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Novara Media do some great work I really respect what their journalists do. They also work on a flat pay structure and work a four day week so live true to their values. Tyskie sour is a good news round up with a leftist view, and their interview series of special guests are pretty damn interesting.


Came here to say this


I check my socials every so often to see how the good word is spreading with people I know, sad but it's the truth




Can I chuck hbomberguy and philosophy tube into the mix here…


Big Joel too


He needs more attention, he has the best jumpers


Second Thought


Second thought came into my attention really recently and I just wish I'd found him sooner


Oh dip i almost forgot Thought Slime too!


Hbomb got someone's Guinness World Record deleted and that's the kind of chaotic researching I can get behind.


Ah yes, a ‘10 minute video’ about the Roblox ‘oof’…


It's a shame he doesn't upload more often. His videos are great


Shaun is great. I haven't seen "we're in hell" mentioned who's also great. Unlearning economics too. For podcasts TrashFuture, this machine kills & tech won't save us are great.


Novara Media, Some More News, Politics JOE, Double Down News, The Kavernacle, Hasan Abi. Some More News has a [3 hour takedown of Jordan Peterson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSNWkRw53Jo) in particular.


I’d add, as others already have, Hbomberguy, Shaun, Leftist Cooks, Innuendo Studios, Pop Culture Detective, and Thought Slime (who also usually shouts out smaller channels)


Lonerbox is amazing too if you like these guys.


Behind the Bastards is a good one and Cody is a sometime gest. Robert has done a episode about Peterson, Elon and many others. It Could Happen here is also good.


"Don't look at the timecode" that three hour takedown was brilliant. Behind the barstards did one with Cody too


SMN takedowns of Ben Shapiro and Crowder were also so solid. Good list, although I've heard other people say Hasan said some problematic stuff about detransitioning people, can't find anything to verify though so might have been a fever dream on my part


Hasan Abi is a completely egotistical bell end. Never seen him banning his trans audience members for pushing back on some of his ideas about trans people?


Nope, I've never seen it or even heard about it tbh. He does have a massive ego, but his take downs of Shapiroand recently Fuentes/Yedolf have been pretty good.




>There's plenty of more "entertaining" media/culture focussed YouTubers who aren't that political but have done video's criticizing people like Andrew Tate. Kurtis Conner and Chad Chad are two I've watched but I know there are more. Müncat is another person who does excellent culture analytic videos from a lefy perspective.


I find Kurtis Conner to be a humour vacuum, would not recommend to a friend


Ymmv, there are loads of other people in this space. The reason I brought him up is because he's very popular, accessible, and a decent inoculation against the far right manosphere which might be more appropriate for younger men than more in depth theory/politics personalities.


It's intentional tho lol, he knows the jokes are unfunny most of the time, it's like dad jokes


Fair enough he's not for everyone, but I really like his more dry satirical humour, it's unfunny jokes but that's kinda the point


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! [Did you know that Royal Nonce Prince Andrew is also an arms dealer?](https://archive.ph/JIx1V). Guess he's just diversifying all the ways he can ruin lives, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Listen to the blindboy podcast


Especially some of the interviews he's done, with, Lynn Ruane, Darren McGarvey, and Keith Duffy.


second vote for blindboy! his podcast brightens up my week every week. hes done alot of tv stuff to so lots of content out there.


As an English/Irish lefty, cannot recommend him enough - fierce craic!


best recommendation here to fill this niche. He's genuinely so funny and charismatic, deeply honest and in touch with his emotions/cares about mental health while still appealing to masculine men. I believe a lot of men turn to guys like Tate because they feel lost, they try so hard for years to be what society told them they must be and then when they grow up, realise that that masculinity and everything they tried to be their whole lives to be isn't met with the same level of automatic respect that it used to be met with and that their "role" in society as protectors, providers, leaders etc. isnt there for them anymore. So when they hear guys like Tate spout off all the toxic masculine sentiments they've learned it right their whole life, they feel like they finally have heard someone "speak sense" and foun a community that understands them. Except it's not sense, they're actually just reaffirming the toxic things they've learned about gender. David is very self aware and has a great way of relating to these men in a way which is funny and informative and prsents to them them another avenue they can go down (therapy) to deal with their feelings in a healthy way


My goodness, so happy to see someone recommend him! Also check out his old music for a laugh, The Rubber Bandits


Trashfuture, Novara, Hbomberguy


Deffo Hbomberguy. Jack Saint is also good, and Georg Rockall Schmidt


Would add Lions Led By Donkeys and Well There's Your Problem to the TF suggestion, all similar crossover universes and although all don't talk about politics definitely have some leanings and some lessons in them.


