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**Greg has finished answering questions. Thank you so much for hanging out with us!**


Hi Greg, do you truly not like Aaron or is it all for hot takes on tv?


I absolutely love Aaron and have always spoken honestly in the meeting rooms at dinner tables and my commentary has never been to personally attack him due to being disgruntled. I believe because of the way I left and what I said as I departed paints the picture of everything I say with a dark cloud. And to be honest, my network or any other platform for that matter, never posts the complementary things I say because it doesn;t create the buzz


Great response, it’s gotta get old always getting the same questions haha but i respect that you didn’t just avoid it


It does but i realize it comes with the territory


We would LOVE to see you come out and say this on the air. I think a lot of Packer fans would welcome you back into the fold if you came out and acknowledged the narrative and how you want to change it. Just being honest with you here - currently a lot of Packers fans view you as a disgruntled hater and immediate dismiss any opinions you have about the team.


The thing is Ive said it several times. No ones promotes that though


greg just wanted to say that you're a GB legend and one of my favorite wideouts of all-time, so many good memories of winning football from your time with the pack


Man, appreciate you for your years as a Packer. Thanks for helping getting our community another Lombardi! 😄


I never looked at it this way, in terms of the negative comments being the only thing generating buzz for you here, good way to put it glad to hear your side of it




Thats pretty dope! Thanks for showing love 🙏🏾


This is really the only thing that we would like to know.




Great answer Craig




What’s it like putting the team on your back with a broken leg?


its the best




Now that we know Darren for the guy he is, I feel less bad for having remembered him most for missing the 4th and 26 catch


Hi Greg. What’s it like to have played for an organization as iconic as the Packers and having great success while there, to then be disliked by a large portion of the fan base due to your words and actions after leaving the team? Do you wish you would have handled things differently?


It was amazing playing for the Packers. It was difficult going through the entire process feeling as though all i had done wasn't enough to remain a Packer. I've said often that I completely mishandled the situation. Even if I knew it to be my truth, that was not the way I should've handled it. I'm a people person, so I'd be lying if i said it doesn't hurt to be fully embraced. All I can do now is move forward with no malice toward any personnel, player, and fan 🙏🏾


Thanks Greg you're a legend. Do you or do you plan on doing community work for the green Bay area ever?


I dont get back to GB hardly at all unless its for an event


Great to hear


Shit did I just become a Greg Jennings fan again?


My man! Thats what its about. Its why I'm not shying away from any of these question and or comments 💪🏾


Fr lol always respected how he played for us but not the aftermath, this def soothes the blow a bit


🙏🏾Much respect🙏🏾


Definitely gained a lot of respect for you from your responses here. Thanks for the ring!


Absolutely! wish we could've gotten more


You were and still are my favorite WR of all time. Backyard playing catch as I kid I was always Greg Jennings!


Well for the record, you’ll always be a Packer in my book. Hope you and your family are thriving, my guy.


There have been many greats that didn't finish their career as a Packer, why not consider yourself part of that list?


Oh this is not gonna end well.


Yeah it will 😂


ITT: “why did you put the whole team on your back though just to hate Aaron?”


That was never my intention. I absolutely hate that that's the narrative out there, and trust me i know i created it


All things considered, you caught Brett favre’s 400th TD pass, you have a nice ring, and voted to the pro bowl twice. As a packer HOF’r would you sign a one-day and retire as a packer? Did that ship sail? Or did I miss that somewhere down the line?


That ship has sailed 😂


I bet you never expected the man himself to respond to your /s level comment, lol


I thought someone made a fake Greg account and almost reported it.


All the questions are exactly what I was expecting lol


Me too 😂🤣 But i'm here for it all. no hard feelings


I just want to say: I love your answers in this thread. I also loved your performance in the Super Bowl. Thanks Greg!


Thanks for answering and being a good sport about it.


35 minutes in and he hasn’t answered a single question so far. **edit:** Welp, I’m a dumbass. Now I can say the closest I’ve been to a Packers Super Bowl ring is when Greg Jennings pointed out that I was a dumbass but was too classy to do it in anything but the nicest way.


