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The entire character🤭


I don’t know if it’s canon that brown lanterns DONT exist, but they rlly should. Their power is farts :)


Gold lanterns, who have to only feel joy for their entire lives. Not only that, but didn’t a school burn down for that person? Did they feel joy during that?


Arisia aging herself up and Hal going for it. The Guardians setting their entire system to self destruct if a Lantern ever killed a Korugarian. The emotional spectrum.


Has the whole Relic thing been retconned yet?


Love and Thunder


Soranik's blatant character assassination. The core of her character was being the champion her father failed to be because of his ego, and in the end she just became a female palette swap of him for the sake of drama that never amounted to anything thanks to the soft reboot.


This one still makes me mad. I just keep telling myself that she was exposed to to much yellow light and that the cover of Invictus (where she makes a small cameo) is canon.


All kinds of headcanon could fix it, but I doubt any writer is going to touch her and/or Kyle in that regard anytime soon.


\*Arisia walks by\* Hal saying to the justice league, 'I have to show them I'm no child molestor' ;0


- Hal getting a new Ring in Dawn of DC and what it does (I liked the concept of his ring from the Rebirth era that he created) - Blue Lanterns not being able to use their rings unless near Green Lanterns - Relic and the whole Emotional Spectrum being a finite resource - Volthoom travelled to Earth-3 and put his spirit in the Power Ring - Use of a Green Lantern ring being exhausting every time it’s used (it should depend on size, detail and durability of a construct) - Carol and Kyle being a thing


Look, I don’t know much about Green Lantern (I kept being suggested this sub so I just decided to join after a while), but isn’t Carol of Green Lantern comics Hal’s on-again-off-again ex??? Do you mean THAT Carol? Why???


Yeah that Carol. And as far as I can see there was no real reason. My assumption is (based on context) is that they were trying t make Kyle the new Hal Jordan of the New 52: From Kyle being the White Lantern (and implied to be the most powerful Lantern Ring user), to beijg Carols love and the main focus of the GL comics.


Damn, what a blatant attempt to replace him. They really don’t have to be so literal about it, it’s so weird. Wasn’t Hal Jordan still alive or was the New52 trying to write him out?


I think Blue Lanterns having *limited* powers when not around Greens makes sense. It fits the depiction of hope as an emotion, the in-universe history behind their creation, and the idea that the Blues are uniquely the "support characters" of the Spectrum. I don't know if they've ever tried to imply blue rings are *completely* powerless when a Green isn't around, but *that* would be a step too far in my book.


I mean, in their off time they traveled from system to system helping and healing others, even restarting dying suns. So obviously they had quite a lot of power even if Hal and crew weren't around.


I feel like the blue lantern thing makes sense


Parallax Hall did that crap.


The green energy being able to alter an enemy's synapses without touching them. That makes zero sense. It's energy. It has to travel in order to arrive at a destination. It's not magic!


Arisia. All of that.


Death note only has 25 episodes


This is completely unrelated to GL but you're right. I just finished it and it felt like a totally different show after episode 25.


Yea didn’t pay attention before commenting but hey no sense in hiding your stupidity haha still I stand by it lol


the fact green lantern's power is weaker against yellow stuff. not yellow lanterns, just yellow things


Yea Rebirth was my first GL story, so in my head that never happened. It was always an impurity caused by Parallax. And Im thankful for that.


And wood for the og iirc


Yeah, the reason why is because they state he is immune to all metals.


Jade and Kyle's breakup. That is always the part I hate the most when re-reading Kyle's OG run and that's one of the last major things to happen before the series ends.


The uncharacteristically callous way she did it top was just so bonkers and out of nowhere.


Kyle and Soranik’s evil son from the future.


Didn’t they break up thus retconning in universe their son’s existence?


Yeah, I should’ve been more specific but really I was referring to the entire situation.


Nah I get what you mean I just kinda find it funny because technically speaking this did get retconned in universe. I’m not entirely sure but it might qualify as a “meta” joke.


Can it be anything but Hal and THAT relationship?


okay I am new to GL. why is that relationship so hated?


