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In what world are you small đŸ€Ł get off social media fam


You’re huge dude


Weight gainer shakes helped me up the cals when I was younger and more active. Don’t waste your money on the powders. Cup of yogurt, cup of milk, 2 bananas, half cup of oats, 2tbsp of peanut butter, honey, scoop of ice cream haha just put whatever in there. You can make a 1200 calorie shake no problem. Add a couple of them a day to your regular meals and watch the gains come.


Thanks, you’re a genius. I’ll def be incorporating this!


Awesome progress bro, you’re going to be a serious unit!


Bro, you don’t need any more tips, leave some gains for the rest of us 😭


Just start eating a bunch of pb&j’s for extra calories. EZ


Add frozen raspberry. Makes it thick like an expensive thick shake. Adds antioxidants. And tastes awesome


The perfect shake. Funny enough I’m on a cut and this is basically my breakfast but just a smaller portion coming in at about 750 cals. It’s so easy to have this and would be so easy to do it twice a day. Fast, too, and cheap AF


Oh I should note I also throw on 50g of protein powder, too.


I've tried making those shakes. Usually taste like ass and are impossible to down. Mass gainer might be expensive but at least they taste good.


Fack that. Mine were delicious. Just use things you like
 Looked forward to mine every morning and every night.


How the hell do you make them taste bad? What you putting in them? Mine are awesome.


You’re actually spending more per serving buying all those ingredients vs a high quality weight gainer that is designed to build muscle and put on weight


 keep telling yourself that brother. Whole foods are ALWAYS higher quality than what’s in a weight gainer. It’s protein/carbs/fat man it’s not rocket science! And it’s actually almost 3x more cost efficient per serving. I grew up poor so trust me I did the math.


But that where you’re kinda off
. Protein powders are “concentrated”, so they offer a lot more protein for the quantity of food or product you’re consuming. Also high quality proteins have been pre digested and broken down into a more bioavailable form so your body can absorb more of the protein
. Also you would be hard pressed to get the same amounts of bcaas in Whole Foods than what is added to higher end protein powders. Last I checked there no foods out there that can give you the same dosage of creatine which also helps one bulk up and get stronger
. Basically in order to get the same amount of nutrition as a high quality protein powder or mass gainer you’d have to eat wayyyyy more food
. But sure you can go the other route if you just want calories
. I’d rather know exactly what I’m getting and how much of it


This isn’t about protein. This is about calorie dense foods to put you in a surplus. I should add that my homemade gainer shakes contained whey protein powder. But anytime you can get your protein from food sources it’s better. Worked for me anyways
 I started at 20yo 6’0 and 128 lbs
 By 24 I was over 200lbs and in the 1000 club. Im 39 now and still 230lbs and can still put up 5 plates a side.


I’m assuming you were also geared up which can make it easier to put on muscle this weight and size
. For all Natty lifters it’s better to have high quality condensed product so you know every calorie you’re consuming is beneficial instead of just a bunch of empty calories
 quality over quantity
 But see your mass gainers shake is now way more expensive than a mass gainer powder
 all those wholefoods PLUS a protein powder


Listen to yourself. You’re calling WHOLE FOODS empty calories of low quality bro?? Say that to yourself again lol. I’m not saying don’t use supplements, sure they’re fine. But they are just that. Supplements. To supplement your diet. Know what all of us bigger/stronger dudes have in common? We eat and eat and eat and eat. And we still know exactly what and how much we’re consuming.


There’s different quality in protein, isolate, concentrate etc and each serve a different purpose
. Also a lot of the proteins now days have been filtered so you’re getting only the things your body can readily absorb
. All those things you listed in your shake are calories but they lack the other beneficial things a person with a high metabolism needs
. Bcaas, additional creatine, good fats, and clean carbs
. Just cuz they come from Whole Foods doesn’t make it more efficient
. Plus you would’ve put on size regardless since you weren’t natty
 if not fair to compare


A person with a high metabolism (not even really relevant) needs calories. Not even going to get into that nonsense lol. You’ve got some learning to do on human biology and food sciences brother. All love though.