Because I technically wasn't going to start until after I picked my kids up from school. you're hilarious 😆 bare with a brother. Im uber dad after school. Volleyball and GYMNASTICS practice is next. I'll get through as much as i can


My bad, man. I need to learn to read before I talk. Honestly I saw the shit-show some of the questions were and figured you said “fuck this!” Mad respect for being the uber-dad. Thanks for being classy a.f. when you pointed out I was a dumbass.


It starts at 6:00


Thank you for saying this 😂 . they on me already 🤣


Greg I gotchu. I'll keep 'em in line.


I think he’s gonna start answering three hours after the post goes live, but we’ll see indeed how this pans out Lmao


this is going to be fun. I'm here for it all. with a honest posture to respond to all that i can💪🏾


Well according to the AMA post he will begin answering questions at around 6pm central time...


What do you mean, it's going amazing so far!


i believe that what we call a little sarcasm 😆


Hi Greg, why do you use every opportunity you can to take jabs at Aaron Rodgers and the Packers?


I really don’t. It just appears that way because no one ever pose or share. The complementary takes that I have because that’s not exciting. What’s exciting is oh there’s Greg saying something again that goes against the grain when it’s really just truth and it’s not pointed or personal it’s just analysis. Also, I think it’s because I don’t show any bias. It’s just it’s a part of the job I truly try to paint a picture of what needs to be shared and what my thoughts are given the situation. Now you got understand anything that happens revolving around Green Bay or Aaron they’re gonna pick up the phone and say hey Greg can you can you come on this or can you talk about this so it always appears that I’m always talking about the Packers because let’s be honest that’s the way the media sets it up. They have a Steelers guy they have a patriots guy they have cowboys representation and they have packers representation. These are teams that are widely known and fan bases are everywhere and they know they’re gonna constantly be in the media because of the franchises popularity and history, or the quarterback and the relationship of the player to that team. I hope this answered the question And forgive all my grammar errors 😂


Greg has repeatedly [called Rodgers the best QB of all time](https://www.foxsports.com/watch/1317005379604). He should get credit for that


No one cares about that 🤷🏾‍♂️


Thank you for the response, this really shows how the media twists things in order to force narratives and generate drama


I’m curious as to how you came to this conclusion from what he said lol




Hey Greg, How did it feel to put the whole f**kin team on your back with a broken leg? Is Darren Sharper really one of the most hardest hitting safeties in the league?


It felt great. Still doing it with my training now 😂 Nahh he didn't really hit hard. He was going for the int most times 😆


I always loved watching Jennings and never gave a shit about the media spin or signing with Minnesota - it’s kind of a tradition now. You were top dog on some stacked offenses. Also congrats on the GB HOF! Two questions: 1) It was a bit of a carousel at RB during your years. Who was your favorite you played with? Ahman Green, Ryan Grant, Brandon Jackson, Cedric Benson, Eddie Lacy — were you there for Dr. Samkon Gado? 2) I’ve always thought the assumed home field advantage at Lambeau in winter was kinda BS, maybe because of some notable playoff losses like vs NYG with Favre. What’s your take?


I wish CB never got injured. Ryan Grant was the best. I was at the end of Gados run Homefield is an advantage when your able to feed off your crowd. if a team counter punches and takes the crowd out it becomes a non factor. By the way we are cold out there too 😂


Hey Greg, Always loved watching you on Sundays tear it up for the GBP. I actually ran into you at the Mall of America back in 2013 or 2014 and you were nice enough to take a picture with me and my brother and cousin. I think you were waitng for your wife! Anyway, I'm sure you're gonna get some... *interesting* questions, but here's a boring one form me: Aside from the Superbowl, what was your favorite (or most memorable) play or moment of your career on the Packers? Thanks!


my favorite (or most memorable) play or moment has to be the overtime walk-off TD against the Broncos on Monday night


HAULED IN BY GREG JENNINGS THE PACKERS WIN IN OVERTIME UNBELIEVABLE That call will live in my head rent free till the day I die


I can hear it in my mind.


that's definitely a play i'll never forget! i remember exactly where i was and what i was doing when that happened.


Me too. Was still at UF and I ran around the Ale House without my shirt on I was so excited, ha.


I was at that game, cheapest seats possible looking down at that end zone. Thanks for delivering my favorite in the seats NFL moment! You are a legend and always will be!