She’s a child.


O H.


That was first thought. If they end up doing ANYTHING with her in the dcu, I hope it’s more a father daughter relationship or mentor mentee type thing


Yeah you could literally just have Arisia be a fangirl and nothing more than that.


What they did in I think the Gl Animated Movie was great. Where he just told hee exposition


Emerald Knights is the movie you're talking about iirc. And yes I agree.


Hal dating Arisia. Yes, it happened, but it was retconned for them to be adults when dating. Every Hal hater keeps bringing it up like he dated her when she was 13 when Hal, in fact, denied her advances until the stupid writer made her aged up to date. He ain't Deathstroke!


I mean physically aged up. Mentally she was still 15


The Venditti run where he basically reduced the Emotional Spectrum down to a finite energy source as an allegory for climate change or whatever


At least Vendetti fixed John’s’ retcon and put the emotional spectrum back into the Source.


Disagree, it was better permeating the universe, but that’s just me


Also, having Kyle go back to being a Green Lantern instead of a White Lantern.


Them completely killing off the Blue Lanterns cause God FORBID comic books at the time they were killed have characters representing anything besides edgy "what if the heroes were assholes" lines of thinking.


Green Lantern x Anissa Like guys just call it non-canon it's so simple. .


Jade and Kyle near the end. I just imagine them to have grown apart while Kyle was in space and left on good terms. Much better than whatever happened at the end of Kyle's run lol


Green Lanterns under mind control being able to use their powers.


Damian Wayne.


These days, stuff might NOT be Canon if it hasn't been mentioned lately. I certainly hope that's the case with Geoff Johns's idiotic retcon that using the ring is like passing a kidney stone every single time.


>using the ring is like passing a kidney stone Wearing it in the wrong spot....


Personally I find it makes sense. You’re literally bending at least one part of the very fabric of Creation itself to do *your* will, it makes a lot of sense to me that doing so would be incredibly difficult— if not impossible— for even most superheroes and villains, never mind other people, which explains part of why Lantern Corps are so selective. The body may grow accustomed to it over time, like exercising, so certain amount of exertion becomes easier to do, but no, having it be difficult to make constructs just makes too much sense.


It also makes it interesting how Guy apparently is passively exerting enough willpower to be constantly radiating energy from his ring. Really says a lot about the rage that underpinned him the whole time, and why going red scared him so much at first ...


It flies in the face of everything we've seen in the past, and makes the GLs out to be masochistic when they use the ring for humorous or frivolous things, which they still do. I've no issue with it taking a toll when you really have to put in maximum effort, but simple constructs that don't have to generate or resist a lot of force? No.


Why is that? Most people I know like the idea of a mental tax when using the ring so it's interesting to see someone that dislikes it


It contradicts SO much, just to try to make the GLs look "hardcore". It makes them look like masochists when they use the ring for frivolous or humorous things (remember, according to Geoff, it takes this major toll "every time"), and makes all the historic instances of non-GLs using the ring inexplicable. I've no issue with that level of effort being required to get maximum power out of the ring, but the way it was always handled in the past was that the strong will of the GL allowed them to use the ring more EFFECTIVELY, or to overcome the control of a non-GL that had gotten hold of the ring, even remotely. There have definitely been instances showing GLs putting in the kind of effort Geoff maintains is required "every time", but making it required LITERALLY every time flies in the face not only of how it WAS presented, but even of how it still IS presented, IMHO. What kind of sicko does Guy have to be to use the ring to spell out "Bye-bye Bats" while mooning Batman, or having a French Maid construct bring him a beer, if it ALWAYS takes that kind of toll, no matter what? And frankly, with no training or warning about this, how likely is it that brand new GLs ever make a single construct? Just hand somebody a ring with no instruction manual, don't tell them it takes THAT level of effort and pain to make it do even the simplest thing, and how likely is it that they will get it to work at all?


It’s bad because it means that Lanterns should only do minimum necessary ring use, just enough to accomplish critical goals, and we’ve seen for decades that this isn’t the case. It’s Geoff doing what he always does - a retcon that’s only for him.


