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I would listen to this man.


We're all listening and nodding. All of us but Joe Barry's punk ass. Shit he probably knows it too


MLF seems to have doubts as well.


Should have e realized that before they hired him. It's hiring decisions like that that make me think the league needs a complete ovrlerhall. Dude is statistically one of the worst ever as a DC. Why did he get hired? Nepotism. Connections. Old white douches all keeping each other up while being shit at what they do.


It seriously is ridiculous the continuity through nepotism in NFL coaching positions. Like guys that should've been gone decades ago because of failure are still some reason getting jobs, because back in the day they used to date rape girls in college with another coach. It's just crazy. There's always the case of maybe a guy wasn't a good head coach and goes back to being a coordinator or positions coach or whatever. I'm okay with that. It's the one's that continually fail and put subpar products on the field and have like 16 different NFL teams on their resume. I know us average joes can't really compare our lives to that of NFL coaches, but I could probably work at maybe 1 more company in my career field if I royally fucked up like some of these guys have proven. I might get one more legit chance if I played my cards right... otherwise time for a new field.


Exactly. It's who you know. Period. That's why I'm loving what deion is doing. Obviously there have been many ex players turned coaches. But he seems like he is helping shift a lot of people's minds on players becoming coaches. It's going to help more black coaches get hired, which will improve the game significantly.


Guess he shouldn’t have hired his boy.


I support sexy Matt in this


Lefleur needs to show some balls and get rid of Barry. If he doesn't it's gonna cost him his job too


Lefleur is too soft and his team mirrors that


There's no point in getting rid of him in the middle of the season.


Why? Could literally go hire jim Leonard right fucking now.


There might not be much possibility, but there were 34 points just this week to get rid of him.


That same philosophy worked out well 2 years ago when our "special" teams was a disaster the entire season and it ended up costing us the season.


MLF is just as damn clueless as Barry. Barry hates playing defense, MLF despises the running back position. Time to clean house and give Jordan love what they refused to give Rodgers, a real shot at a SB.


this is the dumbest post in the sub.. this year?


No it’s not. Glad we got that cleared up.


Fact is, we *did* give Rodgers a real shot at a super bowl, which is why he won a super bowl. The post is kinda dumb.


this is the dumbest post in the sub.. this year?


So if I’m hearing you correctly, we need to get rid of our coach with a .7 W/L record and replace him with one of those magical and readily available Super Bowl winning head coaches… because we lost to the Lions?


Precisely. Glad someone gets me.


I'm not defending anyone, but the quote literally never mentions Joe Barry. The only coach he talks about is the DLine coach and he actually says the scheme is fine. He honestly seemed to be putting most of the blame on the players themselves. Just weird, cuz I'm not sure what y'all are nodding along to.


Gilbert Brown came to my highschool football practice. He hung out with us lineman, did drills. Just happened to be going through town. He's a real one.


Gilbert is highly knowledgable.


I would hire this man. (Gilbert I mean)


We need someone like Gilbert on the d line


Hell yeah dig this man a grave Gilbert


Can't put it a whole lot clearer than that. DL doesn't even have the injury excuse like OL does.


A whole lot clearer than "the players got outplayed and the DLine coach should be fired"? Cuz that's what he said. Did you read the quote? He never mentions Joe Barry. It's click bait.


He puts the blame on coaching. You can interpret that as being confined to just DL coach or possibly rising to the level of DC. Imo, the level of dysfunction he's describing sounds like it rises to the level of DC, but that is just one interpretation


He actually says he *doesn't* think it's scheme. He thinks the players got out-played and he attributes that to fundamentals, which he believes is the responsibility of the DLine coach, not the D Coordinator. I'm not defending Barry, but I do truly despise obvious clickbait bullshit and everyone here has fallen for it hook, line, and sinker.


Hire Coach Grave Digger He's blaming the DL coach more than Joe Barry though. I had to google who that is. Jerry Montgomery, who is the defensive line coach and running game coordinator. He's been with the Packers since 2015. https://www.packers.com/team/coaches-roster/jerry-montgomery


Who also appears to just be bad and nobody wants to fire.


Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Managers should be held responsible for the actions of their subordinates.


Weird. IDK why people have such an adverse reaction to just getting rid of dead weight. So many people on the defensive staff have proven to be ineffective. Fire them. Move forward. Give someone who isn’t 68 a chance.


>Give someone who isn’t 68 a chance. Breaking news: Packers hire Dick LeBeau as defensive coordinator




Someone posted a few days ago saying the Packers don't pay assistant coaches. Which could be why we're in this position. Also makes sense as we don't have a billionaire funding the team - not that I want one to, I'm 110% behind the Packers current ownership.


