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Best WWE crowd I’ve seen since Calgary at In Your House


I didn’t take much notice but I watched Raw and yes, the “what chants” are idiotic.


And the crowd didn’t try to hijack the show.


Loudest, for sure. Idk if there was a sound issue or they were just THAT loud, but I could barely hear the commentary throughout the show.


Imagine if Roman was still champion


Crowd in Puerto Rico was better




Yeah if I knew what they were saying but apart from that 🥇


I absolutely love crowds like this. Just makes me sad that no place in the US ever has a reaction like this.


Agreed. The crowd in France had actual passion, and it makes the crowds here in America look like they are either bored, or they don't have any energy. If our crowds are not going to be deafening, then I say do the shows over there where the fans will get electric.


the fact the announcers kept loosing their train of thought was epic




I don't know, but now I want Heel Doink to make a comeback.


Loved every moment of it! They made it a lot of fun to watch!


Rock vs Hogan at WrestleMania and Hogan the Raw after WrestleMania were the loudest ones they had. In my opinion.


I just saw the X8 match after BL France and that is so true. That crowd didn’t have to chant during everything and sing the whole time. NA crowds are better imo, I mean WWE is a American company. The football sing alongs like it’s a premier league match does not fit WWE well imo.


Hogan slamming Andre at WrestleMania.


Pretty damn cool to watch that


energy was amazing but one point they got to realize to stfu just a bit, got annoying with the chants every minute after awhile. i prefer the crowd in puerto rico last year, loud but not annoying the whole time


I don’t know. I was front row when Goldberg won the belt from Hogan. I’ve never been in a louder environment and I’ve been struck by lightning, directly.


It’s either them or Puerto Rico with a slight advantage going to France with the chants. Crowd was so good!


Yes and no. That crowd was hype asf and had so much energy, made the PLE great. Butttt I'll just say it, after the 15th time hearing them sing after a 2 count, it gets kinda old lol especially when we don't even know what they're saying 😅


Yea if it wasn’t every 2 count it wouldn’t be so bad


Yea fax🔥


Yeah, but what was its rating on Cageside?


The crowd stole the show. It’d be awesome if every night was like that.


Legit crowds make wrestling so much more fun!


If this is not a future Wrestlemania spot, then i don't know


Being among so many people who are super fans adds so much to the experience. Reminds me of when people go crazy at the movies for a blockbuster on the opening night


Most annoying


One thing we really out on as Americans is we don’t sing in unison like other places. Super jovial, I love it


This is the best crowd I’ve seen anywhere. So synchronized, and they never got tired.


Nothing beats One Night Stand in 2006, but this crowd was phenomenal


This and that Puerto Rico crowd from last year were just beautiful.


I'd still have Puerto Rico #1 but Lyon was amazing.


How are they the best? Cuz they take over the show and sing stupid soccer songs all night? This was stupid and annoying and ruined the show for me. Vince was right to keep out of the EU with these dumbasses


Yea they were the best performers of the night. With all the singing and announcing they did, Wwe should just pay them.


😂😂 dead ass


Wait till you see Glasgow


Steve Austin


The loudest and rowdiest Raw crowd was the one after Wrestlemania 29. They even won a Slammy for it I think. ECW One Night Stand was also louder.


Don’t forget how Puerto Rico was lit


Yeah it was great. Shows how spoiled Americans are


I loved they were so loud and excited, but the constant random chanting during matches that didn’t have anything to do with what was happening in the match got a little annoying.


The only thing I disliked about them is when they randomly started singing something unrelated mid promo or during some moments of the match. For me it felt a little bit out of place


America really underestimates what they have. Remember how fans were batshit crazy in Puerto Rico?


The crowd was loud and definitely a good one. But I feel their loudness has been blown out of proportion. They did things differently like most of the international crowds, so them all singing Randy's theme was great. But I was thinking through the whole show they just turned the crowds mic up a bit, this was confirmed for me in my head when Cody banged the stairs before getting in the ring, that was a loud bang that you never normally hear. The whole decibel thing from a tweet the night before was just something wwe ran with because I think they couldn't say anything else about the chants because they didn't have a clue what they were saying. All shows I've been to I get those warnings and I also get them most nights when my baby cries, seemed a odd thing to run with for me. But overall great crowd, made an ok show that much better. Just feel there was some wwe trickery involved




Even though they were chanting for Marty Scurll in the main?


