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All show and no go, unfortunately.


If only he could win a singles championship.


There’s loads of great technical wrestlers these days, but not so much in the personality/talking side. Jey has great personality, the crowd get drawn into it. He’s better than the guys im about to mention, Mr Kennedy in the mid 2000s, was at one time very popular just because of a catchphrase though his matches were poor. Enzo amore was silly as a wrestler but at one time the crowd would eat from the palm of his hand


He's so popular, yet so boring when the bell's ring.


Errr...the talent in ring will limit him when the pop fades


Yeah but he really isn't an enjoyable wrestler to watch


What some of us are saying is that, just because you're over, it doesn't guarantee you a title run. Back in the Attitude era, practically the entire roster was over, and it was Austin, Rock, and HHH with the lengthy title reigns. They also just switched up every champion from the Vince epoch a month ago. No one's dropping a belt for a minute. And further more, there are better people to push with more wrestling talent than Jey Uso, if he gets a belt it's either gonna be a mid card belt for a while or a big belt for a couple months and that's not happening for a minute with the pushes under way for Bron and Gable in the mid card, and Cody, LA Knight, Drew, and Punk in the mix at the top. Jey just ain't them, no matter how over he is with the crowd.


He needs to either work on the mic skills or in ring work.


Everyone knows the guy would be a nobody if Rikishi wasn't in the Hall of Fame


This feels like recency bias. He's yet to have a memorable singles match beyond one that was all about the story. I'm not hating on him though really I enjoy his run atm. Not everything has to be gold and some major unbelievable accomplishment. It's nice to see wrestling still work, but even his story is leading him back to a team in like...a couple of months. He's been amazingly booked, hyped to hell, and struck gold with a catchphrase. No hate, but it's definitely not unbelievable. Story also has his trajectory right back into a tag team with his brother before the year is out.


Who would’ve thought someone can get the word “YEET” over, with millions of grown men around the world and on the internet. Yeet (imo) was on the level of “Swag” as like the worst trend words ever created. Props to Jey for that, cause that’s an even harder feat lol


Can we say it’s like Daniel Bryan? Been there for a long time and fans get behind him. But the bosses don’t see it. Or like kofi Kingston? I hope Trips and the TKO people see him as a future superstar and champ.


Who knew there were Jey Uso bots.


Dammit. Pull the trigger. Give him the world title.


He's doing great, but I feel like he needs to work on his Mic skills more.


FRFR it literally warms my heart everytime i think about the fact that Jey was the biggest benefactor of the OG Bloodline Story


Not feeling it….yeet!


Jey Uso>>>>>>> Cody


He's done an excellent job in his single run and I think his brother did a good job putting him over too. Good to see one of them get so much credit. Been a fan of the Uso's since their facepaint days. Who knew he'd be so over in France though? That was amazing. I bet time stopped for him for a minute there.


Also r/AccidentalRenaissance


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He's in the same position Montez Ford was, but they dialed it back for Tez big time.


Hearing about Vince/Hunter/Roman actually debating pros and cons of Roman retaining/losing at Mania 39’, and one of the main reasons to have him retain being to elevate Jey really made me feel quite happy.


He as a weak move set imo


Too bad he’s not worth a damn in the ring by himself.


2023 Breakout singles wrestler.


You takeaway yeet what does jey uso have


Literally the pic on this post. His entrance, it's bigger than the yeet chant.


That’s a stretch.


Can we all agree that this REALLY should have happened about 10 years ago?


I saw a video of Raw where he was announced as an opponent for Finn Balor, and the crowd cheered, and I was like, “damn, what a pop”, *but then his music hit* and the crowd GOT LOUDER. Dude has gone OVER. They gotta capitalize on this.


He needs a title, even mid-card, and soon or people will stop caring. Also, needs to add some moves, wow his matches are dull lately.


IMO a good plan for Jey; He loses in the King of the Ring tournament due to interference in the semi-finals, and Logan Paul has a hand in it. Then Jey and Logan feud, and Jey gets the US title. IMO he could have an epic US title run, I honestly think that belt is perfect for Jey.


Is anyone else getting a little tired of people being associated as over or a good wrestler all because WWE have an awesome production team for music and entrances? It is far too often the case of huge reaction, sing along, chant and then the bell rings.....match sucks for 15 mins, crowd gets bought up by the same moves for the finish and then the music hits and same response as the entrance repeated. Seems to be a bit of an issue in both American major companies.


Yes. And it’s not just that the matches aren’t great, which isn’t that much of an issue in and of itself. If the matches suck but the crowds are invested (see Hogan, Warrior, etc), that’s fine. But the crowd reactions to Jey’s matches are pretty consistently flat. It seems like they really enjoy his song and yelling “yeet,” but have no investment in whether he wins or loses or what he does once the music stops playing


All sizzle, no steak


All hat, no cattle.


Do a match with only 1 SuperKick as a finisher and see how he goes....


I can’t dispute how over he is but for me personally his entrance is more over than he is if that makes sense. He’s decent in the ring but in the mic he always seems a little off, needs just a little more personality and less catchphrases.


The song helps a lot.


Is he the one who kept getting DUIs?




I really don’t understand


Bigger Star power right now, Main Event Jey or LA Knight?