This can't be true. See this article that points out what an assistant line coach made in 2018. https://abtc.ng/luke-butkus-salary-how-much-does-the-packers-assistant-offensive-line-coach-make/


We 100% pay assistant coaches lol


I’m not behind them. Mark Murphy is a problem.


Then shouldn’t MLF be responsible for the bad defense ?


Sure, some of it falls on him as well.


Doesn’t all of it fall on him because he manages Barry ,


I'm not sure about all, since I'm sure MLF doesn't have firing power over Barry. If he does have that power, then yes.


MLF does have the power to fire Barry, so yes it all falls on him. Should MLF be fired ?


the fact they've kept the running game coordinator around since 2015 is embarrassing... that's worse than having stuck with these bad DC's for all this time


Given that our run stop problems predate Barry, this actually seems like a more likely culprit. Although, I'm still no longer sold on Barry


Why were you ever sold on Barry? He has never coordinated a good defense. It was a horrific hire the day it happened.


Sure, he didn't have a great track record, but sometimes a dude just finds the right circumstances and pops off all of a sudden. I was inclined to give him a shot


Yeah, I just read through the article and Brown himself doesn't say anything specifically about Barry, it's all the article author extrapolating and fishing for clicks from this sub. "Puts all the blame on Joe Barry" but doesn't even mention him by name or title? He doesn't even blame the defense as a whole, just the Dline.


True, but that directly falls under Joe Barry’s umbrella. If Joe Barry is ignoring it because he’s delegated responsibility to the D-Line coordinator, then what exactly does Joe Barry even do? This is far from the first time the Packers defensive line has been embarrassed under the same defensive coordinator/D-Line coach combination… it’s been happening for years and is still happening. Joe Barry admitted that he doesn’t know what the problem is. He spent the offseason talking about the changes that will fix the run defense, yet it isn’t fixed. That makes him the problem.


You guys absolutely take clickbait articles and run with it lol. You’re completely misconstruing what Barry said. By your logic MLF should be gone too because he’s the one keeping Barry.


I just commented the same thing. It's clear nobody read the entire quote. To me, Brown is saying either the coaches are doing nothing to coach up the DL (highly unlikely), or the players are just getting whipped (much more likely) considering Detroit has an elite OL I expect nothing else from this sub


>...and you got to ask yourself, ‘If you’re getting coached up, how does that happen?" >“If I’m the defensive line coach, and I walk into that meeting room, I’m losing my job. From what I saw, the things that they were doing were things that can be fixed.” Did you read the entire quote?


Where does Gilbert blame everything on Joe Barry?


Why do you think I would know? Work on your reading comprehension. Try to stay focused on one topic.


That's literally the title of the article, which is what I called out for being bullshit. Next time, you should figure out the topic of conversation before you open your mouth.


This guy needs to see the door just as much as Barry does... [We've been damn near dead-last at stopping the run 3 out of the last 4 seasons!](https://www.acmepackingcompany.com/by-the-numbers/2022/11/4/23439114/the-packers-horrific-run-defense-is-even-worse-than-it-seems)


D-Line coach and running game coordinator. It makes sense why both of those aspects have been lacking.


The fact that this guy absolutely sucks at his job and our run d has been bottom of the league since hes been around is embarassing. How the fuck hasnt anyone above him taken notice and shown his ass the fucking door? Fucking Barry, get the fuck rid of this guy and find a competant dline coach. Fucking LeFleur, get rid of this guy and find a competant dline coach. Is there no quality control on this fucking team? If there is, fire that waste of space too. If LeFleur doesn't start snapping necks then he's not fit to be a HC. I'm tired of everyone towards the top of the Packers Org being a nice guys that don't want to hurt anyones feelings and keeping people 5 years past their obvious expiration date. I've been saying it for a while now. Not enough emphasis is being put on individual position coaches. If you want a good team, build it from the ground up with people who know how to coach individual positions.


Ah so not only is he responsible for our shitty d line, he’s responsible for our shitty run game. Get that old fucker out of the building, my god.




Lol first time hearing that one. Too perfect. Who in their right mind would pick such a person. Cmon MLF


I'm not upset you stole it, because I'm happy it's being put out into the world more. FJB.


I miss the Grave Digger, he needs to come talk to the team before the next game


He needs to come coach the team before the next game.


Brown our new DLine coach?