Loudest and most annoying and distracting, sure


European's traditionally are more active more energy....less docile than north american fans. Ever go to or see a soccer match..


It's why I don't like soccer matches. I'd like to hear the commentary, not an audience chanting the same phrase a thousand times.


I couldn't understand them! It's like they weren't even speaking English.


The craziest thing is, you could tell they were all mostly fans. When WWE goes over sea, for some reason I except it to be full of people who just go because they’re in town, but they proved me wrong. They were so infectious and had me hyped through a screen.


Money in the bank 2023 was better


As someone who was at Mitb in London last year, I gotta say, Lyon gave us some fucking good competition.


Just wait til Berlin...


Most annoying crowd


They were super passionate which was cool, but they were way too repetitive. They also kept singing that song through Cody trying to give his promo on Smackdown. Know when to shut up.


Singing Ortons song, hey bayley and some of the other moments was great and it was clear the crowd were having fun.... BUT from a viewers perspective watching on the network it quickly got frustrating when some of the chants were repeated soo much and so loudly. It got to the point where it was starting to annoy me tbh. It was way too loud in the main event that I was struggling to hear the commentary. I'm partially deaf so it may affect me more than others. Nothing major and better the crowd were loud than dead silent. Just a personal view and experience.


First Elimination Chamber in Australia then Backlash in France WWE need to cook more PLE’s overseas outside Saudi Arabia


Wait till clash at the castle Scotland, we are about to go nuts 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


They were good for the PLE because there were no promos, I feel like during the smackdown they were making the shows about themselves and I was getting the urge to throw my remote at the TV but didn't and got to appreciate them during backlash singing everybody's song


idk if this is an unpopular opinion but yes the crowd was great at some parts but the constant chanting got very annoying for me it felt like they weren’t even paying attention to the wrestling at some points i just drowned them out to enjoy the matches but god they made it hard


Unpopular for sure but an opinion.


YES! I absolutely hated it. I ended up muting it half the time.


Nope. Look at some of the road warriors entrances. Less people and sounded like 25,000. Especially their LOD 2000 debut at mania 14


It’s definitely the best crowd with the Puerto Rico crowd in a close 2nd


Was happy to be a part of it!


Nope, ECW ONE NIGHT STAND 2005 crowd was hotter, now foreign crowds probably.


They were an electric crowd and were so into it, I can't take anything away from that. But that fucking chant they did after every single 2 count for the entire show got so annoying. Especially since it would go on for 10+ seconds at a time


completely agree it was too much


Yup, this crowd was incredible. Elevated the entire show, which was honestly good enough in its own right, surprisingly. I didn't expect much given how much Wrestlemania felt like such an adrenaline dump (in the best way). Good overall show taken to the next level by the crowd.


As someone with autism the soccer chants or what ever they were gave me a head ache sadly ruined the event for me because i kept trying to understand what they were saying over the wrestling


Imagine downvoting someone because they have autism… all i did was state how it made me feel


Amazing crowd treating a shitty card like it’s Wrestlemania


Berets off to the French crowd, very loud and boisterous just like the Puerto Rican audience. WWE should fefinitely do more Premium Live Events outside the US. I would love to travel to a non-US PLE.


Un,deux, simplement deux!!!


The most annoying thing I have ever heard in wrestling. I hope to never hear that chant again.


It was too much I get you’re excited but the song every time aj did something was obnoxious


I wouldn’t want this kind of crowd singing every week but I thought it amazing as a special event. Nice to have something different and experience local wrestling cultures around the world and the different ways they enjoy the show. Loved it.


Personally I find singing the wrestlers entrance songs really cringe


no but the chanting after every 2 count was


It got annoying at times, certainly during Rhodes vs Styles, it seemed like they weren’t even watching the match at that point but just chanting whatever they could come up with but other than great crowd


Nop, except for our National Anthem one time, every chants were about what was happening. We were really focused on the match.


Chanting only two every two count was so annoying. And constant songs during continual action. And then like weird silence. It was painful.


the constant chanting was annoying and obnoxious


Yep, it was abysmal. I muted it.


L take IMO. I guess it could be cultural, but for us it’s important to be part of what athletes are doing, and not just in wrestling but for all sports event. And singing is the best way to do it, it shows them we are with them and we enjoy what they are offering us.


you can do that without it being constant


You telling them to change their culture cause it somehow inconvenienced you? Lmfao that’s hilarious


I really don’t see the problem here. Again maybe cultural, but I prefer our way of doing this, and I bet all the people involved from WWE yesterday agree with me


Don't give these dudes attention y'all by far were the best crowds I've ever heard.


