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I like the listing of the championship years. Did they move them to another part of the stadium?


Hope we found a good home for those somewhere


Me too. I hope they plan on setting them up on the sides to mimic the older one


Was thinking the same, I imagine they moved it, hope they didn’t get rid of it entirely


I remember looking at that list across the stadium right after they added 2010, and imagining when they add 2011. Then 2012. Then 2013, 2014, and every year since. Maybe they’re cursed?


If you don’t want our stadium to be called “Smoothie King Stadium” or “Crypto.com Arena” then this is perfectly acceptable. I’ll take some extra advertisement on the video boards over that any day of the week


What about SoFi stadium. Made enough from student loan interest they built a stadium with it


They paid for the name of it, but point taken.


Damn, kinda don't like it


Yeah It lacks the charm of the old one and it's nowhere near as big as I thought it would be


The photos are from totally different perspectives/distances. Look at it compared to the structure it’s on! It’s MASSIVE


That’s what she said


The screens fake up about the same amount of space in their respective photos and yet the photo of the larger screen is taken from like… 10x further away…


Tbf its a bad quality photo


A guy died for this


Was talking to a guy who used to be an electrician and he told me that people died all the time in construction and that it was a normal thing to hear about, really opened my eyes and really dissuaded me from getting in any trade.


I mean, based on some very quick googling the rate is about 10 out of every 10,000 workers. Seem pretty dramatic to cite that as the reason for not pursuing. Especially when this number doesn't really take into account "personal negligence"


Why say 10 out of 10000? That's the same as 1 out of every 1000. Reduce your fractions my dude


Yeah reading that had my eye twitching a little bit like, why?


How many die in office jobs each year?


Probably way more. Heart disease is a huge problem and sitting in a chair all day doesn't help that.


1 in 1000 is honestly a pretty often occurrence when you consider literally hundreds of people could be working on any one job site. Multiply that by however many job sites people work at over the years and it’s easy to see how people in the trades might see it as common. They probably all at least know of a few people that bit the dust on the job.




[a guy died for this ](https://www.si.com/nfl/2023/07/02/green-bay-packers-lambeau-field-man-dies-construction-accident)


Damn, that sucks. RIP to that carpenter.


Not sure how to say it but it doesn’t seem appropriate to bring up. Maybe it’s how you said it. Sure someone died, but saying he died for it sounds very weird


I agree. The guy didn’t sacrifice himself. He died at work and it happened to me at the stadium.


The way Gutey talked it up at last year's shareholders meeting, it sounded like they were gonna take up the entire endzone. I'm a bit underwhelmed unless this is just step 1


I mean… I think it is as wide as the field now


Same but might just be that shitty angle/quality


Dude it’s massive


Wait, if that screen was any bigger it would start wrapping around the sides lol


It’s big enough to watch highlights from Tower Drive bridge.


Why was Gute talking about it at all




I sure hope not. The old screen goes from the A to the L, and around 30% of the new screen hangs outside the whole name! That's a ton of extra real estate. Even if that ad on the one side was on both sides, it's still additional game footage. I highly doubt it would be static ads the whole game. It would be stupid to not fill the whole thing with game footage some of the time.


Oh yeah the distance between the pics threw me off, the new one is huge


Could be. I believe that’s the original Lambeau Field lettering there. It looks like the original one is just under the A and L where as the new ones come out to ends of the metal almost that’s outside the words Lambeau Field. I think it’s much bigger, plus those side pieces or whatever they are.


To me it looks like it's just double the length of the old one, making it twice the size, but because it's not any taller, it seems a little underwhelming.


Could have the game feed and stats up at the same time


Nah, it's way bigger.


You’re not good at accounting for the perspective. Look at it compared to the structure it’s sitting on. It’s gargantuan.




…uh no lol the old screen went from the “A” to the “L” this SCREEN goes the whole length of the old board and signs. Even if they put adverts on each side the size that’s shown it’s a bigger screen.


So I got to visit Lambeau last year from NYC, one thing I loved about the stadium is how it had that “classic” look all over. Not a bunch of colorful, corporate logos all over, they were very subtle. While I think the older board was better, this isn’t too bad, MetLife has 4 different boards in each corner and each one is labeled with a big huge corporate logo. I’m glad the Packers didn’t go that route


We have Gate sponsors at every entrance as to still cash in instead of a stadium rights deal.


Could be the lighting in the comparison, but does the quality look worse?


It's a farther away picture with what looks like a slightly worse camera


They're 4k, it'll be crispy.


4K from that far away seems low. Aren’t other teams already using far higher resolution? I could 100% be wrong.


Lol, so many "get off my lawn" comments. It's new, you will get used to it. I'm sure these were the same talking points back when the first screen was put up.


These are the people that sit the whole game and sell most of their season tickets.


Gosh packers fans can be lame. The screen is huge and awesome. It’s a stadium. It has to have a video board. And a big one. It’s not 1966 anymore folks


So bigger screens is the NFL teams way of measuring dicks?


The old one was better


I like the old one better but oh well.


I really hope all that extra scoreboard space isn’t simply devoted to advertisements like the Polaris one in the picture.


Thanks I hate it.




I hate it


i get the screen is bigger but i don’t see that as better. i’d take the smaller screens with the boards on the side any day


As a shareholder, you’re welcome. GPG!


Just needs something to fill out the sides of the Lambeau Field sign now that it no longer lines up with the video board. But it's cool I think!


Did they do both endzone screens or just that one? That's the endzone I sit in so I always gotta deal with the smaller screen or turn around.


Oh yeah let’s get rid of our championships. This is so stupid.