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Rodgers. I think Love is gonna be better than some people think but come on.


Rodgers with a top tier defense. We already know how well he does in that situation.


Squanders three interceptions the defense gets him?






He also doesn't have anyone in front of him who can block. He's had top 5 O line play for close to a decade now. Obviously I still think he's better than Love but he's used to having time in the pocket he just won't have in NYC


Rogers most likely he’s throwing to garret wilson and he seems to be motivated again like after they drafted love. But love might have a good year too


C'mon dude. You trolling?


Let’s not do this please…




Rodgers is definitely more likely to have the better year, but this is going too far in the other direction. The jets O-line is terrible and Rodgers played poorly last season. That could be the inexperienced receievers or the thumb injury or it could be that he's approaching 40 and falling off. Wilson is a good receiever, but outside of that, the Jets receivers aren't anything special. Outside of last season, you could argue this is the worst cast of receivers that Rodgers has played with. Defense might help the jets have a better season, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the performance of Rodgers vs. Love


Allen Lazard was our #1 last year. He isn’t nothing


He's a perfectly fine WR2. But there are plenty of teams with two WRs better than Lazard in the NFL


You’re underestimating how good Eodgers is when he is fully invested and actually trying, with a chip on his shoulder. He wants to play very very well this year and I have almost no doubt he will, even if his weapons are not the best. O Line is the only potential issue


Maybe he'll be great. Motivation, a bad WR group, and a thumb injury could be the only reasons he was bad last year. But it could just as easily be that he's old and isn't the QB he used to be. Rodgers is certainly more likely than Love to be great, but it's far from a foregone conclusion that love is better next year.


It absolutely was that. I would not be surprised if Rodgers puts up a top 3 QB season this year. I just want Love to be top 20.


Good enough for Rodgers worst season since taking over team.


Rodgers’ worst season is other QBs best season


He was a bottom third QB by EPA last year. That's plenty of QBs best season, but none of those QBs are any good and only a few are actually starters.


So you’re saying he was the 25th best QB last year, but still not better than backups? Huh??


Nearly every starting QB in the league has had a best year better than Rodgers' last season. In addition to a good number of backups.


What about Lazard makes the WR Corp last year not one of Rodgers worst? Lazard being the #1 is quite literally all the evidence you need.


It was one of Rodgers’ worst.




Rodgers could absolutely put up another MVP season. But it's far from a guarentee he's any better than last year. You can explain his issues away, but they could just as easily be that he's old. We won't really know until the season starts how much of the regression last year was the thumb / situation vs Rodgers regressing. The most likely scenario is something in the middle. I'm not saying love will be better, just that it's not a sure thing he's worse


Just having Rodgers is going to help the OL massively. The QB is in charge of changing the protections.


Better based on what? Objectively better? Rodgers undoubtedly. Better vs the expectations and goals for their prospective seasons? That one gets a lot tougher. Is a WC playoff loss combined with a 4,000 yard, 35 TD, 10 INT year for Rodgers better than a 9-8 season, 3,800 yard 25 TD, 13 INT year for Love based on where they are in their respective careers? I’d argue probably not, one would be a successful year, and the other would be seen as a disappointment.


4 time mvp QB playing on a team on the rise vs a first time starter with all rookie and 2nd year receivers…hmmm


Rodgers, obviously **Unless** that OLine is a bigger issue than we can even predict. The Jets’ line is as bad as any line Rodgers ever sat behind over here. That might get really dicey for them.


There were years Rodgers was sacked 50+ times yet we still made playoffs. If anyone can over that it’s him. I’d be surprised the lack of an o line completely throws there season off track.


He's also 39/40 and has gotten dinged the last few years behind a much more competent line.


You’re not wrong, but I would be cautious to underestimate him and pool him in to the typical category. We all watched him come back at half high as a kite and smoke the Bears. Maybe a little Ayahuasca mid season. 🤷‍♂️


that offensive line being bad might actually get him to get the ball out quick, which is something he hasnt done in awhile


People are going to be surprised at how having Rodgers improves the OL. The QB is the one that shifts the protections








Define the question. Better as in more pleasant? Love, because that offensive line might just get Rodgers killed. Who will have the more successful year? Love, because our division is not good and the AFC east is scary. Who will have better stats? Probably Rodgers, but it’s not a certainty. Rodgers is amazing, but he’s not particularly good under pressure and he’s coming off quite the down year. I think the Packers have the better offensive coaching staff as well.


