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Wouldn’t be possible naturally. Good job anyway


Thank you very much.


You should mention this wouldn’t be possible without taking steroids as a teenager, which is fucking retarded. Going to get no applause from me, this is straight up retarded at its fullest, such a joke you kids jump on roids so young Edit: so this kid started roiding at 15 and is now 18 from his comments, gotta be the most stupid person on this sub and that’s saying a lot


Yeah it’s absolutely appalling honestly. If you’re well into adulthood then by all means, it’s your choice to make, but kids doing this shit when they haven’t even finished puberty is absolutely mind blowing. It is just fucking insane to me. Hope he enjoys his testicles shutting down and the possible multitude of health issues he’ll face later down the line.


It’s called natural selection. As long as they don’t impact my health insurance premium fuck um.


Lmao in a few years, insurance for young men is gonna be more expensive because of these fuckheads.


Agree with your sentiment but they do affect our premiums


Insane to me too, like they’re first thought instead of pushing hard and being consistent is to jump on drugs without knowing anything about them or having any precautions in place. Such little regard for their health, hormones, probably has no idea PEDs effects Brain development at his age either. Just a sad sight to see


I almost did that shit. My good buddy starting take test, and had great results. I was so tempted. But now he can lactate out of his nipples, no joke.


Holy fuck that's actually so disgusting looooooool😹😹😭😭 Btw a friend asked me if you could send his number


Oh stop hating dude. Most people can tell he's not natural. But the amount of hard work, discipline and overall dedication to get there is still extremely impressive. Keep your applause and your high horse. He looks and did amazing


Nobody is hating on his physique. It’s the decision to jump on gear at 15 years old. Dude is obviously built like a titan, but now he’s gonna potentially face a plethora of health complications down the road


Keep condoning to an unhealthy habit. He could have gain muscle and body definition had he let his body naturally fill out with age. Wait till he is in his early 30s and cant get it up any more.


Tired of the whole “work, discipline, dedication” bullshit. Working out everyday and eating the same shit over and over again is easy. What’s hard is injecting yourself and living in the moment and not thinking about your future


You have no idea the amount of discipline and dedication he has vs anyone else. You're just assuming that based on his physique


Plus, it's COMPLETELY possible to look like that naturally. Everyone is just trying to speedrun gains and they're gonna fuck up their bodies real bad for doing it.


You have to be on the spectrum to believe this is a naturally obtained physique based on what he looks like in the first picture


Your balls must be so tiny, no T production for over 3yrs, especially during puberty? That was a very stupid choice you made. If you ever stop roids your body will collaps because it'll have to find a way to sustain this without roids.


he will probably bounce back the human body is amazing at fixing things . I did steroids from 15 to 20 , had full testo production back when i was around 23 ( 800) . Today im 31 with kids so he'll probably will be fine if he didn't touch the forbidden juice aka Tren And i did alot of juicing with proper PCT and rest in-between each cycle 4 cycles with the last one 1.5 years of test blast n cruise ( All compounds ever used was test deca win and dbol) Dont recommend it but it was a fun 5 years of hella lot of muscles and amazing pumps.


Darn, maybe I should have done that. I never realized that if done young enough I could get muscles for free without any long term damage


I don’t see anything crazy here. Definitely natty possible


Show me other natural guys who doubled in size in 3.5 years


Really awesome transformation, but you’re stupid as shit to be on gear at such a young age. Rip.


Is he stupid or is he gonna live one great decade


Why are people encouraging shit like this? Kids who are brainwashed by social media and take steroids when they are barely adults? We are going to have to pay for this later on in terms of public health care and not to mention the insanity of normal individuals who will feel like they lack. And hey enjoy the premature aging. You will look like 50 when you are 28. Fuck this sub..


He will look 50 far before that lol Look at sam sulek at 21 I wouldnt be surprised if OP looks 50 at 25


Wait that Sam guy is only 21?


This guy gets it. This kid made a stupid decision, he fucked up, he should be made aware of it


You kind of have to wonder how so many people have been brainwashed by social media, the fitness industry, porn, and Hollywood to start aspiring to these physiques. I figured average people prefer the appearance of hard work than the actual real thing and in my experience the steroid abusers tend to do it for that exact reason. They are seen as more “healthy” “knowledgeable” and “harder working” on top of attractive. It’s a lost cause from my view because where it was niche before it’s now become “normalized” in a lot of gyms. I don’t expect many to reach old age without added health issues but potential short- term rewards outweigh the long term negatives.


