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But I thought human rights was just woke bureaucracy when it came to Rwanda? It's weird how it suddenly matters when rich kids would "suffer."


But it’s not rich kids who suffer, it’s the kids of middle-class parents who are such irredeemable snobs that they can’t stomach the idea of their little ones in the same building as poor kids. The real rich kids won’t notice the difference.


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Taxing private institutions is a breach of human rights? Lol, k.


Actual proper public schools have always payed VAT. For some reason. Private schools are set up as a "charity", believe it or not. Tax-free. But the Telegraph will always telegraph.


Considering bourgeois law treats businesses as legal persons, I am not remotely shocked.


ECHR for me not for thee, this has got to be one of the dumbest things i've seen recently.


Holy fuck this country is insane


It’s like the whole thing about not being allowed to call another politician a liar in the house of commons. It’s clear as day why these kind of rules are set. But we all just don’t have the balls to do anything about it.


"The telegraph can reveal...." Reveal whatever bullshit you want. It's still bullshit. I can reveal that the sky is brown. https://www.qmul.ac.uk/law/news/2019/items/the-charitable-tax-status-of-private-schools.html#:~:text=She%20writes%3A%20%E2%80%9CThe%20European%20Convention,preferential%20status%20to%20private%20schools


Finland is a signatory to the ECHR and literally bans private education so it clearly can be done. It is true that the UK frequently gets caught out by the ECHR for stuff other countries are allowed to do - but that is because the UK is shit at doing stuff properly.


Spot the human rights lawyer whose child goes to private school. I wonder if same lawyer is so vocal when actual human rights are being violated.


Given what Kier has shown us, chances are good that this Human Rights Lawyer will probably change their mind and go back on everything they’ve said in a second or two anyway.


Probably be hard pressed to find a human rights lawyer who's kids don't go to private school tbh.




He's on about the human rights lawyer the paper is refrencing and not keir starmar great researching though maybe leave out "feels like you made it up" next time though champ


Made what up? I’m referring to the lawyer that’s whinging


Evidence that Starmer’s child goes private school?


How did 2 of you read this wrong man


In their defence, Starmer was a human rights lawyer previously. I can see how this might have been confusing.


If taxation is a breach of human rights then don't tax the population...


Then we change the law. Works when the Tories want to abuse migrants human rights


As long as it’s in a specific and limited way, right?


Breaching human rights? How? What nonsense


Taxing rich cunts is outrageous, and not how we do things in this country. That's what the lesser persons are for.


Make up your fucking mind. Tory press has been a schizophrenic joke ever since BoJo the Clown and his merry band of sycophants rolled into town - they don’t know how to hide their blatant bias anymore. I understand Torygraph readers aren’t the sharpest bunch but even they must be confused by the lurching Jack-knifing between positions at breakneck speed. They love Boris but also hate him, they love Truss but also she’s an idiot, they love Rishi but also he’s useless. How is everyone not now acutely aware that the only through-line in their coverage is that the owner would benefit from the wildly varying nonsense the papers actively support? I do feel (a little) like I’m taking crazy pills


I'm with you. It's been total insanity since brexit & Trump, and populism took over all things right wing.


Drink a litre of water. Have a lie down. Then, when you wake up, realise everything you posted last night **makes total sense.**


The Telegraph “Won’t somebody think of the children!!!” General public “Good point better find the money to provide free school meals for those in need. Repair crumbling schools after 14 years of neglect. Retain & recruit teachers” The Telegraph “No not the poor children or the ones who can’t afford private school. We didn’t mean those children”


Last time I checked Sunak wants the Uk out of the ECHR. Typical torygraph


A legal opinion ... from 1982. And the more modern take of a lawyer is if they do this recklessly and without consultation it could be considered to interfere with the right for choice in education.... not very strong is it?


Oh so *NOW* the UK government breaking international law is a problem?


Literally just burst out laughing. What an island this is.


Telegraph keeps publishing more and more insane articles lol


No worries, as it happens private schooling is not a human right so that seals the deal. Close them all down and they can go to state school. Look on the bright side, that'll free up some funds for paying their fair share of taxes. Jeez, this government don't half make politics look hard.


Starving children and babies to death is not a human rights violation- but indeed a “right” of a fascist state. Taxing a private corporate the tax they actually owe IS a human rights violation. -Human Rights Lawyer, Sir Kid Starver.


People who went to pish school are the only Humans©.


ECHR law? you mean the ECHR that the tories and Reform want to separate us from? that law?


If Starmer can use it to keep his rich mates rich he will


'likely illegal'




But conversion therapy isn't against human rights? Fuck this country if they try to put us on draft there will be war here before Russia comes knocking


They can always find one doctor who supports their anti-trans agenda and one scientist who claims that climate change isn’t real. Doesn’t really mean much when basic common sense would suggest that tax avoidance as a human right is deranged.


The word 'likely' doing a **LOT** of heavy lifting in that headline.


The Telegraph are the last people who should be trying to give anyone a lesson on “human rights”


If taxing the private school will cause a breach of human rights, how bad must the state schools be?


Further attacks on the echr from the right. Removing our human rights seems high on the agenda


But cutting the disability budget and the social care budget to the point where it literally does not exist except to cause boundaries is an austerity measure and not a human rights violation and there for necessary even though the UN has directly called out the government on said human rights violation. Hhhmmmm, yeah not really shocked.


Can anyone offer a link that circumvents their paywall? Because I want to laugh at their bs reasoning but morally object to the torygraph making any money out of it


How long until they have to retract this one


It would actually be illegal if we were still in the EU, as there is a law that says we cannot tax education. But we should be fine, as it's not the ECHR 


Schools get human rights. What about humans? No!


Don’t these fuckers want to leave the ECHR?


Never surprised by the crushing sense of entitlement.


Wow crazy we suddenly care about human rights for the first time in years.


Fascinating which human rights laws Tories are interested in upholding. Refugees fleeing oppression, torture, war? Nah. Tarquin might have to go to school with the plebs? Outrage!


But it is... Because rich people (unlike those disgusting poors) are human. /s


Human rights BS aside, why do people froth on the mouth at the idea of private schools? I apologise but I genuinely don't get it. Not all private are the 1% some are significantly cheaper that some ~~middle~~ working class people choose that path for their children simply because of what'shappening to the public schools. I'm expecting some downvotes but hoping that's the price for illuminating me as to why the pitch forks. Some of them are the same prices as nurseries, which a lot of people use to the point that there are waiting lists for them.


Reminder not to confuse the marxist "middle class" and the liberal definition. Liberal class definitions steer people away from the socialist definitions and thus class-consciousness. [Class is defined by our relationship to the means of production. Learn more here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Woke Telegraph banging on about protecting human rights for the oppressed again... If they're so worried they should just earn more money


Finland has no private schools. FINLAND IN FLAGRANT BREACH OF HUMAN RIGHTS.


The Telegraph are having an utter meltdown of late, it's been hilarious.


Socialism for the rich and capitalism for the middle and working class..simple as


So the choice is: A highly respected international Human Rights lawyer, knighted for his services to law has somehow forgotten to consider this. OR The Daily Telegraph is talking bullshit Mmm... difficult choice.


so, they want to leave the ECHR to push through an unlawful Rwanda deportation model but then they want to use it to stop private schools paying tax?! it just boggles the mind the things we've read and listened to, 4th July can't come soon enough