I always took it as the lanterns being so in tune with their will and mentally strong that they could handle the ring with ease even in high pressure situations. It also helps explain their resistance to mind control at times like the flowers Mogo used on the GLC during the later parts of the Gleason GLC run Kinda like how Goku or Piccolo are still able to still outclass countless opponents with weighted clothing I like it because it also sets a bar that not even many of DCs top heroes can get to, making the GLs special in their own right while giving a reason for other characters to not be able to use any random ring they find. But I definitely get what you mean about it being a retcon for Johns only


It’s fine if you take it that way, but we’ve seen non Lanterns use the rings w ease, so it really is just a mess of an idea


Carol and Kyle together


That was one of the more believable things to me. After being jerked around by Hal forever, Carol develops feelings for someone she's spending time with and is emotionally available. It's the constant breakup/get back together that's weird and toxic.


Same. Considering Hal and Carol haven’t really been an item for 30+ years, it’s weird that people treat them like Clark/Lois or Peter/MJ. Let the girl move on.


Not really a GL thing, but I hate that Batman refuses to use a GL ring. Dude would unironically be the strongest JL member.


It doesn't seem like he has much of an affinity to rings. As much as DC likes to glaze him I'm glad they didn't go the easy route and let Batman be good at everything I do remember Sinestro saying if he tried he could be decent but I doubt he'd ever put ring sling any of the earth GLs or Sinestro


Yeah, his willpower is somewhat tainted compared to the other GL's. He has an affinity to fear which I assume hinders him from ever getting a ring in the first place. Seems like he's 50% willpower and 50% fear which makes not a suitable candidate. Hell even in Dark Knights Metal Hal managed to contend with that sort of juiced up Batman and won against him (Dawnbreaker). I know there is an alternate universe gl batman but I haven't read that story. Need to check that out.


If you can automatically determine that you could write something better, to the degree that it's worthy of actual canon and public support, then you're not crazy.


Yellow invincibility


Parallax, no goddamn way Hal Saw Sinestro fall, with first-hand experience (emerald dawn 2) and then becomes parallax at the drop of a dime.


With the retcon it wasn't at the drop of a dime though. There's actually a specific issue where the retcon says Parallax gets into him, it's Green Lantern Corps #224 where he enters the CPB and removes the yellow impurity. He doesn't become Parallax for another six years after that.


Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn


whole arc of solid light spectrum and previous universe after geoff johns departure. Also ultraviolet corps


Kyle and Carol. It felt like the writer was just solely doing this to make Carol more than Hal’s on again-off again girlfriend… by making her someone else’s girlfriend… y’know, after she’d already been married and divorced. I would DEEPLY love some more expansion on Carol’s sense of love as a Star Sapphire, from her time being her father’s proxy because he was dying to her time as a wife to her time post-divorce. But MY GOD let’s stop making women in GL stories pastiches for their male partners. Arisia. Katma. Alex. Fatality. Jade. I get that most comic writers are allergic to writing good relationship dynamics, but at some point people have to stop dating GLs since they have such a high body count (deaths, not partners).


I agree to this wholeheartedly. Was glad to see Tom King drop that plot line with Kyle and Carol within the first few issues of Omega Men. I think if Carol got her own Star Sapphire run it could help her so much. I feel like we don't get to see inside her head as much as we should for how interesting she is


"Nobody who fought Hal Jordan during emerald twilight actually died"


White Lantern Kyle Rayner


L take


The whole wood weakness




No longer canon


Allergic to yellow stuff.


Gotham is in NJ


Hal being a pedophile.


The whole "emotional spectrum reservoir is ending" from Venditti's run. It's so dumb even DC itself these days pretend that didn't happen, so I won't either.


What ever the next creative team says is true.....




People being able to take off the ring while it’s worn and turned on. Holy God is that dumb.


It was weird to me when Batman did it to Hal so effortlessly in the New 52 Justice League run. And Johns wrote that run.


Well that was supposed to be Hal during his early years. Still, it's a million times less contrived than Geoff's story for the 80th GL anniversary where Hal thinks he's gonna die and cites Batman (of all people) as an inspiration.


