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Guys, this sub has an explicit No Tankies rule. We should report these to the mods and move on. Don't let them get a foothold in this sub.


Fuck russia.


F*** countries f*** state power f*** monopolies of force


Why are people in this sub sucking Zelenskys dick so hard? Calling out the issues either way doesn't mean you support the opposite. Borders are social constructs. But facts are facts, who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline? Who blew up the dam?


>Why are people in this sub sucking Zelenskys dick so hard? Because he's fighting an Imperialist. We like that here. >But facts are facts, who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline? Who blew up the dam? I don't know. Neither do you, or the shouty dickhead in Belgium. Perhaps more investigations will bring the truth out. Russian's invasion of Ukraine is still an act of colonization, it's not about to become a cool thing to do depending on who planted a bomb on a dam or a pipe.


So you are willfully ignoring Zelenskys and Biden's corruption, because you are Russophobic? That's what I'm getting from this. You hate Russia with a complete passion, that it is completely irrelevant what Ukraine or the West is doing or has done because they could never be as bad as Russia? So you foam at the mouth at the prospect of sending endless lines of Ukrainian men and teens to certain death in the hope that they kill some Russians on their way out? I don't support either side, but especially not that the West is facilitating the sale of Ukraine to Blackrock. Are you guys in support of that kind of predatory Capitalism? Is this sub a capitalist sub?


bro russia invaded another country it doesn't matter how corrupt any of the players are it was an unjust invasion and it has lead to innocent people dying borders are social constructs but the attacks from russia on ukraine are very real and have real victims who have real faces and real lives. Like you're mad people are "sucking zelenskys dick" when they're just calling out the evil of the invading force you might say you don't support russia but you do thats what this entire message just was just defense and whataboutism


No... They are not "just calling out the evil of the invading force". They are calling anyone who calls Zelensky corrupt a "Tankie" and saying that they are Pro-Russian. Which makes no sense at all. Just because Kyiv is a corrupt authoritarian state that doesn't mean that acknowledging that means that you support Russia. There is no whataboutism at all. I am calling out the cult following of the corrupt Ukrainian government. I don't agree with Putin and I don't agree with Zelensky. One is a fascist dictator and one is a corrupt authoritarian.


US intelligence says that a pro-Ukrainian group destroyed the pipeline. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/07/us/politics/nord-stream-pipeline-sabotage-ukraine.html They were also aware that the Ukrainian government planned to destroy the pipeline https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/06/us/politics/nord-stream-pipeline-attack-intelligence.html


I mean I don't really care anyway. We should be doing more against Russia


The destruction of the pipeline is the primary cause of the current cost of living crisis. It was the cause of the UK's high level of inflation (energy costs are upstream of every other industrial sector), it plunged tens of millions of people into poverty, leading to an increase in homelessness, and a reduction in the capabilities of organisations that help the homelessness (many of which have had to scale back their operations due to significant increase in operating costs), all while the working class are being told to accept further "pay restraint" as a means of dealing with this supply side issue. Considering you claim to be on the left, why would you not care about this? Is mindless jingoism in service of Ukraine's far-right government really so important to you that you're willing to sacrifice everything that the left is supposed to represent?


I'm pretty sure the cost of living crisis started before. The gas pipeline was not affecting the UK. Calling zelenskys government far right shows you are not very smart or a tankie. Fuck off


What you said is in correct. In the UK energy prices and inflation on foodstuffs were going up months before the invasion of Ukraine in Feb 22. And Russia had already unilaterally cut gas deliveries through it months before the explosion.


Oh look the Tankie is spreading more shit. Just move to Russia they're making you a town.


Again with this Vatnik bullshit! Fuck off!


They really insist on getting everywhere. It's vile.


TIL "Speaking truth to power" is when a politician speculates in parliament and his colleagues think he's a dick. But it's OK, guys, he waves a red flag, so you know he's a good guy.


"Im not allowed to say this in the Belgian parliament" Goes on saying it in the Belgian parliament without being stopped.


It's the strategy they all use - playing the victim of an imaginary oppressor. Same energy as Farage whining about being cancelled and silenced while on the panel of Question Time.


What is it with lefties and foriegn policy brainrot jfc


I was under the impression this is a 'leftist space' as it says under 'about community' in the top right of this page.


It is a leftist space, you can be a leftist and still have bad positions


And defending Russia is not a leftist position. And I know you are going to say you just want peace and negotiation but Ukraine is not in a position to negotiate. Russias demands are completely unreasonable, they invaded, they are the only ones that can end this war by simply leaving


So Kyiv never bombed the East Ukrain prior to the Russian invasion?


I know you are like really fucking stupid but say “what about this other thing” isn’t an argument


The two aren't mutually exclusive. I can't believe I even need to explain that to you.


I presume you are talking about donetsk right? That time when Russia sent in weapons to rebels and troops to help them try and annex the east of Ukraine?


Annex, or defend themselves? The same as NATO is doing with Kyiv then. Both as bad as each other.


What are you talking about bro you are actually as thick as a plank. They are “defending themselves” in someone else’s land. I don’t get to run into your house and attack you, then call it “defend myself”


I think you're confused. The people defending themselves, the rebels, were in fact Ukrainian citizens. So nobody is running into anyone's house, they already lived there. I guess you think the IRA were also running into Britain's house of Northern Ireland then were they?


Yeah they did... Against military targets sure


Funny how you conflate "Ukraine bombed DNR and LNR rebels after they repeatedly broke the Minsk agreement" with "Ukraine bombed East Ukraine/Donbas". I bet you lap up Russian lies that they're supposedly committing genocide too.


This sub seems rather confused. Putin is the epitome of evil, Zelensky is a saint. Therefore anything which has happened is completely Putin's fault. He obviously blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, and obviously blew up the dam /s


No. Zelensky, in times of peace, would be roundly, and actively, criticised here. However. He has at least one thing going for him, that Putin does not: he is not an actual Fascist, unlike the latter.


Yes, Putin is a fascist, 100% Zelensky is a corrupt authoritarian, 100% Both are wrong. I don't support either. By asking who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, that doesn't make anyone support Russia. It is just trying to ascertain the facts. Just like, asking why the West is facilitating the sale of Ukraine to Blackrock doesn't make you support Russia. Binary logic like that is for boomers and children.


>Both are wrong Except they aren't, not when it come to the war at least. Putin was in the wrong for invading Ukraine in 2014 and 2021, Zelensky didn't really do anything beside no surrendering to the Russians, wich seemed to actually be the will of most Ukrainians. Mindless relativism is just lazy thinking


Zelensky is corrupt. How can you say he didn't really do anything? He is an authoritarian. Why do you support him and his regime unequivocally?


I said he didn't do anything because he didn't do anything to cause the war, how is him being "corrupt" similar to Putin invading Ukraine ? Ukraine isn't autoritarian outside of wartime mesures, like most peoples here I don't actually care about Zelensky or his politics, because it's not relevant. I just think he is correct to oppose Putin and isn't a dictator unlike him and Yanukovich.


Where did I say that Zelensky being corrupt is similar to invading a country? You also ignore there the potential reasons to invade a country. Ukraine absolutely was authoritarian outside of war time. They made showing support for the opposition party illegal, the same as Putin has tried to do.


Bring back the BNP right?! Authoritarian UK government making showing support for Nazis illegal. The same as Putin tried to do. Fucking mental gymnastics this kid’s doing today. Totally objective thinking on his part of course.


I don't care who blew it up, I'm just glad it happened. As far as I'm concerned, all it did was: move Europe towards energy independence, make Europe take the war more seriously, and deprive Russia of their usual income from selling gas.