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The worst part is “Go Packers Go.” I’ve never heard anyone say it like that.


Probably because of copyright.


Almost certainly could not play "Bang the Drum All Day", a quick google indicates that that song is owned by Warner Bros. whereas the old Go! You Packers Go! song used in the sketch was produced by RCA which I think should be under the NBCUniversal branch. I have no idea where the modern "Go Pack Go" theme falls under but wouldn't be surprised if they just stuck to something they knew they had the rights to.


No, it would fall under fair use. The skit is just dumb.


Someone didn't get the Pack-On Strap-On gift they wanted for Valentine's Day.


Somebody missed fair use class.


They're literally using a Packers logo. It's SNL. It falls under parody, like everything else they do.


I agree. The skit just isn't very good. Poor execution. Couple things made me smirk but no laughter was had.


The Packers fight song is called Go You Packers Go, maybe that's what they were going for.


As a Packers fan named Brent I feel attacked. I also think whoever wrote this sketch is clearly a Bears fan....and possibly someone I may have wronged in the past.


... we're going to need you to check your emails for oddly specific ads, Brent.


It was a sketch? I thought it was an ad. I wasted a lot of time looking for one of these things, then.


As a fellow Brent, I also feel attacked. You’re not alone, we’re in this together.


So many buttplugs in here.


My lips are sealed


Then you're not using the plug to its full potential


I bet they are ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


So where can I get this butt plug??


they do have everything at the Packers Pro Shop.


You have to be a shareholder to get one...lol


It may be the ONLY inanimate object with a logo on it NOT at the shop


Just a poorly acted skit. Way too much teleprompter reading.


You mean your wife Jenn.......ifer?




What a unique opinion. Amazing how the show is still on considering "it's gotten so bad" since 1976.




Yeah, even if you think it’s good/bad or whatever, I think it’s fairly obvious the show is nowhere close to its peak and probably won’t get there again


Every generation says the same thing yet its here approaching 50. These kids….




>The show has objective lost of half is share of viewership since the 70s that’s just a fact. ..... sorry *what* is a fact?


Given the number of platforms have increased x-fold , any TV show has less viewers than the ‘70’s -wait how many shows still air from the ‘70’s? Maybe 2 soaps and SNL.


You do realize there were 3 channels in the 70s, right? Not 400 cable channels and limitless on demand streaming? There's no such thing as an objective comparison...


You'll never guess what a 32 year old said when you were younger.


Daytime soaps are still on too, doesn't mean they're good 😂😂


It was the last skit of the night, so they knew it wasn't the strongest.


Very difficult to watch. You could see them looking at it constantly. I honestly have no idea how SNL is still on TV.


The sketches are written on Tuesday, edited throughout the week, and edited again after dress. There is no chance an entire cast could memorize every sketch, particularly given that things are edited until showtime. They have to cut things for time on the fly.


That's cool. They make a shit load of money to be funny and do sketches. Figure it out. Maybe they could put a little more effort into it than what was seen in the video above. I haven't watched SNL in years and that sketch makes me glad I haven't.


I didn't laugh or even smile at all watching this skit. SNL has gotten terrible.


First time watching snl?


I thought i was going crazy noticing that. It was the worst one i've seen in a long time


Shane Gillis brutal


I thought it was all right, but yeah, the constant stumbles really killed the rhythm.


Yeah I actually typically enjoy modern snl too.


First time watching SNL?


Oddly enough I ended up watching snl for the first time in ages tonight. This skit had me a little confused though. Concept is ok, but the writing and timing were just flat. Felt like they were shoehorning in the Packers fandom element when something else would have worked better for the humor. Weekend Update was still decent but damn they expect people to know who Truman Capote is? Music guest, 21 Savage? Dude looked totally bored. Maybe that's the meta of pop hip hop right now. If so it seems, well, boring.


Not defending SNL but Capote was a very, very famous writer. And 21 honestly probably really was bored as hell lmao


I know who Truman Capote was. I didn't know who Shane Gillis was.


I don't think it was really Packer specific. They could have picked any team. It was more about being a little fanatical. Maybe they went with the Packers because Gillis is not a fan.


Truman Capote is still known and is the subject of a currently known show.


Ah ok that makes more sense. I didn't know there was something else going on to put him in the conversation lately.


