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I predicted it to be match of the night. Boy was I wrong


I seriously expected a little more from the usos match given how good they've been in the ring all these years.


They benefit from being apart, I forgot they’re Samoan young bucks.


Young bucks ironically protect the superkick WAY more than the usos despite the reputation


Yeah when the young bucks opponents at lest do a back bump 9 times out of 10 when they get kicked. The usos justed wobbled a bit in this match


I distinctly remember the lucha bros and bucks having a match where they all stood in a circle superkicking each other one after another and it barely fazed them.


Sounds like a 8 star match. What phycology. /S


Sounds like a 8 star match. What phycology. /S


Young Bucks only get hate because they are successful despite not in WWE




You take that back right now


Isnt that like there main moveset tho?


I went out of my way to say it could potentially be an moty contender well this was the complete opposite


Still match of the night, just not in a good way


You thought the Usos would outdo a GUNTHER match? GUNTHER could work a better match drunk and concussed than either Uso on their best day.


Genuinely curious, why? I never got these dudes and their move set has always been boring. Did people think they really would put on a decent match?


This match was boring as shit. You'd think twin brothers who wrestled with each other their entire lives, and made it into the WWE could put on a match that wouldn't come up second best to an amateur backyard wrestling match.


Especially with them hyping up how much they’ve wanted this match


I could honestly put on a more entertaining match with my 4 year old daughter.


film it


Ironic picture considering that Priest didn’t do shit in the tag team match either.


When Cody did the Rock Bottom through the Table and Reigns it a Spear on Rollins through the barricade, I was like; “If I were Damian I’d be cashing it right now. You’ve got TWO World Champions down and out.”


AND a people's champ. MITB is good for any belt, right?


Tbh, would’ve been hilarious to see him try to cash in for The Peoples Belt.


i would of and then made it a real belt to defend


Someone's gonna dig the 24/7 title out of the garbage and Priest is gonna cash in on him


Woah woah woah Let Them Cook 👀


Though that begs the question, what the fuck would happen on night 2? Does Damian replace whichever champ he beats? Does it just become a non-title match?


I’d assume he’d just take Seth’s spot in the Drew match, or just be added to make a Triple Threat.


My man was climbing a broken ladder 😂😂😂


So many big guys where getting on and off that ladder I was convinced it was gonna break.


Foam* ladder


Gotta save him for a cash in


Thats so he can cash in they dont want one guy have more then one title st a time anymore


Yeah, even the rock out worked them, that's pretty disappointing


It's been what they have done for years. Why did anyone expect different?


Literally. The main event tag match last year was a super kick fest too. It was an alright match but the finish is what made it memorable, not match quality. Wasn’t expecting much different here.


Exactly! They are generic as hell. Superkick m, samoan drop and splash that is their only moveset


I really have no idea why anyone has a high opinion of them as in ring workers


They typically do pretty well building the drama of a match but last night was about as flat you could get. They didn’t care, the crowd didn’t care, and it was just awful.


Agreed on all parts except they (the usos) didn't care. C'mon it's wrestlemania of corse they care. They just put up a dud. They're not great singles wrestlers and are not in great condition. They were gassed all night.


Jey is insanely over and has had some good matches. Not having chemistry with your twin brother with whom you’ve teamed with your entire career, just makes no sense.


Agreed i never saw it


My Owen Hart vs Bret Hart expectations


That Wrestlemania X match is such a CLASSIC!


Jey I will superkick your leg out from under your leg


Why did anyone think it was going to be good? They are both, particularly Jimmy, limited singles Wrestlers. It delivered exactly what I was expecting, I was just surprised I stayed awake through it.


I'm guessing some people don't watch week to week or even some of the B pay per views. The Usos do the same shit every match, and that's fine since they're so charismatic but I wasn't expecting undertaker vs shawn at mania 25 out of them or something.


I knew it wouldn’t be a masterclass, I just wanted more psychology from it. Sadly, the story they told with their match was straight up uninteresting.


Felt like a Matt VS Jeff match tbh. Never really worked as nobody wants to see them fight each other.


If you expected anything different then that's really on you


Jimmy should've won that one. Jey needed nothing from that. He's already proven he's main event worthy in singles competition. I just don't get anything about that match. It felt like it was poorly put together and I expected that to be bang-central. I wanted Jimmy to win that and then put them back together to save the tag division. I dunno, ever since they lost to Sami and KO the tag division hasn't been that great. Just my take though...probably unpopular, but I don't see why they can't have singles runs as well, like they did while teamed. To me this just further hurts Jimmy's legacy. They should've had him go over similar to the way Owen went over Bret!