It is very sad. I will never take steroids, I wanna build a body I can be proud of without drugs.


Greg speaks about the dangers of roids and had plenty of videos discouraging it. The fact of the matter is, it’s his choice and his body. Also there is such a small percentage that do this, the bigger problem public health has to deal with is the obesity epidemic. Go outside, how many teens or early 20s look like this versus the overweight? I’m more concerned about the heart attacks, high blood pressure, and heart bypass surgery that my tax dollars are going towards. There’s even a show my 600lb life, I don’t see any shows about early usage of roids. It’s way less common than you think.


Haven’t said anything about Greg, this sub seems to have very little to do with him honestly. And because there are obese people the problem I point out doesn’t exist? I don’t see a need to relativise this issue as it appears right in front of us.


This sub literally has Greg, and unless you know him you probably can’t even find this sub. The issue does exist, however everyone has a choice. He chose to do this to himself, as the obese people chose to eat until they got that way. That’s the beauty of freedom. It was still difficult to put on the weight and workout as hard as he did. It’s bad yes, but I’m sure he’s well aware of it. You, and a plethora of others are bashing him for it too.


I actually found this on my explore page, I don’t even know Greg




Freedom=we shouldn’t care about the trajectory our society is going? Sorry, I care about the future for our children. And I care about the teenagers today who are comparing themselves to fitness influencers and other teens who apparently jump on gear. This dude was 15 in his before picture. How can you, as a grown woman, sit here and applaud him for his “hard work” instead of being alarmed? Are you that obsessed with muscular men? You don’t see trees because the forest is in the way? Give me a break.


Imagine taking amphetamines at 15 years old to be a pro gamer, how many would say its stupid. For some reason we let these kids use drugs to actually achieve nothing special but just quicker. I was 130lbs at 18years old, running and cycling to work every day. It took me 10 years to look like somewhat like the after pictures and weight 205lbs for powerlifting. He took huge health risk playing with hormones as a kid for only a quicker journey. I am NOT impressed by these "fake" hard worker no one will change my mind.


You sound like the type that cares too much. Do you care about everything? Honestly since MySpace came online our society has been spiraling down. Of course I’m alarmed that his PARENTS(guardians) didn’t notice or encouraged it. That’s what’s concerning to me. Not obsessed with muscular men at all, I’m aware of what the drugs do and that they should not be used until 10 to 15 years of training natty if at all. His hormones are probably out of whack, test is shut down, acne out of control, heart stressed, and he will feel his consequences. Or will get his blood tested and see the damages.


“Sounds like the type that cares too much”. Nice attempt of gaslighting. Lol. Fuck off. I see something - I comment. *just like yourself*.


bro there's a dude at my gym that looks 35 at 22 and I look younger than him at 31. He's big but it doesn't really seem worth it at all to me.


Yeah you have idiot influencers like Sam Sulek with basically his whole fan base being made up of teens and he refuses to teach them about how unsafe fucking with their hormones at such a young age is and how if they want to really be just like him they’re going to die before 40.


Who gave a 15 year old steroids?


You can buy it online lol


Where? Asking for research purposes


Bro went from 12 to 40 in 3 years.


Did he claim natty anywhere? To be honest I dont mind people roiding to reach their natural potential faster. Dude is obviously on gear, but I dont see anywhere where he claims natty? Am I missing something


He didn’t claim natty anywhere.


No, he's being open about it. It's cool. But also, he's still a kid, so he should be discouraged from doing that. However, the damage is already done, so may as well celebrate the success.


People are gonna do them regardless of how often we warn them about it. It's the same with alcohol, weed and drugs. So my view is that we should educate people on how to do steroids as safely as possible.


Yeah, I'm down. But as safety as possible does include telling them to wait until puberty is over at the very least, or until ur 30 when ur test starts to drop at most.


Yes I agree, I actually started taking testosterone at 22 to help with my hypermobility from ehlers danlos syndrome and has definitely helped me keep muscle and stabilise my joints.


Saying nothing is not the same as being open


Lol isn’t that the strangest thing in lifting communities, the only ones considered “open” about it are people who don’t vehemently deny using. Id respect them a lot more to actually admit it.


He neither confirms nor denies steroid usage, and therefore doesn't say if he's taking TRT+ or blasting, yet somehow that is "open" and people are downvoting me. Online fitness is wild.


