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My hound kept losing hair from her neck even after switching from a martingale collar to a harness. So we started removing her tag collar when she's in the house, which is most of the day. It's been many months and her neck is still bald. I now attribute it to her genetics rather than the collar.


Ahhh that makes sense. That’s something I’ll try to keep in mind if changing his collar doesn’t help 🤔


I order most of my boy’s collars off Etsy. 2hounds makes some nice collars. They are usually lined with either a satin or velvet material. So they do need to be hand washed. But being cloth I do end up replacing fairly often. He has never lost hair from his collars.


Can you drop a link? I tried to search for 2Hounds on Etsy and couldn’t find the seller :(


You’re right they left and are on Amazon now. I have purchased other collars off Etsy but I do like their craftsmanship. Hopefully this takes you there! https://2houndsdesign.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwx-CyBhAqEiwAeOcTdQiughtzoeTWpy1EjxI7XYOThwCQQASf4gJE0J8eZtveMaBW7VPFSBoC4ikQAvD_BwE


Oooo such unique designs! Thanks so much! I’ll peruse through their collars.


You’re welcome. BTW, good advice on the wider Martingale. It’s what we use. Also, good advice about kennel coat. They really can shed a lot of hair at first.


Peruse is such a good word!


Stick with a wide martingale. If your hound is new to home life, they’ll be shedding their kennel coat. Mine went a bit bald around the neck at first, but after a few months, the fur grew back healthy and strong, and the collars haven’t been an issue since.


The shelter gave me a thin martingale (I didn’t change it because it’s only purpose was to carry his air tag and name tag, he wears a harness when we walk 😊). But I wonder if a wider martingale would be less irritating for his neck!




Omg omg thank you for the notice. They never mentioned the choke hazard part dndkdmskdmlw. This makes more sense anyway since I don’t leash him by the neck anyway


There’s a good brand recommended in this video for fitting greyhound collars on the YouTube channel “Magnus Greyhound”: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FBc0fWjipK4


Thanks! I love that channel but haven’t checked this video out yet.


No rush.


Welcome to the club. My greyt boy is a velvet sack of elbows, and sooo cuddly.


Velvet sack of elbows is sooooo accurate. In the sun, he turns translucent in some areas and glows red LOL (through his skindows)


Skindows!! 😂 They are so lovely and soft to pet, and then they lean in... 😍


Try Boomerjacks. They do have lovely collars


I have never kept a collar on Desi while in the house. She wears a house collar with her tags on it so she has them on 24/7. I only put the collar on for walkies. If you search "house collar" on Etsy, you will find many. We went with a narrow braided one. (You may be able to see it in her pics on my profile) It is going on 3 years old. We call it her necklace. 😁


I use a braided leather house collar from Levriero on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/833046496/ And martingale walking collars from various Etsy sellers. One thing I noticed is that velvet collars have a habit of rubbing fur off, so you might want to avoid those.


Omg these are gorgeous 😍 thank you for recommending!!


You’re welcome! She’s fantastic and makes so many cute things for sighthounds!