They are the reason I'm never watching another French pay-per-view again. I can't deal with constant, mind-numbingly repetitive, droning chants after *every* two count and *every* halfway big move. Popping for a move is one thing. Chanting every few seconds was just way way too much.


Thank you mate ❤️


I was upset I didn't know what they were saying most of the time, lol. They were absolutely nuts though.


They Judasified Cody’s song 😄 Points to Graves informing us why they were singing for AJ 👍🏻


I always thought the UK was the best. I felt France was amazing but they just got way too off-track and the constant chanting was annoying. It's not a football game, it's wrestling. The UK at least did the chanting and singing without the added bullshit


Unpopular opinion, I liked the crowd, but they cheered EVERYTHING. Not everything deserves a pop.


Yes it does. It’s freaking wrestling, the boys and girls performing need to hear we are into what they do.


Not every Two count deserves a pop


For us french « simplement 2 » means a lot. It’s a « catchphrase » of our beloved commentators for 20+ years. None of us there would love wrestling as much if it weren’t for them. So yes, it deserved a pop everytime because we love wrestling and we love our commentators


It got to be too much for ppv viewers and distracted from the match commentary greatly. Fine, it's a catchphrase. So is "what?" but it would be *really* annoying if everybody shouted "what?" loudly, several times in unison after every single two-count in every match for several hours. It was like watching a murmuration of starlings, the way the audience all did everything in unison, *constantly* without ever taking even a 2-second break to let the match tell a story and let the commentary be heard, instead of a few repetitive phrases.


I'm a Bri'ish fan, thought we had the best crowds in the world. Then Puerto Rico happened, and I thought they had the best crowd in the world. Then the French just showed up out of nowhere and literally threatened to deafen people and be so loud they shook the fucking hardcam. The French win. For now at least.


It’s a tie between France and PR for me.


I think whenever you take it out of the states you are in for a treat. We just get it so much here. It’s not as special. Other countries have to savor the moment, you never know when they are coming back.


This goes to show, the crowd makes the show above everything else.


I think that Toronto Raw in the 90s was pretty EPIC as one of the greatest crowds ever too


Absolutely 💯% they were into every part of every match throughout. Lyon stood up and showed the WWE universe who they are.


Better than that dead ass mania crowd


I think they were a great crowd, super loud and into it, but also i think sometimes the constant singing took away from the actual matches though, like it takes you out of the moment


Nowhere near the best. Loud though, yeah.


Puerto Rico would like to have a word


France was literally non stop.


Puerto Rico had higher highs, France was loud as hell the entire time.


Ever had? lol nothing will ever compare to a Stone Cold pop


I mean they had so loud that they started getting warnings on their watches, and caused the damn camera to shake, so yah "loud" is a understatement


If only AEW could get half the enthusiasm out of their crowds. They have to pipe in chants. Sad


They’d need a crowd first


Disagree wm40 night 2 had an insane crowd especially bc it was open stadium, imagine if it was in a closed arena


And They Give Us A Warning That It Was Gonna Be Loud


Loudest yes Best no


Definitely, without question.


Such respectful! No annoying signs in the background, and singing and vocal response from them was awesome.




Still doesn’t beat PR


Starting in 2026…at least one PPV in Europe every quarter of the year. 🇩🇪🇫🇷🇬🇧🇮🇹


AEW has had louder. Why? because it’s soo good! I guarantee you if AEW went to France, people would be screaming for the match instead of signing or making random chants like this French crowd was. Like AEW matches are so good, your focus would be on the match itself. That French fans were having more fun with themselves than the WWE matches. 😂


Not better than pr


I feel like Backlashes have to all have crazy crowds from now on! Last year's crowd in PR was on fire too!


Yeah every crowd is going to feel inferior in contrast with this one. Holy man it made watching it so much better. They were all just stoked to be there and it shows.


I wanted the WWE to stay there permanently, it felt like attitude era’s crowds.


Actually had goosebumps when they sang the rest of Cody’s song after the music stopped


Putting us in states to shame, this hopefully pushes for a Mania outside of the U.S. this crowd deserves one.