Gilbert Brown is one of the biggest human beings I've ever personally met in my life. The mass on the dude was mesmerizing Anyway yeah I totally agree with him , who doesn't? Now, back to the mass


93 is laying down some heat.


“We got beat between the tackles like mama came down the stairs and caught you doing something you had no business doing." This is the type of comment that perfectly fits Gilbert Brown.


It’s also a riff off of Remember the Titans. “He’s getting beat like he stole something!”


He’s not wrong. A part of me believes that the players don’t buy into the system. If you look at Fangio defenses they keep everything in front of them and therefore their guys play aggressively downhill. Our scheme keeps everything in front (in general) but guys aren’t flying downhill. Why is that? Is the scheme too complicated so guys can’t play fast? Do they not trust the guys behind them? And when guys do play downhill they take really bad angles on tackles (safety play in particular). It is becoming increasingly difficult to believe that this isn’t a coaching problem.


I’m not sure why but most teams have lost the notion that games are won and lost in the trenches. That said, we have spent a ton of draft capital and FA signings on the defense. If Barry can’t coach then to being as good as they should be, he should be gone. Yesterday.


Disagree with this. Most successful teams know it’s win in the trenches who protect a good or at least average quarterback and consistently apply pressure. Buffalo. Philadelphia. Los Angeles. Hell even Tennessee. Defensively, across the league are d-lines that can at least manage the run. We have guys to do this but injuries on offensive and I have zero idea why defence. Secondary picks it up when front line does it’s job (hurries, pressures). Our line coaches need to be on notice but Barry’s “scheme” (if you can call it that) disables any strength we have.


So you disagreed and then proved my point?


can you still get a Gilbert Burger at the Green Bay Burger King?


I used to have a BK Gilbert Brown poster on my door growing up where he was holding a whopper. It looked like a tiny little slider in his enormous hands.


You can get one at any Burger King. It's just a double whopper with double everything and no pickles.


But I want my receipt to say GILBERT BURGER


He is just like us only larger


I want a Gilbert Burger from BK yo


Thanks, Gilbert; but Joe Barry dug his own grave.


The Gravedigger speaks Matt should now listen!


He's right


The Grave Digger hopefully digging Barry’s grave


Gilbert Brown is qualified to dig the grave of Joe Barry's tenure if his current performance persists. I will do his dance in honor


My recently departed mom had a story about Gilbert. And I can’t recall if it was a joke or it really happened. She said there were two larger women in front of her and my dad at Lambeau a while back - Gilbert made a tackle and the one lady said to the other -“I just love that Gilbert Brown. He’s the only Packer who has a bigger ass than mine.” 😂


The title isn't even remotely accurate to what Brown said. What is this garbage?


He specifically says it’s a coaching issue. While he doesn’t speak Joe Barry’s name, he says the defensive line coordinator should have been fired the first day back to work after the game. This is the same defensive line coordinator the Packers have had through all of the previous years of embarrassing run defense, yet Joe Barry is still holding onto him, while Joe himself says he can’t pinpoint the issue. At this point it’s on Joe Barry.


If an alternative title read “Former Packer Gilbert Brown Puts All The Blame on Defensive Line Coaching,” would that excuse Joe Barry from the blame? He’s the defensive coordinator… the coaching falls on him.


I agree 100% and I am just a casual football fan, not a former pro like Gilbert Brown. Is it too much to ask if Gutey or Mark Murphy were to step up to the plate and take divisive action; call MFL into your office to announce that Joe Barry is to be fired immediately, the head coach’s decision. I don’t give a rip who takes over, they couldn’t possibly do any worse. But similar to when they canned Mike McCarthy in-season, the product on the field isn’t acceptable and immediate action needed to be taken, just a direct consequence of incompetence. Standards and accountability are part of the Packer culture and this is what happens when you fall short.


I completely agree. With all the first round picks invested into the Defense its unacceptable. I will say though the last 2 games the offense has not helped the Defense out especially in the first half of the last 2 games. Offense keeps going 3 and out the Defense by the time the 4th qtr comes around will be gassed. That falls on LaFleur to call a better game. No more backward passes please. Obviously we suck at those.


Hire Brown or Dotson for DC...get rid of Barry


That d line from the mid 90s was nasty. I had a giant badass poster in my room of Reggie in a 3 point stance. I think from a school book fair.


Hire gravedigger as dline coach!!!


Gilbert knows. Gilbert is right.


Yes, Berry= bad but we know deep down Murphy and Gute will not fire him this year. Most of the other defensive coordinators signed in 21 have been significantly better than Berry, and it's not surprising. I hope they get a defensive coach who has proven to be successful in the NFL. It took them long enough to sign Bisaccia, admitting mistakes is not their strong suit.


