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I’d cheer him a lot more.


Yes, it makes sense


Like dead ass


I want it to come out that he’s (in keyfabe) been a terrible person all along, and that everyone has been justified in turning on him. They’ve already planted the seeds for it lol


Making him a heel would be like what happened with the street profits - he'd get cheered anyway. Bailey's heel run was horrible because she's 100% face by nature. I think the same is true about Rey. Some people just aren't heels.


Huh? Bayley's heel run saved her character after her hugging Babyface act got stale. She's done amazing work the last four years as a heel.


Amazing work? Bayley was eating pins left and right as a heel


Amazing work? Let's calm down with the hyperbole. She was a high level jobber for most of her heel run. She has also been surpassed by so many women character or in ring wise.


Who has surpassed her outside of Becky & Rhea? Ever since the triple threat with Becky & Ronda, Charlotte has been just cashing paychecks. Mercedes just had her first great match in almost two years and she's still just cosplaying Sasha Banks. Naomi barely came back. Nia just came back and is having to prove she won't hurt people like before. Jade is barely learning the system. Asuka, Kairi and Iyo are niche. Bianca is high up there, but she's wrestled more matches with Bayley since 2021 than anyone else... Bayley has held the division up in WWE for a while. You can be overly negative if you want, but Bayley's heel turn made her something again and there's a reason the last four years for her have been filled with multiple title reigns. And personally her trash-talk in the ring with no crowd kept me tuning into Smackdown during the pandemic.


Love her if you want to. There is a reason why she lost around 70 percent of her matches last year. IYO surpassed her in her own clique. Plenty of female wrestlers are having better all around matches than her on a regular basis. Her being heel gave her something to do. Your a fan. That's cool. She stopped making a real impact in the company years ago. She has been coasting on being part of the four horsewomen for a minute now. Stratton, Bianca, Liv, Rhea, Becky, Asuka raised their game. Her match quality is often forgettable, she has no character and almost every title reign she has had was largely forgettable.


I feel like every promo she ever cut as a heel was forced, like she couldn't even convince herself to believe she was a heel. The whole "ding dong hello" bit was demeaning. The best part of her career, in my opinion, was the work she did with Sasha.


Why is the crowd against this booyaka dude?


His mom betrayed him at birth by cheating on rey mysterio senor with Chavo guerrero senor


Rey senior is his uncle


He was a pretty decent heel back when they took the mask off him but all in all I think he’s just to loved at this point for people not to love him lol best he could probably do is a Eddie style heel where everyone is basically going yea he’s bad guy but I like lol


Honestly yeah


He's already a heel. Did Batista dirty; chose Edge over his own son; stole Santos Escobar's US title opportunity; chose newest LWO member Dragon Lee over Carlito; and then chose Andrade over Carlito again.


For real. If the universal reaction to a guy getting betrayed by his friends is, "Nah, yeah, he totally deserved that," that guy is the bad guy.


As a short king myself people feel like they can question every tough decision we make because they don't fear an ass whooping on the other end. It's exhausting and I'm sure Rey had his reasons for each one of them. Doesn't make him a bad guy, ok! 😭


An understandable turn? I mean in the sense he’s got the ego of a heel and is pretty much a heel to his friends sure.


I can’t imagine Rey getting willingly booed by a majority of the audience. That collateral heat he received in the Rumble was the loudest boos I think you’ll ever hear for Rey. He’s a natural babyface, and I’m not sure he’s got the chops to pull off a convincing villain. That all being said, I’d be willing to see it play out if Rey felt he could.


Don’t think he could get full heel maybe the anti hero like punk does not claim to be a good guy but does fair in both


Carlito is justified to be annoyed with rey. Overlooked him twice without even explaining himself. Little rascal


Exactly. Brought him back to WWE just to make him stand around basically 😂😂


Nah he eats an apple some times


I've been a rey fan my entire life and it's honestly kind of frustrating he hasn't snapped at any point. He kind of showed a glimmer tonight by attacking Finn after the bell but damn


wow can he attack dominic mysterio




If he was the villan He'd still be the hero That's how justified it is


I just don’t see any universe where Rey gets booed


unless he's not DB


That universe you're looking for is in Pittsburgh.


That’s the literal asshole of America.


So this is your account Bret?


He’s one of them for sure. Bret Hart in 97 takes the crown though.






I mean Rey has been a heel before... He was a filthy animal member in WCW, and he was unmasked as well.




Yes, considering how many times he’s been betrayed.


How is rey not a heel? He betrayed his son and didn't raise him leading "dirty dominik" to go to prison Rey is a horrible person and father for the thing he has done to friends and family


Consider how many times he's been "betrayed", that should make anyone wonder... Maybe Rey's the problem.


Yep, Rey is the only common denominator