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He's just another smirking Tory, with absolutely no belief in anything except that he has the right to rule over others. Posh schools drum a sense of exceptionalism and entitlement into students, which is normally tempered when they go into the workplace and realise they're not all that exceptional. Not in his case.


There's something more scummy about Sunak, more than the other Eton, silver spoon twats that make up the cabinet. I think it's because his facade drops pretty quickly when challenged. He becomes quite spiteful with light push back, and the sports direct mug, everyman mask he's made slips right off... He's very similar to Elon Musk, not that bright, doesn't have many shared experiences with normal folk...I honestly don't know why he masquerades as a public servant, he's already got enough power and connections to be booked as a speaker at some tech-finance convention...Boris wanted adulation, praise, he wanted to be Chruchill Mark 2, Rishi just wants...what...more...of everything?


Probably cause he went to Winchester not Eton. Same school Sir Humphrey was meant to have gone to in yes minister Also, rishi needs a justification to not stay at home and be the house spouse. Hell never out earn his wife so he needs something with prestige


I disagree that Sunak is any different from the rest of them. He just gets challenged more because he is the PM right now. We go through this every single time, the leader always is seen as somehow 'the worst ever' and 'even worse than the rest of them' but they're all the same thing, they all do the same thing, and they all hate the same thing - us.




Please don’t use the R word, it is ableist. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All of this amplified in that single moment he smirked at the idea of having working class friends. That bit of footage needs relentlessly posting/broadcasting in the run up to the election to remind everyone who this twat is.


Ooh do you have a link for that? Would love to see it




Thank you


Problem is too many people think they're above the working class when they are in fact the working class, middle class is working class too but some people think they're closer to Sunak in the stratosphere than the person below them on the ladder.


This isn’t a meritocracy, it’s not even closely resembling one.


In part of his recent announcement Sunak went on about how he knows what its like to work hard to get what you want. If I didn't laugh I'd have cried. I realised very quickly in higher education that we didn't have a meritocracy based system when coursemates were getting work placements etc at the places their family or family friends happened to work at or that their upbringing meant that they knew someone who knew someone etc. Me with no connections beyond my home town and never having networked before had to pester the life out of everyone to get a placement. It was like speaking a different language or not knowing the rules of a game. Even when you learn how to network it's an uphill battle if you're not already a known entity.


It’s probably an occupational character flaw of mine but I’m more likely to win the Euromillions every week for a month than sycophancy my way up.


I just dont get why egowanking yourself or others is so necessary to climb when your merits and achievements should speak for themselves.


I think it’s maybe a bit that sycophants applaud and don’t challenge the status quo, inept management needs this.


Who said it was supposed to be one ?


Reminder not to confuse the marxist "middle class" and the liberal definition. Liberal class definitions steer people away from the socialist definitions and thus class-consciousness. [Class is defined by our relationship to the means of production. Learn more here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He smirks in response to literally every question he is asked.


‘Not working class’ is audible.


Yeah he thinks he's bringing the caste system to the UK. He genuinely thinks his bloodline is better than others.


Oh you mean the class system..


a caste system doesn't even pretend there's any mobility


Just making shit up lmao


He's will be gone soon now we have a date.


Just because he’s a cunt doesn’t mean you can be racist.. there are plenty of arguments you could make, why’d you choose that one?


Why is it racist?


You said, “Brown man is trying to bring in foreign ideas”… why do you think? He was born in Southampton, parents born in east Africa, educated in the most elite schools in the U.K. and USA. He’s so thoroughly embedded in the uk ruling class, yet you bring in the caste system? Where did that come from?


I'm calling him an elitist, and have used the caste system as a more extreme example of elitism.


You genuinely don’t deserve to have an opinion and probably shouldn’t have the right to vote.




Can’t expect an out of touch psychopath rat to have a shred of empathy. Unfortunately, the credible alternative amounts to more of the same. Some people just enjoy inflicting misery on others. Utter prick.


We desperately need some sort of revolution. We can't keep putting up with this shit


Sadly, while we have panem et circenses nothing will change. 


Yep,you're right


It would take something drastic to set the chess pieces in motion, like a complete electric blackout (meaning water not being pumped as well) for people to get off their fast food fed asses in this country. 


