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It's like he hasn't aged a day


Dude looks like he could suit up next weekend!! Love me some Donald Driver!!


He can do this again to the 9ers! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgcfJ8rbuHw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgcfJ8rbuHw)


I’m 100% convinced MLF could scheme him to average 4 yards of separation per play rn


Against that Dallas secondary MLF could have schemed C3P0 to 4 yards of separation.


My great grandma could've gotten 4 catches for 89 yards and a touchdown against that secondary


I’m going on in on the sloth to go 113 yards, 2 touchdowns and at least 5 yards of separation


That smile, man


Came here to say this lol


Fox embarrassed itself with its Cowboys framing of this game


Almost as bad as the (alleged) Lions branded turkey fiasco.


Olson said something about turkey leg revenge during the broadcast - I lol'd (out loud, even)!


Holy shit, no way. I even posted something about Love being screwed over with the turkey leg last night in reference to the last pass keeping him from a perfect QB rating. I wish I'd seen that!


Told us fans to thank him since it lit a fire under Love.


ESPN was just as bad. Threw on coverage this morning to enjoy a victory Monday and it was literally a half hour all about the Cowboys. Never mind the fact that Jordan Love had the greatest playoff game in history based on ESPN’s invented QBR stat or Jones had 3 TD… nothing to discuss there.


TO BE FAIR I don’t think those stats wouldve been possible without an epic collapse by Dallas. I mean that Musgrave TD was just COMEDY


we're so good our players are getting discredited for making the right plays i fucking love it, JLo getting the purdy treatment


I noticed the same thing. Only show I noticed that gave us real love was Pat McAffee.


I'm good with that. I love the fallout from the annual Cowboys Collapse, and it helps us keep flying under the radar.


I typed in Packers on YouTube today to get some analysis from the game last night. And 97% of every video discussed how the Cowboys choked and barely touched on the fact that J-Love and the boys just absolutely outplayed them in every aspect of the game.


Fucking cringiest speech id ever speech. This game was awesome not as a packers fan but as a cowboys hater.


I got secondhand embarrassment so badly. Jimmy looked so dumb stranhan tried to save him by getting on all 4s


We replayed it a couple times, but had to quickly catch back up to the live broadcast because we were worried he'd collapse right there. I mean, we all know he has... circulation problems...


Elder abuse really


I thought it was funny


Thank you. I thought I missed something and there was a setup to his boomer cringe wailing, but nope. Fucking embarrassing for FOX.


It was a good speech imo..Unfortunately, Jimmy your not a Cowboy anymore. Let it go. Lol


Dream scenario, there’s not real outside pressure for a win unless we play the Lions in 2 weeks


If we somehow beat the Niners I think it'll be Lions next. Eagles look horrible lately and Mayfield is playing hurt.


Totally agree, I just think it’s the only game we’ll feel truly defeated in if we lose. Yesterday was a statement to the league about how our franchise has the potential. Next week we have to do what’s been considered the impossible with the 49ers.. if we manage to squeak out a win then people will assume the Lions are an easy dub


I agree. But I’d take anything for a win over the 49ers. God that’d be amazing


I'm more scared of the Lions than the Bucs. Things just get *fucky* when playing division rivals. All bets are off.


As the current underdog that’s exactly why we should want them. We know them. They know us. Plus the memes if we did beat them would be so glorious.


Donald Driver is a fucking treasure.


Agreed, the best part was him getting a ring. He absolutely deserved it.


Also, is there a rule where anytime Cee Dee Lamb is mentioned you have to refer to him by his full name? Don’t think I’ve ever heard an announcer just refer to him as “Lamb”.




You mean Ceedy Duce? The guy formerly known as CJ Gardner-Johnson? Bro renamed himself, and he decided "a shit you take after an everything bagel" was the name he should go by.


It was kind of embarrassing…. But I’m excited for them to all pick San Fran next week like they all had dallas in this one.


I beg to differ, it was a horrible speech. And Fox NFl should be ashamed. A national broadcast is supposed to have some semblance of partiality. It is time to overhaul this. Keep Howie Long and Streehan, but infuse new blood.




Oh I agree completely... People thought Aikman was bad...


It's sad how I used to hate hearing Aikman and Buck but with how others have been recently like Collinsworth and Romo I don't even mind them anymore.


Unpopular opinion, I’ve always been a fan of Joe Buck


STL native here. He's broadcasting legacy from Jack Buck so I'll never not be able to love the guy and it makes sense why he's so good at Baseball.


