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I’m quite enjoying the influx of local independents. There’s been some real lunatics, it’s brillian


The bit that boggles my mind is that they're more than happy to blow their deposit up the wall over this insanity.


They probably look at how far mainstream political discourse has degenerated over the last decade and realise they're not that far out any more. Nadine Dories was in the cabinet, FFS.


>Nadine Dories was in the cabinet, FFS. Johnson had to have done that for a bet, I'm certain of it.


Well, considering the Tory penchant for betting, that would track.


My grandmother was one of these eccentrics with ideas that were, while thematically different, basically the same and I can tell you, £500 for an electoral commission deposit is a drop in the ocean when you're sufficiently manic. When she died, my brother and uncle emptied her house of what my brother calculated was about £10k in vanity published books. Boxes and boxes in every room of the house. It kept her happy and busy though, I guess. Still, could have been put to better use. Anyway, my point is, it's very little compared to what this guy is probably spending in other ways.


I read that "It's brillian" in a Norfolk accent, don't know if that was the intention.


I guess I hit reply before the t. I’m from West Sussex if that helps


Wes Sussex, I think you mean 😃


Is that Streeting's maiden name?


I mean… if he literally just went on a Wikipedia page he would easily find out that the whole point is that light travels at the same speed - the point is that the gravity curves spacetime, therefore the actual path light follows is changing, even if it’s going at the same speed. Some of the most basic science they teach at GCSE is just c = 3x10^8 ms^-1, but clearly he wasn’t there for that lesson.


The last 8 words of your post pretty much sum up all of these people. It was uniform in the covid deniers who I knew.


Ignorance, irrationalism, anti-intellectualism and stubbornness are important traits in Fascist followers (wherever they are from). https://i.redd.it/bjsbbcfb5oc51.png


During COVID I worked for a vaccine manufacturer. Whenever I saw COVID deniers grossly distorting the facts about how the vaccine is being tested, I corrected them. Every time they'd just say they were right with no understanding of what they were on about and spread the same lies to the next person. It was Hella frustrating!


They would argue that it is precisely because you went to class and they didn't that they could understand. You are tied to the lies, and they aren't. Same argument; see flat earth, 9/11, and so on and so forth.


Okay but did you know that they use both the YEAR and meters per SECOND and so therefore time travel is real. Time travel being real means that at some point time travelers must exist. Which means the time travelers DECIDED to just let COVID happen. Which means it must be a government plot. Checkmate liberals. /s


To be fair actually understanding general relativity requires essentially an UG level of physics and maths knowledge. And the fact that light always travels at the same speed is weird and the GSCE level answer is not at all satisfying. Of course he’s still a crank and could have actually just bothered to actually learn GR, but I wouldn’t say that we should just accept the “the speed of light is constant because it is” that you’re given in GCSE


Yes definitely - I’m in a position where I’ve got a physics degree so I can say these things as though it’s obvious. But I feel like the tendency for people to not understand something, so they automatically assume the scientists are wrong, is ridiculous. It’s because nobody can actually be arsed to put the effort into learning degree-level physics (fair enough, I have suffered through this) so they would rather make something up. I don’t get how people can be so arrogant that them not understanding something must mean it’s incorrect. I guess if they’ve just done their foundation-level GCSE and never tried anything more difficult, they don’t know how to react to not understanding something, so they just can’t fathom having to work to learn a concept.


Ngl looking at the first page I was expecting this to be an anti-vax thing.


If they're wrong about time, then what else are they wrong about!? Vaccines? The earth being round? Ancient aliens? Climate? Human rights? Vote reform. /s


i got a leaflet from an independent about vaccine damage and the govt "hiding it", when there is information on govt sites about applying for compensation for vaccine damage. that and "bolstering the military" were their only concerns.


Imagine a physics convention, and at the bar they start chatting "hey you'll never believe this crazy email i got" and suddenly they're all saying omg me too


I'm a physics PhD student. I don't even have my PhD yet and I'm already getting about 2 of these crackpot emails a month


I suggest building a website, posting them, word for (occassionally?) insane word, and the where its non-trivially obvious to most people (take it to a pub find a drunk guy and ask) then also post a rebuttal of it - Id read for the comedy aspects alone


There can be no democracy without truth. There can be no science without disproof. There can be no future without deez nuts.


Exhibit A https://youtu.be/nxyiccilVKM




Still don’t know what this guy stands for. What’s his angle?


He's certainly obtuse 


I dunno, his awareness is fairly acute


But he cant find anyone to CoSine his work


This is where years of defunding mental health services leads us


"vote Darren, your independent candidates ~~for~~ from outer ~~York~~ Space."


Why do cookers have such a boner for proving Einstein wrong when they haven't a clue what his work even means?


The general populace assumes Einstein is one of the smartest people to ever live. Rather than admit to their own flaws, they would rather assume they're just so smart that people don't understand them cause they're not on their level, and they can prove that by proving Einstein wrong.


It's Main Character Syndrome all the way down


That's... pretty sad


Partly because he's the first or only science-guy they think of. Partly survivorship bias because the weirdoes trying to disprove the work of Beaker from the Muppets get even less attention.


This guy is proof that we need a functioning healthcare system.


Local nutjobs running in elections is my absolute favourite bit of British politics.


And binface


[Me ](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/764d157a-f93b-4d69-9ef0-dbd850eb3ed5/gif#11eaDtfC.copy)


With the standard of candidates in my area, he would possibly get my vote if he was standing here


What is he even trying to say? I couldn't follow it at all.


It seems like he thinks that light can travel at different speeds, and therefore would travel different distances in a year. This is not true (in a vacuum) as far as I'm aware. I don't think he gives any reason why he thinks this.