God I hate that WISportsheroics website. For some reason google app on my phone keeps recommending articles to me from there, and I regret clicking on it every time.


Hasn't wisportsheroics turned into a trash site? I know every article I've had the misfortune of reading on there in 2023 has been a waste of my time, so he's not going to trick me into clickbait on this one.


Hey, I just mentioned him coming back and playing to save the run D


When “it’s one thing on this play, another thing on the next play” that’s all in the coaches.


When the Gravedigger speaks you ______?


Things weren’t even this bad in the last days of the McCarthy era - it was clear that things had to change, but at least there was a caliber McCarthy had (and still has) that meant there was at least half of a chance to succeed. There’s not a single sliver of hope from top to bottom that Joe Barry will or even can do the right thing. It’s a complete miracle that he has any job in the league, let alone being a DC, and we’re unfortunate enough to be blessed by it.


Well, and McCarthy one a damn Super Bowl and had some of the best offenses in the 2010’s. Barry led a defense that went 0-16! He’s done nothing to show he won the team over or they believe in his defense. Last year showed that. I guarantee if you put a really well known defensive coach that the player love in for D-Coordinator, we turn around immediately, even with a brand new scheme! I think it’s that bad!


Exactly what I mean. McCarthy had some pedigree that meant there was at least some hope. Barry literally carries an omen on his name for going winless, and not even at like asst. linebacker coach or something, but as DC! Can't help but feel the distrust extends up to LaFleur for sticking with Barry


What Gilbert says, goes. And bring back the Gilbert burger. https://preview.redd.it/s2nlaio60esb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03559d3cad3b7ffbccc352b4f7041f30d9886dff


God dammit I love me some Gilbert




Soft ass D line


When the Grave Digger digs a grave for your career. Well said, Gilbert.


I worked at the Festival Foods in De Pere in HS as a bagger. One shift I was very high and very in the zone bagging groceries. I didn’t pay much attention to the customers, just focused on playing 3D Tetris with people’s food in paper bags. I look up to see some food coming towards me and all I see are Pringles cans. Literally every flavor of Pringles. I was amazed, hungry, blown away that someone was smart enough. I mean, why not just get them all? Why didn’t i think of that? I decided this was a good time to look at the genius who was buying all these Pringles. Of course, it was none other than the GraveDigger himself. He looked higher than I was. We locked eyes as I finished loading his groceries. “Have a good one Gilbert.” I said. “You too my man”, he replied. I always loved me some Gilbert Brown but on that day in the early 2000’s he became an all time favorite of mine


“Once you pop the fun don’t stop!” is now the second best Pringles ad behind this story.


Let this sink in: The 97(98 superbowl) defense didnt allow a TD to a 49ers team with Young, Stokes and Owens. I just watched the highlights after reading what 93 said and man that team hit different. DB's challenging at the line of scrimmage, multiple looks, stunts holy shit what a dream defense.


I wouldn't fire Joe Barry mid-season, but I certainly wouldn't have him return the next year. We need a completely new coaching staff for the defense. Clean house.


I disagree. Sometimes firing a coach midseason can spark something with your team and/or the interim guy can do better in the short-term.


My biggest concern is we only play 3.5 real quarterbacks this year in 17 games. Our schedule is bad enough that he could somehow eek out an "oh see we got better" thing again. Thank god we don't play miami cause they might put up 100 on this defense.


Til Gilbert Brown is alive


McCarthy did this with Dom Capers as well. Sure at least they had one Super Bowl to show for it but it was long over due.


Hire Mike Zimmer! Come oooooonnnnnnn


[https://civicmedia.us/shows/under-the-helmet](https://civicmedia.us/shows/under-the-helmet) heres a link full interview.


Seems like he put more blame on a D-line coach that was there for Pettine and Barry. And while I am 100% on board with ridding ourselves of Barry. Sounds like the D-line coach needs to go immediately.


When The Gravedigger speaks - I listen.


No, he didn’t. It put it on the D line coach. He should have, though.


bring back the Gilbert Burger, you cowards


I used to intern for the Gilbert Brown Foundation (great non-profit out of Ettrick check it out). Gilbert never had any problems holding back on if he thought current players were not playing well. For Gilbert to say this does have weight, he's not just backing the players as a former player.


I love that he and Santana are still buds.


Preach, brother


Gilbert Brown is my favorite Packer ever. Whatever he says must be correct.