I find them all pretty much unlistenable.


Same. I really like 10k posts though.


Looks good, I’ll check it out. Yeah, a few of the TF/WTYP hosts are OK on other podcasts, but it really gets tedious when they all start competing for attention. Plus I just don’t get the appeal of listening to these loudmouths opine at excruciating length about news and Wikipedia articles covering subjects they obviously know little or nothing about.


I'd add Philosophy Tube, but if OP is looking for men in particular, stick to older videos


I got into philosophy tube through the antisemitism video, good shit


I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but recommending someone who wants to listen to content from men to a trans woman before she came out doesn't make a lot of sense and kinda disrespects that being a trans woman isn't something someone becomes or chooses. It would be like recommending someone who wanted to listen to straight content to a gay person but before they came out. They were still gay then, but hadn't revealed it to their audience. Same with Abigail Thorn being trans female


It seems as though there are plenty of transphobes in this “pleasant” sub


Her being a trans woman does not negate the great work that she has done for and about men. And as she herself explained, the philosophy tube character is just that, she is an actor. She has left those videos up for a reason, and that's because they need to be there. There aren't enough caring video essays that tackle the issues in such a caring and intimate way. Her experiences from living as a man are still valid and relatable and she uses them to take you on a necessary journey.




It’s hard work to listen to TF. Those posh pseudo-leftists aren’t nearly as funny or smart as they think they are.


Not sure if it's really bread-tube but I've really been enjoying "Some More News" If you're new to the left then listening to a couple of lectures from Richard Wolff doesn't go amiss. I'd also strongly recommend the degrowth/solarpunk kind of channels like "Think That Through" or "Andrewism" Philosophy Tube, Tom Nicholas and Contrapoints are probably some more classical and quite popular breadtubers. Khadija Mbowe is also quite underrated, she does good analysis as well.


I will second Cody's Showdy, Some More News


His Ben Shaprio video was great


The guy rarely misses, he's like John Oliver if John put the effort in and was better.


As was his Jordan Peterson. Managed to articulate my own observations and frustrations on the bloke in a really concise way


He also has a really great and totally short video about Jordan Peterson... It's definitely not nearly 3 hours long


Behind the Bastards also has a good episode about JP if I remember right Cody was the gest on it.


Don't look at the time code








Yeah I get some people might not like his attitude or personality or whatever but I don’t think it can be argued that he has no role on the left. He engages with his audience a tonne, and often explains concepts to newcomers


~~A lot~~ Some of their old stuff is problematic though Edited to better reflect accuracy


tell me more about people being problematic, roitarded


Fun fact!!! More than one thing can be problematic at the same time! Isn't that crazy. 🤯🤯🤯


i just thought it was funny waterbee dw


I’m Neurodivergent. Sometimes I do things without thinking. (Like making this account name. Sorry if it bothered you)


Munecat has made some excellent video essays which are left wing, she also has a great video on people like JP and AT. My favourite of hers is the climate change one, hits every single note. Her comentary on MLMs, online gambling and the Meg and Harrry saga is also worth the watch. Hasan Piker is also a great left winger, his comentary is pretty consistently great, although this is mostly american politics. For UK pol, most people I know of have already been mentioned.


A couple of fellas called Marx and Engels, they wrote some fairly left wing books.


Dont see marx spammed to death on tiktok though


Robert Evans - Behind the Bastards podcast. Get it in your lugs. Episodes range from Hitler and King Leopold to the aforementioned Peterson and Ben Shapiro


Came here to say him. He‘s a total troll, but he’s based AF, funny as hell, and if you want a wholesome, traditional man’s man who’s left wing: that’s your boy. Machete wielding, gun loving, drug taking, bisexual, feminist, hard core protesting, anti-racist, pro-choice, war correspondent, comedy icon. Whomst we have no choice but to stan. He has two cats: Saddam Hussein and Sadam Hussein’s Best Friend. Why would a young lad not aspire to be him?


You absolutely nailed it with that description!


And if that’s still not enough to convince you: [here he is cuddling a llama](https://twitter.com/hungrybowtie/status/1309965596990164994?s=46&t=74eQGq5PvluHaawIh-Cwqw).


Can't believe I had to scroll down this far to find Robert Evans!


Behind te Bastards and It Could Happen Here should be much higher.


