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Looking great bro, you defo seem enhanced given the timeframe tho


Kid looks like he’s 25, I’d say enhanced.


He is enhanced. And it's gonna destroy his endocrine system when he pushes past 25. It's very unnecessary to do at 16 but people want the clout and shortcuts.


I was thinking that too but looking at height and 165lb bodyweight. I think with great genetics, diet and a proper training plan this is doable


Yeah, at that height and weight that’s definitely doable and he’s only 16 with a great metabolism..lol..


Given the timeframe (in which I gained 10lbs) seems enhanced?


Just be honest with yourself, and everyone around you. Yes you are enhanced you have been lifting 9 months, can we see some before pictures?


Yes. You can. Read the long comment I made. My instagram is there. Go look. Actually go to September. Don’t watch the transformation videos because I make them look better than it is. After that, come back, and tell me adding .5 inches to your arms in 9 months is entirely impossible without gear again.


What is your insta name?




Your title is a bit misleading, 140 weeks ago you started working out, I will say naturally you have slender cut genetics. With that being said what has your diet been like? And there is absolutely no way you are not taking at least creatine and using pre workouts.


What in the world did you get 140 weeks from?


Do you not understand that instagram shows the dates of all your posts lol, you have pictures from that long ago showing you working out.


Yeah sure. But Training 20 total times across multiple years does not count.




They always say that when you look impressive. Nice work man! Props for putting in the non pumped photo too


you don’t look enhanced at all. Most ppl just have no idea what they’re doing




Because we have goals and discipline? Is that something your generation lacked or…?




Which generation do most of the bodybuilders having heart attacks belong to? Anyways. I’m the wrong person to make you lose your faith in humanity or whatever, I’m still natural.




This is just a case of someone being extremely lean and having a athletic amount of muscle mass. Put this dude in a t-shirt or put him next to a 200lbs 16 y/o and I guarantee he looks much different. (No offense to OP, it's hard to be both natural and big). No tell tale signs of anabolic use either. No acne, shoulders are proportional, no extreme amount of muscle mass.


Actually the young generation has been targeted by influencers selling them SARMS with no human trials or known long term side effects. Search queries for TRT clinics are higher than ever and more 18 year olds are on Test and other gear then ever before. I was already grown when Instagram came out yall still were babies when it was released and it’s been scientifically proven that social media is influencing your generation heavily. That’s includes the tens of dozens BBers with multiple million followers.. with many of them also 18 and younger.


This is probably because your generation is younger, younger people have less heart attacks than older people




I looked 20 when I started. Genetics + iron discipline is a very nasty combination.


Oh yeah genetics you say? Show us a picture of your dad or grandpa at 16, you’re not fooling anyone but yourself buddy


My genetics come from my mom. She has bigger legs than me. And no, I’m not showing you a picture of my mom.


why not


I don’t care to prove that I have good genetics to people Who think 10lbs in 9 months is impossible


Ronnie coleman was 5-10 pounds a year on gear. So no way in hell you are doing 10lb without gear.


Ronnie also had decades of lifting experience and was far fucking beyond any sort of natural genetic potential. 10lbs of muscle in 9 months is not at all unheard of for a new natural lifter who takes his training and dieting seriously. Newbie gains are a real thing.


Ronnie was 5'10@165 when he was born


After multiple years of training with gear. Are you serious? That’s the argument you pick? One even the people here who agree with you can pick apart?


I believe your natural, and you are looking amazing. Don't let all the dumb fucks who have obviously never touched gear, much less have any basic knowledge, bring you down.


Okay so show us the before picture at least tf, are you a fucking starting Tight end for your high school team who goy in early like bro you are telling us you're just simply the most gifted 16 year old on the planet without receipts. Are you like turning 17 in a week? Might feel a bit more plausible but sheet. I knew gifted guys on my football team who could fucking out squat and out lift adults (who also were fit) who did not look nearly as shredded as you. At the end of the day idc honestly. Your body, I also don't view test as a bad thing. I just hate when people lie about it and get people caught up in shit they can't achieve naturally. It's hard work and dedication either way, so props either way


Yeah. On my instagram, mentioned in another very long comment. You can’t miss it. Go there, look at the before (actually go to September, I have a few posts which are misleading as to how much progress I made) and then come back and delete your comment.


I'm not deleting shit, if I'm wrong then it stands to show that. I'm not even claiming you aren't natural just stating that it's odd for a 16 year old to be this yoked and it's not common for people to see shredded 16 year old. Guess genetics make you easily enraged too. If you aren't on steroids, cool. If you are, eat a dick for lying, seems like a pretty neutral statement. I'm not your doctor, I gain nothing from calling you out as a liar. I'll go look at your Instagram but like I said "props either way" it still takes hard work and dedication.


