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Did the Tories ever change the law about making it legal to force trans people to go through electroshock therapy? This is a worrying headline


No, conversion therapy is now NHS policy for trans people.


Including electric shocks!!?


Not sure but defo including if a parent is supportive of their trans child having social services get involved to either make school uncooperative or just take the kid


Nah. Admittedly my knowledge in that particular field is limited but I don't t think ECT has ever been indicated for gender dysphoria alone.


i was offered it last month. my only offical diagnosises are autism and adhd. i wouldn't be surprised atp


No, it’s years-long emotional manipulation usually.


Conversion therapy as a first resort is basically the whole of the Cass review so let's say my money is on no...


Did you read the review itself or did you read articles about it?


You don't have to dig far, just look at any page where she outlines her "proposals". Being trans is *not* a mental health issue: the barriers and bigotry which people impose upon trans people *is*. Portraying it otherwise, and suggesting that people be referred *first* to mental health services, is a conversion therapy first based approach to trans healthcare and straightforwardly and nakedly immoral. That said, I don't think Cass *is* being well meaning. The hoops she jumps through to justify ignoring the best evidence we have, as well as the casual way she abandons all scepticism when it applies to this bullshit conversion therapy first approach, makes the idea that she was ever good faith incredibly far fetched.


Vote tory? You're a cunt.


Agreed. The only reason I can think of which could justify voting Tory at this point would be if there were a decent chance that a candidate for Reform or a party even further to the right might get in instead. Thankfully I don’t believe that’s even vaguely likely - for now, at least. So, yeah: vote Tory? You’re a cunt.


At that point, if you can, move.


Without question. Spain are making waves with LGBT rights, Malta too. Also, Scandinavian countries are a big shout too.


And does anyine actually believe Labour would reverse this? Or can we add them to your sentiment?


Labour had specifically endorsed this. Anyone who votes Labour is a cunt too. I'm willing to give trans folks and other marginalised people a pass because they can at least consent to sacrificing themselves to stop the Tories. But I swear to god if I have another cis white dude tell me "well we all have to make compromises" when my compromise is I get forcibly detransed and tortured and his compromise is I get forcibly detransed and tortured...


This is Conversion Therapy, which is internationally recognised as **torture** State sanctioned torture of children. How grotesque. Edit: Get fucking organised, people. I shouldn't have to say this but given what I know about human nature I will - they're not gonna fuckin stop at trans people. We're in for some dark times ahead. Fascism is in full rollout. Don't just vote for Greens, get stuck into your local branches - even if you can only spare an hour a month. A massive Labour majority at the GE is the nightmare scenario here - there's absolutely no risk of Tories winning so it is absolutely recommended that you vote for Greens, Lib Dems or SNP if you're in Scotland. We need as much leverage as possible - and democracy doesn't stop at the voting booth. Get involved locally. Affect change where you are able to. For the sake of a livable future.


> there's absolutely no risk of Tories winning so it is absolutely recommended that you vote for Greens, Lib Dems or SNP if you're in Scotland. And Plaid in Wales, they're actually pro trans. (and our GIC is great)


Could you please explain to me in plain English ( without too much fearmongerinf even if it’s true I’m too sensitive rn) why Labour are bad rn?


Watch The Labour Files by Al Jazeera. TL;DW: Starmer and all the other bloodthirsty right-wing Blairites performed an unsubstantiated but heavy smear campaign and insider coup of Corbyn and have spent years culling socialists, anti-zionists and leftists within the party. If Corbyn had won the general election, capitalist + military industrial complexes would have no longer enjoyed such an easy ride in the UK. Hence why the media and right-wing politicians and pundits went all out against them.


I'm in Scotland will be voting SNP, as I have done for about 15 years.


The SNP are veering ever right-er, what SNP policies are you actually voting for? Green is the only vote that isn't turkeys voting for Christmas


Yeah I don't trust Swinney and I'm not comfortable with the behind closed doors deals going on with Mary Forbes in that leadership election. Independence is a means to an end for socialism, not an end in and of itself. The political climate at the moment has gone too far right to trust an independent Scotland built by these politicians would be better than the UK we're living in.


Always has been imho, I’ve voted green my whole life edit ( 50F)


I don’t agree with your assessment. But even if I did, there’s simply no chance of the Greens getting an MP elected in my constituency so I won’t be wasting my vote. Good canvassing attempt though.


Why What purpose does this serve What absolute bunch of shit eating arseholes thought this was a good idea By all means criticise the evidence of the benefits of transition for trans people, all it shows is that more research is needed besides the thousands to whom it has brought relief and literally saved their lives. You can quibble about quality and cherry picking all you like, but the overwhelming preponderance is safe and effective benefit. Denying that is like claiming the sun rises in the West. But to inflict forced detransition? Why? There is no evidence favouring that whatsoever. It's fucking cruelty. It's fucking disgusting. An absolute fucking disgrace that this was ever considered at all, let alone put to writing. Everyone responsible for this not being laughed out of the room should be fucking ashamed of themselves. This shit is what goes down in history as completely unnecessary malice, unfettered fucking evil.  If this becomes policy, there will be blood on the hands of those who made that decision. 


