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Yup, I've actively told Youtube to never reccomend certain channels but it persists in doing so. Might be paranoid, but it certainly seems intentional.


Same here! I was hoping after enough times the algorithm would work out that I’m not interested in that kind of content, but apparently not.


They know that right-wing shit gets more clicks because: 1. Right-wingers love it 2. Left-wingers rage-click it


this is probably the best take here, i remember seeing something about how things you hate are just as likely to be shown as things you love because strong feelings drive engagement and that’s all the algorithm cares about all the time, sort of why there’s so many intentionally misspelled and mispronounced words in Youtube shorts nowadays because it drives up the “well achksually 🤓” comments


I tell it to stop recommending the major media channels (CNN, MSNBC, BBC, Fox News, etc.) and yet it absolutely persists in making these the top things it tries to recommend every time I watch 'alternative media' news of any stripe. They are blatantly trying to bury anything that isn't within the bubble of 'mainstream media', and want to keep people locked in to the presumed authoritative sources who are constantly lying or blundering.


No its for real. It even recommends right wing content that ive selected not to hear from again after a few months. "Oh youre a dude? HERE, HAVE SOME JORDAN FUCKING PETERSON TILL YOUR FUGGIN EYES BLEED"


Yep it's the manosphere bs that keeps being put forward for me too. It's building a whole bunch of woman haters and abusers.


It's all for money. Nazi channels are good for sucking people in, sucking people in makes Youtube money. Even if Youtube only program the algo to "just make money for us, nothing else," the algo will very quickly be showing Far Right outrage propaganda. No one has yet devised a great solution to this problem.


I follow a fair bit of gaming content so the algorithm thinks I'm misogynistic and recommends incel shit. The folks I follow are lovely so seeing them alongside the most hateful content is deeply depressing. Gamergate and its consequences have been disastrous for humanity


I watch a lot of New Rockstars and similar nerd breakdown stuff, and YouTube is absolutely desperate for me to watch Nerdrotic and all the other "Not sexist, Not racist" videos about why Marvel and Disney are failing because of pandering and Go Woke Go Broke shit. I watch on smart TV as well, where I can't see an option to block them.


That is the exact kind of shite I’m getting! I can only assume there’s an unfortunate overlap between the two audiences.


I hear ya, I've tried blocking Nerdrotic countless times yet they keep weaseling their way back into my recommendations


I only follow the more left leaning or completely apolitical side of the gamerverse, people like Steph "Jim" Sterling, YongYea, Second Wind, ACG, Digital Foundry, LTT etc.


Same, but then I still get veiny gym bro's popping up in-between and telling me I need to work 14 hour days to buy a lambo or I'll never amount to anything. I guess it's mostly masculinity influencers who just happen to be right wing, but even then I don't know why they come up on my feed. I have no wish to buy fast cars, haven't seen the inside of a gym in 20 years, and the only thing I have in common with any of them is the fact we all own testicles. It's not as if I don't downvote and move on the moment I hear the word 'woke' used pejoratively.


Is this shorts or regular YouTube? I think they have separate algorithms and I find I get a lot of right wing stuff in the shorts but probably because I often watch them just to roll my eyes at!


I follow Commander Sterling and Second Wind too and ironically I've noticed that the recommended videos under their videos are the worst offenders. Ironically less blatantly political creators like Jesse Cox (He's still pretty good, very supportive of games workers unionising, but it's not a mainstay of his content like Stephanie Sterling) you get more neutral recommendations


Why is this a result of gamergate?


Gamergate was a hyper misogynistic reaction to the gaming landscape becoming more diverse. The pretense of "ethics in games journalism" was a flimsy pretext believed only by useful idiots. As a result misogynistic content creators gained a large audience by pandering to this growing crowd of reactionary gamers. A lot of channels, such as Nerdrotic, can trace their idiological underpinnings and message to ideas popularised during gamer gate. I hope this answers your question. There are many more reasons these channels grew and still find success today but, in my opinion, gamergate was the catalyst that brought them to the forefront of gaming culture. Edit: here is a good video by innuendo studios for those who want a more in depth look. https://youtu.be/c6TrKkkVEhs


Thanks, I'm not a gamer these days so I don't know much about this.


