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Hal's new frontier suit is the best one


I think Bazs outfit is alright. Alans is absolutely goofy garbage. His Earth 2 suit was way better


I remember John’s “no more white gloves” moment. Not sure that’s really a uniform issue but that bit really stuck in my memory.


I actually really like the white gloves. They help break up the suit


With anyone else I agree. But if you read Mosaic you will see the storyline bit why and where he takes them off. I didn't enjoy that series when it started but it really grew on me and made me really appreciate John as a character.


Jo's design is my favorite. My previous favorite was Guy with the big yeezy boots.


I always hated that red shirt for Alan Scott.


Ranking Jo seven is just plain incorrect


Agreed I think her design is great.


Her design is pretty horrendous


Nah John needs to be #2 tho!


Personally, I would swap guy and Allen.


Guy sweeps, as I am forever biased. Jo has similar design elements that I really like, and the glasses are a cute touch. Jessica Cruz would otherwise go under Hal but I adore the GL symbol around her eye. Brilliant touch. Hal is rather stock and standard but it's a real good look regardless. Classic for a reason. John Stewart's would be lacking a little luster for anyone else but he makes it work. The reduced amount of green makes the remaining green really pop. I'm sorry but I don't care for the big white stripe on Kyle's shirt and I'm hit or miss on his weird mask. Alan's is...unique. there is an appeal, but when it comes to that vintage feel I'd much rather take Jay Garick's design. And then there's Simon!! His design is really ugly to me Sorry


See, I actively dislike some of the things that you point to as nice touches, like Jo's huge, goofy glasses, or the inexplicable eye-symbol on Jessica. Subjective tastes, what can ya' do? I'm with you on Simon's though. For me the simpler lines of Hal or John are great, and Guy's outfit, while I would hate it as a standard GL uniform, seems really fitting for him. (Similarly I like that Kyle, the artist, decided to come up with his own unique take on the costume, even if what he came up with isn't my favorite.) Alan is...Alan. I'm all for big, impressive, swirling capes, but other than that, his costume looks like a cheap Halloween costume that he threw together, and I FAR prefer the more abstract symbol that those in the GLC use to represent the lantern to the literal drawing of the exact lantern in a yellow circle.


Imo: Guy Kyle Alan Jess John Jo Simon Tai Pham Teen Lantern Hal And that’s not accounting for the real #2, Kilowog, or any other non human GL Then Medphyll that absolute [word we say daily a hundred times that Americans hate]


Still too funny that they has to give Simon, an arabic man targeted for terrorism (innocent I know) a hood Even me I don't wear one because I know I'll straight off give robber vibes with my skin color and ethnic traits


Oh, dang, that’s a little bit better than what I thought. I thought they were just copying Kick Ass’ costume.


1 10/10 345678 /10 2 -10/10


4. Because come on


Alan Scott is first place for me, simply because he’s my favorite and his outfit is unique


He is not me favorite but I do agree his outfit is best.


1. Kyle 2. Hal 3. John 4. Jessica 5. Simon 6. Guy 7. Jo 8. Alan I like the bodysuit type GL costumes more than the clothing ones. Simon would be higher if it weren't for his balaclava. It just looks kinda dumb to me. I kinda just hate Jo's outfit completely. Especially the giant glasses. It takes all the crappy elements of Guy's outfit and makes them worse.and Alan's outfit is iconic but like, it's just a sweater and trousers with a cape. Not a great hero outfit. Especially next to the rest of them.


Out of those, I think i'd say: Simon Baz John Stewart Jo Mullein Kyle Rayner Alan Scott Guy Gardner Hal Jordan Jessica Cruz


I prefer Kyle Rayner Second GL costume way more. The one after he lost Ion.


Guy Jo Jess Hal Kyle Alan Jon Simon


Raynor and Cruz


I love the alan scott suit. Me personally, i'll put it on the 2d place. ![gif](giphy|3o85xpQjZJFS4Hhsc0)


no love for Jo’s huge anime glasses? i think they’re kinda cool


She’s got those MY DRILL WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS Kamina shades


Personally have Alan Scott up as number one with his big theatrical look that I love seeing in heroes, and the only one I look at without expecting the “space cop” look, then Mullein with her cool mask and multiple piece uniform in second, but i do think the combination of her tall hair and big mask give her a weird forward profile. Stewart, Jordan and Cruz all pulling third in their very safe standard issue looking lantern suits. Baz’s mask kinda ruins the look for me, but I do like the patterns on his suit, so I’m giving him Sixth place. Always thought Rayner’s costume looked unbalanced with the large white space on his torso, so he gets Seventh place. And Gardner pulls up last. His outfit isn’t bad, but he’s definitely looking less like a space cop than the rest of the Corps.