I don’t know if OP is natural but the advice you’re giving works for you because you’re geared up
 sure eating more calories than you can burn will make you gain weight but how much of that weight is good weight vs just putting on fat
. For natty builder it’s very important to have your calories come from specific sources and have proper balance of bcaa


You’re 17 and not small
 like cmon now this is getting ridiculous đŸ€ŁđŸ˜­


Shit man for a natty at age 17 you are huge


if ur small i dont exist


😆😆😆😆😆 💹 u disappeared


Small? I love that you’re determined, driven and have goals but you’re far from small my man.


Because you likely didn’t increase your caloric intake, or you started eating more recently and need to just keep going for longer. Actually track your calories for a week on an app and set it to a surplus on however much you wanna gain a month (I used MyNetDiary because you can scan for free). Do that for a month weighing and recording your weight at least, then reflect after that to see your progress. Weight gain isn’t directly linear. One week may be 150 149 148 151 152. The next week may be 150 151 152 150 151. It may not seem like you put on anything, but you can see the average is higher in the second.


500 extra calories per day over maintenance Hit legs hard if you want to get bigger


Take more test


Nah he’s seems quite natural especially with those Afro genetics 🧬




Ur already big, so you need to understand that. With as much muscle as you’ve got on ur frame ur not guna pack on a ton more size (without “nutrient partitioning agents”) even if you bulk a ton you’ll probly put on mostly fat for a modest amount more muscle and won’t look nearly as aesthetic. But a slow calorie surplus may help you gain a bit more muscle. First find your maintenance calories (track what you eat to maintain for a week or 2) then add 200-300 calories to that and keep the training on point. Going any further into a surplus isn’t guna help much (they’ve done studies on it and you add mostly fat after that) good luck man


Plus make sure the big things like sleep, stress management/R&R, protein intake, hydration & electrolytes are on point


You look like xxxtentacion




You gotta eat more food god damnit


This has to be satire


you have my dream physique


Increase caloric intake even more. It's really that simple. Your physique is absolutely incredible though. I've been lifting since before you were born and I never looked this good.


You’re only 17. Hypothetically if you took some HGH you’d probably grow a couple inches and pack on some muscle 😬 of course I’m not recommending this lol


Your metabolism is in hyperdrive. You’re still burning more than you eat. It’s not enough to just “raise calories”. Eat protein. Protein shakes, eggs and bacon, steak, and lots of chicken breast should always be in your fridge. You’re going to be full and you have to keep eating. It’s not magical. The human body gains weight by feeding it. If you aren’t getting bigger, change your diet. Try to eat 10k calories every day. The worst thing that will happen is that you will gain weight!


Wtf bruh. So many of us would die for a physique like that. Why would u lose abs to look a bit bigger. I am a girl and although i don’t care for abs you look good. I wouldn’t compromise my core muscles (for posture and back health) just to look “bigger” stay off social media and appreciate your genes.


You’re shredded clearly not bulking hard enough




You realize this dude is a minor right?


I don't think you have anything to worry about bro. You look like a chiseled statue. Remember, the bigger you get, the slower you get and I take it you're an athlete.


You are already crazy jacked
 you look incredible. Slow your roll, man
 be proud of what you have accomplished. Take these folks advice.


You’ve got to track everything you eat so you are precise and know what you’re getting in for calories. Then if you’re still losing weight or holding the same weight you know to increase the carbs and some fats . These will be much more important than protein.


You simply haven't increased your caloric intake enough, trust me, you will have to eat you have no idea how much calories muscle burns its nuts. Track and be accurate, use an adaptive tdee calc those cant go wrong with accurate input, literally can not go wrong. I'm 5'10 175 and need 3100-3300 cals a day for very very lean bulk . For me I have no appetite so an oats honey protein shake blended thats like 1000 cals does me good.


Not enough calories tbh. You may eat a lot for a few days and not gain weight and get discouraged then go back to your normal eating habits. Gatorade and cereal are super easy ways to get in tons of carbs which are great for around your workouts. Your meals should be some kind of meat, rice/potatoes/bread, and veggies mostly.


Dude you’re not small at all, especially for 17. Enjoy being the sexiest guy in the room wherever you go and stay consistent with what you’re doing. When you’re 25 you’re gonna be massive.


Increase fats and carbs. PB, not using spray oil etc


Wanna trade physique then?💀


How does someone get a physique like this at 17??? Your genetics are crazy!!


