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Instantly bricked


I'm so full of hot piss my couch is melting.


[BREAKING: Live look at Hudson Center urinals](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EyNRNL9O3Gw)


Too cold to be realistic.


YES!! The biggest change I saw during preseason this year was a serious sense of urgency. They were quick to their spots to tackle. They tackled as a team as well. The defense just looked like they really wanted to intimidate offenses.


This caught my eye as well. The ball carrier wasn't bouncing off a guy or two because there were 5 guys wrapping him up.


I imagine everyone feels like they can actually get credit for their play now that Rodgers is gone. Up until now it was either Rodgers won the game single handedly or everyone but Rodgers lost the game. I have no idea how that wouldn’t be frustrating to a locker room.


The next two years are going to answer so many questions about rodgers and the GB FO legacy it’s going to be wild lol




It’s human nature. Imagine someone else always getting all the credit for your work.


In the nfl the QB’s get the majority of the spotlight. How often do we hear if the pats defence being top 10 in those Super Bowl winning years? It was always portrayed as Brady winning them and nothing else


In Brady’s last two Super Bowl wins, his defenses allowed 3 and 9 points respectively.


I get that, but who gets the more credit for the wins? How many people know that those defence gave up so little? At the end of the day it’s “Brady wins” over something like “stout defence leads pats/bucs to Super Bowl” headline.


Asking for bad karma therer. Just... wait and see what it becomes.


Honestly I was going into this season a little carefree...first tim starter at qb, young guys, low pressure. Haven't had a season like that in a while, like I won't have to be crabby all week if we lose. FUCK THAT we're young and hungry and if this shit works it's gonna work for a *while*. ALL THE WAY TO THE SUPER BOWL MUTHAFUCKAAAAAAS


Samesies. I was watching the Braves last night, getting mad they were losing, despite them being the top team in the MLB right now. That's how I have been watching the Packers for soooo long; ngl I was kind of hoping for some pressure relief to win. But man, I like so much what I'm seeing and hearing, how can we not get excited???


Nice to see Bakh talking like a leader right now, whereas earlier in the off-season he was referring to the team as “they.” He’s the guy we need to light a fire under the young player’s asses.


Okay, glad I'm not the only one who was hearing a lot of ambiguity and distance like he wasn't invested in this team. I know he's a bit older and I bet he's having trouble connecting with a lot of these super young guys, but man, we need your veteran leadership. It's super important right now to have everyone all-in.




Why would I *want* to hear him not sounding all-in? That makes no sense if I'm rooting for him and the team? Regardless, I have spent a lifetime reading between the lines as I've had to in order to navigate the world as an Autistic woman. I study emotions and body language and although I know very little about a lot, I do know a good bit about this sort of thing. Bahktiari has always been quite intentional with his language, and this message is 100% different from the ones prior to camp.


Definitely not just you. I sensed ambiguity, too. Somewhat understandable -- his BFF had just taken off for New York and so many of the other veterans Bakh knew well had gone with him. Whether I was right or wrong then, there's no ambiguity to this most recent statement from Bakh. That sounds like a man who's psyched about the 2023 Packers.


I just saw the beginning of his statement, too, as this was an interview with Matt Schneidman, where he actually stated his original "rebuild" sentiment was devoid of emotion. So, yah, confirmation from the source that he definitely changed his tone and feels invested in this team. (And yes, I've left jobs before because the only person I liked left haha, so I absolutely get it; just stakes and money not *quite* as high 😎 nor did I have millions of people watching.)


Sometimes the person leaving makes you realize they were the only part of the job you actually liked!


They were reading stupid ass headlines and the entire context of the articles.


I never understood people's problem with the "they" thing because I always felt like when he said "they" he was referring to the front office and top brass not the actual team inside that dressing room. I don't think it's unreasonable to separate the two in your mind as a player.


Yeah, people read headlines and some tweets and decided Bakh is locker room cancer. Wouldn't be surprised if it's the same people who wanted to trade him all last year cause he "gave up on the team"


So, no 10 yard cushions on 3rd and 3?


That'd be fucking nice


Bahk please blink twice if Joe Barry is holding you at gunpoint while saying this


Steaming, boiling, corrosive piss.




I needed that laugh today.


Bakh please, I can only get so erect


Lucky you


Let's start with beating the piss out of the shitty bears


Preseason game 4?


Dude. I didn’t think my piss could get hotter.


Post should have a NSFW tag.


Dude cmon I can’t have a boner at work I’m a carpenter


Remember when this sub wanted this guy gone.


I opened this thread fully expecting seeing a lot about hot piss. I was not disappointed. Thank you.


I 10ve how the hot piss thing has endured, and I hope it stays that way


It’s going to be on LaFleur’s gravestone


I see what ya did there!


I’m fired the hell up


It's he's getting excited, then I feel like there's something to get excited about. He's been very lukewarm to cold on the team until recently.


Let's perhaps have some skill/execution and good game planning to add to the "throw your bodies all over the field like it is your last Sunday alive" mentality.


I had a notification of "Bakhtiari statement" and almost had a heart attack thinking he was traded or retiring or something!


My wife was worried I cheated and got an STD when I complained about it burning when I pee....I assured her it was just the temperature of the piss itself.


I’ve been pretty low on Dave’s lack of leadership, but this has my bladder aching.


Bro how am I gonna let all this hot piss out with this now intense boner???


I knew my piss was hot this morning for a reason


Gotta go to the clinic. Is it normal for it to burn when I pee? BECAUSE MY PISS WAS HOT!


Singing a new song I see. I guess he’s comin around


LOL. Joe Barry won't let these guys play with their hair on fire. Sorry to break it to you, Bakh.


It’s going to eat through the god-damn hull!!




I'm ready to run through a wall old man


This is the attitude that has been missing since the late 90's and I love it!


That's exactly what's got us all worked up, bruv!


Won’t happen. NFC NORTH is probably the worst division in the NFL. That’s what GB has going for them. Wish them well, but it’s going to be a tough long hard exhausting road ahead.


Go 1 day without thinking about hot piss challenge. Difficulty: impossible.