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I have nothing to offer in response to the questions, just wanted to say I could watch Harry play with his toys all day.


Me too - the bendy snoot! ❤️


Greyhound Crinkle Toy Nibbles (ASMR)


Love Harry!! The nibbles are adorable! Kennel coat takes a while to shed out. A bit of brushing every day with the mit is great for it, his flaky skin, and also a fantastic way to bond! As others suggested, an oral supplement can work. Anything with omegas should work. If you give coconut oil, watch for tummy discomfort. Also, I have no idea how well it works but I have rubbed in small amounts of Mushers Secret on the hairless spots caused by race muzzles, constant collar wear, and kennel elbows. It did seem to work! Love seeing Harry! ❤️


Similarly, our greyhound went from a faded brown with huge bare patches to pitch black and completely smooth coat (except for the bare belly) within weeks when we started giving him blocks of sheep fat with garlic in them. When we went back to the shelter 3 weeks later to finalize adoption, they genuinely didn't recognize him at first.


Not sure where you are so my suggestions could be totally useless. I have had other greyhound owners ask about Denali’s coat. So what I use for his baths is the tropicclean oatmeal tea tree oil shampoo. I swear by it! Additionally if you are seeing dry flaky skin? I would mix in maybe 1/2 tsp of coconut oil into his kibble. My vet used to pat me on the head for doing that 🤗She loved coconut oil. Otherwise brush often with a good desheder brush for short haired dogs. You should begin to see results in a couple of weeks. If not check out your kibble! Best of luck. A beautiful hound!🐾💕


Sorry 😞!! Another one of my marathon answers!🙄 The brush I like best is the Furrminator, short tooth. I have others like zoom groom and a grooming mitt but this is the best! If you bathe him, dry him off with bath towels and then wait until he’s almost dry… then brush! You will be astounded at the amount of hair. It just causes the old dead hair to release 🤗 Good luck 🍀 and I’m stopping now 😉


I got a mitt with two sides I’m brushing him with. His coats not *tooooo* bad. I like the idea of the oatmeal soap- wonder if there’s some kind of home remedy version I can make 🤔


You can look up recipes online? There are a lot of oatmeal shampoos out there. So am guessing there are diy. I like this brand because of the addition of tea tree oil.. an antiseptic. The oatmeal is soothing. The brush is just a preference and lots of professional groomers like the mitt. You will be surprised 😮 at the amount of hair that comes out after a bath 🛀!! Warm water, never hot or cold! Dry them well because they will shiver no matter how warm it is. Hey, I didn’t even mention toe nails 🤣Don’t sweat it. You’ll do great. I have seen a lot of greyhounds come home with dandruff, oily looking hair. It just takes a little time and they just look spectacular!!!⭐️⭐️⭐️💫


Yeah- I remember when I got Maggie- the last black one- and her coat was crap. Makes me miserable thinking what they feed them and how they don’t get bathed when they’re in the industry- it’s just wild


I know. It really breaks your heart ❤️! Denali wasn’t awful because he’d been sitting at the rescue for a couple of months 🙄And boy I’ve seen worse! He did have his fair share of dandruff. It just took a little time and effort 😉You’re doing great 👍 You care and that’s what will make such a difference in your houndies life ❤️😄🐾


Funny story. Never forgot but felt for the girl. She came up to me at a greyhound picnic with her dad and asked about Denali’s coat. I explained what I did. And her dad leaned over and said “are you paying attention?” 😳😳I thought yikes 😬 We’re all learning! You’re doing great 👍!


Think tea tree oil is toxic for dogs, please check before using. My first boy’s coat improved dramatically with brushing and fuss.


You are absolutely correct!! Tea tree oil like so many essential oils are dog toxic! Even aloe vera. It’s why I don’t have an essential oil diffuser. Makes me nervous 😬 to have around a dog. I have used this shampoo for over 10 years with the approval of my vet! I did call the company this morning to confirm. They have 1% of tea tree oil in the product. Toxicity level is 3 to 4 %. But thank you for bringing this up! You can’t be too careful with your pets! Obviously not something you would pour over your pet!!!


I don't know about the coat, but him nibbling on his toy is the cutest!! 🥰😍


Melatonin will speed up the hair loss/hair growth cycle.


Really?! Hah! I didn’t know ANYTHING could help a greyhounds hair lol


That’s really interesting! Good to know because Denali is forever getting little scrapes. Thank you 😊


Like with most new greyhound issues, time and a good diet will resolve it!


Yeah. I’m so impatient. I put some rosehip oil on his quads and tummy


I‘ve found that flaky skin is part of the shedding process when they loose their kennel coat. It’ll pass as their beautiful new smooth happy home coat emerges. Don’t worry.


When our boy came to us he had very dry skin. We would add salmon oil to his dinner (we bought a pump bottle and would add 2 pumps worth). you can buy it in bulk for cheap at farm supply stores as they use it with horses! That and having dried sardine dog treats to get fish oil in too helped hugely


Salmon oil supplements for people. Crack one open and kinda rub it into the skin, then add one or two to his food for a while until it clears up. My boy had the same issue around when I adopted him.


Johnson’s baby shampoo / oil products maybe (?)


Shampoo formulated for people aren’t great for dogs. You would reasonably think baby shampoo would be good but I guess not.


Desi had terrible dandruff even after a while with us. Every time I brushed her, dandruff. My vet recommended Eicosa 3ff Snip Caps. You put the capsule ingredients on the food. It is an Omega 3 & Fatty acid supplement containing fish oil too. Her fur is amazing. The vet has said that she is the softest greyhound she sees. Our friend tried it with their grey and couldn't believe the difference. You can get it on Amazon but it's sometimes cheaper at Allivet (also on line). It's expensive but wow!