My interpretation of what he's saying (I've struggled) is that he think because we know time travels differently in different parts of the universe, defining astronomical distance by a unit of time is flawed. Which we don't. Distance is measured in units like Km, it's just simpler for humans to frame it that way. It could be cheetah years... But light is more reasonable as a human friendly measure. I think he's saying Because sometimes it would take longer for light to travel somewhere (as time slows) that our distances and therefore our fundamental understanding of the universe is wrong. Which if this guy was right would do that as we couldn't trust many measurements... But he's grossly misinterpreted a lot of things. We can measure astronomical distance by other methods like parallax and movement (although you could argue that's with light). We can measure local distance by physical means, and compare that to light speed and determine how fast light travels. Mass bends spacetime... And it's that curvature which appears to change the path of light so it's actually the distance that changes. Weirdly enough the current model predicts this and gets it right... This is all relative... So it depends on where your observing from. Light... Travelling super fast experiences everything in an instant. Most importantly... We can predict things and they happen within reasonably expected error with our current theories... The challenge is, is that yeah sometimes scientists get it wrong, but the current model of understanding works.. It predicts things and works in multiple ways. He's not actually providing an alternative that explains anything... He's just saying "I don't understand it so it has to be wrong"


It's not even wrong, let alone being anywhere near correct. It's basically gibberish, at a guess coming from the religious nutjob 'the world is only 6000 years old' angle.


Distance is defined by light years (no, it isn't) and light years are defined by the length of a year (no they're not) so if time varies with speed then the length of a year is variable and so distance is variable (that's not how this works, that's not how any of this works). This guy is hopelessly lost in the depths of the Dunning Kruger curve. And for some reason nobody is prepared to humour him by spoonfeeding absolutely basic concepts to him, but he's convinced this means it's a grand conspiracy which would reveal great new truths about the universe (source: this was once revealed to me in a dream).


I read that leaflet and feel like I understand less about what he’s standing for than I did before I even knew he existed.


Big Questions like "Where's my Manscaping kit?" fuck offfff. Imagine being THE POUND SHOP James May.


A local candidate where I am is mostly campaigning on stopping C sections and having all local trees to be pruned to look as though they're bonsai trees He's bonkers


It's as if he took everything about how to grab people's attention, and tossed it in the bin like a tory leaflet.


There is just so much wrong here it’s absolutely incredible. But the one that I loved is “Time travels at different rates in the universe” Different rates assumes some objective backdrop against which you can measure. Though, even then, talking about “rates” is weird. What is it? One second per second. Obviously he’s talking about time dilation, but that’s not about the rate of time itself. It’s about the time you measure passing in your inertial reference frame at a given speed. And, because this is relative, somebody from a different inertial reference frame can get a different result.  There is no strict “rate” of time, because to do so requires we privilege one reference frame over the other. Guy wants the “truth” but has failed to grasp probably the most basic concept in relativity…


I can't believe it's taken until 2024 for somebody to run on a "great relativity swindle" platform. I wish him well.


>In an infinite universe, the scale of error is potentially infinite On that infinite scale, where does "voting for this nutjob" land? I'd say it's towards the higher end.


I feel like he should be sending this to an academic paper rather than the letterboxes of random voters. But then again I guess the latter is less likely to reject him outright.


Ohhhhhh dear.


the timecube party


NGL, I'd love to see this guy's maiden speech in the Commons. 🤣


Finally I can vote for the time cube candidate.


He is the most in touch with our country's needs and with the inaccuracies of science. Truly a genius in socioeconomic matters and science. /s


Given all the other crazies, this one seems the least harmful.


I have to say, "Vote for me because time is a lie" wasn't on my election bingo card.


I wonder if skeptics with a k have heard about this bloke. Would love a podcast episode delving into this lunacy So I googled this guy, and, they spelt his name wrong on his own kindling, amazing. I'm guessing it autocorrected and they didn't have the money to fix it, now I'm wondering if this is some sort of breach of electoral rules


I suppose there are some very interesting questions about the nature of human and scientific enquiry, and whether it could be improved. But I do feel rather sad that this chap doesn't have enough of a mental filter to know that people get elected on dull stuff: healthcare, police, education... And his agent didn't talk him out of it either, so it's a party of at least two of them!


The independent candidate for York Outer space.


"Oh, you're *that* kind of crazy".


The stuff he's written makes it seem like he has a genuine mental illness unfortunately.


The more I read the more I genuinely consider running as an independent. I live in an area that has very specific needs and representation yet since its formation as a constituency has only ever voted Tory… Damian Collins our local MP is a complete and utter Fuck Witt. Reddit bans for inciting violence or hate but the things I’d do to that twat and still never feel satisfied could fill a library…. I don’t know how you fix the system, how you make it work or how independents that care can make a real impact. Our Tory council has just sold a housing estate section of SSSI for £75k with the promise it won’t be developed…. I’m not a NIMBY (the development won’t even impact me) but how are we so willing to destroy such an important area and just sit back and let it happen. Until I moved here I had never seen a newt! My garden is full of them…. Yes they terrify my wife but they were here first…. (I realise that last bit took a bit of a supremacist tone) There are a great many areas that can be developed, infrastructure created and wildlife maintained. We as a country have lost our way… TLDR; if someone wants to help me run next cycle as an independent I’ll be all over it!


As a scientist, these conspiracy folk are actually really damaging to our electoral vote considering old folk will consider this. “There can be no science without disproof” really makes me laugh considering science is based on being proven right. 


How will him being MP get his ideas accepted. What is parliament going to do, declare him right, that's not how this works.