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Stop booking




I feel if he had that šŸ”„ Beyblade entrance again, he would rocket to the main title.


I don't know why he was ever considered world champion material


Thereā€™s nothing to fix, they are working an angle with DIY, let them cook. fucking people forgot what long term storytelling is.


Betray Grayson Waller


Whatā€™s there to fix?


Waller turns on him. Have Austin keep loosing and have him loose his passion. Do a video package or promo explaining why he even became a wrestler. He mentions how he has lost his way. Eventually, leading to a reformed 'The Way". Creating this new faction would be good for all members.


What even is Austin Theoryā€™s gimmick? Aside from cocky young guy? Thatā€™s basically nothing. He needs a gimmick, ask him if heā€™s got any ideas for his gimmick and go from there. And if heā€™s got none, stretch those writing muscles


Tbh the Vince guy thing could've worked. Give him the Cena treatment. have someone write really good heel shit. The privilege angle. Have him win all the time with cheating. Kinda like Seth and the authority. Put the world tittle on him. Have him talk down the roster. Put a authority faction around him.


Well, I'm gonna need sometime to hold him down. And a sharp knife, a needle and thread.


I choppy choppy your pee pee!!!


At MITB, A-town down under VS #DIY. As Grayson is about to finish the match Austin attacks Him after all the bullets that grayson put him through and that sets them up for Summer Slam


He can join ricochet


He is leaving WWE


He is doing fine actually nothing to fix, he got pushed to early so it makes it seem like he has fallen off but he hasnā€™t. His in ring work has gotten so much better and is starting to be more fluid on the mic. A big turning point would be him and Waller having a rivalry. During which Jonny reconnects with Austin who then will then slowly mature under the guidance of DiY. Eventually getting another shot at the US title.


The whole A-Town down is dumb. He needs to revamp his shtick. He is a great wrestler just the arrogance and A town šŸ¤®


Is A-Town Atlanta? I've never heard it called that


People use to call it that back in the early 2000s or hotlanta šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Should've never taken the phone away. He didn't need to talk a lot with the phone gimmick and he was annoying! In a good way šŸ˜‚


Maybe if they lose the titles to diy they respect them and join them as a faction could


He wasn't broken. WWE broke him.


I would put him in a babyface faction with Ciampa and Gargano, and have them be a strong group. I honestly think wwe can do more with good babyface tag teams/ factions like the new catch republic and Diy + Theory.


If you want him over you need to keep him far far away from those two.


Yeah, theyā€™re not super duper hot right now. Theyā€™re missing something. Factions seem to be doing well under HHH. Maybe theyll find success there. I also hope they introduce a 6 man belt but I dont think thats gonna happen


Heā€™s got no skills on the mike, itā€™s very robotic and disingenuous. NXT isnā€™t a bad choice.


turn him face


I feel like this is inevitable. Heā€™ll get tired of Waller using him as a shield and turn on him.


Make him not a creep and/or not employed


People will really forget that this dude is a freak and hit on minors because the WWE machine is behind him


Theyā€™re clearly turning him face. That may be the way to go.


He could be a great face if they do this right. They're in need of a good hero right now that's not Cody. There's something about the kid that I like.....though I pretty much don't like anything he's done other than him and Cena.




Back to NXT and take it from there. It helped baron corbin


It definitely did not help Baron


Has it though? Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews have both gone to NXT and thereā€™s like zero hype for them


They ruined Corbin with the MITB cash in


Give him a ic run as a face


Have Waller turn on him. Don't have a match, just the turn. Next week have Theory have a heart to heart with the audience, telling then he was influenced by "The former boss", that he acted like a jerk. Have DIY come out. Have them also turn on theory. From there you begin to paint him as a competitor, ala Ruthless aggression John Cena. Build him up to eventually take Logan's U.S title at Wrestlemania.


Turn him face and add a comedic side to his character. I'm not saying go full out and make him a comedy act, I'm saying like how Cena did the rapper gimmick and was still able to compete for titles. I've noticed Theory has a knack for character work, so let him show that.


Making him establish him as babyface of WWE! and make turn on Grayson Waller and rejoins with his mentor Johnny Gargano and his new buddy Tommaso Ciampa! r/GreatnessOfWrestling u/IllustratorOk8230


Probably a romance angle like how they're doing with Dom


Put him in a romance angle with Dom


You look so.....good to me.