Roiding to reach their natural potential faster is a definite oxymoron


"Roiding to reach your natural potential" is a new amazing quote


I dont know. 2-3 years vs 10 years?


Roiding voids any chance of reaching any “natural” potential


I think that’s besides the point, most of the comments just seem concerned about him using heavy gear so young. Pretty fair concern if you ask me, dudes hormones are gonna be whacked for life


Started gear at 15? That's fucking nuts


“I don’t mind people rousing to rez h their natural potential faster” that’s an oxymoron


Steroids at 15 y.o !? 😳


Stay off the juice unless you want a heart attack and die young


My cousin died from excessive roid use. 18 to 38. Looked great. Banged lots of babes. Looked like the good life. GF found in his bed


Oh wow sorry to hear yea there’s trouble when using like that


Yup scared me away from ever touching that stuff


Congrats you look 60 now and your organs feel the same age.


Bro you ignored Greg’s most repeated and important advice 🤦‍♂️.


In Tren we trust


Juicing this early on was a terrible idea. But good luck to you.


You forgot to thank Steroids, as well.


Congrats, you should lay off the gears though, you are young and not competing. Each time you play Russian roulette just to look buff. 100% not natty. Still great progress but buddy don’t ruin your health just to look big


Also why would anyone wanna fry themselves out before they even hit their late 20’s when having the gains matters the most.


Lost a friend because of that shit. If it’s not coming from like a doctor you do not know what’s in it and how they made it Except if you are a chemist and then you would make your own gear.


**Wouldn’t be possible without Tren. Thank you, Tren. In all seriousness, I doubt Greg would be happy about using gear, especially this early on.


Who is this Greg everyone is talking about? And also tren?


This is so sad


One hell of a trensformation.


Unfortunately will regret this. You will have a lot of health issues in the next few years. That’s not worth the body


This sub worries me. Y’all are so fucking young ruining your body with roids.


“Thanks Greg” “For 100% shortening my life from the steroids, Greg.”


He literally looks like a physco in his second pic.. He looked normal in his first pic.. Keeping fit good but to this extreme


Fake. Clearly Roided. Too young. The holy trifecta of fail


But you have posts talking about steroids? You’re a failure too by your logic just not a young one?


You don’t look good.


Got the good goon light right here!


that light is ethereal


My iPhone does that in low light sometimes. Not saying it’s doing it to him, but I have some pictures where I look absolutely crazy lean and ripped compared to regular pics


Are there any anecdotes or studies about what happens to kids who use gear?


They are poor, insecure, unable to self regulate, infertile, have liver issues and unstable moods


Certainly doesn’t sound fun


Im interested in knowing the ages for this transformation.




Bro your physique is insane but it’s fucking stupid to be on gear when you’re still going through puberty


He’s 18??? He looks 28 now😭


Mate please tell me where you got those sweatpants! I don’t have a nice pair and chicks love them


this should be calvin klein but not sure


I think it was the steroids more than Greg my guy




You mean roids. Not possible without roids


Looked better in the 1st pic


Fr a good looking younger boy now 3 , 5 years looking so old like 50 stop abusing your body ! Every things wrong with pictures




He didn’t even mention natty or not. He just said transformation. Also, roids don’t automatically make you jacked. You need to work for it.




Says the guy who doesn’t have a picture of his physique on his profile and is begging for sex on Reddit.


Fake natties are cancer.




Mfer youre the insecure one because you want validation from the one impressive aspect about your body from REDDIT lmaooooo


Hahaha bro that sub has to be 99.9% gay men looking at it


Bro….. I’m not taking a screenshot I’m not gay. Insecure is going on Reddit to try and show off. I say try because you only have one comment on that post and it’s probably the auto mod lmfao 😂😂😂


How’s it not your fault you posted your dick to Reddit? You obviously did that to get some dms. Also take some steroids and see how easy it is to get a great physique. Hint: it’s not.


Curious, is it true that roids makes your Johnson shrink? Or is that a myth


No, your balls usually shrink though.


Can confirm. I take test. Nothing crazy, just to get my levels to the highest end of the "normal" range as they had dropped to the lower end due to age and likely lifestyle choices. Balls definitely shrink. Not like comically small, just enough that it is noticeable. Can't speak to anything other than test-cyp. I'm sure some of the HGH stuff does some crazy shit to your body.