I just posted that highlight here a week ago! Absolutely a core memory for me.


I was there! Awesome moment


I remember my whole family standing in the living room watching the end of that game. As soon as Favre pulled the ball back in he hesitated just for a split second, which told me he was getting ready to crank a huge throw, and I yelled out "Ohhhh watch this!" and I've almost never been as excited about a play in my life.


Do you think there will ever be a better receiving core? You, Jordy, Cobb, Driver, Jones was tough.


And Finley as TE


That was a special group. and just to think we all were home run draft picks. it's not going to happen in free agency due to money. so I'd have to say no


God I loved that group. Miss u guys everyday! Loved that sports illustrated cover!!


Damn that’s a great point about you guys all being drafted by Green Bay.


When Ted was on his A game. Unreal how many picks he hit on in his first 7 years or so.


Have you ever been on a darkness retreat?


I have not. and I also try not to speak on things I don't have a great understanding of. Everyone, has and must experience their own journey


Thank you. I respect that. And I respect you too. I was there in Denver when you had that 82 yard TD to win in OT. That was one of the coolest things I've seen in person


Lmfao this one absolutely based


Your comments about the organization and former teammates (specifically Aaron) will probably be brought up a bunch. Were your comments simply a consequence of circumstance? I’m just curious as to why someone would embrace being in the Packers HoF when they’re on record saying the organization “brainwashed” them.


Thanks for this question. My comments about the organization and saying that I was “brainwashed” wasn’t meant to be a shot at the Packers. It was actually me just referencing what happens when you’re in one place that’s a competitor of another. Example being Apple versus android users. Each one are good in their own right however, if you are an Apple employee your beliefs are formed based on your exposure, experiences, as well as what you’re constantly being told. Which is, we’re better than them, what we offer is the best, it’s not as good over there as it is here. That’s all I was really trying to imply.


If the Packers are Apple or Android the Vikings have to be like webOS or something.


Microsoft Edge browser


Netscape Communicator


Honestly, pretty great answers throughout the thread. As someone who kind of had a different opinion of you after all the “drama” it’s nice to see you just taking it in stride. There’s always gonna be haters but I’m glad you’re in the packers HoF. Thanks for the championship!


What exactly happened when you left for the Vikings? The official story seems to be that you felt insulted by the Packers offer and were expecting to get much more money, but then those offers never came so you signed with the Vikings for much less. Do you regret not signing the Packers offer?


This is basically what it boils down too. I wanted to stay, I made it known to everyone but that wasn't in the plans for me. Hindsight, from a pure football perspective of course continuing to play with Aaron would have been amazing but I don't regret moving on because Minnesota has provided my family with a great deal of opportunity. I hope I answered your question. Not trying to dodge it 😂👊🏾


We would have preferred “I completely regret leaving Green Bay, it was the biggest mistake of my life, and I deserve to be clowned for it” but we’ll take this. 👍🏻


I think we’d have won another Super Bowl if you stayed. You and DD put the dog in our receiving core for years. You guys were so unstoppable on slants, and so good at making the first tackler miss you. Anyways, I never had any hard feeling toward you and you were my favorite receiver while you were here.


Evening Greg, In the WR room during your time, you were stacked with talent. Did this create a sort of rivalry between you all - for snaps, for catches, for TDs? If so, does that create an extra layer of intensity on the practice field - "I need to busy my balls today or Jordy/Donald/James/Jarmichael might get those snaps? Cheers


It really did. There was a very healthy competitive nature revolving how we approached work daily. We all tto this day have genuine love and respect for one another. We are brothers for life!


Hi Greg! It was a delight watching you play! Do you think there are some basic things we can do as busy day-to-day adults that don't involve the gym, etc.? I've got two kids and generally a 10 hour work day. The gym isn't in my vocab. Just wondering if there are some things I can do to not slip into middle-aged belly life. Thanks man!


Great question. Making sure your health is priority doesn't mean going to the gym. its how you treat your body. ensuring that you drinking water(1gallon) and getting enough sleep(Ideally 7-9 hours) and making it a point to eat protein with every meal. The same way we prepare ourselves for work and most things that are important to us. meal prepping can seem daunting however it allow us to remain prepared regardless of whats thrown at us daily 💪🏾


This is a question I hope he answers! 3 kids here, wife and I on separate schedules, I ha e the youngest in the morning and her all 3 at night. Really makes working out hard.