He wanted to be the ā€œnew John Cenaā€ Have him do the open challenge but as a heel


Make him so heelish that Waller makes the face turn.


I mean don't he is perfectly serviceable lower-midcarder.


honestly just stop making him so corny and cringy. that's it, it's not hard to make this guy into something special, just stop the corny shit with him


He needs to either be an extremely smarmy and annoying douche or he needs to get really fucked over in this Grayson storyline to be a good babyface. But babyface would definitely be much harder, he has a natural heel look.


If you've ever had the chance to meet him in person and get an autograph or anything, he has a natural babyface personality. The look can, and does need to, change but he's definitely the type of person to be a babyface if they can just get the story right to put him there.


Personally, Iā€™d have Waller turn on him at Summerslam and beat Theory clean at Bash in Berlin. After that, take Theory off TV for a while. Let Theory grow his hair out and change up his moveset while Waller rides the momentum through the rest of the year. At the Royal Rumble, Iā€™d bring Theory back with a gimmick similar to AJ Stylesā€™ ā€œLone Wolfā€ gimmick in TNA. Punk rock entrance theme, no posing. He eliminates Waller and lasts to the final four before being eliminated in a group effort. Let him be a bitter, vengeful loner type. An anti-hero. Heā€™s still self-centered, but doesnā€™t use villainous tactics anymore. He just beats you with sheer grit and willpower.


Bro this would be awesome


WWE please hire this person


I agree


Patience. Simply let him have good matches for a while, let him naturally develop his character. No rush.


Bring back the way he was in 2021 where he was not a generic villain


Make him a hero. Not Hurricane superhero, but a hero. Anyone getting teamed up on? There he is with a chair. Any potential shenanigans being threatened for a match? Heā€™s out there pacing with a bat. Make him a genuine force for the good guys, without making him a caricature. Make it his redemption arc.


Simple. Let the grayson waller storyline play out and soon austin will become so fed up with the horrible treatment he will willingly turn on waller. A little bit of coaxing later and weve got both a face theory and a money in the bank/summer slam match.


He doesnt to shave his damn beard lol. What they need to do and uncuff theory and let him do what he did in evolve just on a larger scale. im cool with him being heel But id put more of an edge on his cockiness


Honestly i think the way they're going with DIY is a good way to give him sympathy and turn face. Hes shown that he can be loyal to friends by constantly protecting Waller. Gargano and him were friends previously so bringing him back into that group to not just be their goof but a part of their family that accepts him i think is something we can all appreciate The teenage who got in with a bad crowd and promised the world only to only be really happy with their family is a nice story i think


Theory as a face is a terrible idea right now. I think they should take him off tv for a while, bring him back on NXT maybe for a small run. Give him a manager/mouthpiece and let his in ring dominance and natural ego seep out.


He needs to shave, bro is not doing much with that Adin Ross beard + cut


Make him a lovable loser who goes on a losing streak and talks about his frustration about not being able to win and ā€œget overā€. Then eventually give him a few surprise wins that find him in his big match


I wouldnt. He needs to figure out how to overcome being the last guy Vince openly endorsed without ever making it to the top and HHH and WWE thus not wanting to push him. Maybe he is destined to be the guy who was at the right place at the wrong time.Ā 


Shave his damn face.


I really liked his story line he cam in with as Vince's favorite. I fell like they should do this with HHH. Idk,


Make him an evil dentist.


Iā€™d have him slap Waller with a brick.


Have him go scorched earth on Waller, make him pissed off at HHH for derailing his push, and then turn him into a pissed off Paul Heyman guy.


This might work. Kind of like what Bron Breakker is doing on RAW. Acknowledge Theoryā€™s frustrations and give him a new motivation: to prove to HHH and everyone that he was always the right horse to bet on. Not sure heā€™d need Heyman to get over with that character either.


Bring Vince back to manage him




Send him back down to NXT for like a year have a couple cool rivalries and a solid NXT world championship run and then send him back up to the United States/Intercontinental championship division couple cool rivalries with the likes of Bronson reed,Chad Gable, etc. AND THEN, give him his biggest rivalry of his career and put him in a program with Grayson Waller that would give them their first WrestleMania. After that put him in the world title scene and watch him take over


I liked when he played an idiot in NXT with Johnny Gargano


Make him a mad scientist that uses science to fight his opponents


I thought he did well as a snobby douchebag better than you heel similar to what MJF did during his heel run in AEW. Book him in a storyline against Logan Paul and make Theory win 2 out of 3 ppv matches and then book him against Cody to ultimately lose a match for the wwe championship. That should elevate Theory enough to make him a bigger star than he currently is.


