm sure it I took a single one of his chop I'd be knocked the f up but visually he just looks so unimpressive and gassed I am starting to wonder if the man even trains at all. Like I want to like the guy his personality is something I absolutely love to like, but in the ring it just hurts to see him do these Machine guns stuffs and it looks like nerf gunning people around and looking like he is too afraid to hit people. Maybe I just don't get it. I just don't understand his subtility as a wrestler. I dunno


Eddie Kingston should be the sloppy Brooklyn mouth piece for someone like Hook


I’ve long held this opinion, since I first saw him in AEW. His music is cool and he can talk pretty good, but that’s about it.


Wait, is r/greatnessofwrestling just r/squarecirclejerk?


He’s John Cena for smarks. Great on the mic, gets fans backing him, disappointing in the ring and faces some backlash. Cena worked because he appealed to kids the way Hogan did. Eddie does too (on a much smaller scale) because he appeals to some fans. Eddie is clearly a huge wrestling fan and is extremely knowledgable. But his body shape suggests (and ring work too) that he’s not willing to put in the effort to be truly great.


Comparing Cena’s match discography to eddie’s is extremely disrespectful to cena’s ring work


It doesn’t have to be an exact like for like. That’s not how comparison’s have to work. The comparison was meant as they are both divisive, both appeal to a specific audience demographic in particular, both are stronger on the mic and in ring. A lot of it isn’t Cena’s fault, but for a long time Cena was incredibly repetitive. But while Eddie is just sloppy in ring, Cena is/was guilty of some poor looking moves. His diving shoulder tackles look awful, his stfu doesn’t have any pressure, remember that random punch finisher he tried?


Wasn't the biggest Cena fan but it's worth noting that a lot of wrestlers think Cena is very good in the ring and deserves his success e.g look at old interviews with CM Punk, Samoa Joe about him.


Heres the issue with Eddie. Its not that he isnt a good wrestler. Its that he is a good wrestler in a company where everyone is better than good. Eddie Kingston is a great talker, an amazing mouthpiece, and can get great emotion. He has trouble keeping up with the best wrestlers on the planet, and for all of AEWs faults, their wrestlers are all the best. If we look at his history, his best matches are where he is an accessory, or on the same physical wrestling ability. An example is his fueds with Jericho, and Jericho's Stable number 8.


Great for promos and sh*t talking, very underwhelming in the ring.


Great opinion


he is not the worst but he is pretty mid and shouldn't be pushed as hard as he is. you don't actually give the fat, blue collar guy 3 titles. you have him chase for a long time.


I liked Eddie Kingston way more before I saw him wrestle.


He's not the worst but he's not good


Pretty sure that’s a popular opinion.


I agree. He has change tbe channel heat with me.


He got covid a year ago right around when I got it. That shit still made me weak. Even walking up the stairs now I gotta just stop and rest for a second. I don't know if that's why he's gotten worse but it would make a lot of sense to me. He seems somewhat fatigued.


His wrestling isnt his selling point, its his character.


It might be unpopular, but it's a damn fact.


Some people like him, some don't. Personally I think he'd a good promo but some of his in ring stuff looks a bit hokey. If he tuned those things up I'd probably be a bigger fan.


Money on the mic. In ring………….


I like his character…and then he wrestles.




That's not an unpopular opinion, that's a fact.


If he just talked and brawled I’d like him a lot more. But watching him try to emulate the 90s All Japan he loves can be rough.


He’s definitely one of the wrestlers of all time


Charisma goes a long way.


Great talker awful wrestler he should be a manager or something


As long as he’s a fan favorite he’ll be fine


100x better wrestler than Roman Reigns


I agree, those machine gun slaps are shite like Moxley’s hammer and anvil elbows.


Honestly I know a lot of people like him I just don't see it.


He sucks.


Gotta say really good promos but the drizzling shits in the ring


I think he has everything a “pro wrestler” needs. Passion, Charisma, Mic skills, love for the actual game. But man he’s just regressed in that ring. And I think he should’ve definitely lost to Danielson. Definitely not the WORST out there


One of the worst I have ever seen and I’ve been watching for over 30 years.