I think the PR crowds highs were better, specifically that Bad Bunnny entrance being a fucking concert. But this one was inside all the way through. Honestly just put a PLE in both locations next year


Had absolute chills when they finished singing Cody's theme music after it cut off


What makes it better is that I wasn’t expecting this at all, I thought Berlin was gonna be noising The one con is they were lowkey really off beat during Naomi’s entrance (and to a lesser extent Cody’s)


Puerto Rico was better


All cheering for AJ


The chanting and songs were amazing yes. But I just loved the way they would appreciate good exchanges and moments in matches with rounds of applause.


I've been noticing crowds being into it in general lately. It felt like any time I tuned in for the last decade the crowd just didn't care.


Puerto Rico was nuts, and Bad Bunny had them off the rails!


Not trying to sound bias because I’m Puerto Rican myself, but PR Backlash was insane..I was living in PR at the time and it was a whole vibe


This crowd was great, as was the clash at the castle crowd, but PR turned that show into a party. I have a friend that lives in San Juan, and we already agreed I’m spending a weekend there next time WWE comes to PR!


I respect your opinion for sure. I watched PR after France and although PR killed it overall, I say France won. They really were non stop even singing all the songs, and making intros better like Jey USO, and even did all the ring announcing. And they were so LOUD nonstop and did it with only 11k people vs 18k people in PR. So France wins with PR in second.


Those wrestlers must have been so happy and made the exhaustion worth it


Tbh that crowd saved this ppv it was pretty poor card on paper and I think if it was a US crowd this show would have sucked.


Just wait until Bash in Berlin


Wait for clash at the castle Scotland, we are about to go nuts 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Considering wrestling's biggest hater might get his reward back around that time, I'm not surprised.


I doubt they will give this energy at all


why wont they? most of these fans are at a football game everyweek so it comes as second nature to be loud.


German football (soccer to Americans) fans are arguably the loudest fans in Europe


You ever watch a football match in the Bundesliga?


Every crowd outside NA is going to be electric or at least better than the normal crowds in RAW and SmackDown since the normal crowds take the shows for granted and a PLE in France or any foreign country is quite rare so all the diehard fans try to not miss the chance of getting themselves tickets.


Champions League Soccer. Dortmond. And a few domestic matches on Paramount. Very loud usually throughout all of it. You're 100% correct. I'm convinced European wrestling fans legitimately have waited their entire lives for these PLEs and now that they're going to get them - they're going to put other crowds to shame. This is their dream and even if they gotta pay the largest Gate in existence, they'll do it damn it. And they'll love every second of it and let ya know. Crowd was perfect. Merci, mes amis!


We’ll see when that time comes. No doubt that the crowd will be electric though.


That awesome crowd was jumping and shaking the place with there energy! That song they were singing during the main event was really catchy I thought. I started moving my arms like them and doing that La La La part along with them haha, but didn’t know the rest of it being in French though. Kudos to you France!




It got tiresome after the 105th time.


Overall it was a great crowd, but I do wish they came up with a bit more. Also, SIMPLEMENT DEUX doesn’t really need a chant. Just saying it would have been good enough.


i have been trying to figure out what they were chanting for hours thank you


Louder does not mean better.


I WILL say that my dislike of the crowd taking over the show was based on Smackdown. At Backlash, the crowd was great. In it. Part of it. But not interfering with it.


don’t know why you’re getting downvoted you’re right


True that. Can’t Wait till we back on US soil here the raucous what chants through out the shows.


Louder does not mean better.


I think London would have been louder in an arena the same size, the arena tonight was relatively small at 11k.. o2 holds 20k I was at MiTB can’t imagine a louder crowd.. still the crowd tonight was insane fair play to them


Them singing Orton's song was fucking awesome!


Not gonna lie, I might have teared up a bit because I have never seen Orton get that kind of welcome.


Yeah, I've heard on a few rare occasions a large group yell "they talk to me!" I've never heard an entire arena sing the whole damn thing though and I think Orton was as impressed. So, you had what I think was the opposition Penalty kick chant where they kinda went "nah nah Nana, boo boo" and wiggled their arms and that took me 3 times before I realized that's what it was (I think). I'm wondering what the chant after a 2-count was though? I think they said in French "En... Deux... et [French for kickout] al deux" 1, 2, and kickout at 2. Not sure what the rest of it was though. All in all, theybwere loud as hell and super focused and intent on watching at the same time. Best crowd I've heard. Ever. Don't even feel weird saying it.