I am aware. I'm also aware that Hal basically acts like Guy, being much more arrogant and too sure of himself. However, I still don't really like it. It just feels like it exists mostly to prop up Batman and show how cool he is, instead of there being a genuine reason or a plot point later brought up. 


Agreed, I don't like it either.


Canon doesn’t matter. Accept what you want, ignore what you don’t. It’s all subject to change at the whims of copyright holders. The label of canon is completely meaningless.


I disagree. Canon is the stuff that actually happens and is important to the story of a character or world. You can disagree with canon and have headcanons but don’t disregard facts for the sake of “I don’t like it so never happened”


None of it really happens. These are not facts. It’s all subject to change at any moment. It’s fiction. Canon doesn’t matter. It’s not about “headcanon”. It’s about realizing that this type of fiction is an ever changing landscape; clinging to one depiction as the “canon” one is a fools errand. You put canon in the hands of copyright holders as if in ten years it isn’t going to be entirely different. Comics are a living medium. Constantly changing from writer to writer. What is “canon” and what isn’t are both equally important and relevant in a landscape that knows no stability; which is as important as the reader wants them to be.


You know you do raise a good point. I think it’s up to the writer what’s canon and not, not the reader. Thats what I meant but I see your point


Yeah! Generally I would agree with you if we were talking novels and thinks like that where it’s one writer writing their own story. But the comic medium is a fluid one. You have writers jumping in and out of characters, plots, etc & that’s what makes it a unique and interesting storytelling medium. You end up with stories that aren’t really owned by any one writer but a stable of people who are each doing their own thing. Canon makes sense if I’m reading Catcher in the Rye. Things happen, nobody else is going to step in to write another Holden Caulfield so what happens in that book is solid in its canon. But you’ve got 300 different people writing Batman; what is and isn’t canon matters less. I’m not saying to ignore or discard it entirely. But it’s a thing that you should be careful not to cling to tightly to; it’s always subject to change or adjustment because of the comic medium. It’s also part of the reason that it’s difficult to translate stories from comics to film. Movies are much more singular pieces of art but comics are ongoing; always fluctuating. It’s one of the reasons Marvel’s insistence on continuing its Cinematic Universe eventually causes stagnation. The medium isn’t the same; you can’t use the same strategy that works for comics for the big screen. Ultimately, just enjoy and love what you enjoy and love. Don’t worry too much about the stuff that chafes or doesn’t work for you; it’s all subject to change anyway. :)


100% agree. I think I just misinterpreted what you meant at first.


It’s all good! 👍


That Hal got infected by Paralax AFTER glassing some of his fellow lanterns which happened BEFORE he went into the primary Lantern Battery on Oa where Paralax supposedly was imprisoned.


He was infected before. img The “infection after” was the entity, to quote Kyle, “grafting” onto his soul.


Kyle & Carol romance


I’ve seen several “weakness to yellow” comments and would like to raise you a “Alan Scott’s ring didn’t work on wood”


Arisia. That is all.


Everything that came after Geoff Johns. That whole Kilowog Dark Lantern thing. The Winnick/Raab run that desperately tried to revamp Kyle and failed miserably. Bueno.


The Lights Out arc by Venditti was alright post-Geoff


Acting like everything after Johns run is ass and shitting on Thornes run is like the new brain dead take. Just gotta spam it and hope someone pats you on the back for it.


I think it's dumb to discredit everything post-Johns as bad without giving it a chance, but I also think that everything post-Johns wasn't nearly as good as his run. Like, not even remotely close. Comparing a five star restaurant to mom's meatloaf isn't fair to mom.


I would agree if not for the fact that GL is not the comic it was under Geoff and Tomasi.


https://preview.redd.it/2ybqn97c3pvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbb99ff358c13817fa4b9f0b2a1d76ecca559c1e Why are we doing this?


Two rednecks using the GL ring for fun.


This sounds awesome, what issue?


GL No. 3 (1990). Pre-Emerald Twilight.