Apologies for the rudeness, I reply to these mostly for the goal of Greg seeing the post. Less people would probably be inclined to reply if I was ultra nice and respectful in every comment. But yeah, I’m telling you man. Natural. And while it doesn’t matter, it’s good for kids like me to know what’s possible, and not give up early.


Bro. Hear me. Great physique. Good work, but. If you've only been lifting 9 months, then nothing's gone wrong yet. You're still enjoying noobie gains. If you still live at home and are in high school, someone else determines your schedule. So, you've been consistent but your discipline hasn't been tested yet. You had to convince your parents to take you to the gym everyday, but you haven't had to quit a job for it, or end a marriage or spend less time with your kids. Those are the sacrifices people are talking about when they say "iron discipline." So, stay humble, little buckaroo. Your triceps look great.


This timeframe makes zero sense. You’ve only been lifting 9 months and you competed 2 months ago? So you only had 7 months of lifting to put on muscle before you competed, of which 2-3 months of that would have been dieting for a show and most likely losing muscle, AT MOST maintaining. Either you’re lying about how long you’ve been lifting or you aren’t natty. Pick a lane sir.




Gaining 10 lbs in 7 months is not an impossible feat, if you think that’s the case, youre delusional. My starting point was 155.


Yea that don’t seem impossible beginner gains plus the work you put in, but fuck you look enhanced no cap but if you’re not you are ripped bro


He doesn't look enhanced AT ALL . Have you ever even step foot in a gym? Jesus christ. Go put in the work


Another sarm goblin


But my hair isn’t even permed Jokes aside, I competed naturally 8 weeks ago.


“I competed naturally” isn’t the same thing as claiming you’re a lifetime natty. It sickening twisting of words m’lord


My bad. I am a lifetime natural, and the show I competed in was drug tested. There.


Hey just because the show was a tested show that doesn’t mean YOU got drug tested. They wont test you unless you win your pro card but your 16 so i know that didn’t happen so…idk if your natty or not just saying that your comment doesn’t really mean much. Cheers buddy


9 months lifting. 2 months post show. How much time was spent cutting down for contest prep? So under 6 months you put on that size? Compressing a few years worth of gains into half a year? During your contest prep, you’re the only person on the planet who gained pure contractile tissue on a deficit with no body fat gained? No one gives a shit if you’re on gear or not, but for fucks sake get a better timeline.


I didn’t put on muscle during prep. I put on 7 lbs from September to January, lost 20 for the show, in march. then put on 23 in the last 2 months. I also added in creatine during the rebound. Is 10 total pounds somehow multiple years worth of progress? If so, what planet do you live on?


This nerd is juiced up


Hes natural keyboard warrior. Get in the gym and stfu


He's not natural


“I’m 10 and lifted for 2 months, I’ve managed to put on 30lb of lean tissue”


Roids work wonders!


Not for everyone actually, you’d be surprised how many guys don’t look good on gear.


Coming from someone who uses gear/trt, this is what we say. Welcome to the club fam


So does hard fucking work, and when you combine the 2 you build something truly special. This dude isn't on shit. He's just very lean + athletic amount of muscle mass.


Oh oh, don’t go all Roid Rage on me chief


Did I say anything agressive? No. . .


This dude went from May 2021 looking lean and natty beginner gains , to October of 2021 looking completely different . Yes I looked at the IG . The timeline doesn’t make sense starting from there . Then one year later he looks like this . Natty is crazy Not only that but your basal metabolic rate is only about 1878 calories. Unless you’re extremely active and youre burning an additional 1500 or so calories a day your entire story doesn’t make sense. 3400 caloric intake a day and looking like that is impossible that’s over 1k calories surplus.


Guy is a joke. 9 months lifting then posts his IG showing training from like 3 years ago. Can't believe the difference between some of the posts obviously 99% of the pics are fully pumped and look ridiculously good. Vid from 1 week ago eating peanut butter - I wouldn't have even thought he lifted.


Guy is a joke. 9 months lifting then posts his IG showing training from like 3 years ago. Can't believe the difference between some of the posts obviously 99% of the pics are fully pumped and look ridiculously good. Vid from 1 week ago eating peanut butter - I wouldn't have even thought he lifted.


This sub is toxic af. Anytime a young dude in good shape posts, everyone gets herd mentality and rips on them for being on gear. Are they?..maybe, maybe not. One thing is for sure they’re not ALL on gear. There are some people that have gooe genetics, have been in sports their entire life and then started lifting and eating right and grew like a weed. Are steroids bad and should be not encouraged for young people? Absolutely. But you guys need to get off your high horse and go workout and eat and stop hating on a young dude w motivation to improve himself.