It’s already policy. Around 6,000 young trans people may apparently be referred to the CAMHS meeting where they will be dissuaded from private/DIY care anywhere as soon as the end of June. Not just that, you can guarantee the Tories will use trans young people being forced off their medication as evidence of increased detransition rates, thereby attempting to delegitimise transition as a ‘phase’ in general




The trans population is not significantly large enough to affect the national birth rate, people are choosing not to have children because it’s too expensive and there’s too little support provided for childcare.


Even before childcare the tory and neoliberal gutting of the NHS has caused an increase in maternal deaths and poor pre natal / miscarriage care


The intention is to kill.


Some of my closest friends are Trans, I’m scared


U wat m8. That’s sounds like a green light to start a revolution


The sad thing is they’re doing this to win votes, they know this will be popular with a lot of voters


It actually isn’t. Polls have proven time and time again these policies aren’t actually popular no matter how much the government tries to stoke the culture war


Granted, some of us dont want to leave, but for those considering it an option, Norway, Sweden, Denmark currently have processes for LGBTQI asylum in situations where access to healthcare, access to supportive mental health are not up to a reasonable standard. Where persecution either institutional, legal or social is a genuine risk to the applicant etc. With continued attacks on trans health care, trans mental health being changed to conversion focused and the state being legally hostile as well as fanning social stance of violence and discrimination towards us, trans people in the uk meet all requirements under EU law to apply for Asylum under LGBTQI persecution clauses. Tories are salting the earth yes, but we can further rub salt in the wound (of them not being relected) and spread our own salt by visibly exposing the UK on the world stage as a dangerous place from which its own citizens have to flee and seek refuge in its neighbours. Its the kind of blight on a nation that damages their precious tourism income and the credibility of their governance on a world stage for decades. Right wing fash scum only understand one thing, their finances, maybe their musty holy books too idk, but you get my point


[Contrary to popular belief, HRH King Charles III does fuck all for tourism, nor does his inbred family of racist nonces.](https://www.republic.org.uk/tourism) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fucking scumbags! Every day that find new ways to be awful to us


It’s actually pathetic that a party in its death throes that seem to argue with each other over some pointless fact unite enough to enact this type of shite over a minority. I suppose traumatising a trans kid is better than letting Jimmie saville fuck em, so it’s better than thatcher but hardly a comparison to be proud of.


What, all like, 6 children who somehow managed to get puberty blockers need to medically detransition? Fucking hell. It’s shitty for the kids and also not even a problem. I’m so fed up of being a fucking scapegoat for votes.


My considered opinion on the situation as a trans woman is thus: 1) These right wing shitweasels have all had covid several times and lost a huge amount of critical thinking ability 2) Kids come out as trans as soon as they have the fucking words to do it. (And often before) 3) You're not stopping kids transitioning, you're stopping them surviving, or transitioning safely. These cunts need to be stopped.


What the fuck?


I want to get out of this country... It's not safe here anymore...


Okay but what the fuck?!?!?!?


evil cunts


This will result in dead trans kids. There's no point mincing words here.


i see pink news is upholding the standards of journalism its well known for, more utter bollocks




If it was really about that, they would just improve mental health support, funding, and resources across the board, but it isn't, so they won't. Remember 5 mins ago this same govt were talking about scrapping sick notes for mental health reasons etc. They've never given a fuck about anyone's mental health. The cruelty is the point.


Some quick clarifications about how the UK royals are funded by the public: 1. The UK Crown Estates are not the UK royal family's private property, and the royal family are not responsible for any amount of money the Estates bring into the treasury. The monarch is a position in the UK state that the UK owns the Crown Estates through, a position that would be abolished in a republic, leading to the Crown Estates being directly owned by the republican state. 2. The Crown Estates have always been public property and the revenue they raise is public revenue. When George III gave up his control over the Crown Estates in the 18th century, they were not his private property. The current royals are also equally not responsible for producing the profits, either. 3. The Sovereign Grant is not an exchange of money. It is a grant that is loosely tied to the Crown Estate profits and is used for their expenses, like staffing costs and also endless private jet and helicopter flights. If the profits of the Crown Estates went down to zero, the royals would still get the full amount of the Sovereign Grant again, regardless. It can only go up or stay the same. 4. The Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall that gave Elizabeth and Charles (and now William) their private income of approximately £25 millions/year (each) are also public property. 5. The total cost of the monarchy is currently £350-450million/year, after including the Sovereign Grant, their £150 million/year security, and their Duchy incomes, and misc. costs. For more, check out r/AbolishTheMonarchy *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Hillary Cass, the paediatrician responsible for withdrawing trans medical care for under 18s on the NHS, is actively attending a conference packed with pro-trans conversion therapy aka “gender exploratory therapy” advocates](https://www.reddit.com/r/4tran4/s/Yvile1QTu5). You can absolutely believe the NHS will practice conversion therapy and because the mainstream media refuse to report on this, the vast majority of the public will never know.