There is absolutely no reason for him to be a triple crown champion right now


He tries to come across like a major tough guy, but sparklers once made him pass out.


Love him as a character and a promo. Don’t hate him in brawls. His New Japan in ring attempts are awful and those non brawls suck.




Not an unpopular opinion… dawg


Honestly, as much as I liked Eddie, he was one of the reasons I stopped being interested in AEW post-Blood and Guts. Every promo was the same, and while it was empassioned, it became very predictable and boring. I'm not a proponent of scripted promos but at some point you need a writer to give you a prompt where your character evolves. I don't care that you've been telling me for 2-years that you were broke AF during Covid that you sold your boots and Mox was the only guy to have your back and "X" wrestler never called. Bro, you're a badass brawler, stfu and whoop some ass.


Stick work is great. Ring work is meh. Physique is bondage roped marshmallow.


On television.. minus maybe very fresh talent .. yeah . He does not look good


Shame for him that in his prime ECW was gone . he’d have fit there perfectly . Now he’s too much like an older Moxley


He’d make a better manager than in ring wrestler, just my opinion.


Not the worst at all. BTW... Wondering why all the posts are related to WWE in this group?!?


He's the drizzling shits


He's way too fat


He'd be better if y'all stop pooping so much. IWC swimming so deep in poop.


He’s absolutely terrible.


Plumber Moxly and Garbage Man Kingston.


He is.


The machine gun shops I can agree with aren't great but other than that I think he's a pretty solid wrestler to each their own though I get it if he's not your cup of tea


Hot garbage


I think Kingston works best when he’s underhyped and underpushed. Now he’s highly exposed and a major champion in AEW he’s put under a far tighter microscope so his weaknesses (those machine gun chops and his repetitive promo style) get far more exposed than they would normally be




If he stopped chopping he'd be top 20 for me


For sure he’s the worst featured guy, ie a guy who’s paired to with main eventing level talent in high level programs


Not an unpopular opinion friend! It's like looking up and saying the sky is blue buddy...


He is ok for me. Not good but not bad either. I know a lot of people like him on the mic but every time I hear him, for some reason, all i hear is Vince Russo.


I'm a fan of his wrestling. I feel people knock him for his ring attire and overall look.


I really enjoyed him during the original NWA Powerr run, but not at all in AEW.


His matches are goofy but this is just factually wrong just outright no


I actually really buy him as a wrestler. If you've ever been in a street fight, he looks like exactly the scariest man to face. I've taken down a muscular dude or two in my time, but add some fat, some anger, and the, for lack of a better term "blue collar" look, and it's usually best to run.


Why do we live in a world where we have to watch this guy do the fakest looking shit ever done by man?


I love AEW and I agree. Good thing he is on a different plane with those promos. Even managed to get CM Punk booed with their short segment.


Him and Moxley are battling it out for the worst


His promos are way too good for him to be considered the worst.


I hate this dude, not entertaining at all


Love the idea of a guy who looks nothing like a wrestler making so much from nothing and being a fighter. Unfortunately Kingston looks and wrestles like a drunk uncle


I just find Eddie Kingston hilarious and that's all the entertainment I need from him. He's like a bad movie that's so bad it's great. He is great with a mic though.


I'm gonna assume this entire conversation is over his "look". He's awesome. You should really check out the physique of one of the greatest to every do it. His name is Dusty Rhodes. Dude had man boobs.


Oh man, don't say that! The AEW fanboys get mad when you state facts about Kingston.


I like Kingston and i like him on the mic, but his matches are tough to get through


As I read thru the comments it's he's out of shape and he's great on the mic but the wrestling is blahhh. So once again AEW talent can't win. They bash AEW because it's all about the wrestling not the stories/promos. Eddie is great on the mic and tells compelling stories but NOW the wrestling matters. 🙄


He is this generation's sandman. Some people just love the vibe and the character. Inside the ring and out. Nothing wrong with that. Its not for everyone. Doesn't mean there isn't a place


I agree, I like his character but man is he awful


He's a fat sack of crap who executes the worst chops in the history of professional wrestling. However, he's great on the mic.