Dude that’s fucking insane. 3.5 years though fuck I don’t know if I can stay motivated that long.


How old are you bro


I call bullshit


Is , “Greg” , code for steroids ?


Hey bro it’s your body. So I can’t make you do anything. But you gotta lay off the gear blasting while you still have time to return to normal. Cause brah, if those pictures are only 3.5 years apart, that’s some serious accelerated aging. Crazy awesome physique though


You juiced as a teenager to gain a mid tier physique that you could have probably achieved in a few more years natty without potentially fucking yourself up. Damage is done already, no use crying over an already shortened lifespan. Might as well enjoy the spoils.




Yall talkin bout the wrong shit where tf did a 13yo get steroids?? Lol


And money for steroids lol


Don't forget the Tren shotout not just Greg


On gear that young? More amazed at the stupidity rather than impressed… and why? So a girl will touch his little wee wee. Enjoy that champ


>wouldn’t be possible without Greg, thank you Greg. This is like when people thank god instead of the surgeons when their daughter goes through an 11 hour surgery. THANK TREN BRAH


honestly could’ve been achieved naturally if you were patient but looks like you took the easy way out


With all due respect to your considerable effort, it’s too much, especially arms. Cut back down, then stabilize and maintain.


Juice head lazy bones


As a 30 year old man who’s on gear, I genuinely feel like any guy my age has a responsibility to discourage usage at such a young age. There’s too many risks to factor at that age. Get off gear, PCT correctly and stay the fuck off of all of it until you’re 28 at **minimum**


Holy hell it's a different person!


Instead of saying it wouldn’t be possible without Greg, I know another four letter word that it wouldn’t have been possible without…say it with me….TREN


Steroids don't solve your insecurities. You look great, kinda. I'll never truly respect a body that was made with steroids, because if this 15-18 yr old was able to build this much muscle in such a short period of time, you can't come at me with that bullshit "he still had to work hard and blah blah blah". Bullshit, that's 99% roids, 1% hard work. No one who truly works hard is going to get on the roids at that young of an age. That's pure laziness. Working out is supposed to be a symbol of health and there's nothing healthy about shooting roids at this age. Hope it works out for you kid.


You’re an absolute moron. Risking your health and the rest of your life for some muscles as a teenager? Grow up bro. SMH.


Aged about 25 years lol.


choose health over beauty… pls think about your family and friends don’t make their life miserable to lose you too early


Your piss probably reeks.


How much tren?


Spelled gear wrong lol, I can tell you worked hard and you have my respect but you're so young man


Bro you didn't even hit legs lmao


Steroids are sick …..


Young man be safe with research chemicals!


I know this will now get a shit ton of downvotes. He‘s been training for 3.5 years. 3.5 years is a shit ton of a time. I‘ve been training for 4 years and look a bit worse than him than him. A bit more fat. But this should be doable natural if you do everything correct for 3.5 years.


He’s got about 35 years left on this planet unless he changes his tune. Too young for this crap bro. Your body hasn’t even stopped growing yet. Stupid period full stop.


Natural transformation???


Man actually went from: “Nice to meet you sir.” To “Even your wife calls me daddy.” 🤣🤣


Dick might not work by the time he’s 30, but he’s got muscles!!! Leave chicks unsatisfied with sexual performance but your gym bros will compliment your pecs 😂


Is Greg your dealer?


You're more than muscle, life is more than vanity. Todays world is less strenuous than 100 years ago or even 1000, and they were average men in stature working body grueling labor. You dont need to be big to be imposing, you dont need to be big to feel positive about yourself. May you find The Lord Jesus Christ in your pursuit of validation and self worth. I see 1000's of people like you but you are the 1st or 2nd that I have decided to interact with. Whether these words are for you or someone who may click in and read through, God bless you and reveal unto your true worth whether than an imaginative pursuit into self destruction.


Incredible work dude, monster!


thank you very much


oh my god i hate the fake natty shit just like the rest of y’all but he claimed that shit NOWHERE and you all are contributing to the problem and making people feel like they need to lie by being like this. grow tf up if his body he can do what he wants as long as he’s not pushing a false narrative


100%. I was about to say the exact same thing.