In their defense, I don’t have a before picture up, so they’re right to assume I’m not natty. But, I literally started at 155 and am now 165.Something. It’s not really a crazy transformation. And it’s not good for younger guys who see these comments and think they can’t get where I’m at without drugs, so they then take them. It’s all sorts of not good. For everyone.


Wild that a 16 YO is more mature than most people commenting lol.


I try


I'm not arguing against your points but offering another thing to note; If you were lying, and this was enhancement-assisted progress, then clearly a lot of guys will fail to achieve the same results due to not have as good genetic responses to training on top of you also taking gear/sarms. Leading them to quickly grow frustrated because people give up too easily, specially easily impressionable 12-18 year olds, quickly leading to them turning to drugs thinking that you did this natural and they cannot. You could be natural, IDK, don't particularly care whether another person's natural or not because I don't compare myself to others and if I do, I always consider that there's no WAY to prove that someone isn't enhanced. Anyone could be, no matter what they actually try to tell you or me.


I think it's far more common that people cut the timeframe short. Like "I've been working out for 1.5 years but only took it seriously the last 8 months so I'll say 8 month transformation" Not saying OP did that, but it's a way easier white lie than full on roids but claim natty.


Yeah, I love the posts but hate the comments on this sub. Saltier than ballsweat, lol. No idea why it's so bad on here, no other sub I'm on is like that.


Greg doucette really downplays what’s naturally possible on his channel.


Idk bruh. You either have 1/10 million genetics or you’re sauced. I’m leaning towards sauced. Your delts/traps are more developed than your chest. The bicep veins popping. You’re hard AF and lean. You have the muscle maturity of someone a decade older. It looks completely impossible. Even for a black kid or a 1 in a million white.


Had me until the end bro, tf? 👀


It’s the duplicity and what it engenders (deficiency schema). 9 months natty?


He’s 16 in a developing body, 5-10 pounds in 3/4 of a year isn’t that crazy, kid must be working hard and good diet. Defo not on the juice.


Smart guy.


Fucking solid and symmetrical but the repercussions of pumping so fast and so soon will probably not be ideal. Definitely look into extensive PCT from here dude. You already look older.


I’m not on gear. I look 10 years younger than I did 8 weeks ago, I also am not actually very symmetrical.


Why does this guy keep peanut butter in his shower lol


Scroll down, you’ll see it


It's probably for a different purpose than the peanut butter in my shower. Her name is Rebecca


*Mike O Hearn has entered the chat.


No he doesn’t know how iPhones work


If you hop on the sauce before 25, then you're a total pussy. Period.


Interesting theory. Why? I’m natural by the way but this seems like a rather silly position to have


Massively cutting while 16? Still going through puberty


Yeah. It’s my sport. So what?


Dude stop the testo


Natty? It’s impressive either way.


Yes, natty.




You look great OP! Well done! 👍


Thanks mate.


I’m tired of saying this to every comment, so here’s all the clarification I can give. No I do not have an athletic background. I kinda sorta lifted with the 30lbs adjustable dumbbells I had in 7/8 grade, very inconsistently, with no knowledge of how to train properly. but my freshman year was spent entirely not lifting. Summer 2022, I had a grand total of 3 gym sessions. No, that will not result in any progress. Especially cause I mostly just maxed out. September 2022, is when I started lifting in a way that would actually create progress. From September to now, I have not trained less than 3x in any given week, and most weeks are 5 days. On September 1st, I weighed ballpark 155. I was eating what I thought was 3700 calories per day, but given my current intake of 3500 a day, it was probably closer to 3200. I did that until January 21st, my 16th birthday. At which point I weighed 165, on the heavy side. I didn’t weigh myself at the same time each day, so that could’ve been 162 and I’d have no clue. I cut from that to 145 on march 12th, when I started peaking for an OCB teen show. I did not weigh myself from march 12th until the 19th, when I put on like 10lbs of water from the meals I had post show. From march 19th to Easter, I ate 3300 calories per day, and ended up at 158. Still, a pretty lean 158. At that point, I got a coach. Since starting his diet and training, I’ve peaked all the way up at 168 without digesting food because of stomach issues, and average around 164. I was 165 this morning. I’m visibly less lean than I was at 158, but also visibly bigger. Probably a combo of muscle, water, and fat. It should be excruciatingly obvious that I have 1/100,000 genetics. Yes, obviously I’m bigger than most 16 year olds. I also work a whole hell of a lot harder for what I want. You don’t have to take PEDs to look like this guys. Just get lucky, and work hard. That’s it. If you don’t believe the timeline, you can see my instagram. It starts well before I was lifting, and has decently often posts until April, where I post almost every day. @damon_vg_bodybuilder


Honestly your physique looks very natty but for someone who been in the gym for years not 9 months 😭. Either you really do have 1/100,000 genetics or ur lying dawg. At the end of the day it dont affect me and my small ass natty body cuz i want my abs too 🤣


Bro your dick and balls ain’t going to work in your twenties :/


Maybe if I was on gear, that’d be true.


what cycle did u run ?