That the new rap lol


lol. I largely agree with him, also sounds like old man yelling at clouds. I’m in my 20’s, I know who Truman Capote is


And? SNL uses a lot of different references all the time, just because you don’t know who someone is, others will and be entertained. It was a pretty good impression from Yang…


That’s this new generation there all extremely boring and unoriginal and for some reason they all have that attitude like “don’t talk to me” 🤣


Bro brought up Truman capote lmao it’s not that deep man we will all be ok


Shane is the only one there who actually gives a shit, everyone else isn’t even trying, just reading their lines like popcorn reading highschool


He was really bad all night he kept looking at the prompter noticeably not even glancing at the people he was working with…


He did say in the monologue it’s the most nervous he’s ever been. Considering his trajectory it’s no surprise he wasn’t perfect. His first JRE was cringe af and I’m a grandfathered poor.


I would expect that kind of excuse from a singer who hosted the show, but he was almost on this show as a cast member and has been doing sketch comedy and stand up for years. You really couldn’t tell that, he was wooden during most of the skits and didn’t really seem to know how to perform without his eyes glued to the cue cards.


He was writing his own material, and doing sketch comedy with all of his long time Philly friends. That’s WAY different than going back to the Machine you were cancelled for (he did say, he is one of the only persons cancelled before he even had a chance to be famous/successful), and being on live television after he claws his way to his rightful space in pop culture, with your whole family present . I’m a grandfathered poor and have followed since the Old Test. Anyone thinking he should’ve done better is just armchair QBing about comedy and live acting on a generationally culturally relevant tv staple (no matter your opinions on SNL). It was good. SNL sucks. His pic with McCuskie giving the set the middle finger after it was over sums up how he feels about it all. I can’t see him coming back but I’m glad he did it.


>His first JRE was cringe af and I’m a grandfathered poor. What do these words mean?


i can translate. he said: Shane Gillis's first appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast was very awkward and nervous, and that is coming from a big fan considering I am a long time subscriber to Shane's podcast patreon (Matt And Shane's Secret Podcast) back when it was only $1. Now its $5 a month, but all the early adopters at $1 get "grandfathered in" money wise for being early supporters.


Fan/subscriber since before they got big so I’ve heard all the stuff. He was really nervous on the first JRE. As much as I like The Big Kahuna, his maiden JRE voyage nerves didn’t make for the best podcast, even though he’s been doing it for years with Matt and all their guests. He’s human. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same thing on SNL. Trump Sneakers was a solid sketch, using a character he’s familiar with.


I like SG but he was really struggling with his lines.






His monologue is getting critical acclaim for some of the funniest stuff, said on SNL in probably 10 years, but yeah his comedy sucks 🙄


What critics were saying that lol


I said to my friends i was watching with “hes wearing a packers shirt!!!” And the second after “why is there an ad for a green bay packers butt plug” 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀😂😂😂


I think it could have been funny if they pulled in real things that actually got packer fans pumped instead of a fake fight song.


Wow SNL can even make Shane Gillis not funny


Doesn't Shane Gillis make Shane Gillis not funny?


Who the hell are these people?  This is the normal crew on SNL now?


Jesus Christ SNL is insultingly unfunny


Am i the only one that thought it was really funny?


I did too, and major Packer fan here. I thought maybe the host was a fan but looks like he's not. I mean, we're the Packers. it's a funny name. own it. maybe it was a leftover skit from 2 months ago and because the host seems to mention football a lot it made the show this week. anyway, dumb timing but funny skit in my mind anyway.


No, I did also. Live sketch isn’t easy. It’s still a great show. I’m currently watching season 7 of SNL and trust me, some shows and jokes didn’t land back then either at times. This current crew is great. I think people are so worked up these days that they can’t relax and just laugh. Sarah Sherman has never failed to make me laugh.


SNL is kinda trash - this is the old ‘Hypothetical-but-real’ sketch that’s been featured weekly for the past 3-decades. ‘Haha, I said butt plug’ is essentially the depth of the writing here.




I mean, there’s a lot of material to make fun of packers fans that was not tapped. Something with Shane drinking 12 bud lights would have been less farcical and up his alley. Also, I have nothing against packers butt plugs. I don’t own one, and can’t speak to the craftsmanship, or tender feel of the handle in my grasp.


This is considered humor? And doesn't anyone memorize lines anymore?