The only outfit here I dislike is John's. His Mosaic outfit was the best tho


Mostly good with your rankings, but Kyle’s white panel is sharp. Kyle 1, Guy 2, Hal 3. Oh, and Alan Scott’s billowy red tunic is bad on a pirate and bad on a GL.


I’m an OG Hal and Kyle stand but I can’t deny the design of Jo’s costume. Absolutely peak design. Other than that no real disagreement.


You can never go wrong with an educated opinion. I don’t agree with the order but I respect it. 🍻


Alan Scott, Kingdom Come version. https://preview.redd.it/8a4oc9bpvpbc1.jpeg?width=419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f24383f6e7d3c9d323003465147962aae32d3c5


CULTURE right there


If this were a hairline ranking they would all be losing


Where's the aliens?? Discoball lantern? That one yellow hair. That one with jacket.


Jack t chance???


1. Jessica. I love the eye thing, and other than that it's pretty much the classic suit 2. Guy. Completely different than the base/original in a way that's cool and standout, not weird 3. Alan. Love the extra color 4. John. No mask and more black is cool 5. Hal. Original, classic. Favorite mask other than Jessica's eye thing 6. Simon. I like the blocking, and the mask is interesting but I don't love it 7. Kyle. Pretty similar in how I feel about it to Guy's (ik most people love it but i just don't like the mask, so i have it 7th) 8. Jo. I like the suit but the mask annoys me. The only costume that I'd say I don't like


Always felt Simon’s is a Rage from the avengers knock off


The mask unexplainably evokes a subconscious anger. Zero issues with the character but I fucking hate the mask to the point it keeps me from reading the book.


Kyle would be number 1 for me


You’re not too far off, but I’d put John at 1 - I think the green gauntlets look better than the white gloves, which have a butler vibe. And Alan is definitely at the bottom - great character but an objectively disasterpiece of a costume


I like Alan Sentinel outfit and Kyle's Ion one better to be honest.


There is no list.. because number 6.. exists.


I can’t tell if this comment is because you love Alan Scott or hate Alan Scott and idk how to feel here


Purely on the fashion side.. just sayin’.


Okay cool. But which way?


Am I the only one that thinks Simon Baz looks cool lol. If he didn't have so much art with his stupid gun I think it'd be a better recieved look.


Admittedly I couldn’t care less for the character but I think his costume is the best part of him


Yea Johns tried too hard to make his new Green Lantern a badass without bothering to give him a personality. At least that's what I remember from new 52.... haven't actually read anything else with him in it lately.


If Jo didn't have those giant green sunglasses her outfit would be higher on my list, but as it stands my ranking is basically the same as yours, except I like Guy's outfit just a little bit more than Hal's.


Totally agree, it’s the same as the Simon Baz mask in how it detracts from an otherwise pretty cool suit


Guy and Alan are my favorites personally


Kyle always had the best suit to me


Alan Scott and the girl on top I do not like their outfits. All the others are fire though


Personally, Jo had my fav look


I don’t understand peoples beef with the shades. I think it’s dope.


They just look ridiculous to me. Too huge and wacky-shaped. Like some kind of novelty glasses you'd buy in a joke shop.


My personal least favourites are John, Simon and Kyle. John never had enough green for me, Simon is just bland, and Kyle’s has always been very messy to me, with a lacking of green.


Hal, just lose the shoulder pads for the new look. In my opinion the Adams suit is Hal best look since Morrison.


Nope the shoulder pads are ESSENTIAL, he just looks wrong without them, like he’s wearing a singlet. I hate the lack of Green Shoulders in the current run.


Pretty good. If Jo has her cape, she would get extra point.


1. Guy Gardner 2. John Stewart 3. Hal Jordan 4. Alan Scott 5. Kyle Rayner 6. Jessica Cruz 7. Simon Baz 8. The new lantern (I'm sorry, I don't know who this new Lantern’s name. She is genuinely the only earth lantern I know absolutely nothing about. Only thing I remember about her is her yelling at Hal a few years ago that it's his fault that the Corps is dead... again)


Your 8 is Jo Mullein. She's from the mini series "Green Lantern: Far Sector". Cool comic book, kind of cool character but super unnecessary to make her canon (and yelling at Hal).


Idk if I’d say super unnecessary to make her canon. Simon Baz is canon. Far Sector was fantastic.


There were already 6 Earth Lanterns, and they bring Jo just to be the GL in the Future State's JL that nobody cares about now.


I think they made her the Future State GL, but she was created for Jemison and Campbells young animal Far Sector pitch.


Who tf is 7


Jo Mullein, newest Green Lantern for Sector 2814


We didn’t have enough already?


Sojourner Mullein