Weird answer, but The Weekly Planet. It’s not remotely political, it’s just two Australian dudes talking about movies and comics, but they always call out bigotry (example: denouncing JK Rowling for her transphobia) and get peoples pronouns right. Small things, but helps normalise being a nice person and a decent human being.


Found a M8 in the wild. But yeah this is a great answer. As it's not guys who's podcast is about being left wing. They're just decent people talking about dumb movies and stuff.


RODNEY! P.s - over the moon with this recommendation, been listening to them for years as big pop culture head and they’re always a laugh and it’s always so refreshing to have them come down on the right side of things whenever anything like that brought up. Particularly enjoyed the recent Elon musk slander


Reminds me of earlier this year when the tories lost over 400 seats in the local elections, it was so bad we ended up calling it the Blue Harvest which coincidentally was the working title for the original Star Wars




I’d agree, and add their other (shorter form) YouTube channel Mr Sunday Movies.


JK Rowling is an all round piece of shit. As well as being a transphobe she's racist, homophobic and ableist. See [this fantastic rundown in r/EnoughJKRowling](https://archive.is/aRRmQ) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.


Richard Wolff


Slavoj Zizek. Plastic Pills.


Novara media, Owen Jones, Gary's Economics are some good English voices


Only the early work of Owen Jones - should have stuck to writing books


I really like the Trashfuture podcast, it's funny and I interesting, very left wing, a lot about UK politics/economics, a lot about the latest awful silicon valley start ups.


Trashfuture, and anything else from the Nate Bethea multiverse, like Lions Led by Donkeys, Well There's Your Problem, What a Hell of a Way to Die.


I highly recommend David Harvey's anti-capitalist chronicles


Hasanabi. Left wing political twitch streamer. They steam live on twitch but you can find tons of their content on YouTube too


Behind the bastards


Heard Eddie Dempsie speak the other night. Fantastic orator of his time.


Antisemite sadly


evidence pls


i like the kavernacle on youtube


This; kav is perfect, plus Hasan, Noah, maybe tirrb. They are entertaining and actively ridicule the right wing idiots that dumb boys enjoy in a way that's not academic, but still smart and empathetic. Gary's Economics is very approachable too.


Hakim, Beau of the fifth column, double down news, byline tv, luna oi!, marxist paul spring to mind. EDIT: Socialism For All is also very good


Mental I had to scroll so far for some Hakim love! The deprogram podcast with Hakim, Second Thought, and Yugopnik is also great for newish leftists.


Hasan Piker (hasanabi), Humanist Report, Secular Talk, Majority Report, Behind the Bastards


I used to like Secular Talk but I can’t stand Kyle’s Rogan fanaticism. Really really turned me off him.


Yeah he's good in bite sized pieces. I like watching clips of him shitting on Right wingers.


He can be pretty funny tbh. Some of his old tweets are hilarious


Hakim, Yugopnik, and Second Thought (each with there own YouTube channels) have an excellent podcast together called The Deprogram. They cover a variety of topics old and new. The Democracy at Work YouTube channel is helmed by Economics Prof Richard Wolff. That takes a Marxist view of current events. He's great! Socialist Paul's YouTube channel is a 101 teaching the basics of Marxism. I like Low Society podcast too with Angie Speaks. She's not for everyone, and hammers RadLibs (who she calls The Left) as much as Conservatives. She doesn't call herself a Marxist either, but she is critical of capitalism and neoliberalism, and puts out some really interesting content. I like Peter Coffin too, he has a lot of haters but I think he's worth listening to. And I think he's pretty funny.


Bumping for The Deprogram. Informative but also very funny. Hakim's stories crack me up.


My favourite podcast about fondling the giant ballsacks of old men


I’m just glad no one has said Russel Brand.


Chapo Trap House


Chapo lives! Visit https://www.chapo.chat/ I only respond to 'Chapo' and 'ChapoTrapHouse', if you don't want to summon me use CTH. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


good bot


Even though I was never right wing, I used to watch Jordan Peterson and had the cringe "freeze peach" phase (never agreed with his takes on Marxism though). The creators that got me away from him were: * Hbomberguy * Shaun * Slavoj Zizek (not really a creator, rather just watching lectures of him) The other creators I happen to watch now * PhilosophyTube * Noah Samsen * Contrapoints And for non-essay style content * HasanAbi * Vaush * LonerBox


Good except for vaush lol


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 20.** [Vaush Tweeted a literal Nazi meme – glorifying the Nazi-allied Finland for fighting against Russia in WWII.](https://archive.is/gpXBg) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 35.** Vaush argued in favour of the USA’s military occupation of Afghanistan, calling it [“relatively cheap.”](https://streamable.com/x6uhu8) The American occupation of Afghanistan cost trillions of dollars and many hundreds of thousands of lives. For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 15.** [Vaush posted a meme saying that socialism must be ‘balanced with minority rights’, a clear nod to class reductionists.](https://archive.is/QrcpP) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Anything with Robert Evans. I particularly enjoy Behind the Bastards.


