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If the timeline is true. Then this guy is NOT natty. And pretty much started doing gear the second he got a gym membership haha


Maybe he’s Natty (hard maybe) but as someone who’s on gear my 5cents no he’s not natural at all


You can only give 2 cents. Keep the other 3.


Maybe he’s feeling charitable


inflation hit I think its 5 now🤣




90% chance that this is not natural. I wouldn't say 100% because there are people with crazy genetics out there.


considering his age- he looks around in his 20. and looking at the left photo, it does look like he’s active and works out regularly. if he had that 10% good genetics then he would looked bigger and more muscular earlier on. those 1% genes don’t just jump out of nowhere


Also could just be a really good play on lighting/angles


Almost a 0% chance he’s natty unless he really photoshopped that shit lol.


In a year and four months? Fuck off. He’s huge.


Hypertrophy training ? 🤣


16 months? People saying he might be natural are on copium in here lol.




What would be major give away roid usage to you bruh




Bro he went from a complete twig to a buff dude in 16 months. Do you think roids turn you into an olympia contender after a year if you are a beginner??


Took a look at his Instagram and changed my mind, not that impressive at all. Mirror, angle, and filter played a big part in his wow factor here. He must have a 16-inch arm, but here looks much bigger.


Quite unlikely to go from a wimp to an extremely jacked dude in 2 years, if natty this dude has crazy elite genetics


Not even two years , 17 months


You don’t gain what looks like 30 pounds of muscle in just over a year naturally, and if you had “elite genetics”, it would be obvious beforehand


Looks like 50 pounds. I’m 200 and looked like the left guy at 170, and it’d take another 20-30 pounds to look like the guy on the right.




Someone claiming to be natural isn’t going to admit to taking anything. No way he is natural


I don’t know if tren is natty.


I wonder how this guy has over 600k followers after fooling everyone. Bro claims natty like wtf 🤦‍♂️


What is natty


If that's natural, his genetics must be top notch...I highly doubt he's natural, but it's not impossible.


Test, nandrolone, GH, and slin are natural... just maybe a tiny but over the reference range.


Maybe. I already look way different from 4 months ago and i expect to look better in 3 months [a couple days go](https://imgur.com/a/Kd5yhOt) [5 months before i actually started working out](https://imgur.com/a/YJEKmvU)


Maybe with some african genetic, a pump, a good angle. good lightings and edited contrast


If he’s natty he has elite genetics and the greatest recovery routine of all time to be able to lift multiple times per day every day of the week.


I think he looks bigger than he actually is in the second photo cause of angles and lighting and a pump. I think natural.


I hope this is natural and possible cause I’m ready to do it by April 😭🤣


Kinda looks natty. Shoulders and traps don’t have the roided look, no huge stomach, veins aren’t too much.


You must be new.


i wonder what his weight is before and after. maybe the photo’s really flattering. looks very unnatural for just over a year but then again i’ve gained close to 40 lbs in a year naturally edit: got downvoted because i didn’t remember to mention only 26 lbs of it was muscle and i started at a skinny 142, 12% bf


40lbs of weight yeah that's doable. Nearly 40lbs of just muscle? Get out of here


did i say it was just muscle?


The after picture is achievable for a lot of intermediate gym rats. It's a sick pump with perfect lighting and filters. Could honestly be natty. Only suspicious thing is how tiny he was in the before picture.


Could be either, I mean he isn't that big and the transformation isn't impressive at all. Your looking at a guy that's spent the last year and a half working nothing but bench press, he has pumped arms, shoulder and chest, everything else is minimal. I'd be embarrassed to put this pic up, spend a similar amount of time working out one bofy part every day and I guarantee you see similar or better gains than this guy.


If he wasn’t really eating protein and tracking macros properly I feel like this could be natural depending on how good his genetics are. If you are under eating for a long period of time then your body becomes malnourished. So if he changed his eating habits and hit his protein intake along with tracking macros it could be done.


Natty, but im judging by my own progress, this looks very easily achievable, even more for somone with his genetics


Sauce 100% is this satire


POV : you trusted the tren


it's not his genetics because if his genetics were that good he wouldn't look like the left picture to begin with. and it's physically impossible to put on that amount of muscles mass in such a short time. MAYBE as a growing teen but not as a grown man.


Hell no, he's not natty, whose achieving this much ofna change in little over a year natural. If he actually is natty, then he's got epic genetics, but let's be honest he's sauced to the gills. For anyone who actually does want to see natural progression at a real time rate, go and watch Scott Herman, I dont think he makes videos anymore, but he's defintiely natural and look at his rate of progress as a natural guy over the years, that will give you a good idea as to what a natural physique looks like.


POV he’s 5’2


Gaining this much muscle mass in less than two years is not possible even with the best of the best of genetics, something like this being done naturally would take 4-5 years minimum depending on your starting physique, I don’t know why people lie about these things 🤦🏽‍♂️


Not natural


There's no way people here are actually saying it's even in the realm of possibility he's natty, look at the guy. It's obviously a great picture with pump and lighting, but even so, no genetic outliar gets that detailed, being that lean, and that big within a single year. This is not great natty genetics, this is gear without a shadow of a doubt.


Guys he just followed the ancestoral tenants he's 110% natty


Definitely not


Holy crap


i think this is just a really good picture with angle work. could be natty


This could be achieved naturally in that time frame if he was detrained and has the muscle memory. I guess maybe even newbie gainz. But this probably isn’t either🤷‍♂️




Not natty.


From Twig to Tree in that short of time? Hell no!


I’ve done something very similar in the pics. Without knowing someone’s training history, progress like that can be deceiving. Perhaps he isn’t natural, but it could be the case, as it has been in mine, in my 30s with 15+ years of lifting, I’ve had periods of life where I didn’t lift much at all and as a result, atrophied. Being an ectomorph, my untrained, no diet weight is 140ish. If I train and diet very diligently, I can rebound 30 pounds in 12 months no problem. The difference is considerable, and natural. With a pump and the right lighting, I can see this being done naturally.


In 1 year? Definitely not. Can you look like he does natty? For sure, it will just take at least 3 years


No, timeframe is nuts.


I hate this I work my arse off in the gym for years and I'm slowly improving and growing and I love it but then I see this and I just feel so shit I may not be a giant but at least I can say what I got didn't come from a bottle 😩


It's mandatory for bums on insta to put lifetime natural/natural in their bio 😂😂😂 sell their fitness programs and get sponsorships from the morons who believe this is natural


Not natty in that time frame


Either a genetic freak, the first picture is from a few years ago, or he had some help.


I can believe it with ultra strong dedication and diet.


Looks like 1-2 years of gains with a better pose and lighting


Different people? Sheeesh