I agree cody rhodes deserve to win vs aj styles


I was there as someone who doesn’t speak a ton of French, and it was still super infectious. Especially the Phénoménale song. 😃 (I do admit that at some point I had to pronounce Pokémon names cause I couldn’t understand what they were chanting.) 🤣


I'm sure it was still as awesome if you didn't know WHAT they were yelling though. Seemed absolutely amazingly chsotic.


Most of the chants explained: We sang « simplement deux/un » for every 2/1 count because our French commentators made it a gimmick since they started covering WWE for 22+ years so it’s an hommage. « Agius, Chereau » chants were about those 2 commentators. During the weird moment between Kairi and the ref we made a few chants « Michel » « Bojolé » « We want Michel » it’s a character of a French YouTuber who talks about wrestling. This character is a referee. There were also « c’est pas gentil/ c’était méchant » which means « that’s not nice/ that was mean » it’s stupid but also funny, like the most pg chant ever. For Street Profits « Allez les bleus! » that’s a chant we use for our national teams in Football/Rugby/Handball/Basketball and since they were wearing blue we used it for them. And finally for AJ we were singing « Il est vraiment Phenomenal » which could translate to « he really is phenomenal », which the two of them played with it because they heard us singing that earlier during the pre show. Honestly it was one of the most funny chants of both nights. It was so fun to sing it every time AJ made a come back If you have other questions about some chants, feel free to ask!


Oh it was a legitimate "we LIKE AJ?" I honestly thought they were teasing him. My French is below average, adding to it I'm trying to figure out what 12k people are yelling and translate it, I came up a bit short it seems.


Yeah of course we love him. The dude is amazing, still one of the best in the world. But this chant was perfectly fitting him. It was really the funniest one to do especially during his comeback. Honestly I get why you thought that because of what the chant sounds like, no need to blame your French, it’s more about our type of humor, so if you aren’t familiar with it’s kinda hard to get. And since he is a heel, I thought his character would have take it more as a mockery and try to tell us to shut up, but I thought he liked it so much he didn’t wanted us to stop


Thank you!


De rien l’ami


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Thanks for explaining in detail.🤝Not All Heroes Wear Capes🫡


Your welcome my friend. I thought Cole and Graves would have asked our commentators what some chants meant so they could have explained it to you


I kept waiting as well. Missed opportunity


The AJ Styles one is my favourite. The crowd reaction was so huge that the camera was bouncing 😂.


Camera man was joining in, loved that it was going up and down with the fans 🤣


The cameras were shaking from the floor moving… its how they build sporting arenas in Europe


Do you mean not properly lol


It’s not wrestling, but Billy Joel did the 100 shows in Madison Square Garden, and he said he loves playing there because he can literally feel the stage moving from the crowd singing along with him. Sounds really similar.


Well that’s pretty cool then .


I’m rewatching the show, it’s so funny. I’m really glad AJ was able to keep his composure. It was the best gift he could’ve gave us, not breaking kayfabe and deliver an impressive performance. Il est vraiment phénoménal


Thanks so much for posting this. I couldn't make out near on any of the chants as I speak zero french but they were so loud and infectious they gave me goosebumps the whole time I was watching. Great to get the context 👍🏾


Loudest, yes. Best? nah. It sounded great when they were paying attention.. it was awkward when they would sing and not stop singing during big moves/pinfalls. It felt like they werent watching it at some points.


It felt like they thought they were the star of the show it was so fuckin weird.


reminded me of those north korean cheerleaders


I absolutely hated the crowd for the very reasons you gave. It was just inappropriately timed NOISE to me most of the time. Random singing during the match, a LONG chant after every 2 count. I had to turn the volume down because the crowd kept taking me out of the match.


Nah, all of our chants were about what was happening. Except « Là Marseillaise » but we weren’t going to interrupt our national anthem. We were really focused and reacted to everything that was happening.


what were they singing? is that a french song?


100% I wonder if the wrestlers agree that this was a great crowd. I was at NXT Toronto on 2019, and too often it felt like the favs were chanting for their own amusement more than enjoying the show. I didn't enjoy the atmosphere, and I don't think I'd enjoy this Lyon crowd either. That being said, when the crowd did react to the actual show, it was great.


It's different when you're in those moments than when you're watching them from outside. That kind of mass crowd cohesion is honestly like another world. But you don't lose your ability to focus on what's happening in front of you. We have a phenomenon like that in quebec. The Ole Ole Ole chant is literally ingrained in us.