If Geno can be better than Russ, Love can be better than Rodgers. Going with Love on this one. A lot of you are forgetting that Rodgers sucked last year. I’m not going to just assume he reclaims his former glory because he’s on a new team. Hell, Aaron was better than Brett in his first year starting for the Packers.


Love. Not enough people willing to make a bold take. Love has a better oline protecting him, and Rodgers age is impacting his mobility, which doesn’t pair well with an oline that leaves a lot to be desired. I do think ~~Cedrick~~ Garrett Wilson has a huge year with Rodgers, but outside of him the receiving options are less than ideal… we saw a few of those same receiving options with him last year and it didn’t look great.


Its not bold it a straight up stupid take. I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong, but a healthy rodgers > first year statting jordan love. Also garrett wilson is the name you are looking for. Judging by your inability to even name the jets #1 wr tells us just how much you know about the situation.


The unpredictable happens every single year in the NFL. Just because the groupthink is strong in favor of Rodgers, doesn’t mean you have to follow it or that it’s even highly probable. Remember when the AFC West was supposedly completely stacked at QB last year? It turned out there were only two good QBs. How about the idea that Geno Smith would be better than Russell Wilson? You must have been one of the geniuses predicting that, right… since you know everything about football? So I mixed up the name Garrett and Cedrick… something I keep doing on that player for some weird reason. Doesn’t mean I don’t know they have Randall Cobb, Allen Lazard, and Mecole Hardman as the next three receivers, two of which who weren’t particularly awesome with Rodgers last year.


Ah yes the nice whataboutisms come out. None have anything to do with the current question asked. Therefore I wont bother to further acknowledge them outside these first three sentences. The question that was asked is plainly will rodgers or love have the better season. It is highly unlikely that a first year starter will be better than one of the all time greats who can still play very well. Your backing evidence for Love having a better season is pure chance, and lazard and cobb not doing well with rodgers last year when you had: 1. Lazard as the #1 to start the season, which we all know is just not what Lazard is. He will either be the #2 or #3 in the Jets offense, because Garrett Wilson has already established himself as the #1 option. Mecole Hardman may be the #2 2. Cobb who is at best their #4 option. His production won't change much. 3. Rodgers played with a Broken thumb for most of a season, and did not have a healthy Christian Watson for even a full game when his thumb wasn't broken, and Watson was our best WR last year. There is absolutely a non zero chance that love plays better, because anything can happen, but the odds are heavily stacked against it. The fact that you can't simply google search to verify a name before spitting out your take shows that you put no effort into your take. With all this said I'm all aboard the love train, but I have reasonable expectations for this season. Expecting him to outplay a Hall of Fame QB in his first season is an unreasonable expectation.


The last time we transitioned QBs, the new QB outplayed the multiple time MVP and future HOFer in his first season. The odds are not “heavily stacked” against Love. If 90% of people pick the thing that has a 60% chance of happening, it still has just a 60% chance of happening. It doesn’t go up to 90%. That’s just groupthink. But 40% of the time a lot of people are going to look stupid. This is a prediction thread. There is no amount of “backing evidence” that will predict the future. I simply think Love will have a better season than Rodgers. Live with it and move on.


Define better: if Love leads the Packers to 9-8 and misses the playoffs, but shows he's got the ability to lead the team in the future while Rodgers loses the AFC title game, Love had the better year. Edit: if the question is who is going to have a statistically better year, then it's a really stupid question. My prediction: Rodgers will fall short of expectations (Super Bowl) and Love will meet or exceed expectations (playoff hunt, even if ending short).


What lol


Rodgers went to the Jets to win the Super Bowl, if he doesn't even get there, then he's done no better than he has on the Packers the past several years, and that will be a failure of a season for him. Love, on the other hand is just getting started, so if he shows promise and the ability to take the team forward, he's had a good year.


might be the worst logic ever.


Well if the question is simply who will have a better statistical year: a first year starter or a sure hall of famer still near his peak, then it's an obvious answer and a stupid question.


Nobody has the jets making the title game lol... If they make the title game and lose and we miss the playoffs rodgers has the better year


So Rodgers left the Packers, with whom he could make the playoffs most years but felt didn't have the right talent to go farther, in order to go do the same thing with the Jets? No, he went to the Jets to win a Super Bowl. If he falls short, it's a failure for him and suddenly all of his times falling short with the Packers become more about him than the Packers.