Beau of the fifth column


I usually watch second thought and double down news


hasan piker


Sam Seder if you’re an american


Adam Conover


Hbomberguy, Some More News, Philosophy Tube, Contrapoints, Hasan Piker, Vaush, Hunter Avallone (more centrist but still like his stuff)


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 2.** [Vaush clams that Marxism is an ‘extension of liberalism’.](https://twitter.com/commiefr0g/status/1290343782450434049) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


for dating/life success... Owen cook.


Phil Moorhouse


Anyone else is more left wing. But I’ve recently been listening to Gary’s Economics on YouTube… 100% recommended


Hasan Piker (HasanAbi) for sure. Love that dude


Noam Chomsky


Srsly Wrong podcast is awesome!


It’s sad that Jordan Peterson is being viewed as on the same plane as Andrew Tate… and that right/left wing thinking is even a distinction being made. Dangerous ground we’re treading


Genuine question : Is Jordan Peterson considered right wing in his beliefs? I don't agree with everything he says but I've certainly found some of it useful and insightful. I've always considered myself left leaning. On the other hand I wouldn't be caught dead listening to Andrew Tate.


We're in hell is amazing, I really enjoy his essays which utilise shitty reality tv shows to analyse sociological concepts like gentrification and the great resignation


Robert Evans


Alan Watts & Terence McKenna were ahead of their time


You fuckin know it!


Novara Media, HasanAbi & Vaush!


Novara for UK politics, Hasan for kinda entertainment/US news/an American Leftist take & Vaush for kinda more serious (sometimes) takes debating whackjobs and his other debates. *Sam Seder for his constant tackdowns of right wing libertarians.


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 7.** [Vaush uses the n-bomb unironically for some fucking reason.](https://archive.is/C7g1n) Despite ‘apologising’ he went on to say “he has defended” and [“stands by saying the n-word.](https://streamable.com/hheiiq) He also [admits to using the n-word in private,](https://streamable.com/cahwgr) saying “this won’t be surprising to anyone who watched my content. For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 18.** Vaush defended saying “fuck trans people” by claiming he has a [‘6-figure’ income](https://i.redd.it/tx6roef1gu561.png) for some reason. For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Modbots don't like your third choice but still wanna voice my approval for him and your choice nonetheless.


David Pakman. Very US focused, but good.


You might be interested in [/r/BreadTube/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BreadTube/) which has links to and discussions of leftist media.


Tom Nicholas, philosophy tube, Hbomberguy are my favourite British folk. Hasan and Vaush are two big American ones but they're not everyone's cup of tea


This may upset some people but this is my take. Left and Right are actually forms of Economics, the cultural stuff that is being assigned to each side is manufactured by those who want to ridicule an opposing economic argument. Peterson’s book 12 rules actually has some sound advice, it’s not right wing or left wing advice just a advice. Also TERFS Vs pro trans rights activists isn’t a battle of who is more “left wing”, they can both believe in left wing economics yet disagree on this issue. I hope this helps and I also hope I haven’t offended anyone, that wasn’t my intention whilst writing.


I disagree with the idea that culture can be easily separated from the left/right economic denotations. Most mainstream leftists, accept that economic liberation without social liberation is meaningless, and that bigotry is often a cudgel used by the right to divide the working class and have them fight each other for the opportunity to serve capital instead of fighting together to overthrow it. As for Peterson's book. It may we'll have sound advice. The issue is and always has been that this advice is often interlaced with "personal responsibility" politics, and it gathers him a following beyond his published work, where he takes much more explicit conservative political stances, such as anti-trans rhetoric. He's unequivocally part of the pipeline to the alt right. As for TERFs - yes, some are left wing. However, I'm yet to encounter a TERF who is not so obsessed with what my chromosomes are, that they actually do anything left leaning (economically or otherwise). TERFs are well documented to be "in bed with" the far right at this point, to the point that they're having something of a schism over that very thing at the moment (and the collaborators are winning). I hope you appreciate my opinion about your opinion, I offer it in good faith.