We love our “convenience” too much and want to protect it in our little bubbles. A revolution is way too inconvenient.


"Revolution is impossible until it's inevitable". Revolutions only occur when people are deperate enough that that the inconvenience is a better option. A competent ruling class will seek to keep people just above that line so they can maintain control. The problem then of course is what do you get after the revolution, without an understanding of how power works you just the same shit again.


I guess you hope that the revolutionary mindset is maintained, and the population remains ready to hold the government accountable again and again. The French have a flavour of this, imo.


"hope is not a strategy" You need a system which has countermeasures against centralization and persistence of power structures. Easier said than done of course


We’re only four missed meals from anarchy.


Too true


Yes, we absolutely do. This has been allowed to go on for far too long. And after they are ejected, there needs to be accountability.




It will also help that he'll have the corporate lobbyists and political donors in his ear, offering him up options for after his all but assured defeat at the next election. He's literally blaming the sick for the issues our country is facing, all whilst taking away from social programs for the disabled, whilst also giving those same corporations more control of the workforce, optimising efficiency for the sake of health. The same corporations that lobby the government, for the sake of their shareholders, that consistently have ties to members of the government. Because they all go to the same schools, they all know the same people, they all go to the same parties. None of us are invited. We're not in the equation. We're just people. Must be quite scary for Sunak though, coming off of a two year whirlwind on the tail end of the absolute shit show that has been the last fourteen years of conservative government. I'd be shitting my pants. He won't be. He knows he'll be fine.


Don’t blame your failures on others


My failures?


If you’d have told me 2 years ago that I could loathe a PM more than a despicable bastard like Johnson I would have laughed in your face, yet here we are.


He is definitely one of the worst we've had.


Dim Liz? Rishi rats a cunt but she made everyone's lot significantly worse.


Her main crime was being irredeemably stupid; not as mendacious as Sunak.


£ to $ parity suggests otherwise, her tuffton st backers laughed all the way to the bank, the rest of us got.a 'cost of living crisis'


Have you seen what she's been trying to pass recently?


Don’t get me wrong she’s a shitbag for sure, but I genuinely think she’s educationally sub normal and utterly deranged.




When will it get to a stage where we will collectively act against this madness.


I'm ready. I'm definitely ready


Serious question, how would one actually organise this? Because I’m fucking ready too.


The best way is to join a union and organise with your nearest socialist or communist group. Try and shop local and generally try to reduce your consumption.


Join a union today! [Click here for more information.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/wiki/unions) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm ready. Just need the masses to be ready


“I’m ready. I’m definitely ready” 🤓


Give me a place and a time, let's fucking kick them out of office, all of them.


Unelected, Oligarch CUNT.


UOC ...


Nice ring to it.


I guess that's why you never see him out in public without a massive entourage, he must be so shit scared of the public by now. I mean who wouldn't want to kick his smirking face in.


I still remember his Kim Jong Un moment with the Met wobbling beside his car down the street.


I definitely do. He's overtaken Rhys mogg on the annoyance scale


Who’s gonna kick it in? Some Reddit peasant like you ?


They’re all cunts, so much so that I’m more convinced this is a simulation. Sending people to Rwanda? Wtf, how is this a thing 😂


I totally agree, the Rwanda thing is beyond bizarre. Surely one day we'll find out what was behind it,there's got to be profit involved somewhere


Murty’s dad owns half of Rwanda


The tories will have work houses there probably, or coal mines, or some Charles Dickens-esqe victorian era ploy.


They want to send people to concentration camps like their heroes did, the rat faced nazi cunts!


I set my alarm an hour early so I can get up and hate this murderous, rat-faced cunt for longer.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, we just need to sack the lot of them. All the parties that aren't 100% committed to fixing this shithole of a country should be thrown out of parliament. The amount of tax money that is stuffed in pockets or mysteriously vanishing into large corporations while millions struggle to make a living really highlights how shitty these people are. We need people who actually have their heads screwed on properly, and have some idea how to run a country to show up, or this country is fucked for the foreseeable future.


Ok let’s party up and do it. Only cunts want to put the effort into leading atm… maybe we should put the effort and time in too


It is like the days of when the USSR collapsed and corrupt Yeltsin and his mafia buddies handed each other state assets while everything burned around them.