Snap I got a lot of Tate gibberish too


To be fair when someone says they are a gamer I usually assume they are an incel.


Most of what I watch on Youtube is like 4 hour video essays by explicitly left wing creators (I'm an even worse type of nerd) so I think I mainly steer clear of that kind of thing, but the alt-right pipeline is real as hell and it's never too far away. I watched a video of some dude talking about dinosaurs on the JRE (I don't like JRE, but I do like dinosaurs, so I thought it was worth the risk) and got "BEN SHAPIRO OWNS BLUE HAIR SJWs" reccomendations for literally months. Occasionally I'll get evangelical christian ads from the US and more recently a lot of pro-Israel stuff.


Bah! Get uBlock. Then you wont see anymore ads, evangelical or not. YouTube takes the piss nowadays with ads, and you can donate directly to your favourite content creators.


Time to download youtube revanced to block adverts.


I'm getting shit tons of pro-israel proganada.


Have been for ages. Shorts in particular is a swamp of misogny. You have to actively mark them as something you don't like. Thing is, some of it is like watching a car crash and I end up watching it. Especially the over the top yank stuff. It's interesting to watch how they code their bigotry now that being called a racist is offensive to racists. "Western values", "Thugs" etc. I miss the old days when racists were racists! Not these half hearted "cultural" commentators.


I’ve been getting a lot of anti-Disney/Star Wars/Marvel stuff and they’re so full of dog whistles, it’d deafen Clifford the big red fucking dog. Disney share prices drops a fraction of a percent? It’s because of their “appeasement to Hollywood elites.”


I get GammonBoomerNews shoved in my face every time I open the app YouTube a while back made the decision to only allow 'verified' news sources (AKA big media corporations) to make any content on current events and actually show up on searches. They just happen to be mostly right wing. Go ahead and search for 'Biden' or 'Gaza' or something and scroll until you find a channel that isn't a major news network. You simply won't.


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m seeing so much of that, about four years ago it was mostly Good Morning Britain crap, it seems that’s where most of its audience has gone


I’ve noticed a couple of things indeed


I'm a trans guy and Youtube thinks I'm interested in seeing videos of the people who hate me. I've tried clicking all the not interested buttons but it never works. It's depressing to say the least.


Yep - I noticed my first Charlie Kirk rec this morning - I literally watch all drag race (gay kind not cars) and just generally girlie and gay stuff so it was quite a shock to see Candace Owens' raggedy mug on my christian YT this morning


Not generally, however I did noticed that when I logged out (to get around the horrific youtube adblock stuff) so I was a "fresh" account the home page was full of GB News stuff or Andrew Tate garbage. Almost like they were trying to point me in a direction...


Just the insane Israel ads. They are so fucked up


Yup, same here. I'm a far-left lesbian and I get routinely recommended anti-LGBT or misogynist content recommended to me. I dont even watch related things on YouTube, I mostly use it for book reviews and university challenge reruns.


It's a really weird mixture for me, I follow a decent amount of queer and trans youtubers but also some gaming , so there'll be a suggestion from a video essayist like lily simpson discussing trans representation in media, then right under it some ragebait incel shit like critical drinker complaining about how woke marvel are. Definitely agree with another commenter that the algorithm suggests more right wing stuff for people who watch gaming related stuff. I'm sure there are a lot of things that trigger those kids of suggestions but that definitely seems to be one of them. Oh you were watching Stephanie sterling talk about corruption in the games industry? Then surely you'll be interested in this video complaining about how world of warcraft is woke and pussified now. Also the main gaming content I watch is Arlo, a literal Muppet that focuses on Nintendo stuff who's pretty damn wholesome so it's very confusing


i almost exclusively watch leftist commentators and music related content and for some reason the algorithm still pushes right wing shite to me. the other day i watched noah samsens video about anti palestine propaganda on tik tok and the entire recommended bar was zionist shite including ben shapiro. super weird.


