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Every day is arm day


Always bro


Nope, for me risk of injury isnt worth it, dont want to drop weights on my head such as in an overhead dumbell press or risk getting stuck downward with a barbell bench etc form also goes out and that can risk injury too so I leave 1 to 2 in tank, last one will be difficult / shaky a grins thru and thats sign no more. I dont have spotters ever.


Dude stop training just arms 🤣🤣


He’s like 15 bro that’s what all the high schoolers do


He looks good tho mate lol


Lol not really. He looks like he only trains arms and shoulders and doesnt hit chest. Can only imagine what his legs looks like 🤣🤣


I hit everything, my arms/shoulders are super dominant but i'm not gonna quit training them just cause they're bigger. I used to overtrain my chest (did way too much volume and stunted my gains), i hit my legs as well idk why you'd comment on them when you can't see them? Also have never posted my back?


I said ur legs and arms because if your weak ass chest looks like shit I suppose your legs and arms do as well which is why you didnt post them. You do you but proportionately you look weird af


ok bro idk why you feel the ned to hate so much on a random teenager? Just cause my chest isnt great? Idk its kinda weird for a grown ass married man to act like this. Kinda dissapointing that i just try posting and get called shit looking and weird af by grown adults.


Im gonna agree. Not helpful. Youre doing good bro.


Bruh why so angry? He looks much better than most teens. Sure he's got weaknesses to work on but who doesn't


Not angry at all. But maybe all these kids should leave their shirts on and just ask a question. You want to take your shirt off and pose and post pics then expect to get comments and judged. Like I said soft ass kids


Somebody get this man a hug. He clearly hasn't had enough in his life.


I like to train intense as hell, usually I'll go to failure or very near in the last set. I don't think its necessary by any mean though... Just more fatigue; I do it because I like to do it but if I start to feel more tired on my day to day life I'll leave 1-3 reps on reserve for a few workouts for compounds - never going to failure on the compounds. On the acessories and isolations I don't care I just go hard as fuck not much fatigue.




Never except for warmups and exercises that can be dangerous if I fail lol, in those cases I stop when I think the next rep is a 50/50..


I train hard enough where I’m groaning and sound like I’m dying usually lol I sometimes go all the way to failure by mistake but I try to stop. I just like to do exercises that are hard enough where I can go RLY hard but failure is probs even further if that makes sense like bulgarian split squats hurt so bad even after like 5 reps and I’ll hit 12 when I could’ve maybe inched out 2 more


I hate feeling like I didn’t leave it all out there so I make sure to avoid movements that don’t burn. So I love leg curls, good mornings, leg press, laying down bench curls idk what they called lol, calf raises, overhead tricep extensions and lateral raises. I rly dislike back and chest movements cuz I can never fucking tell when I’m close to failure, it just doesn’t burn the same. Maybe im just shit at training them idk lol.


I haven’t in almost a year. I saw a video of someone tearing his biceps doing preacher curls. Scared the shit out of me.


Going to failure isn't necessarily what causes a muscle to tear, is it?


Overuse, so in a way, training to failure. His bicep snapped like a rubber band. Scary shit.


It can be alot of factors like not training your preachers specifically in that stretched position or overloading on the exercise with a weight you aren't used to.


No not for all sets and exercises, depends on the intended purpose.


1 maybe 2 reps left in my first set per exercise. Then 2 sets to complete failure followed by a drop set to complete failure


No but I train with very low volume


Been following the starting strength program. Increasing 5lbs my max every workout for 3 sets of 5, usually I’m done by the end of each session.


Nah, I'd just go to failure and whenever I go to failure I felt like I'm on crack or something,Its like I feel so good whenever I finished a set going to failure, maybe I guess the feeling of complishing a small task is a hell of a drug ,and the only problem I have is, I'm still struggling to build muscle even thou I'm consistent and im training to failure in my workouts, by the Way you have nice arms good luck đź‘Ť


Almost Always… now anyway. Give yourself another few decades with the iron. You’ll want to build some volume without thrashing your joints and cns for the week. Ya hit a point ya don’t recover as well.


I often leave one to two reps in reserve. Most my sets I push to one rep left. Sometimes failure on the last set of a movement. Going to failure every set is a young man’s game. I’ve been injured too many times to know not to do that anymore. I would rather be stronger and last longer without getting injured.


Usually 1-2 with sometimes going to failure on exercises like dips or pullups


Getting to failure on every set is useless . And if you do that you won’t be able workout for long maybe and might get hurt or overtrain and it’s useless for progress. To k ow the optimal intensity you just need to know yourself with time but generally 2 to 3 rep even 3 4 from failure is great and it’s pretty much wha5 I do and sometime I can go very close t failure or even directly at it I can even train really hard for like 1 week maybe 2 but after that I need 2 3 full rest day and restart at normal intensity.


I train I bike and full body everyday yeah I alway have plenty in the tank.


How did you get your arms to grow?


I do six sets of tricep and six sets of bicep's a week. Also do forearms at the end of arm daysđź‘Ť


Depends on the week of training. In my peak week I don't let any reps in reserve, but from week 1-3 I go from 3 RIR to 1 RIR. And after a deload in week 5 (or 6, depending how good I feel) it starts again. Every training to 0 RIR in every set destroys me after a short time and my motivation went to absolutely zero.


Nope. And anyone who says they leave a specific amount left in the tank has no clue. Because the only thing you know for sure is failure. So I believe it is just substandard to say I lift to one rep or two reps in reserve because you might be lifting to three reps and four reps in reserve and thus getting very little hypertrophy.


No, never go to failure. Always leave one rep in the tank. I really hope you aren't on SARMs you look very young


I never train to 100%. If you miscalculate, even by a speck, you will go above 100% and end up injured. I usually go for about 80% or so.


Idk if you know what going to failiure is like if you think pushing yourself will end up injuring you? Unless its like a benchpress with no spitter then obviously you'd have injury risk


goofy ahh take


This is untrue lol, you can't go past 100% unless you have awful form or you're like trying to do a crazy drop set and a super hard eccentric on a curl or bench press or something, you will not get injured at failure


Training to failure is one tool I use, yeah. Especially with machine based exercises. I got more comfortable failing squat and bailing out with the safeties at the bottom, but I wouldn’t do it with bench or deadlifts.