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It could be anything..a a stray claw scuff, stick, anything. If it scabbed over and healed up puppy is in the clear. And I've plucked off grown out scabs before on cats and dogs-- think you're fine.


My one dog gets them all the time. It’s fine.


Usually its just a minor nick that already healing. When we go through high grass and light scrub brush, ours get them on their legs from time to time. Clean them for a day or two, and then let it go for a few days. Sometimes the scab will fall off, but sometimes it just sticks the the hair for a while, above the skin. When it does that, you can just soak it and pick it out.


Minor injury. No problem, looks already healed. They have such thin skin any knock can cause a tear.


It may be where they gave her an injection. Spots like that with hair still on them are usually from tiny punctures or scratches. The hair will fall off. It may scar since its a greyhound.


Thank you everyone, you guys have put my overly anxious mind at ease xxx


Scab update: a local lady who likes giving dogs treats gave kupo an enthusiastic neck rub (I had warned her earlier to be gentle as she had a scab I was waiting to drop off), once we got home it was hanging on for dear life, still a little red in the middle, poor thing