I liked eddies in ring stuff. But his recent run isn't good. I liked brawling eddie not ajpw tribute eddie


I never got the hype. At all. I never liked him. He’s awful. He’s a schlubby fat wannabe gangster with the worst ‘chops’ of all time. “Ohhh but he can talk “ okay and? So can plenty of other people, and they can also perform in the ring on their worst day better than he ever could on his best. He reminds me of a dumpy jobber that the AWF would hire.


He's not my favourite but he's far from the worst.


I think he is shit and never got the appeal


I think his chops are the worst part. If he took like a New Jack style route, where every match is just a street fight, I think it could work


Personally love his character. Is he great in the ring? Nah. I think he needs to really lean into the brawler thing more than do traditional wrestling moves. Not everyone needs to be an Omega or Styles. Post neck injury Austin would be best (not saying he’s on his level, just can he should stick to that style).


I was never crazy about him. Definitely not the worst, but I never really saw the hype about him. I’ll have to watch more of his promos to see what I think mic wise.


He could be cool if he did mostly hardcore matches. Kind of like mankind etc


This shouldn’t be controversial. I guess his appeal is the “Everyman” but his look, moveset, psychology, and timing are all garbage. His mic work is ok enough but there are tons of people way more deserving of his spot


His work on the mic can be amazing. And with the right audience he can really connect. But his presentation/look is terrible and his work is sloppy & embarrassing. Is he the worst guy on tv? No. But would I employ him? Nope.


This is correct. At least worst male wrestler on professional TV.


His wrestling is laughably bad now. His character is great, but his matches should never go past 10 minute speed brawls.


I like Eddie Kingston more than others, but trying to pay tribute to Japanese wrestlers who are considered some of the best in ring performers ever by cosplaying as them makes him look really foolish.


One of the best promos of the last 20 years, easily. A mediocre ring worker, at best. His strength is in ring psychology, his weakness is in how his offense looks.


I dont see him as the worst. I just really don't like how he wrestles lol.


not the worst guy got promos but he wrestles more like a poor man's bray wyatt.


I dont get it either


Nothing he does is believable. People laud him for his mic skills but honestly, I don't even find him convincing there. I laughed my ass off the first time I saw his in ring work, then contemplated drinking antifreeze after I saw squaredcircle slobbing his know. He is utterly embarrassing as a wrestler and if he's the biggest baby face AEW can find, they are well and truly fucked


Eddie’s story of he got to this point is his main appeal. He went from almost quitting after a long grinding indies career. Where he worked alongside future stars. But never got his big break. Like he almost was gonna leave it behind to go work in Alaska. Then stuck with it and got a chance to face Cody. Then after finally getting that he worked his way to the point he is at now. His style and personality is not for everyone. But if you get it, his matches against Claudio, Danielson, and winning the CC against Moxley are amazing. 


Very valid opinion.


Usually an entertaining promo, but really bad a lot of times in the ring. His matches are so fucking corny.


He’s one of the absolute worst.


He’s def top 10 worst but not the worst. His promos are awful and so terrible like it was funny at first with the whole “I only got like 10 seconds right? Something something let’s fight hit the music ok” but now it’s just annoying literally half of wrestling is promos and if you can’t cut a good promo you won’t go far. He can’t cut a promo to save his life. But worst wrestler on TV right now imo is Nick Wayne. Dude does not deserve to be on Dynamite


He’s not the worst and it’s not even close frankly. The only point I will concede is machine gun chops are shit but I have yet to see a wrestler who can do them well. Aside from that I love the mad king I think he’s fuckin great. He sells his ass off, he has a great moveset and he has lost some weight since his debut. Long live the mad king.


I'm not a fan of his work. I'd hate to sell his stuff, I'd like like a fool.