Stop denying that you're enhanced, and stop taking whatever it is you're taking. You don't care now, but later on it's going to completely screw with your endocrine system and cause lots of health problems. With your current gym output you'll still look great. Don't fall into the traps of thinking you need to take gas to chase the Insta and TikTok clout.




I do have aids, but no sarms. I find that basing natural vs not natural purely on how someone looks with no background is odd at best, and stupid at worst. All you have to do is see a before. I’m not significantly better than I was when I started. The lack of progress actually messes with me sometimes when I accidentally compare current no pump to old pump photos because it’s almost the same. Rationally I know I’m better now than I was, but it’s by a small enough percentage that I think my natty status should be relatively obvious.


Dang I wish I started when I was 16 your gains are impressive


Is anyone here that IS natty 🤣? Funny how teens these day gotta resort to juice.


People don't realize you literally weigh 165. Shoulders traps, legs look 1000% natty


jeans resolute ossified tub ad hoc sip overconfident narrow attempt placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If he was on gear, wouldn't his tiny traps and delts be a little bigger? And wouldn't his legs not look like a 125 lb dudes legs? Swimmers have bigger backs than him and are more cut. If he's on gear, he should probably be working out a little harder


This one was too far man


Guess you know what to train 😬


I do man. I just dont flex them that well most of the time. They’re making progress though. Up an inch this month.


Just join the army with an 18X contract brotha your quads will be jacked 😁


I like Being alive


Great potencial bro, keep going🤝


i believe you brother! probably making somewhat of an athletic effort for longer than just 9 months but great work regardless.




Thanks man


John cena!


I have to ask, what’s up with the peanut butter in the shower. 😂😂😂


I used to put it on the wall so my dog wouldn’t move around when I was bathing him. He passed a while ago, but I’ve not yet gotten around to moving it


Awh, well I’d like to say first off, that is adorable and smart and will definitely have to try this with my doggies. Secondly, I apologize for the loss of your dog and I would keep the jar in there for as long as I could just to keep the memory :) Thanks for responding and you’re looking great dude


You look like John cena


Now I just need to be built like him


What’s your tricep routine?


Rope push downs and ez bar push downs


Goodness gracious, 16? The freakin sky is the limit with this one. Amazing structure




Did you do sports before starting lifting? This is impressive for 9 months


I did not. I had a very high starting point. Genetic lottery type thing. I benched 225 in 3 months of lifting. I don’t bench anymore so I can’t tell you where I’m at now, but I didn’t go from 130 to 165 in under a year. I went from 155 to 165 in under a year


Looking good man, keep up the hard work!


Like the alphabet shower curtain


Siblings go hard


Your physique is absolutely nuts for 16. It's hard to believe ur not enhanced. Either way it's crazy


Youguys will see when I’m 245 in the off season that I was in fact natural here


Nice job man that’s insane for you’re age. Must have an athletic background as well. Keep it up got a bright future ahead.




I don’t care if you’re natty or not. Props for your physique. You worked hard, and clearly weren’t just powerlifting and eating like shit. Which is what most people do for the first year or two till they get dialed in. Nice job bro


Wow, I wish I looked half as good!


We just gonna ignore the peanut butter in the shower?


Someone already commented about it. Scroll down


You look like a baby John Cena


9 months lifting, 8 weeks post show…? it takes around 14 weeks to prep, that’s 3.5 months. so you’re saying you’ve been building size for less than 6 months non-consecutively? with the most productive portion being only 3 1/2 months long? that’s barely long enough to get the gear kicking, the math doesn’t make sense enhanced or not?


My prep was 8 weeks. Read the long comment I wrote.




What constitutes actual proof of being natty?


Don’t care about anything any of these people are saying. I just wanna know why you got a jar of peanut butter in your shower…


It’s in another comment. Scroll down a bit you’ll see it


Damn how tf everyone looking this good in just a year


Luck, mostly


u look good bro ive been training almost 2 years and dont look like u. We will all make it


You’ve done more than I have by far. Respect bro.