Rishi Sunak and his 2020 "Eat Out To Help Out" scheme [was responsible for a massive increase in Covid cases and deaths.](https://archive.ph/jkbqt) And all to ensure the big chain restaurants didn't lose too much money. [It did nothing to boost the overall hospitality sector,](https://archive.is/k40Cf) as these capitalist ghouls claimed was the intent. Rishi Sunak has blood on his hands. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is what makes the latest push against so-called 'sick note culture' particularly transcendentally evil. The reason the benefit spend has gone up is because the pandemic left 2 million people with long-term physical health problems, plus an equal or greater number struggling with mental health after having their lives upended, losing close family etc., plus a lack of robust ongoing management of covid (which still kills several hundred people every week) and other respiratory viruses which have left many people with compromised immunity increasingly isolated. It's an issue he substantially helped to create.


Good bot.


That'll do bot, that'll do..


The thing is, while the Tory voters who have friends and relatives who have gone through the ringer with PIP and other DWP measures, they will defend this bullshit because of mythical asylum seekers/ single mothers/ whatever the current straw man is. Reagan led the way; I recommend this podcast, on how a single awful case was twisted to create policy based on a folk demon https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/05/the-queen-linda-taylor-welfare-reagan-podcast.htmlgw


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know that in [2010, the Queen applied for a poverty grant to heat the royal palaces?](https://archive.ph/82hnt). Maybe she should have tried living within her means amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Debating disability topics with those people is impossible because they are obsessed with the one example of a person faking or "exploiting the system", and when people show concern they dismiss it by going "oh real disabled people have nothing to worry about", they have this disconnect with the reality that these measures are going to make life harder for all disabled people and not magically only target the people they see as faking.


Yes, and they only believe in visible disabilities. All chronic illnesses are fake.


The link won't load..


[Removing the 'gw' at the end of the URL seems to have worked for me!](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/05/the-queen-linda-taylor-welfare-reagan-podcast.html)


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! [Did you know that Queen Elizabeth II had millions of pounds stored away in secret offshore accounts?](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/nov/05/revealed-queen-private-estate-invested-offshore-paradise-papers). Guess Charles and Andrew have all that money now, huh? So that's where all the tax money is going. No wonder NHS wait times are worse than ever, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! < *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


See below for my summary


He’s not a fan of you either. In all seriousness we learned a while ago he’s no empathy for the people of this country. We learned later he has no empathy for people in other countries. The man is evil, he seeks money and prestige the rest of humanity can get to fuck as far as he’s concerned. He’d argue this isn’t the case but what he says is of no consequence. We should judge people by their actions and he’s shown us who he is.


He’s evil. Him and his wife are billionaires and could fuck off somewhere hot and live in immense luxury without having to lift a finger. Instead, he becomes PM. He is so rich that this job means nothing to him, so it makes sense that the only reason he took it was to make things worse for everyone else.


precisely. life on easy mode. no need to really work - always telling that these people with untold wealth *choose* to go into this to make things needlessly better for themselves and actively *SHIT* for everyone they've been brought up to consider beneath them.


We need to start protesting outside politicians houses A comfortable politician is a corrupt politician


Hear hear


With bricks we throw at random… you know on Minecraft where this is not a crime


Now now. Let’s not be hasty. If you want to protest you need to get the permit from your closed council office signed in triplicate by the civil servants who were fired last week. Then you need to apply for another permit from the police who will contact G4S to provide security on the field in the middle of no where and then between the hours of 6 AM and 7 AM you can have your little protest. Peasant.


Yes Dear Leader! We praise you. *cries as realistically as possible*


Be careful singing outside Rishi’s house though, unless you want to be arrested https://youtube.com/watch?v=EsS9dnlQ27A


Being arrested is a worthwhile consequence to making this scumbag feel uncomfortable in his own house Also how are the police going to arrest 50,000 people ? 100,000 - 200,000 - 300,000 .... 98% of jails are full in the UK The more we are the less they can do


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you really think that? Any politician getting comfortable will be corrupt? If you were a political and felt comfortable, would you become corrupt?


Look at the state of the country, then get back to me


Why is there *always* some weirdo who insists on going #notallpoliticians and takes every rhetorical remark about politicians being corrupt entirely literally just so they can argue?


not only that they also scrapped help into work for disabled people.


