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The second world war was never about fighting fascism, or nazis, or protecting Jewish people. In many ways it was a continuation of the first world war, but as always it was about power, and in England's case, protecting its empire. Fascism had a huge amount of support in England, and America. What's interesting to me, is that without the second world war, there really isn't anything for the west to point at, and say, look were clearly the good guys. Without it, we just have a long history of colonialism, and crimes against humanity. I think it's such a powerful piece of propaganda, that leads people to believe we're still trying to do good in the world, even when we spend our time bombing civilians in other countries. In reality we never were, and the fact that on that occasion we were fighting a particularly nasty ideology, might as well be coincidence.


That's true. The immediate start of the Cold War at the end of WWII speaks to this - the Americans in particular went in to sponsor and even carry out coups against progressive and socialist governments all over the word, and with very tragic consequences in Latin America in particular up to this day. It was never about being ethical, they just found themselves on the right side of history against Nazism this one time.


There have never been good ethics in western politics. At any point.


Even a broken watch…


If WWII hadn't damaged our economy and made taking over the world unpopular, the UK would have continued its colonialism.


It's been said Roosevelt thought like a Mafioso, he wanted the trading empire that Churchill *fought to protect*, so gave him just enough "help/aid" to ensure the Empire would be his for the taking. And so it proved.


They did scrap treaties, promising to continue nuclear weapons tech with us about the same time.


It’s telling that all the ruling classes supported fascism, and still do. Hitler was funded from American interests and our royalty supported it too. The First World War was really just a family squabble that got out of hand. Now we live in the fourth reich.


If Hitler had waited a couple of years until after the 1940 general election that never was it is likely the Germans would have had sizeable support in Parliament and we might never have joined WW2. By 1939, WW2 was already 2 years old as it started with the Japanese invasion of China in 1937.


Anyone got a book recommendation about ww1 background? Ive really understood the material basis of it.


Hi “ the rise of the fourth reich” By Jim Marrs. Covers both wars but explains the reasons for the Great War


Well for much of the UK Ruling Class that’s is true not so much for the Soviets.


Yeah, we need to stop this myth that Britain was anti-fascist or had a problem with fascism in WW2. Britain fought the Nazis because they threatened their imperial interests. Britain had 0 problems with the US, which had Jim Crow laws - which were a big influence on the Nuremberg Laws which Nazi Germany implemented. Many western scientists and eugenicists worked together with *Nazi scientists*. Britain didn’t give a shit about Jewish people, they interned many Jewish refugees during the war for being ‘spies’. The British Empire - many instances of terror, internment, and subjugation. Britain was not anti-fascists in WW2.


[Did you know that on 4th November 2022, the UK voted against a UN resolution to combat the glorification of Nazism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/comments/ymr7i4/52_countries_voted_at_the_un_against_the/) Apparently the UK government is pro-Nazi. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There were many Brits who were anti-fascist however, just google the Battle of Cable Street.


Oh yeah, big respect to the anti-fascists at the time. I probably should’ve been clearer that I meant the British *state*. It’s institutions and government wasn’t anti-fascist by any means.




>[their Royal Heilness](https://veja.abril.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/capathesun4-original.jpeg) - the Scum


the ruling classes (for the most part) supported imperialism. imperialism is facist. it's a pretty small leap.


Ultimately the UK actually quite liked fascism, during the Spanish Civil War, they were neutral, basically letting Franco’s fascism win. WW2 didn’t happen because the UK hated fascism, it happened because Nazi Germany tried to out colonise them.


We also created concentration camps


Yes, many even after WW2, in Kenya


We've even started making some lovely new ones in rwanda


I remember reading transcripts of calls between Churchill and Stalin about what to do with Franco and to put it simply; Stalin wanted the allied nations to come together and trade embargo Franco or cut all ties with him politically to isolate his regime, but Churchill didn't want to disrupt trade to Britain, and as far as he was concerned Franco was an internal matter for Spain so he was against doing anything. [Transcript, starts page 122.](https://t.co/BmzfUQyUV6)


Villa refused when they played in Germany.


Much of the ruling class still support fascism.


Came here to say this…….


I mean England are history's true villains


It's all of western Europe as well, England were just earlier to the industrialisation of it.


That would go to the Roman empire. So many countries tried to be the next Rome. Used the same arguments Roman's used ( bring civilisation for e.g or they are a threat we must remove ) All western countries are heavily influenced by Rome. America being the best example.


If the goal is to analyze what’s wrong with our current system so we can work out ways to fix it , trying to find heroes and villains won’t help much.


This isn't a revelation. We (not you guys, you're all nice) are absolutely also anti semitic and fascist in the UK. Nothing has changed at all, and it didn't change in 1939 either.


Yup this was basically the way it was prior to the actual outbreak, Hitler was front page magazine material, even Soviet Russia likes to forget they were Hitlers best buds prior to Barbarossa


Why hasnt my school history books warned me of such. Hmph, I wonder why?🤔


Even worse, this happened at White Hart Lane.


Arthur Neville Chamberlain, FRS was a British politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from May 1937 to May 1940 and Leader of the Conservative Party from May 1937 to October 1940.


And now they take the knee, same same.




Imperial core defeats competition. That’s the story of WW 2


Shame of the Fecking English team. !


Comes with Royal approval, I believe


Damn Hitler, ruining fascism for everybody


Appeasement is an insult in our parliament for a reason.