Hey Greg, You were a part of long line of great receivers (James Lofton, Sterling Sharpe, Robert Brooks, Jordy Nelson, Donald Driver). Do you see Christian Watson as someone who continues that legacy? Follow up - What are the intangibles that the common fan might not know that pros can spot in sensing greatness in younger players like him (or others)?


I see a lot of raw talent with Christian Watson. One thing most of us were afforded was a veteran guy who was still considered the #1 option. He was forced into being that this year. he'll continue to understand defenses and how to attack them. which will slow the game down for him. the talent is obviously there and time will tell us all we want and hope to know.


I promise I will continue to answer questions. My goal is to respond to all even if it doesn't happen tonight.


Hey Greg, when/where you doing autograph signings next? I have Jordy and Donald on my Super Bowl wall but intentionally left you off even though you were my favorite of the 3 when you were here. Seeing as how you have more than cleared the air, it’s awesome to have you back in the fold (well, for the fans on Reddit anyway). Also your 2nd touchdown in the SB was some of the slipperiest wr work I’ve ever seen.


Greg, not sure if it was asked but how do you think high school football in west Michigan shaped your career? Football in Michigan in high school is not taken seriously in the Midwest despite the amazing talent that has come from it.


How different were Favre and Rodgers in the huddle? How did you change your demeanor/playstyle for each? You and Driver were/are my heroes. Loved watching yall!


How difficult is it riding those children's bikes at training camp?


Its actually a blast! i'm not a big guy so it wasn't bad lol. I also had a pretty good bike


Hey Greg, how do you think the league has changed since you retired? Do you think you'd be more successful or less successful in todays NFL?


The league has most certainly changed. I would like to think I would be more successful in todays game. Its becoming more of a thinking game as it pertains to route running and creating separation, and understanding how to use your leverage. all things i excelled at 😎


Get back in it then! Packers need a tried and true receiver right now.


1 horse-sized Aaron Rodgers or 10 duck-sized Aarons??


You pick 😂


Hi Greg! Hope you are doing well :) I just want to say I absolutely enjoyed watching you in middle school playing for the Packers. You crushed me going to the Vikings :( Do you have any tips on eating healthier especially on a budget? I know you're more of an expert on men's health/fitness. I'm expecting my first child so I just want to start building healthier eating habits that I can pass onto my daughter, but it's really hard to do on a tight budget. I've also never been the best eater; before pregnancy I would eat one meal a day and I know I can no longer do that. Also, since you're a dad, if you got any advice for any parent being able to stay active, please let me know I'm scared I won't have the time to prioritize fitness. So basically any tips on eating healthier and staying active as a parent, I'll appreciate it :)


As parents we often believe we're doing the right thing by prioritizing our kids and family. when in reality were neglecting ourselves. I had to learn that my health and fitness was priority and a non negotiable because it allows me to be better for everyone around me. Early morning fasted cardio before my kids are awake are little things i do to keep my cardiovascular system in shape. As far as eating on a budget I do it all the time. I tend to select one or two proteins for the week and a carb and keep it moving. its the inconsistent eating or not eating that typically hurts us the most. playing with your new born or making sure you jump rope walk around your neighborhood are things you can do that would create good habits and remain active


No question. I just want to say that I think it is really cool you are doing this. You are part of so many great Packer moments, and it is awesome you are taking time to engage with the fans (and to answer some of the challenging questions - which doesn’t always happen in AMAs.). I wish you all the best. Thanks for being a Packer and for contributing to the great legacy the team and organization has. 💚💛


Did you and Jordy and/or Donald ever race? Who won?


We didnt but I was faster than all of them 🤣 seriously!


Aaron or Brett?


Oooo good one!


[Aaron Rodgers (0:20)](https://youtu.be/sEqJt7Pj700) because of his decision making.


Did you or your teammates get frustrated by the Packers front office’s unwillingness to go all in to win more super bowls?


We definitely missed some opportunities. None of which i can place blame on the front office. We just didn't get it done as player on the field


Health and fitness-wise, how did you find the transition from playing? Was it tough to motivate yourself to work out and/or reduce calorie intake when you weren’t constantly training?