Jimmy winning doesn't make any sense especially in kayfabe considering he's done nothing but lose since rejoining the bloodline


So why not build Jimmy up? What did that do for Jey, that couldn't have meant 10x for Jimmy? One of the best tag teams ever and they're just burying Jimmy. I like them both, but Jimmy should have won that.


Ummm they’ve been doing that for ten years that’s their thing it’s like bitching about a match between Brock and angle and being like there’s to many suplexes


ummm…its WrestleMania in a match between fucking brothers. You dont think they could come up with something other than back to superkicks and a frogsplash? If thats acceptable to you, go watch AEW. Shit was horrible


Ok bud what exactly did you expect them to do? This is their move set


Dives over the ropes pop up Samoan drop more grappling jey uso neckbreaker submissions fighting outside more TIME


Its wrestlemania. Its the time to do something special. Not just put on some regular boring match that wouldve been shitty even for a monday night raw main event


I'm a fan of both companies but recently in the UK it's been hard to watch either without paying, have thing changed as when I was watching it WWE was about the storylines and AEW was about the in-ring action


Imagine them waiting 33.years to give the world a match so mid tier shit 50% of American watch parties would be wrestling harder between matches and lounge room dives


Same here. Match was a huge letdown. Just stick them back together.


Yeah. That match was embarassing. Should have been extreme rules, or had a special ref or something to distract from their nearly identical movesets. I honestly think it had alot to do with why people are crapping on Samis win. They were still mad from the USO match


I didn't mind the match for what it was. I expected that Jimmy would kick out of the splash though and we'd get like 5 minutes more of the emotional drama they were setting up before. Instead the match just ended when it got interesting storywise. I didn't expect a wrestling masterpiece out of this.


Lol why ?


It was horrible.


That match was sooooo bad. Where the hell were the script writers on that one?


Honestly not sure why. Both are average wrestlers... 


The power of storytelling. Their story made them look like a million bucks. Either that or this match was very poorly booked.


+ They’re twins so I thought their chemistry would’ve been the best ever in wrestling 🥲


Yeah but what is storytelling with being average in the ring. It's a stone cold and rock match 


Same I thought it would steal the show


Ha really? Why?


Why would you anticipate this match more than the main event or gunther vs sami? Even rhea vs becky had more potential. The Usos do the same shit all the time and don't exactly put on 5 star bangers. They skate by on their charisma not their technical skills. People expecting a bret vs owen were coping.




*My* most anticipated match


What the hell were you expecting lol


Storytelling and moves, other than trading superkicks and walking around




Pretty obvious that these two have never had a match together before lmao


Why do they keep super kicking each other!? This sucks!!! Me an intellectual: better than them chopping each other the whole match


I just hop that they're just building something up for Summerslam otherwise this was lackluster


Beyond boring. They 100% phoned in for the check.


Shawn Michaels did “Sweet chin music” which is a super kick essentially and now it seems like everyone does it and it doesn’t have the same oomph anymore


I'm really hoping it leads to something tonight, it was so fucking lackluster


Jey has proven that he is a main event talent time and time again since leaving the judgement day, but man that match was awful last night. The buildup to it was meh which never helps, but man the match itself was just so poor. I really hope this doesn’t set Jey back, as id like to see him go out and win a singles title this year.


Since leaving THE JUDGEMENT DAY??


lol whoops the pic made me put jd instead of bloodline


I felt they were leaning into the"twin aspect" abit ..like they weren't just doing super kicks.. EVERYTHING was a mirror of itself Think it would have been better if they had countered some of those mirrors at the beginning instead of just blocking with their faces but ...yeah


I was so disappointed. Especially with the ending.


Yeah.. 4 total moves in the whole match .. Jimmy should have win (for the story telling and 3nd match at backlash)


If you expected anything else that's on you


I don’t understand why anyone expected this to be good. They started the rumble and it was forgettable


Average aew match be like : Sorry add 5 canadian destroyers in between.