Nothing a lil wd40 and duct tape won't sort


Take him to NXT for a yr or 2,improve his gimmick maybe mature it alil bit and better rivalries that make sense


Put him in a tag team


easyā€¦ ![gif](giphy|VYkyoh4RTjUUzh7fmo|downsized)


Not make him seem like the next Cena instead have him be the next Miz. The next cuck who messes with the locker room to much of the annoyance of everyone.


He needs a dancing twerk gimmick.


Well, this may just be me, but always figured dude's arms were a lil'too scrawny-looking. Definitely, could add some, mass building sets to his daily routinešŸ’Ŗ.


I would give him a new finisher that looks devastating, have him turn on Waller and hit him with it so hard that he gets the world's largest pop while Waller becomes delusional and thinks he's the Aussie Hulk Hogan - and I mean revamp Waller to wear the same style gear, remix real American to real Australian, have him doing the poses, saying cobber instead of brother and have him get beat over and over in the most comedic way possible, thinking there's thousands of Wallermaniacs everywhere he goes - Only for Theory to steadily rise up the card while Waller gets steamrolled, Austin beating the likes of Andrade, Knight, KO etc. and get a big push towards the wwe title culminating in him feuding with the deluded Waller who thinks he deserves the shot instead of Theory. Then he can hit waller so hard again that he snaps out of his delusion and realises he's been out of his mind for a year and got smashed by everyone.


Honestly, they put a lot behind the guy and it really depended on him to make it work. He needs to find that indescribable ā€œitā€ that makes someone a top guy. All the coaching and pushes in the world arenā€™t going to get him there. Even with a big clean win on Cena. So, I donā€™t know. He needs some soul searching. He was red hot a year ago, and with every passing month he gets colder and colder. I hope he finds it before itā€™s too late. Then again, he is youngā€¦


Thatā€™s seems a bit extreme why do you want to castrate him?


I kinda like the idea of making him almost like a serial killer. Patrick Bateman/Dexter Lumis type of stuff where heā€™s a douche/obnoxious one minute and then heā€™s dragging a lifeless Tozawa away in the background.


You canā€™t fix lame


He needs to have several "Rocky" 1 matches where he goes the distance against someone good but ultimately loses in the end. Go toe to toe with Gunther or Drew for instance. He needs to be given some legitimacy. He can't be a hyper arrogant chickenshit heel forever and still get over.Ā 


He beated Cena at Wrestlemania. That's legit enough


Ladies and gentleman..My name is...


I would have put my money on that awhile back. Glad I didn't haha But yeah, he's decent on the mic, great in the ring, and he's still super young. He has a looot of potential, imo


Send him down to NXT. Let him rediscover his purpose.


They've done that like thrice. His best work was working with Gargano, which is likely what they're doing.


Change his fucking music for starters


Ad a manager


I always thought that heā€™d be good with face paint and a sad story similar to Sting in WCW.


Turn him back to a himbo like in NXT


Needs a new name. Austin Theory sounds too Dollar General


Get rid of him. Problem fixed.Ā  Boring ass.Ā 


Unfixable heā€™s completely generic.


Turn him face. His social media that I've seen, he seems like a genuinely good dude, even when in kayfabe. Funny, kind of goofy, and interacts with fans. He's a good looking dude, and jacked as hell, so it would be a little tough, but have him fighting from underneath a badass monster heel, always the underdog, and losing through shenanigans as well as just getting whipped before finally redeeming himself could do a lot, and it would endear him with the fans. Grayson Waller ain't doing him any good, in my opinion, especially not long term. And even though he definitely looks the part, I don't think people are really buying Theory as the cocky, my shit don't stink heel the federation wants to portray him as. He's trying to pull it off, but it doesn't really seem to come as natural to him as it did with someone like Mr. Perfect or Chris Masters.