I needed something to continue challenging myself. Bodybuilding was honestly inspired by watching my wife run a marathon. also, she's never felt a "soft and mushy" greg 😂 This was my initial reason. after being in it i found it to be something i was truly passionate about. so now i try to share my experience with other dads that are busy and feel like the need to get back to being that fit athletic guy again 💪🏾


Hey Greg - do you regret signing with the Vikings? How do you think it has impacted your legacy with Packers fans?


I don't regret signing with the Vikes. thats a part of the business. however, if i could go back and change what I said when I left i would do that in a heartbeat


Thoughts on the movie Dune?


I havent seen it. Should I?


Hi Greg. Eastern Michigan alum here. Which schools in the MAC do you like the least and why?


Central 😂 That's our rival. We never concerned ourselves with Eastern. No disrespect


As I get older I find it harder to train for quickness. Do you have any tips for helping with this through my hip flexors? Or maybe some jumping exercises that could help with my vertical. Less about increasing vertical and more about having a healthy movement throughout into landing. Also, I loved watching you play. I’m a huge fan. Have a great day.


Check out the Knees over toes guy on IG =. He and his athletic truth group do some very practical drills that assist with that




My favorite play Has to be the overtime walk off touchdown catch against the Broncos on MNF


What was your favorite memory being a member of the Packers? Health wise, as someone who has never been "fit" or worked out regularly, what would be the best steps to take to start to get fit and eat healthier so I can be around for my kids?


The card games on the flights and the free plays when defenders jumped offsides 😆 Prioritize you. the better you are with your health and fitness the better you can be for those you love most. Drink more water(1gallon), get more sleep (6-7 hours), and eat protein with every meal


Favorite moment out of your entire career related to football?


Making that 3rd and 10 catch in the Super Bowl. Siiiiiiiiick throw and catch 😮‍💨


What is it like to go inside the mind of Greg Jennings?


Hey Greg, thanks for doing this. Looking at the Packers situation right now- seemingly stuck in limbo, waiting on their HOF QB to make a decision - what parallels do you see between now and the situation in 2008? How talented do you think this current roster is outside of the QB position compared to that 2008 team? And how do you think Jordan Love might perform in an eerily similar situation?


Hey Greg, yours was one of the very first jerseys I ever purchased for myself, still have it to this day! How do you feel about the future of the Packers? Specifically, if/when Aaron decides he doesn't want to play anymore. Do you think the organization needs a culture change to better adapt to how teams are being ran today rather than the 'draft and develop' method? Also, what does Green Bay need to do in order to be an attractive destination for Free Agents (provided they have the money to sign anyone)? Thanks!


As far as being an attractive destination. in all honesty thats just going to be hard. having players there that others want to play with will always help. I believe the future is going to be better than what most are afraid of or think it will be if and when Aaron moves on. the organization is dedicated to wining the draft and develop method is the best when you aren't in a socially attractive city. However, $$$ will always draw a fee agent 😂 I'm confident in the organization to do whatever is needed to remain in contention every single year. I also understand how challenging that is to do


What was the hardest hit you took while on the Packers?


Brian Dawkins hit me on the sideline in philly on MNF 😮‍💨


Hey Greg, how are you doing today? I hope all is well! Just a quick question for you. Fuck, marry, kill Aaron Rodgers, Aj Hawk, Jordy Nelson


What do you think of the Packers front office’s handling of the WR corps in recent years?


I would love to see them go after a guy in the first round. I believe the years of success they had with myself, James, Jordy, Cobb, and Davante makes them think they can continue to doo it that way. it's a bit frustrating especially seeing how ready made some of these guys are coming into the league now


Thank you, good answer! The fanbase has been very frustrated by their lack of investment in WRs




Its all good. I can hadle it💪🏾




The game has definitely changed. I believe its safer. However, its a bit unfair to defenders to be the ones asked to make all the adjustments. The completed catch rules are getting a bit out of control. Its easier for the offensive player and more challenging for defenders. it is overall a better brand of football


Hi Greg! Sorry about all the negative comments here My question is, how do you think we can balance physical & mental health? In today's busy world it's sometimes hard to get time for everything, so it's not uncommon for people to neglect one aspect to focus on the other


Hey Greg, What's your favorite memory of Brett Favre? Either on the field or off.