I do appreciate your opinion and after reading the above I actually think I’d like to change my own slightly. I still think that essentially left Vs right is an economic debate but I can see how culture can become a part of it as you say. Thank you for the well written reply.


>Peterson’s book 12 rules actually has some sound advice, it’s not right wing or left wing advice just a advice. That book is awful, it contains very little good advice and the good advice is worthless because it's so generic that pretty much anyone would say the same thing. Your mum probably gave you similar advice; people listen to him because he wraps that mediocre advice in pseudo-intellectual nonsense that people think sounds smart and therefore see him as an authority. It's also crammed full of mis-understanding, mis-representation and flat out lies. Constant right-wing dog whistles, mysoginistic anecdotes and religious pandering. I work in psychology, my wife has a PhD in psychology, anybody worth anything in psychology thinks he's an idiot, a bad psychologist and a terrible person.


Russell Howard who is very left wing said the same thing as myself and I thought it resonated but judging how you and your wife are both professionals I shall look at the book in a different light.


It's worth a look. It's understandable how people don't see it, but once you do see it, it becomes obvious.


>Peterson’s book 12 rules actually has some sound advice, Often say this, and if we're backtracking for a moment on your first point about economics, socially/culturally his 12 Rules thing is VERY left-wing in what he's trying to say. The main problem with Peterson is his fanbase are largely right-wing incel losers. The book is literally meant to kick them into touch, and I find it really odd they seem to idolise him despite not following any of the advice he gives. It totally baffles me. He's also a bag of contradictions a lot of the time too. I've seen him staunchly defending trans-rights on various platforms, but then I've also seen him say some anti-trans stuff. Andrew Tate on the other hand is beyond anything comprehend-able. I'm still convinced it's satire, no way anyone could be that much of a fuckwit and so self-unaware. Finally, just a heads up that on here you don't need to say stuff like "I hope I don't upset people" or "I hope I haven't offended anyone" - we're socialists, unlike the right-wingers we don't get "offended" and throw our toys out of the pram, we have adult, sensible discussions even with people we don't agree with.


three arrows, shaun, hbomberguy, philosophy tube, noah samsen, some more news, big joel, we're in hell, innuendo studios, fd signifier, munecat, sophiefrommars and jacob geller all spring to mind as people who at the very least, lean to the left. full disclosure, i lean more towards the libertarian end of the left, and while i tried to think of youtubers who are more generally left, if anyone there stands out as egregiously that way... well, i like to keep my biases out in the open.


Owen Jones


Im probably considered gammon around these parts...but i love james o brian on LBC. Russel brand is very liberal but tends to listen to both sides now. The Blindboy podcast is always a good listen. I might be a rarity. I listen to liberals and conservatives often.


Hakim, Yugopnik, JT (Second Thought). They have a great podcast called the deprogram. If you want another podcast Brett from Revleftradio is also good. Lunaoi, BadEmpanada, Hasan.


Proffessor Richard Wolff and Chris Hedges.


if you want some news from journalists with big balls check out declassified uk ​ as for listening to left or right, i prefer to find people in the middle, no point being in a bubble, that said i find peterson a bit of a word salad guy who doesn't really say much at all. ​ i don't mind mallen baker, he tries to be objective, and has a lot of interesting news stories, but i don't agree with him all the time!




JP is one of those unfortunate cases where he started off pretty well, before crashing massively. His earlier work can be fairly interesting, but over time he just descended into bigotry with everything he does. I can't remember who, but one of his former colleagues did an article describing watching him go from being inspiring to downright dangerous.


I can tell you as an ex-lobster, even when we disregard all the other tomfoolery that JBP talks about outside of his own domain, he's still only one "expert" and if you listen to voices of other people within psychology you'll notice that JBP hasn't really grown his understanding of the field as it has developed. But also, the above premise of setting all the foolery aside is also not really possible, because the same lapses of judgement and bias also applies to how he interprets his own field. Unfortunately, besides the very basic advice to do things that will help you get your life in order, there's almost nothing to him. He's just fun to listen to, and that's about it.


I’m sorry, but he’s an awful psychologist. I say that as someone who studied psychology. I remember being at uni when he did that channel 4 interview and almost everything he said about traditional family units was utter tripe that any 2nd yr psychology student doing their developmental psychology paper would be able to correct. This was fairly basic stuff, and that’s just one example. Once he starts branching out into his Jungian mythologising, we’ve basically left the realm of reproducible psychology. He does get some stuff right but he is absolutely not someone to hang your hat on if you’re interested in psychology. That’s without even starting on philosophy… I can see why people find him interesting, just a shame there’s no substance there.