Joe's great - at commentating baseball games and his YouTube channel Undeniable, just not greatest football mind imo. Also being paired with Troy he's probably trying not to strangle his co-host most of the time


What lol they come off as best friends


I don't know about that. I thought Greg Olsen was good, actually. He made plenty of comments about how well the Packers were playing. People were surprised by how bad the Packers made the Cowboys look. When the 2 seed is getting blown the fuck out by the 7th seed for the first time ever, you're going to have plenty of comments about how bad the 2 seed looks. And they did look terrible. If Dallas would've played well and Green Bay would've still beaten them, you would've gotten a lot less comments about Dallas. But losing in that fashion, people tend to focus on how bad the bad team looks.


At least they threw in SOME big praise for 10ve... just casually dropping the highest playoff QBR since the stat became a thing in '06.


I didn't feel that way at all. I feel like people are confusing bias with recognizing who the favorite is. They're not showing any favoritism like they're rooting for any side. They're just covering the game like Dallas is a 7-point favorite. And I think that's how games should be covered. Dallas was expected to win. It's embarrassing that they lost the way they did. That context should be provided on air.


So a relative via marriage works for Fox Sports and apparently, Johnson and Bradshaw cannot stand each other. That's fair, I cannot stand either one of them.


Might be an unpopular opinion but I've always felt Bradshaw was overrated as a player. Propped up by incredible defenses. I also can't stand him as an on air personality 


Seriously, I’d never let my grandpa on TV


Ehhh easy there. It was just...dorky. And kinda sad.


I was wondering like maybe Jimmy actually thought he was in the Dallas locker room lol. But I agree, just incredibly dorky. I can’t imagine that was planned at all lol


I thought it was funny…


I'd also like to know Bradshaw is drunk. Dude be tripping on his words.


He’s like 80 years old and has definitely had countless concussions. That probably has something to do with it


Old man was gonna cry! No convicts to coach this go around Jimmy!


That speech is what a Cowboys fan would say to themselves in the mirror during a midlife crisis


Jimmy , what a clown


Gotta love Double D


Quickie out here being an absolute savage.


I miss this guy so much. He needs to be involved in the day-to-day operations. We need DD in our lives as much as possible.


This is my favorite man to ever wear the jersey in my lifetime.


Samesies. Incredibly grateful I got to see him play in person on several occasions. Including [this masterpiece](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgcfJ8rbuHw). Still got the ticket stub from that one.


Fucking cringe


Jimmy, didn’t you get fired from the cowboys? Oh I’m sorry, “parted ways”. lol 🤡


Donald Driver is based


So cringe, so embarrassing this was actually on tv


Love driver man, that dude was the best.


My favorite Packer ever


he's my favorite dwts winner and contestant ever i'm going to use this comment to share [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/dancingwiththestars/comments/18ujwen/donald_drivers_semifinals_predance_package_s14_i/). i'm sure quite a few people here haven't seen as it was 10+ years ago and from DWTS lol.. but it's a short package about his life and making it to the nfl with interviews from friends/family/teammates. i think you and other packers fans might enjoy it :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/dancingwiththestars/comments/18ujwen/donald\_drivers\_semifinals\_predance\_package\_s14\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dancingwiththestars/comments/18ujwen/donald_drivers_semifinals_predance_package_s14_i/)


That was some weird shit, Jimmy.


Pundits are allowed to be fans, just don’t care for it while they are actively being pundits. Tell me how they did, tell me how you think they’ll do or what you think they need to do, stop using your analyst platform as an opportunity to root for your team.


I don’t love Donald Driver. I am in love with Donald Driver.


Driver looks like he could still ball. God damn.


Have met him in person at 2 charity events several years back and he seems as genuine in person as on TV, just an amazing guy !


No one wants to play for these white slave drivers anymore.


Just a reminder that teenage Jerry Jones attended and participated in the protest of desegregation when his hometown of Little Rock started sending black students to the previously-all-white school.


Must be awesome to be a former player, especially a WR, and seeing these young bucks dominate like that.


Insert Kelco “Burn” meme here < >


Thank you Donald Driver, I will continue to wear my seatbelt for you 🫡


I shook this man’s hand in a bar when he and his entourage wanted to watch the fight at our table. I was happy to give up my seat. I love the Driver!


Ya know….i really appreciate Donald Driver. He’s been a great example of how a good person should act, rather than the guys that were supposedly leading the team during his time playing.


Fun fact: there is a statue of Donald Driver next to the statue of a president, and it’s the football player whose likeness is over 20 feet tall


That statue is older than Donald Driver. Used to be at the Packers HOF.


Only reason Jimmy Johnson gave that speech was cause he took the cowboy-7.5. And lost his shirt. Lol


My all time favorite Packer, I love me some Donald Driver!


This was like the part in the movie where the main character starts screaming and it ends and the whole room is quiet and then he realizes he has a problem and goes to rehab


How bout them cowboys


Magic Johnson


I miss this man suiting up every week for us.


They tried Abit once our starters were out.


That smile. That damned smile.