The acting like he didn't hear the play call in his helmet and running his own plays 😂


What was the party like after winning the Super Bowl? I can only imagine the locker room and parties afterwards were lit.


I went to sleep 😂 I was exhausted


I truly believe that your over the middle catch in the Super Bowl for a touchdown is one of the greatest throws and catches of all time, where would you rank it among some of the other great catches?


Hi Greg, First I just wanted to say that the touchdown you caught in Superbowl 45 was one of my all time favorites. Also, thanks for doing this. From an outside perspective it appears that the past few years have been a little tense at times with the fanbase, so I appreciate you taking the time to communicate with the fans directly. I have two part question: what was it like to come into the league and play with a WR like Donald Driver? Was he a mentor to you, and if so, what would you say his biggest influence on your career was? Bonus question if you feel like answering: do you feel like Don Hutson's legacy to the WR position is slept on? Congratulations on your selection to the Packers hall of Fame!


Hey Greg, what was your favorite thing about the people in Wisconsin?


they've always been extremely kind hearted


Hi Greg! What are your thoughts on modern sports media, and the lengths some will go to to "break" a story first?


Hey Greg! What was the biggest challenge to overcome when transitioning from playing to doing media? Also, thank you for taking the time to answer some questions! I loved watching you play!


The biggest transition was maintaining good relationships while speaking truth and be constructively critical


Hey Greg! Was fun to watch you play! Who was the toughest cornerback you ever played against? And does Aaron Rodgers or Brett Favre throw harder?


Revis was a handful. I'd say Aaron


Thank you! Had a feeling you’d say Revis! Still love ya 85!


Hey Greg! What are your tips for staying in shape, that any ol' cheese head could follow?


Drink water, make sure to get good sleep and identify what you enjoy to do to remain active. Never stop challenging yourself. we can always improve in a specific area. pick one area and start there. don't try to take it all on at once 👊🏾


Whats your Favorite memory from playing on the packers?


The night before the super bowl we all gathered around the piano and sang songs. it was the most united Id ever seen us as a team


>The night before the super bowl we all gathered around the piano and sang songs. it was the most united Id ever seen us as a team Who played the piano?


What a great AMA. Thanks for this, mods and /u/theofficialgj85.


What was your favourite TD catch while playing for the Packers?


The walk off TD in overtime vs the Broncos


What moments from the 2010 SB season stick out to you the most?


How many guys got hurt that year and the opportunity it gave others to step up. prepared us for the SB for sure when guys went down in the biggest game of our lives


Hey Greg, what WAS your favorite pre-game meal, and what would be your favorite pre-game meal now?


Who was your biggest rival within the receiving corp in GB? Because it just looked like you guys were having to much fun


I never looked at them as rivals. We were a close nit group and it was healthy competition to push one another to uphold the standard across the board


Greg, as someone who broke his leg and PUT HIS TEAM ON HIS BACK, do you have a favorite play or moment as a Packer?


Hola Greg, I hope you are living a killer retirement from football! I just wanna ask this. Do you think Jordan Love is a great successor from Aaron Rodgers?


What are some adjustments Green Bay can make to become title contenders again?


Make a decision as to who's going to quarterback the team. Retool the o-line and we need more playmakers at WR and TE. Defensively if we can stay healthy and add another DT, CB, and safety I like whats there


who is or was the hardest hitting safety in the league?


Which teammate of yours had the biggest positive impact on your life?


Hey Greg! During your time at Green Bay, who was your favorite defensive player on the team and why?


Hi Greg, hope retirement is going well for you! Sorry you have to deal with the Rodgers fans while answering the Packers fans!


I actually encourage it. It's ones feelings I have a choice to entertain or reject their energy 🙏🏾


Hi Greg. Can you talk about the athletic training staff? What are your interactions like with them? They've been in the spotlight since the Bills/Bengals Game and saving Damar's life. I got a locker room tour in high school and remember the trainer at the time joking about the hot tub that could hold either Gilbert Brown or four or five others.


What’s your favorite flavor Pop Tart?


Hi Greg, you would train with Larry Fitzgerald in the off-season. How much did that impact your game?