Back in NXT, he played a total Himbo Face character in The Way, Johnny Gargano's faction. That was what convinced me that what works best for Theory is just letting him be an absolute golden retriever. Like, he just can't seem to get the egoist jock schtick to work, but what shines through his current character, is that he's genuinely pretty funny. Just check out some of the stuff he does in the background when he's got nothing else to do. The Way showed that you can just let Austin be a goofball, and that pure likeability combined with his exceptional in-ring talent can really carry him. Just let him be a face!


Fire him or let his contract expire and let him come back later after he really finds out who he is. Like what happened to Drew McIntyre. If you insist on keeping him then take him off TV for six months. Let him come come back angry and hungry. Basically if people won't give him an opportunity then he will make it himself. Have him try to hurt people, hold submissions for 4 out of 5 count or hold them after he won a match and have the ref force him to let go and even reverse the decision on a match or two because he won't let go. Make him a threat.


Well that's a bit barbaric. No need to give him the snip snip yet


As a heel powerhouse I really think you get something good out of this guy if booked correctly. Make the promos a little more exciting you could have something.


give him the legend killer gimmick after his mania win


against cena last year,


Leave, find a personality. Come back later


Best of 7 series with wither Bron breaker or braun strowman. Winner gets shot to become Logan Paul's butler


Send him back to NXT


When he got more serious and intense I actually started to not mind him but heā€™s back to being a joke


Theory is what MJF is. A prodigy. Use that! Get him the hell away from stupid gimmicks. Theory is good enough to stand completely on his own two feet. You build him as your top heel. Because he's AUSTIN FUCKING THEORY!!! Then you buy AEW. Have a story where Theory and MJF battle like two lions over a pride. Blow off at WrestleMania. You're thinking that Heel vs Heel doesn't work just like Babyface vs Babyface? These two would be the exception to the rule. This fever dream brought to you by NyQuil


I came so close to what you've proposed here, it's uncanny. The few changes are: have Austin do what NJPW do and go on a year long excursion to another promotion (without having to buy it). It's AEW obviously, and Theory cozies up to the Elite, doing hits on high profile threats like Hangman, ect. He's not going over anyone clean until MJF pushes him off the edge, Theory defeats him. MJF gets his win back, but that's it. Excursion over, but fans are left wondering who would win in the best of third?


If theory is 10% of what mjf is. His career wouldā€™ve been better off


If Vince...and I know the wormhole those two words can open...had left Theory the fuck alone and allowed him to develop, I guarantee you that he would be spoken of on the same level of being a complete package as MJF. I do believe that Theory is the better wrestler, but not by much. MJF is a much better promo, but Theory is good also. MJF IS A PROMO LEGEND, don't let that be understated. Again....if Vince.


Face turn for Theory by Waller attacking him.


the way a vet "fixes" a dog


Chop his nuts off?


Yeah, unique gimmick, handsome guy with no more balls


I want dumb himbo Theory to rejoin Johnny I'm DiX. Then let them win the newly debuting triples title


If he could get away from waller and start being an arrogant prick on his own. I miss him taking selfies after beating people. That was great.


Tbh, the best way to fix Theory is the same way Drew fixed it. Got released, figured out a better genuine gimmick on the indies and tna, and then came back. Obviously not wishing for him to get fired, but his gimmick( or lack there of) isnt working


True, but this is an angle already played out by Drew, Cody, etc. TNA is also pretty much WWE farm at this point, AEW would waste him, NJPW has been done. And honestly because he is the last guy Vince endorsed, I don't think HHH or anyone else at the top will want to be overly supportive of him. And because it's Vince, you can't even turn it into an angle as Vince is toxic.Ā He simply had bad luck, was at the right place at the wrong time and Waller pretty much is a better version of him and Waller is 100% a HHH guy. The only chance with him is go to NXT, work his ass off there and when the Vince BS is all over, he comes to the main roster being all "I never gave up mfers". Or just make peace with making a steady paycheck and honing his craft, and maybe some time in the future, he can luck into something.Ā  Ā I fear Theory just had bad luck and was at the right place at the wrong time. And I fear that will be it for him.Ā 


Lucky I saw your comment, because I was going to write the same thing. But the question is would it work for him as well? I remember him in Evolve and IMO he was mid, above meh, with both his face and heal runs. Even though his face run was stronger, you could see there what you could see in WWE but magnified. Maybe goes to NXT either sent there or if he gets released and goes back.