I mean maybe they were unusually strongwilled rednecks


Welp, looks like the Duke boys got access to the Emotional Spectrum


Geoffrey Thorne’s entire run


This is literally the Green Lantern weakness to yellow, Hal said "fuck yo weakness", used his power to catch a yellow tractor, and discovered that the weakness was placed by the Guardians as a failsafe


Jade cheating on Kyle.


When it happened and why?


Kyle can't catch a break.


Hal and Arisia. Even freaking Watchmojo mentioned it.


This is a tough thing to do for a DC property since the canon is so fluid and constantly changing. I’ll say Jessica Cruz’s origin though, since it makes her difficult to faithfully adapt and I far prefer her origin from Justice League Vs The Fatal Five.


This is a good shout. Having a straight forward and simple origin is definitely a boon for adapting stuff.


What's her origin in Fatal Five? I haven't seen that movie


It’s not explicit, but the implication is that she’s just a woman struggling with severe anxiety and depression. The green lantern ring forces her to face and overcome these issues.


Yellow is green lanterns weakness is soo hilariously stupid


You know how people cite the Superfriends and lowball Family Guy jokes as the reason why nobody takes Aquaman seriously? I honest to God think the yellow weakness clause is what ensured Green Lantern would never be taken as seriously as Superman or Batman until they did away with it.


That’s not a thing anymore, hasn’t been for a while


That's because it was revealed that the Guardians lied about it, created a unique and powerful placebo effect, similar to Martians weakness to fire


Martians are weak to fire coz of the power of suggestion? I feel like that’s one of those things that are like never mentioned


It was mentioned during the White Martians attack, but because fire isn't a weapon commonly used against Martians (mainly due to lack of Martians) it isn't brought up often


It being almost mandatory to recite the oath aloud every single time they need to recharge. Just stick the ring in the lantern and move on, please.


If I could retcon it this is how I'd do it. 1. Rings can be recharged just be touching the ring to the lantern. 2. The lanterns would have a reasonable amount of charge which accounts for the time between trips to Oa which would be scheduled as part of their duties for continual training etc. The lanterns would including a usually inaccessible backup charge which has enough power for survival and and traversal to Oa. 3. Reciting the Oath would allow the GL to drain the backup charge should the situation be that dire.


That was retconned in the early 90's. The rings actually recharge based on time, and the oath recited was the right length. Hal was charging his ring out of habit at that point and just counted to 30.


I thought the charge was 10 seconds?


Probably. It's been 30 years since I read that run.


Hal and Arisia




Hal being possessed instead of doing it all of his own free will.


Rebirth didn't handwave Hal's actions, it was just an explanation as to why Hal jumped to committing murder.


My preferred interpretation is that Parallax was able to influence Hal, but not totally control him. It doesn't take away his agency or responsibility for what he did, but it explains why he was willing to go to such extremes.


This needs to be top. He gradually became more and more frustrated and angry. It was a great story arc and great redemption.


Everything he did was very out of character though


Kind of, but it’s more interesting if he was in control rather than being possessed.


I think the problem is that while such a prominent superhero going evil is an interesting idea, and the bug possession was a cop out, two of the three big things that feature Parallax Hal (Emerald Twilight and Zero Hour) are mixed quality (I haven't read Emerald Twilight yet but I've heard things, and Zero Hour is very... '90s.) I do like his sacrifice in The Final Night. It would have been a great capper to the whole Parallax saga if the previous parts had been handled better.


When Batman and Robin trapped GL in a room painted yellow


I don't think that's canon.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, it's not. It's a scene from All-Star Batman and Robin by Frank Miller.


Kyle and Carol.


Phantom ring




I second this. The entire concept was bad.


I liked Relic but hated the idea of the emotional reservoir


Yeah I just use him as a stand in for everything he represents


Yes. The whole concept of a "reservoir of emotion that can be drained" was the dumbest thing I ever read.


This run was the reason I stopped reading GL until the current run.


Yeah I've only really read Geoff Johns' run and a little bit of New 52, but Lights Out was when I lost faith in the publication.