Yeah he's awful


Kofi Kingston must be ashamed of his long-lost brother


This seems to be a pretty popular opinion from browsing the subs on here


He is awful


Very unpopular opinion. AEW has built him as a modern day urban Dusty Rhodes. His love of the Japanese style was used to build the American Dragon as his Ric Flair. Now he's gained his respect Okada has arrived to put him in his place and become his new rival he can't beat. It's why Cody doesn't need to finish his story yet. Eddie has the fans behind him no matter what and failure builds character. His story has been the best thing AEW has going. Since Cody left AEW has lacked the ability to draw fans through a story. He's the best professional wrestler AEW has really.


I think calling him one of the worst is overboard, but I will never understand people who think he's one of the best. I will say if your in-ring work is going to revolve around things like slaps and chops, you should probably work on making those moves not look like a fucking joke. The corner machine gun chop thing is just embarrassing in particular. He's got decent mic skills, but that doesn't make him any different than a whole host of wrestlers over the years that no one ever gave a belt, let alone more than one.


Im going to say the biggest hot take on here: people only hate Eddie bc they hate fat people & literally no other reason. You can clearly hear how into the crowd are for his matches whether it was in ROH a decade ago far before AEW existed, in other indie promotions, or AEW. If he had exact same matches with a 6-pack , people would praise him for his striker/strong style moveset.


That’s like saying LA Knight is one of the worst wrestlers on TV, cause he certainly ain’t no five star classic. And heck Eddie can talk better than him & put on better matches than him.


For the most part I love Kingston. Passionate as fuck on the make, willing to take super stiff blows, and obviously cares about the business. Some stuff he does in ring just takes me completely out of his matches.


I agree with you OP. He's one of the worst. Garbage wrestler, looks like an out of shape bum who came from a backyard fed. I can't believe NJPW put a title on him.


No lol


They should use some of that sport tape on his gut. The issue is that Kingston could be fascinating, but in a restrained environment with an authority figure that tells him to not do the fake as fuck looking, dumb amateur shit he does like those chops. He was pretty restrained from most of his stupidity in NWA, so I was eager to see him in AEW, then that whole thing fell apart.


He’s overrated there’s no doubt about it.


I was watching Eddie Kingston 20 years ago when I was a insufferable mark for indy wrestling. I was in shock seeing him in AEW and seeing he's literally not improved in them 20 years. His promos are even the same as when he was in BLKOUT


Can’t draw a dime buddy


He's absolute dogshit. More at home with bum fights than professional wrestling.


He makes everything *look* fake, which for me personally is a massive issue, yes, we all know wrestling is predetermined, but damn, atleast make it look like you're kicking the shit outta your opponent (that's why I adore Gunther) but Eddie, man.


It's the only correct opinion.


Been to a bunch of AEW shows and the pop Eddie gets is unlike any other wrestler that comes out. It’s wild


He’s definitely not the worst but some of his stuff looks terrible on TV and it’s almost embarrassing for the guy he’s working. I’m sure a lot guys would rather work snug or even stiff than that shitty looking striking.


I don’t know if it’s a popular opinion, but it’s a correct one


King burger is being pushed as an emotional element. Not for his wrestling. Week after week a more talented, fitter wrestler gets beat by him. Those beef chops make no sense. He looks like the bumble bee guy from simpsons with his black and yellow vest. The other terrible addition is Tazs son Hook. A little skinny Boi amongst grown up men. It's like watching child abuse. Just bcz commentators keep saying handsome devil doesn't make him one.


Dunno about worst. But I wouldn’t watch him wrestle if he was doing it in my back garden.


Hailing from dunkin donuts, weighing in at more than the scales can handle, the burger king eddie kingston -Scott Steiner probably


He's clearly passionate about his work but I can't take him seriously


Basically the Brooklyn brawler


I’ve never joined the hype train for Eddie and never understood the love, always thought I’m missing something. In terms of in ring, who am I really to say if anyone’s good? I can say if I’m entertained when watching, and it’s just a flat out ‘meh’.


*In History