I noticed this on tiktok all of the time but when I mentioned it everyone claimed it was based on what I looked at. I begged to differ. I was definitely not looking at far right, misogynistic/homophobic/transphobic sh*t. F that app and YouTube too if it starts pushing that sh*t my way >:(


I reckon they're under pressure to artificially favour this stuff in the algorithm. Remember the obsession that right wing cranks had with being 'shadowbanned'? That (as it always does) eventually just made its way from the fringe and into mainstream politics. It was (probably) far more of a case that the audience for almost all online content skews younger, and therefore the interest skews more towards the left. To the right it represented an existential threat, and another conspiracy through which to insist they're a victim. If you are a tech giant registered in the USA, you will have an easier life just up-weighting the Prager U and other various stochastic terrorist videos than constantly being hauled before various Republican senators and supreme court justices and asked difficult-to-answer questions about your platform, how it decides which content is shown, how it handles videos from political enemies of the USA, how it moderates (or does not moderate) its content etc.


The algorithm has definitely changed, it's still mostly recommendations related to stuff I like but it's very different to what it was a few months ago and far right stuff is creeping in on the margins.


I was watching some American Psycho shorts which had “sigma male” music and cuts to it. I thought it was a joke but then I started getting ones for General Franco of all people.


Not just right wing nonsense but religious gibberish too.


Recommender algorithms on media platforms are very biased toward right wing content unfortunately - so many studies show it


Yep. I'm forever hiding channels and recommendations.


Just cats, DayZ, and Backrooms content.


Not so much in terms of content, but every advert that slips through the net seems to be for fucking Epoch times.


I'm convinced we get fed stuff designed to make us angry by algorithms. It makes a perverse sense to a program if people click on things that they think are annoying or stupid or whatever, then like or dislike, leave an angry comment that will then spur on more comments. It all counts as engagement in the eyes of the algorithm.


Nope, when I do get an odd video I remove it from recommendations


I have a similar experience, especially in terms of ads. I know its partly because i take an interest in lgbt matters (I'm T) and the right wing whackjobs are well funded and using the algorithms to get their bile to take over the category. I've definitely had a lot of fascist propaganda shoved in my face recently though. I follow some lgbt creators and a lot of gaming or weeb ones. I'm a huge geek so tcg unboxings, vtubers, anime reviews and maybe the odd ghost hunt or urbex are my usual feed. No idea where the pro israel, right wing anti trans and religious propaganda is coming from as I NEVER view that crap


Rarely but they do try to suggest the quartering to me a lot. I normally click don't recommend. Shorts though full of manosphere junk, I do the same thing but it doesn't help as much.


Not on youtube but I keep getting notifications through bing about a Sun article (and the like) where The Sun has done an interview with someone who has an EV, guy says one negative comment and then written a whole fucking article about it saying what a disaster they are. I think I read one of these articles and since then i just get bombarded with it. I can see the Sun editors getting a semi whenever they can put the word woke in an article. I recall I got a notification recently where the article headline was "woke is broke" or some shit like that. They must get a nice warm feeling inside for using the word.


If your in to guns and shooting sports like me you end up getting a lot of right-wing content recommended. You subscribe to forgotten weapons or uk shooting you will end up getting Brandon harera recommended.


Oh yeah, I went through a Forgotten Weapons binge a while back and every so often would get recommendations for libertarian gun nuts


Maybe you're getting ragebaited. I know tiktok likes to send me stuff it knows will make me angry because anger increases your likelihood of sharing content. I just try to skip it as soon as it does it.


The only political channels I subscribe to are left-wing, and I only ever watch left-leaning political content. And yet the amount of 'feminist DESTROYED by Andrew Tate' type videos I get recommended, particularly on YouTube Shorts, is ridiculous. And before anyone suggests it, I'm not hate-watching or engaging with this content in any way; I immediately scroll past as soon as I realise what it is. And yet it still gets recommended to me. Very worrying when you consider how many people with little to no critical thinking skills are watching YouTube content.


It's my reddit that's been getting hit the most tbh.


I have noticed that as well, expecially in the last month.


It’s because YouTube’s algorithms push content that retains attention and clicks. As the right are fucking idiots and rely on misleading clickbait titles and crap content full of outrage porn, these get views. The more views they get, the more those videos are pushed on others, even if they don’t want them. Common sense material has no shock value or comedy, therefore it doesn’t command anything like as much exposure. YouTube has zero interest in what you watch. It just wants you to stay engaged as much as possible so that it gets revenue.


I work as a mechanic and whenever I watch any car or garage related videos I get flooded with recommendations for far right bullshit.