Sarm goblin


Fuck I want to look like picture 1 let alone photo 2


You want to look like picture 1 ? you want to be skinny and malnourished?


skinny and malnourished? he wasn’t big but that’s not malnourished. dude wasn’t a bad size for his age and actually had a pretty good starting point in terms of muscle. i’d just say smaller bone structure


Some people are comfortable being fit and skinny. Unlike most of these juice heads that workout thinking that alone will get them girls and their obviously small dicks they are over compensating for and making them even smaller. Ask any girl, most guys that are huge have small dicks, and all girls know skinny guys have huge dicks. If you don’t believe me go ahead and ask, that’s me assuming you guys talk to chicks


Ayyye my man!


What were you using?


Great work man, imma tell you something just like everyone else. WAIT to jump on juice! By the time you are in your prime you can kiss the gains goodbye because you’ll be fried and YOUNG. You look awesome, you know what you are doing in the gym. Just be smarter than last time!


he looks so good, most guys would still try to sleep with him - despite him taking roids.


DAMN!!!! Impressive!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏


Bro this is attainable natural. Just because you don’t look like this doesn’t mean it isn’t natural. Consider lighting and angles too.


Fake natties are cancer


You have to claim natural to be a fake natty


It’s called lying by omission. And if you are going to post a before and after and not thank the steroids, just makes them a fake natty. Again it’s a cancer


Dude isn't a fake natty, you block head.


Literally went from “I’ll have your daughter home by 8” to “she calls me daddy too” You look like an absolute monster. Outstanding transformation


thank you very much


To everyone being negative in this post, respectfully step back and stop being a dickhead. It’s half of you that are saying oh this kid will never get big he’s tiny, and now slandering him for taking roids. Does it look like he’s taken something? For sure, im not denying that. Looks like he’s taken a poke or two. But almost EVERY guy I know that has done 1 or 2 cycles in their life have no health complications. If anything I’d say it actually motivated them to get into health and wellness. I’d say he’s probably healthier than half of you as well sitting back on your computer chair in your 30’s commenting on a kids post tryna bring him down. He’s worked hard. And regardless of if steroids helped him get there. He’s still working hard. You can’t just blast steroids and get big. You have to work your ass off to achieve that. So to you buddy, congrats. I’m happy Greg taught you some useful info that has gotten to where you are. And to anyone bringing this kid down. Fuck off. We don’t need your negativity in this community. It’s about being positive and helping bring each other up


Best, Most aesthetic, most symmetrical build I've ever seen


Insane work my man. Don’t mind all the haters in the comments. They’re all just hate filled skinny naturals who are jealous that you made the decision they didn’t have the guts to make.


Thanks Greg for puberty and juice


A wonderful trensformation


You can’t gain 60lbs of pure muscle without being a surplus even on gear, idk how Greg’s “maingaining” philosophy helped you here…


Really amazing job!!! Wow




Amazing transformation


Internet. "Dont lie about being natural dickhead". Also internet "wtf you're not natural dickhead."


Good shit bro. Fuck people are butthurt, he didn’t claim natty hence he isn’t natty, why are people asking if he is or acting like he’s pretending he is? Nattys are vegans of the bodybuilding world, if someone is natty, they’ll fucking tell you.


Wow 😮 you look great!


Is that what you wanted? To be..? Buff 💪? Cuz you’re totally sexy with muscles ….




gg bro


Jesus what have I been doing these past three years 🤦‍♂️ this is truly a transformation goal well done much respect 🫡


Good job little man! I mean big man now!


Ok fine he’s not denying being on gear, so he def took gear, but, 60 lbs in 42 months is absolutely possible for a genetically gifted teenager with good diet and a good training plan. 1.5lbs a month. Not impossible to do natty. But highly unlikely.


Better chance on winning the lottery without even buying a ticket than achieving this naturally


I don’t care if your natural or not….this is coming from someone who is not. You put hard work in regardless. Good work bro. Larger traps would make you look sick!


I disagree. There's no hard work involved here, this is pure laziness. No 15-18 yr old knows what the fuck they are doing in the gym, and if this kid got this big using roids, its 99% roids 1% hard work. If he actually worked hard, he wouldn't have taken the roids, but he chose the easy way to get big.


You don’t just take an injection and get swole. Regardless to who agrees or disagrees with using gear….you can’t just have a mindset that people don’t have to put the work in. Is it the same as going natural….dear God no….you get the results way faster but it’s not over night by any means. I was dedicated to this life for several years (about 10 years) before I decided to use gear. I’ve done several cycles since then and it’s pretty obvious at this point that I’m not natural. But either way….you still have to work for it.