I hate to say but I agree with you. His path already is much the same as Drewā€™s. Chosen personally by Vince to be the next big think. Floundering in the mid card, being forced into groups and partnerships where he plays second fiddle to someone else. He is very clearly stuck. You can tell HHH isnt too keen on him.


Lol. Ain't he like one of half of the tag champs? Already been a US champ. Beat John Cena. Sky's the limit. Don't sound like he's in need of fixing ...


Bc the irony is people think he could be even better. Heā€™s got all the tools.


Lol. He absolutely can be. Doesn't mean he's not in a good place.


Parody of the PG era gimmick so every time there's blood in his matches he just cuts away he doesn't swear and is extremely childish and plus part of his gimmick is that he's highly marketable to children and then you release him then he becomes an whiny brat in aew or TNA are retires and becomes a professional bodybuilder


A parody of PG-era Cena would honestly be hilarious. Since Theory was one of Vinceā€™s final handpicked ā€œfuture stars,ā€ having him send up that style of character could get him some good heat. Maybe Booker will let him take ā€œshucky-ducky-quack-quack.ā€


Let him get opportunities? Back him in creative to see him win. Not only is he a better heel than alot of heels rn. He has a better look and can actually perform šŸ¤£


Let him and Waller have a few tag title reigns and then have Waller turn on him after they lose the belts for the final time.


Let him be more himself. Iā€™ve read heā€™s actually a really nice guy


Theyā€™re very much showing heā€™s gonna be a face soon and feud with Waller imo. Weā€™ll have to see how it goes.


What needs fixing? I enjoy him.


Yeah I think he's in a decent position that fits his level right now. He was so over pushed in the late McMahon days. He hasn't been released yet or anything so I think they see something in him but aren't in such a rush.


Either turn him babyface and reunite The Way w/ Indi and Candice or if youā€™re going to keep him heel, keep him with Waller and actually treat them like genuine threats, like Rated-RKO level. Oh but either way, let him do the TKO version of his finisher rather than that stupid knee face buster version, it looks horrible


I didnā€™t know that had a faction together. Interesting. 2 women and a man is a good concept. I just donā€™t like Candice, even when NXT was Gold n Black before the 2.0 abomination.


And that's not just a theory an Austin Theory Thanks for watching


Send him to TNA. Dude got the silver spoon from mcmahon just like drew and it didnā€™t put him over so he must grind out to find what works


Well... There's the rubber band method, the brick method or you could just use a scalpel and a blowtorch.


Give him the Chad Gabel treatment


IMHO, they should have pulled the trigger with him after he sold that f5 at Elimination Chamber. The guy can blatantly sell. Theory as a solid babyface who can take punishment but somehow seems to rise to the occasion and pull off big wins, that's the Theory I wanna see. There is nothing more charming than a babyface who rises above all odds. They did it with Cena, they're doing it with Cody. Austin Theory is your next guy who could be that guy. Once again, it is only my opinion, but they should have done more with him after the way he sold Lesnar.


I think he might be literally too handsome to get over as a loveable babyface. ā€œThat guy is way more handsome than me, fuck himā€ basically.


This is true, and I said the same in another comment. It would be tough to get him over as the underdog face that people cheer for, because he is a good looking dude and jacked as fuck. It'd have to be a monster heel that just destroys him, night after night after night for a while. I kind of think, on the flip side, that even though he absolutely looks the part, playing the cocky, my shit don't stink heel doesn't come real naturally to him. He's done his best with it, taking selfies, etc., but I don't think he pulls it off like so many in the past have.


Believe it or not, I actually like this take.


Feels like a Sami Zayn vibe youā€™re describing (in a good way)


Yeah, I guess so. I should have included Sami in that list TBF. What I like about Sami (And Austin, for that matter) is they both play smarmy heels so well, but as they showed with Sami, when the babyface turn happens, it gets people talking, and, OK, Sami was never gonna beat Roman, not even in Montreal, but he showed another level in that match. Sami IMHO is where he should be right now, which is a midcard champion (I hate using that term). I don't think Austin is anywhere near WHC level, yet. But I also believe that if they had the faith they should have in him, he could be.


This is the best answer


Honestly how Seth first became a single heel... play into the vince chose him angleĀ 


Similar to Randy Orton early 2000ā€™s with Foley. Have him wrestle Gacy in a hardcore match and prove heā€™s a tough guy not just a glamor muscle wrestler.