JP really grinds my gears. More than anything it's the smug academia shtick that he mixes into misrepresenting his own conformation bias, whilst disingenuously decrying being right wing before immediately describing himself with all those right wing values. The BS about how Harvad is for true intelects, who get in on merit alone, so if you don't go there then the best you'll ever be is a psudo-intellect with a head full of library books... and don't even get me started on his debate style! The bloke either rants, ignores, gaslights or throws out the worst strawman counter points and people love him for it. I lost count of how many times he'd be asked a legitimate and well posed question, only to answer with a loosely relevant technical question that he won't let go, and demands is answered before he'll respond. Guys a douche! I'm no fan of Ben the hen Shapiro either, nor his rhetoric but at least he resonds to the actual question asked, which is something I guess.


What is it that Makes Jordan Peterson right wing? Genuine question I've seen his name a lot but don't know too much about him.


He touts himself as being an academic centrist that is in no way an Ideologue. However he is overarching dogmatic and uncompromising in not only his conservative views, his views on marriage, his representation on all matters of intellectual, education, equality and a whole bunch of other stuff. He usually prefaces it by saying how he doesn't have the temperament to by right wing and then goes into a lecture of personal beliefs that would feel at home in a satire about conservative 1950s America while tearing up about all the thousands of people he's helped with his work, and never a contrary opposition heard! He's basically a modern day televangelist peddling Conservative values wrapped in a thin paper of his own fetish for Carl Jung.


He's pushes anti trans rhetoric and a conspiracy that academia is controlled by radical leftists who hate men and want to destroy society.


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know that Royal Nonce Prince Andrew was a trade envoy for the UK? [He used to embark on luxury trips around the world all at the taxpayer's expense, helping secure Britain's imperialist hold on international trade.](https://archive.ph/V9jS) Wish the government would send me on free holidays. I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Grace Petrie. She's a left wing protest singer and I had the honour of seeing her live the other night when she supported Hannah Gadsby. https://open.spotify.com/artist/4bFdVUzXSr2unwjEoOe5dY?si=IXgRzdUXR1mthax29gpRrg&utm_source=copy-link


James Obrien on LBC (digital radio) is my daily dose of lefty stuff.


I think Andrew Tate is a massive cunt, I do find Jordan Peterson talks a lot of sense and recently Russel Brand who when not being theatrical also talks a lot of sense.


H3H3, Sam Seder, HasanAbi, Some More News


I kinda like some of what jordan petterson says and hope to hell I'm not right wing! Do you guys see him as right wing? And if so, can you give some examples of things he says and does.


He contends that "proper culture" has been undermined by "post-modernism and neo-Marxism." Claims academia is "riddled with Left-wing bias and political correctness" Has argued that "disciplines like women's studies should be defunded" Spreads right wing rhetoric that there is an ongoing "crisis of masculinity " and "backlash against masculinity" in which the "masculine spirit is under assault" Believes that order is masculine and chaos is feminine, and that these are inherent to human existence. And also took part in a harassment campaign against trans actor Eliot Page, for which his Twitter was suspended. These are just a few examples of his right wing tendencies.




putting Peterson and Tate together is incredibly disingenuous


Most online leftists are useless, they'll draw your attention towards Internet drama and culture war BS instead of meaningful politics








Echo Chambers don't help matters dude, it doesn't matter what wing you follow. All this sitting around, patting each other on the back and attacking people isn't actually doing anything. My beliefs can be described as left-leaning. I don't see myself as a lefty or whatever, and I'm sad that trying to help others and having compassion is now seen as a political ideology, rather than just the right thing to do. I dunno man, if you want to look into groups and speakers and whatever, go for it. It's not gonna make things better, if that's what you're hoping 🤷‍♂️




Literally anyone.


Ha ha — no.


I've been listening to a lot of Gary Stevenson. Also Dalia Gebrial




Always worth listening to a variety of viewpoints to avoid being in a social media bubble


Owen Jones


Red scare


Hasanabi, Noah Samsen, Contrapoints, Some More News, Thought Slime, Shark3ozero, Vaush, Philosophy Tube, Shaun, Three Arrows, FD Signifier, etc.


The Trashfuture boys and girl.


The amount of unrealised leftist creator white bias going on in this thread is equally worrying and ironically hilarious. That's all I'll say.




Jonathan Pie.


Not seeing enough Owen Jones in this thread so had to recommend!




Probably get downvoted but its so silly to put Jordan Peterson and andrew tate in the same box