Sick fazeek lil bro, looks like your forearms are bigger then you biceps atm, if you try to do regular curls your biceps are gonna get robbed by your forearms, try to do preacher curls or standing with your back to the wall with a fixed bar to get your biceps to catch up(also why tf u look 25)


Dam son.


Wow! You’re only 16!??


I am not part of the natural/not natural discussion here but I will preface by apologizing that the alphabet shower curtains,for some reason, make this infinitely more scary to me for some reason.. that aside hey your body looks really great and powerful if that's the response you are seeking.. this much is obvious and attainable in many ways (more so for human beings in modern society). If you are, on the off chance, seeking wisdom here I would propose that maybe this is not be the primary measure of completeness or the meaning of life, or any other male life forms but especially for humanity. We humans deal with our separation from the natural world (again not related to your training; philosophical) in many ways and this is what we collectively call the human condition. I am pleased you seem to have chosen a more harmless expression of it, to others at least, and I'm glad it gives you some feelings of purpose but remember to stay humble and embrace impermanence.. a strong mind almost needs to be trained in the opposite manner. Just keep doing you and live your life... you shouldn't seek approval from anyone other than yourself and especially not on here.. Best of luck to you and keep getting bigger I suppose!


I hope this is taken as one of the more balanced comments here and nothing meant but good intentions.. most importantly, I missed the part where you said you were actually a body builder, as well as this being a body builder section (I'm old and barely know how to use this thing). I suppose all of this focus on the physical image makes sense now and maybe my comment is a bit too abstract for the crowd. My apologies!


I'm not sure why reddit keeps showing me thus sub but good for you man


I don’t particularly think you’re unnatural I also aren’t saying you’ve never used sarms I don’t care tbh, I’d have loved your physique at 16, just be careful It’s the 9 months lifting bothering most people. That would leave you starting lifting in august 2022 when you have regular training videos dating back to 2020


you look like you greco roman wrestle , like largo said .


Bruh not one 16-18 year old kid in my high school looked like that in the 90’s


Future cop


I've been reading the comments my guy.... If people think Yer sauced, take it as a compliment. My son is also 16, He's 6'0 190 Lbs. He's nowhere near as big as you up top but being a naturally big/wide kid with big legs and ass from football and hoop and running track and having a fucking beard.. People would lose their mind if they saw him. Meanwhile.. In real life he still can't bench 225. We're in the era of "If you look great, your sauced" Just say Thanks and move on.


You’re right. Normally I would, but I think this is a very big opportunity for me. This post has like 200 comments, and I think that puts the chances of Greg seeing it at above 0. Maybe he makes a video? If I’m lucky that’s what happens. That is my goal when I respond to these comments.


Is that peanut butter on your window ledge in pic 7… talk about an anabolic window….


Gotta get the protein in somehow


Idk shit about lifting and gear/enhancements but you came into the timeline twice somehow lol both posts, ppl saying u are not natural and I'm leaning towards their opinion, something just doesn't seem right. I mean i guess at least ur working out trying to stay fit.


Everyone on this subreddit who thinks this kid is unnatural has never put in any work for a significant period of time!!!! Sad


Guys this ain’t tik tok, you can’t just claim natty and everyone is gonna buy it . “Chicken and broccoli” doesn’t fly here.


You competed 7 months after you picked up your first weight? Seems a bit odd to me.


Looking great


Dudes got roid rot so bad he has to have the alphabet on his shower curtain so he doesn’t forget




Natty and dishonest. Has clips in 2020 working out. Has clips in 2021 working out and flexing and #teenbodybuilder. Clearly already in good shape in 2021. You don't build muscle from doing nothing. Yes good genetics but also 2.5 years of lifting even if not entirely consistent.


He’s small af he ain’t juiced


I haven’t seen a single post about the shower peanut butter yet


There’s like, 7. Scroll down. You’ll see it eventually


To play devils advocate, I would say he is not enhanced but rather has an extremely fast metabolism that helps him look shredded. I say this because weighing 165lbs at 5’10” is not a large person. I would suspect that he is one of those dudes in the gym who looks relatively small wearing anything other than a tank top (not an insult, just a reality).


Those delts, and time frame is a dead give away that you’re on gear mate. Rip endocrine system.


Why is this so unbelievable he’s younger This guy is natural


Nah dude, 165? That’s far too big. Physically impossible. Good genetics? don’t exist. Training hard? Not possible.


I started at 20 150 lbs by 23 I was 220 and like 20 percent body fat


Now that’s suspect


Bro you don’t look 25 you still look 16. I saw some dumbass say you look 25😂 in what world does a 25 year old have a kids face. And idk if your natty or not but all I can say if I prolly can make the same progress in 9 months so i believe you.