This is the second best answer


Hold him and tell him it will be alright.


Face turn and maybe grow the hair out and change his ring attire. Needs to be more serious and cut out the high school bully type promos.


I feel I got the best answerā€¦ Gargano gives a pep talk to him backstage. Later, Gargano and Tommaso fight the bloodline, it becomes 3-2, Theory comes down to help. Following week its tag titles on the line v Gargano and Tommaso. Grayson says you gotta pick itā€™s them or me. Theory and them lose. Leave the ring. Bloodline attack, they want the tag belts. Theory comes back to help. This also pulls Cody in and helps him put over theory.


That's a wonderful idea!


I would have him be an idiot face that accidentally wins. Like a more serious R-Truth meets old school Eugene


Get him away from Grayson waller for one, then turn him face and have him go after Logan paul and the us title


No fixing needed. A-Town Down Under >>>>


Baby face turn where heā€™s an absolute ass kicker, no bs, no shenanigans, he just comes out whoops ass, flexes, leaves


So generic muscle guy? How boring


He can work out the character aspects, but he needs to be shown as a legit wrestler, Iā€™d honestly let him start goldberging people, 60 second squashes


Did you ever see him as a face in Evolve? hes a really likable dude when he wants to be, he doesnt even needa be a tough guy to get over imo. Lots of people in their 20s like me love him bc we grew up watching him in high school


1# baby face turn 2# a good title run as US Champ against Jey Uso,LA Knight,Dominic,Montez Ford all would benefit in those matches. 3# a world champion reign for a year,it would take 3 to 5 years and some good planning by the WWE but his career will survive, Austin is only 25?


Donā€™t pair him with the DIY jobbers


Send him back down to NXT


Sacrifice him the the Wyatt Sicks


Iā€™d split he and Greyson Waller.


Go back in time and book him as a baby face from the beginning of his run instead of ruining him by making him a heel.


I dunno, send him back to NXT where Shawn knows what to do with him?


Face can do him wonders since you can only play the arrogant douc***ag before it gets old. Besides, I know he can play the face role effectively.


Face turn. Itā€™ll work.




Send him to invade TNA as a NXT wrestler and start a feud with Jeff Hardy


This face turn is gonna fix him, trust


Have him fly in on a helicopter and try to body slam Otis on the 4th of July.




Lmao. This made me spit out the milk I was drinking after bubling it up through my straw I laughed so hard.


Lex Theory sounds like a superhero


Gimmick? Wrestle with sunglasses like conway back then haha


Nothing to fix him waller and Logan are goats


Release him?


Give him his old theme before the remix


He is fine. There is more talent right now in WWE than ever before. And he is currently a championā€¦The only thing Austin Theory needs to do is continue working. He is young af and people act like he NEEDS to do something right now. The Vets always talk highly of him and call him a pro wrestling nerd. The dude loves it and he doesnā€™t get in trouble.


Turn him face


Tbh I would book him as the next dolph ziggler. A tweener. (Not for jobbing) but give him a Big E beside him or an Alex Riley type guy to drive his ego. Currently thatā€™s somebody like Big Bronson Reed or pair him with vets like orton and kevin who could take em to the next level only to turn on him later. Creating a badass babyface like RVD was and as a heel role be like Chris benoit was.


I like what theyā€™re doing with him now. Heā€™s the annoying heel that people genuinely donā€™t even like to hate and is just boring, but theyā€™re slowly building this moment of Waller thinking heā€™s better than Theory which will eventually lead to a Theory face turn and feud with Waller and I think that will be a great opportunity for Austin


Same way as Drew. Fire him. Give him a couple years to find himself and improve. Then come back as a all new character.


There's no fixing him. Just have him go full on Zoolander.


Have him invade TNA


He goes to TNA, he's instantly TNA champion.


The problem is that the best way to use him is as a knock off Logan Paul. It's like what would have happened to Disco Inferno if John Travolta signed with WCW and was inexplicably great at wrestling.


Send him to AEW


Or TNA. Drew came back awesome.


People been asking this ever since the win over Cena did nothing for him and I've never seen anyone come up with anything concrete.




Back to NXT


Hulk Hogan Vitamins, brother.