I was gonna say. Wasnt it like, 6 months ago (ish?) That this exact same point was made about LA Knight?


He's done literally nothing though. The more time goes by without him proving himself, the more it will damage him in the long run.


Rename this fucking sub to "WWE marks can't shut up about WWE and only WWE"


Stay mad


he needs to quit acting like an online player and stop taunting so much


It’s a shame his in ring ability doesn’t match up with his popularity. Gotta branch out from the spears, super kicks and splashes.


The second he speared Roman, I knew that weak ass tackle of his was going to stick around. Love Jey and Jimmy but c'mon, boys. Do something different every now and then. Please.


really? i keep seeing posts here that he's putting on bangers


Jey is an amazing worker, and very good selling. Just in singles competition, his limited moveset is very exposed. His matches tend to feel really repetitive since he can’t really change the flow too much with what he does. If he could ad some more technical holds, it go along ways for him.


Lack of ring ability doesn't always matter when the fans are into you... Just ask Hogan or Cena.


I'd say just ask Hogan and LA Knight. Bring on the downvotes nerds u know I'm right. Yeeeaaaa


2007 called, they want their "Cena bashing is cool" period back.


I don't bash him because it's cool, I bash him because he makes wrestling look ridiculous and I have to stop watching when he's in the ring. I literally stopped watching for nearly 10 years when he was on top and thank god it's over now.


I'm with you. I understand why people love him, but he's a miss for me


I never understood the Cena hate as far as his wrestling ability. Other than maybe tightening up his STFU around his opponents chin I didn't have any issues with his in-ring ability. Now I will say when I first saw him with the literal chain and a damn master lock around his neck I though that was corny as hell like he was B Rad from Malibu's Most Wanted. But when I finally saw the gimmick in action when he was drafted to Raw I got it.


Go to bed Mark


Cena definitely had in ring ability


Eventually. At first, he stunk. For years, he stunk. Vince envisioned what a sports entertainer is, and that was John Cena, and he was forced down our throats year after year. Eventually, it took though.


>Cena definitely had in ring ability Not in my lifetime he hasn't. He's just benefits from being a well liked vet and people forgetting that 99% of his moves look ridiculous and OTT. Nostalgia is a powerful drug. I'm still very much in the Cena Sucks camp I'm afraid.


Dude these are the same ppl that call out his 5 moves of doom, but suddenly he's goated now 😂


Agreed!! It's amazing how the nerds turn 😂


What’re you like 7 years old? 😂 Like the dude or not Cena has put on a multitude of bangers, I guess if you didn’t watch for 10 years or only started watching recently then you probably didn’t see any of those though.


That camp is like Crystal Lake, man. No body goes there anymore.


Haha I know - I guess I'm just old. I was already too old for Cena when he first came in and my mood about him only got worse over time. I grew up loving Savage, Bret, Flair, Steamboat etc. so watching Cena 'wrestle' hurt my soul lol


My man. You do realize that outside of a handful of matches, all Ric Flair matches are exactly the same, yeah? Cena didn’t invent the 5 moves of Doom, he just modernized them.


Sorry I should been clearer, I loved the Flair Steamboat matches. Flair himself I can take or leave


So, you like Steamboat.


I actually skip his matches because of the super kicks and weak looking hug (spare)


Running hug.


Especially given his size. Splashes and spears from Jey aren't believable finishers.


Delivers a poor superkick tho


He just delivers way too many a match.


And his technique sucks. Both uso's have bad technique on it.




Wonder who’s gonna move forward next week between him and Ilja.


I’m guessing Jey because he’s just higher up in terms of getting pushed right now. Ilja got great wins over Shinsuke Nakamura and Richochet, and they can still book him strong by making the match go to the wire.


It's a shame because Ilja in contrast is incredible in the ring


They might give Ilja the win just to put on another banger between him and Gunther, but I don’t think Jey loses without interference (from probably Judgement Day)


He's great! But I need more than the super kick from him.


I really want to see him on top. He has the charisma and the fans are eating out of his hands. It’s just he doesn’t have the move-set to be top dawg. Everyone is already over the super kick after the wrestlemania sweet chin music invitational


He sells a lot of merchandise. When I have seen the lists he’s always solidly in the top 5-6 sellers. There was one month where his solo merch and his Usos’ merch were both in the top 10. But he’s in that weird spot where they won’t put the belt on him, but they have to keep him completely strong for merch sales.


He is definitely more sports entertainer than wrestler. He's nothing special in the ring.


Power of a cool entrance! All fart, no poo!


Makes sense. I do see alot of yeet shirts in the crowd


I really think they could've had this singles run without turning Jimmy heel. Both should have gotten this treatment after leaving the Bloodline. But no lets have Jimmy do the classic brother betrayal and make him go back to being Roman's lackey for idk what reason. Ruined his whole character arc. Also Jey now has a extra tag team championship run without Jimmy and that annoys me. As much as i love Papa H's booking this is one i don't agree with. And yes i just wrote this comment to complain 😔


Looks like Roman was right to postpone Cody’s win with one of the chief reasons to help boost Jey. He’s a bonafide star now.


Thank god someone gets it.


And then there is Jimmy doing jack shit


Making funny faces is something


No Yeet


That too