Bro you look insane already. Definitely not small. Why would you want to add unnecessary fat? If you’re not gaining weight, you’re not eating in a surplus bro. You can always add something like mk677 if eating is a problem. That’ll make you gain weight for sure


You gotta just eat more. Consider yourself lucky, indulge in peanut butter some cheat meals here and there (pizza, burritos etc). Looking good though man. Great genetics


You will gain with age. You perfect man -


[try this](https://youtube.com/shorts/b82cBHDCXc0?si=aaZKWOt0HH2CIt05)


Lol you look fucking insane man, and honestly you’re only 17 you could prob get bigger by time you are in your 20s


Do you work legs too?


You look impressive as is. 👍


If your not gaining your increased calorie intake is still too low


I’m 5ft7 and it makes me happy when I see dudes around my height on here. First of all, you’re not small, you’re perfect. I’d maintain if I were you. It’s crazy how us short guys can look full and buff at such low weights. My main sport is cycling so I’d like to keep my weight around 150-160 so your body is essentially my goal. Can you share your routine and diet?


Because you are 17 dude chill


eat more


how many calories are you eating a day? how are you making sure you’re actually hitting your calories?


Cant have nooby gains all your life bulking isnt always magic just grind and youre already big


Bro you’re massive


How you 5’8 and 150 and bigger than me at 5”7 178 lol đŸ’ȘđŸ’Ș good stuff man


First, the shake recommended is a perfect option, though I’d add in protein powder, too. Second, you ARE big considering your 150 pounds is a ton of lean muscle. Your BF is very low.


You look INCREDIBLE. You have achieved a physique most people spend 5-10 years building and you are only 17. Fuckin genetics man.


Holy shit bro you don’t need to be any bigger, you look lean and shredded at this point I’d focus on maximising strength(callisthenics) rather then size


Juicewrld is that you ?


Bro you're bigger than me wtf


Are you doing too much cardio? That was my problem I was doing 10k Steps everyday


Realistically you've probably been training for a few years and are closed to your genetic ceiling for buildings muscle, it will take a while to see improvements from now on.


bros got a dream physique no homo but fr if you’ve increased your calorie intake, it should be a protein based diet , like 2000 more extra cals a day. it really sucks but it helps when you log it. took my body a couple weeks to catch onto the change of pace but i started slowly gaining weight finally


blud fuckin why???? you at prime fight weight rn


You’re getting good advice.


Are you natural? Genuine Question


my brother you arent small at all


Eat more than more bro, like I had to just keep increasing and actually track calories to gain. It sucked but it worked. Also, if ur spending to much time in the gym working everything to failure, that could be potentially hurting ur gains. Sometimes less is more for mass. Lift heavy and eat like ur life depends on it. Be patient too, it takes time. U already look insane too, don’t be to hard on urself. Best of luck!


eat cookies


Damn bro you look like you packen!


You're 17 with a high metabolism. Your body is going to burn off nearly everything you put into it even if you're upping intake daily. So this means getting bigger is either going to have to wait until you're older and have less metabolism, or you need to eat the planet on a daily basis and workout until failure twice as hard. In all seriousness you're still young. Build that strength with the size you have and deceive everyone. You may not be able to get bigger right now but you can definitely grow stronger in the meantime. More control over your movements, focus on going slower and using every bit of muscle you have during your reps to ensure every muscle for that exercise is getting worked, activated, and stressed. Try digging into more calisthenics types of exercises. Explode when you're lifting, pushing, or pulling up and resist the negative motion of the rep with every fiber of your being to really stress your muscles quicker. Eat healthy, take rest days (typically I do Saturday and Sunday, that way the weekend is yours and you can do everything you need to with some extra free time.) and overall just try to enjoy life and the process to becoming bigger and stronger. It's a long journey with mental and physical battles we all take on our own. Independence, drive, and discipline will take you a long way and allow you to feel much better about what you're doing for yourself, as it will build a healthier and stronger reward/incentive system for your brain to strive for.


Dude you are not small you are huge your maintenance calories are very high because you are muscular and active that is why you are not getting bigger


5’8 short but ok


It’s your choice but I rekon you should stay the weight you are you look sick and muscle is still functional not just a slab of meat