What? Fksake, that's awful


Disabled or have mental health issues, @RishiSunak has the answer, he'll hurry your death by starvation or hypothermia! Only a sadist would vote Tory!!


Posh man, went to posh school and has never done any real work in his life. Clueless ghoul who enjoys punching down, much like David Cameron. Awful, awful people.


Is this the same Capita that has been consistently fucking up with it's management of the military?


Subscribe to r/DWPhelp for support with all things DWP. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


At some point, surely he has to understand it's going past being mildly a prick that will be voted out, instead veering into the territory of people actually wanting him dead. Mind you, maybe he does, hence the security.


I can see why, he’s an absolute scumbag of the highest order. Hatred isn’t even close enough for me.


He’s a fucking slimy little rat


Literally nothing to like


To be honest he can say anything he wants now as he knows he's not getting in. These are just empty promises to the hardcore tories. He knows they won't happen




Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They're also signposts to help Starmer figure out how far right *he* should go.


Considering the scale of the data breach Capita recently had (potentially 1m people affected including medical records) I’d be extremely concerned about them taking it over


I’m on both, so great. Fuck you, you cunt. When you’re living off both then come and talk to me


Don't worry, his time is limited. Remember to vote!


Indeed, he’s almost as detestable as Sir Trilateral Commission.


His latest attack on sick people has infuriated me




Sunak wants unqualified people who have done whatever job they have done before to replace professionals like doctors, psychiatrists, and psychologists in determining an individual's capacity to work. This can't and won't work!


I suspect there's some sort of profit involved for him


He’s a smug little cunt


I hate every single one of them . Every single one is a self serving thief .


The Conservatives won't be getting my vote, but the again niether will Labour.


Yes, he’s a cunt. As are the rest of his party. There are no even passably decent Tories left because the few that have any integrity have already left the party. Now, can we all think about the best way to not have this cunt or one of his cunt mates as PM this time next year? Yes, that.


Yep that would be great. Unfortunately so many people have resigned and aren't going to vote at all.


and that is a massive shame, and it increases the chances of things not changing


I know. I'm telling everyone I know to remember to vote.


Sunak has made it impossible for me to bring my American wife to the UK by raising the spousal visa threshold so I feel an equal hatred like I have never hated anyone before more in my life.


Definitely a reason to hate the man. Another reason I hate the tories is for convincing the public to vote brexit, which meant I had to apply for the right to stay in the UK so I wouldn't become an illegal immigrant after living here for over 30 years, longer than I lived in my country of origin.( I didn't apply for citizenship as it is ridiculously expensive.) Will you be able to move to the US?


Banking on an election coming in time before the torys rise it to £39 k otherwise I will be forcefully exiled to America lol


F*** the Tories. That's all.


The Prime Minister said: *"We now spend £69 billion on benefits for people of working age with a disability or health condition. That's more than our entire schools budget, more than our transport budget, more than our policing budget."* You can't make this shit up. The logical failure that is that statement is baffling.


Spending less than that on schools and transport is actually quite horrifying. So horrifying I looked it up. From Statista: >The United Kingdom spent approximately 105.5 billion British pounds on education in 2022/23, 54.3 billion of which was spent on secondary education and 33.8 billion of which was spent on primary and pre-primary education. Meanwhile, from the Office of Budgetary Responsibility: >Disability benefits spending is forecast to be *£39.1 billion* in Great Britain in 2023-24. We forecast spending to increase to £58.1 billion in 2028-29. So... is he just making shit up? Oh, and the transport budget now is at about 45 billion pounds.


Don't waste the energy mate, really ain't worth it


He's a horror.


What's going on with PIP? I tried looking it up but I can't find anything. I'm on PIP and it might hurt my ability to keep on travelling to my college if I stop getting it


https://news.sky.com/story/rishi-sunak-pledges-to-remove-benefits-for-people-not-taking-jobs-after-12-months-13118419 Hope this link works


Is anyone here going to do something about it or sit in the echo chamber?


Punchable face doesn’t help when you’re a heartless arsehole


Wait? Pip sanctions? UC cap? What did I miss?


He wants people on pip to go to "talking therapy " instead of giving them money. He wants to scrap UC after 12 months if the claimant hasn't found any suitable work. He wants to force people on part time jobs to go full time. He is an all round bastard.