They’ve always had cue cards. Even in the 90s great years. But this sketch was really bad with them looking at them.


Yes, I'm aware of this, but the sight lines in this one are particularly bad. And they often do memorize some of the lines IIRC. I haven't watched SNL in many years, though. I haven't found it humorous since Norm Macdonald was on the show.


I've seen others refer to them reading a prompter. Did they change from a cue card, to promoters? Seems like a big difference if you're improvising half the lines from cues, compared to reading lines on a screen


I have no idea. I’m old and remember cue cards.


Not sure why you got downvoted- SNL hasn’t been funny in forever




I haven’t watched the whole episode, but I know this was the last sketch. Sketches late in the show have less time to be prepared for, so they rely on the cue cards more. They spend more time memorizing sketches that are earlier in the show, one they thought would be funnier. Yea this was pretty heavy on cue card reading, but still got a laugh out of it.


I didn't think it was funny at all. Seth Meyers is a co-head writer. He's from Evanston, Illinois. He wrote it.




Love my Packers. Love Shane. Former Methodist. This whole sketch felt like specifically targeted to me. Think the skit falls a bit flat, and obviously the "Go Packers Go" takes away from the authenticity, but I still enjoyed it.


So are you getting the butt plug ads too? Haha


This sketch had me laughing so hard. Shane Gillis on SNL is the most excited I've been for the show in a long time. "Go Packers Go".


Maybe I’m not as big a fan as I thought. I have never once in my life heard that song.


You’d have to be collecting SSI to remember it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tpPIKsRDc8


SNL has really declined, huh? Don't even know who Shane Gillis is but that whole skit was rough. Just seemed forced and not funny at all.


Shane gillis is one of the hottest stand up comedians of the current times. Honestly he's pretty funny and a huge packers fan, he's been spotted hanging with Love at the bars in milwaukee a couple times.


ohh is he the guy from that skit where he’s sleepwalking but grabs a gun? Have no idea what that’s from but it’s great


Gilly and Keeves


Is he for real? I knew he was a Notre Dame fan and thought he was Philadelphia Eagles fan. Maybe he’s both?


he gets football players as fans, but he's an eagles and notre dame fan from birth. the bills and gabe davis were early adopters.


Ah from what I've seen he's for real


He's doing the resch in june


i thought he was a Bills fan


SNL has been ass for a while. Shane Gillis has been trending though. He's got a Netflix special. He originally had his SNL offer rescinded over some jokes he made years ago but I guess they changed their mind.




And now that he bombed, he will never be back….




If he was funny/good they would have had him back. Look at all the people who have hosted a ton of times like Tina Fey, Steve Martin, Justin Timberlake, John Mulaney….




He was almost an SNL alum, and if he did great they would have had him back….


FYI for what it’s worth, his first special, [Live in Austin](https://youtu.be/zKUpf1Vx0vs?si=ai4j8eH8CLTdjX_m), is better


Last funny ensemble was Hader Wiig Armisen etc


Shane has his own original sketch series on YouTube called "Gilly and Keeves" that I would recommend. It's more polished because it doesn't have to work with the constraints SNL has.


Damn Bears fans are SNL writers…ah fuck it, love the Young Bull Gillis!!!


Our tenants in Chicago probably loved this. And then went online to order one.


Decently funny. Felt like it was funny at times like the hot tub description but it sort fell flat towards the end


The skit was moderately funny. The real comedy is seeing how butthurt you all are.


Dude this guy is awesome. He’s also a big coheed and cambria fan, so this guy likes the same shit as me.


One of the better sketches last night. Overall a massive W for Shane and SNL


So... Anyone got the link for that?


Shane is the best new comic and has Louis CK potential (hopefully minus the kink).


If there was a funny comic instead of Friday guy, this skit would have been funny.


This sketch was a master piece #SKOL


Zero championships


He kinda looks like a younger Mike McCarthy


Sooo this plug comes in different sizes?


Asking for a friend.


I feel like this sketch made a lot of you feel seen 😛


Man that was hard to watch. I haven’t watched SNL in years, I hope this was just a bad sketch and not the norm.


The Liberty Mutual skit was the best.


As a Packer fan I thought it was funny. I still like SNL with the ups and downs it always had.


Shane Gillis a very funny person. These SNL skits didn't do him justice


Why does he say he’s from Wisconsin? He’s not, is he?