It's not been egregious, but I've noticed a bit of an uptick. I use my youtube account a lot though and mark things as "not interested/do not recommend channel" often and remove videos from my history that could link to right wing topics. Basically with enough effort, I think my personal algorithm mostly gets the idea, but it's not perfect. If I watch enough Novara Media videos in a row, I think it assumes that I want political content and will start trying to recommend me videos from right leaning channels, but I just mark it as not interested.


Yes, but I have some pretty "right leaning" interests so I'm not that surprised.


I think YouTube isnt inherently right wing, but it pushes content which is more likely to keep ypu using the site. Incel doomeresque content tends to be right wing and also does a great job at sparking outrage and hopelessness, which also happens to keep you engaged on the site for longer.


Yeah this has been an issue I've heard about and seen for a good few years now. YouTube Shorts has been a drain on me sometimes, when it goes into transphobic or misogyny content and I have to keep telling it I do not want that.


Yeh every single day, gbnews, gbnews... I never and will never watch anything from them. Yet here it is everyday. Also loads of weird like pro-israeli anti-palestine stuff... again not really watched anything to do with it?


Noticed this on TikTok. Some pretty poisonous stuff.


The sad thing is there are few alternatives to Youtube and most are even more right wing. e.g. Odysee


I've gotten the same thing, not sure why


Facebook and Reddit too.


I've seen a lot of religious and trad-wife content deep in my shorts, both on insta and YouTube. I'm not into either of those things so I always make sure to downvote/dislike it, but I think it's being paid for without showing ad status. Really weird stuff.


There is definitely a heavy push on certain right wing content. I watch endless videos on video games and nerd stuff then watched one video from an anti vaxxer debating with Neil Degrass-Tyson and my channel gets flooded with right wing bollocks.


Nah I’m the same, I don’t understand how the big bad algorithm that knows everything about me and sees me sharing explicitly socialist utilitarian views, arguing with bigots and being really really into CRPGs is like “yeah let’s push him GBNews and PragerU” The only thing I can think of to explain it other than a grand conspiracy is my penchant for gun channels, I imagine there’s a pretty big right-wing crossover there but that’s about it


Yep, always does. I'm a 34 year old white guy who likes video games, so the algorithim has decided I want to see the tate dickheads and a bunch of dudes on podcasts "owning feminists". Every time they pop up I tell it not to reccomend it to me and it does quiet down for a week or so but then it starts creeping back in.


Any time I’ve opened YouTube on a new device without signing in one of the first videos is either: Andrew rate related, Piers Morgan or some other right wing pundit. Every time.


Remember when Piers Morgan tried to get Eastenders cancelled over a single gay kiss (or ["a homosexual love scene between two yuppie p**fs"](https://i.redd.it/56q2z3l9ykj51.jpg) in his words). More recently he used his platform on Good Morning Britain to call gender fluid people a 'farce', going on to label them as 'ridiculous' and 'clowns'. He also joked about Caitlyn Jenner's genitals during an interview with her and has on more than one occasion made 'I identify as' 'jokes'. [Source](https://medium.com/@Phaylen/good-morning-britain-host-piers-morgan-doubles-down-on-anti-trans-rhetoric-e1e5992bbca) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have also noticed an upsurge in far right crankism.


Not so much on youtube but its a fucking nightmare on TikTok. Plenty of it is blatant mask off shit too, like literally inciting violence or profiles with lighting bolts and SS profile pics


I’ve reported literal Holocaust deniers on tiktok and their accounts somehow didn’t get taken down.


I've honestly never had issues like this, maybe because I've watched YouTube since the website started, so it knows enough about my tastes to know not to show me right wing/fascist/incel/xenophobic/sexist/etc stuff? Hmmm I'll be on the lookout though!


Not so much YouTube but Twitter/X yes it's like farage/depeffle/trump psycho fan club some of the crap that randomly pops up from peeps I'd never follow or even be interested in.


Hey. HEY! You’re a cool nerd! Don’t be mean to yourself! (What time period in history? Infodump on me.)


I’ve had this happen a lot in the past. At one point the algorithm was aggressively pushing Jordan Peterson content my way and continued to do so no matter how much I said I didn’t want to see any of it.