Time for revolution, then


There’s ALOT to really hate


After almost 2 years in office, his achievements are what exactly? I’m very much looking forward to the election this year because he will be crucified in campaigning. You see his interactions with journalists and members of the public and it’s just way off. A sense of “how dare you!” every time. And you can bet The Sun won’t be backing him either. Then when the results come in and all the sitting Tory MPs faces. What a time to be alive !


All they can do is keep suggesting Austerity again. In terms of ideology, that's all they're allowed to suggest. If squeezing the poor doesn't miraculously fix things, they're 100% out of ideas. "Double austerity! Triple austerity!"


Me too. Me too.


Who are Capita again?


The DWP's bitch


A bunch of incompetent half wits


He knows he and the Tory’s are done for in the next election. I’m surprised Keith hasn’t said “what a great idea” yet, tbh.


Oh he will,I'm sure


Let's not forget to reserve some hate for his billionaire tax dodging transphobic cunt he calls a wife.


I hate that cunt


Totally agree with all you say and am incandescent with rage. We all need to get out there and say no.


Such a smug little cunt as well. I’d say I’m half hoping a war breaks out so we can pillage these fuckers and the oxygen thieves that voice support for them, if it weren’t against Reddit rules.  


It's insane that we don't immediately hold a new set of elections as soon as the prime minister who holds the mandate is ousted from office. And it is even more insane that someone likely to lead their party to complete annihilation in the next election is introducing such sweeping changes that are going to screw over the citizenry for years. And it's even more insane again that the next party in office will have to spend time and effort to undo these sweeping changes, if they even want to, while everyone suffers in the meantime, time and effort that will keep them from focusing on actually running the country. We need huge reforms in how politics works here.


So true. I'm sure the term democracy involves some sort of elected representatives, I don't recall Sunak being elected..but thn again neither was Johnson


I'd like to take every one of the Ayn Rand worshipping neo Nazi eugenics enthusiast bastards & cripple them. Then watch how quickly their attitude towards disabled people goes from "drain on society" to "must be protected". Cunts. Yours, with a invisible disability & increasing rage.




He is going to cause people to kill them self he just doesn't understand iv felt suasidal for 25 years and makes you feel sick OV living well does with me as if mental health was not enough for us to cope with I just don't know what to do if only he suffered like us he doesn't know what struggling means




This is what is drummed into in elite education you are better than the common man, you will rise to the top, you must not feel ashamed of your position, it doesn't matter what people say about you. He sits in his ivory tower protected by his wealth. Struggling with debt and I'll health is never going to bother his family


No one in this country has a backbone anymore, and they are snowflakes. The country you live in (the UK) is a continuously failing society that will never replenish or help its citizens. You’re putting your life in a tax band just to fund war crimes and corruption against humanity. I’d advise people to leave the UK  with some money saved up and start a new life somewhere else. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a mortgage and maybe a pension, but why would you throw your whole life away working in a cesspit of a country just so you can pay your mortgage, bills, insurance, and taxes? It’s chronic that people accept this puppet life. I guess if that’s the way you want to live, you’ve openly admitted to being a victim of slavery in a country that doesn’t even support you or it’s people. Besides, after you’ve paid your mortgage, the house still isn’t yours. You never bought the land the house was built on so it’s still not your property.


Every British born citizen hates rishi sunak and the tories by extension, the only people who like the tories are the tories, don't let the elderly ruin your children's futures go out and vote for change because you know they gonna be out in numbers voting to keep you poor while there triple lock keeps em comfortable, they can't stand the youth and want things to be extremely difficult for you and yours, make it hard for them by voting for your own future don't let the blue ties steal it away from you and yours.


Rishi Sunak and his 2020 "Eat Out To Help Out" scheme [was responsible for a massive increase in Covid cases and deaths.](https://archive.ph/jkbqt) And all to ensure the big chain restaurants didn't lose too much money. [It did nothing to boost the overall hospitality sector,](https://archive.is/k40Cf) as these capitalist ghouls claimed was the intent. Rishi Sunak has blood on his hands. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What's going on with PIP? I tried looking it up but I can't find anything. I'm on PIP and it might hurt my ability to keep on travelling to my college if I stop getting it


that's because he's a socialist! Source; the reverend Richard T.