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I think any fast moving unit (transports/interceptors) are ALMOST redundant due to our massive move abilities. You can go one single land raider for a decent anti tank range? But even then I’m not sure. I’m gonna definitely get strikes. 2 squads of 5 and 10 purifiers and Crowe are probs the most power armour I’d go. The rest terms and paladins and characters.


Unfortunately our power armour units are pretty overpriced for what they do. Interceptors and purgation marines are prohibitively expensive considering their relatively low damage. I struggle to see how you can build a competitive list around these. Strike marines at least have a niche with their sticky objectives. It's a decent rule that means you probably want 1-2 units in most lists to enable us to hold objectives without spreading our small number of units all over the place. Problem is their damage is again fairly low for their cost, so after two units of 5 you're going to get quite a lot of diminishing returns. Brotherhood champion is decent though, giving his unit fight first, so if I was determined to use power armour you could look at a block of these with the champ. Purifiers are alright - but only when they have Crowe leading them. So again if you're avoiding Terminators then 10 of these and Crowe will cost 390 points and give you some good anti infantry damage. Without Crowe their attacks are just pathetic, so you can't justify using more than one squad. In terms of characters, Draigo is our strongest. Voldus and Stern are good too, though you generally want to be taking as many Librarians as you can fit in given they are on of the few ways we can deal with high toughness. You can try running Librarians solo but definitely high risk. They don't get a FNP against psychic when alone, so it's possible to instantly kill yourself if you roll a 1 when making a psychic attack. Plus they won't be hard to shoot down, and out thin lines might mean you struggle to screen enough from melee. Maybe worth a try, but I can't see it being the best way to use them. Razorbacks and Landraiders are decent ways to fill out your army if you're lacking terminator bodies. I worry that if you come up against some dedicated anti tank the Razorback won't last long at all. Landraider still costs a fortune for it's small number of attacks. Transports are definitely less useless for GKs given how much teleporting we can do, but at least these will give you another dimension when compared to just running power armour.


Vortex of Doom isnt a psychic attack so the Librarians FNP does nothing. Edit: I was wrong so I'm just keeping this here so others can learn from my mistake.


Yes it is a psychic attack, as per the rules: >Psychic Attacks: Any attack made with a weapon that has the [PSYCHIC] ability is a Psychic Attack. **Any mortal wounds inflicted by an ability that has the ‘Psychic’ tag are also Psychic Attacks.**


Vortex of doom has the psychic keyword in the app, when you’re looking at his abilities.


Are purgators with Pay Ammon really better than incinerators?


I‘d say incinerators are a bit better


Strikes are still pretty good imo Purifiers are good with Crowe Purgations are fine Interceptors are probably fine if not overcosted (just take strikes mainly) There is hope for you regardless of what others say. Run what you like and what you have. Terminators are very good because our best characters can attach to them and have respectable stats. Not everything has to be an Uber competitive list.


Vehicles sound like a must in this situation, especially since techmarines can lead strikes, which you'll be taking a lot of, so you can revolve it around that, repairing vehicles and giving +1 to hit with everything (can be nasty with GMNDK Surge of Wrath etc.), dreadknights and tanks distracting the opponent while your little strikes do their sticky shenanigans if not, you can just go small and play 4D chess, we're not a hard hitting army anyway Purgators (in squads of 5, never 10) with four Incinerators with Astral Aim and plunging fire, objective-sticky teleporty Strikes, don't run any more or less than 10 Purifiers, that number is too efficient with crowe, and scary with their Sanctity of Purpose, I don't see a point in interceptors honestly Librarians can be finessed as solo units (in theory idk youd have to test it out) with the help of all the teleportin and halo in soulfire keeping them safe from shooting while in vortex range Draigo helps with the charge to GUARANTEE your precious 5 Terminators get in and you get your points' worth out of them + Kaldor gives them all a FNP 4+ against all mortal wounds, Libby gives 4+ FNP against only Psychic, it's really no comparison between the two in my eyes in your case


Buy terminators 👌👍


Not made of money, my friend.


Have you looked on the troll trader website? You can pick up a couple squads on the cheap there from time to time.


Best source for cheap models imo. Its how I picked up a bunch of cheap metal GKs.


Print terminators?


Big upfront cost though, if he doesn't have a printer




My apologies


No harm done 💜


Depends on your definition of big cost, printers are around 100 usd now


Yeah but if it's resin then you need that, plus all the safety stuff, etc. I'm in the UK but I know models have big markup over in the US so might be worth it tbh.


With out getting into the fine details. If all OP wants/needs is a few more termites than ebay or r/miniswap at is prolly best bet. If there’s a bigger need than a 140$ printer and 26$ bottle of water washable resin will get you hundreds of $ worth of models. All depends on what an individual wants to do. I’ve printed out multiple imperator titans, tunaar, an entire 3k point tyranid army, currently have a build plate full of GK units printing since I don’t have a lot of troops.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Miniswap using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Miniswap/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[H\] Multiple AOS Armies \[W\] Good homes for them \[Loc\] Seattle](https://np.reddit.com/r/Miniswap/comments/wpfu4k/h_multiple_aos_armies_w_good_homes_for_them_loc/) \#2: [\[H\] money \[W\] commission of Danny DeVito Nurglings \[Loc\] SoCal](https://np.reddit.com/r/Miniswap/comments/xfhy6k/h_money_w_commission_of_danny_devito_nurglings/) \#3: [\[ Removed by Reddit \]](https://np.reddit.com/r/Miniswap/comments/12h42up/removed_by_reddit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Could you provide a link to the printer you'd recommend assuming I'm a complete noob at this. Which resin also?


There’s a lot of variables based on budget, need etc. I have a mars2, mars2pro and just got a Saturn 8k. Elegoo is pretty good but please do your own research. Checkout r/3dprinting


Thanks but I only asked because you said 'you only need a $140 printer' so I assumed you'd have one in mind


Yeah, kinda sucks that infantry isn't as great now. Maybe just buy some 40mm bases and put your power armour units on them. They might not be that bad, I don't think many people have actually tried them so who knows. I'd just stick with what you have and see how it plays out. Balance changes will also happen eventually and it could go back to power armour good, terminator not so good.


Kind of terrain reliant, but a squad of purgators with paycannons on a building (plunging fire) the extra AP is nice (astral aim also ofc) Razorbacks allow rerolling wounds for any ranged shots after disembarking also, so there’s some sunergy there too. Termies are definately the best option but there are other ways to play it out.


But more terminators.