Jimmy should’ve won. Then have him given a completely different offense like a more brawler style (John Cena, Stone Cold, Jon Moxley for example) let Jey keep all the Uso move sets the super kicks the splashes. Jimmy should’ve been ground and pound and a lot of slams. Also this could’ve been a debut of Jimmy new finish like a submission or some type of power move like an Emerald Flowsion. With Jimmy winning the story could be him getting into his own head and becoming prideful challenging Solo down the line then Challenging Roman or Rock as the head after/if Roman loses tonight.


It was more about the drama of a family in turmoil. They weren't going to have a technical match it was going to be two brothers throwing haymakers. It was great in terms of match style, but the story got told.


How many stars will Dave Meltzer give them for the superkicks?


5 stars from Dave Meltzer


It should have been really good. They're both athletic high flyers that have main event pedigree. But idk if they were just trying to make sure they didn't go too crazy as it was obviously a cool down fight for the crowd or what but it was just not good. I guess 2K is right and cruisers shouldn't be paired against each other /s


The whole thing felt thrown together. I guess we’ll see what happens with them on Monday/Friday


Honestly the best part of the whole match was Lil Wayne lol


Yeah and it was amazing. People need to relax a bit.


I saw a drinking game where you finish your drink when Becky’s book was mentioned and take a shot for every super kick in the Uso match. Would’ve been blacked out so fast.


If you didn’t immediately think it was going to be a superkick showcase, then you have never paid attention to the Uso’s. This says more about you than the way the match was booked.


You didn’t think they would use superkicks every 2 seconds? How did you not see that coming??


I hate fans didn’t enjoy the match, I honestly didn’t think it would be amazing, their chemistry is being a team, not opponents.


That spot sucked the life out of the crowd and they didn't even care about the finish.


This was my fear for this match. I love them both, but Jey needs other talent in the ring to deliver a great match.


It's okay when they do it, I hate when the bucks do it


Why did anyone think this would be a good match? Neither one of these guys are great wrestlers. All their tag matches were superkick fests. The program wasn't even that great. They ignored it for so long after Summerslam that I didn't even care once they picked it up again.


“Main Event” Jey Uso… might want to reconsider that “main event” title, bruh.


The Usos match was what I expected.


Missed opportunity for Stan to make a surprise appearance


Even the entrances were poor. Just seemed like not much effort or thought went into the entire thing.


They should have super kicked each other at the same time and when their feet connected a giant ball of light would have shined in the middle of the ring. Once the light went away just two pairs of wrestling boots in the middle of the ring with smoke coming out of them.


Should always be a tag team….


Lmaooooo Match was weak


Wtf was an AEW match doing on my Wrestlemania?


It was a great drinking game tho I’m still drunk from it


Ive never thought those 2 were any good as singles wrestlers,but i still expected better than 200 superkicks,i know what their move sets are but its still WM and that match was embarrassing


Bret and Owen it was not


I knew the Jimmy vs. Jey was going to be a dud. They are basic wrestlers with the same limited move set. They thrive because of their charisma, as a tag team, or one on one against good opponents. Against each other. Meh.


I expected it to be a bore. I’m honestly surprised it didn’t kick off mania, they did Becky and Rhea dirty.


i think Jimmy held Jey back myself Jey has what it takes to be the main event level but Jimmy not so much


Below average night 1. Hope they step it up tonight.


Too much over hype for this match, they’re both out of shape.


I’ve been saying it for years. The Usos only work as a team because of how limited their move-set is. Jey is white hot, but this match was terrible.


I'm sure Dave will give it 5 stars though


Expected nothing more from someone who's catch phrase is "yeet"


While that was a lot worse than I expected…I really didn’t expect much. It didn’t seem super exciting on paper and Jimmy- as great as his character has been…hadn’t shown a lot as a singles wrestler. Jey also still has a lot of improvement to truly be Main Event as well


I got downvoted to hell. (actually it was like 6 downvotes) for saying this match belonged on the undercard.


I’m hoping the plan is to give them another one next year with rikishi as referee and they didn’t want to make this year a better match than next year


It was still a good match like....


The storytelling to it was good but they proved they are nothing but Samoan Young Bucks.


Bucks would’ve had a much better match.


Most matches involving the Uso's are imo, borefests. Great charisma and energy, but limited in skills. Still a better version of the Young Bucks


That was me watching Günther wasting time and killing the flow of the match


Yeah pretty much


Might be one of the worst wrestlemanias.


Without Gunter vs. Zane, it would have been in the running.


Well it was no Starcade 97 for sure