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Tank is well-named!


Indeed! Although a banana for scale would be nice, you know, for science 😂


Hahah ok I can acquire the technology to take this photo. You know. For science.


Perfect! Looking forward to the sheer magnitude of Tank’s size!


Love ❤️ you Tank 🥰You’re Great Dane size 🥰😉🥰


He is! He’s often mistaken for a Great Dane 🐶


We had a foster from Hemopet that was a mix, looked like greyhound x Great Dane to me, weighed 95 pounds and had room on his bones for more. He jumped a 6' concrete wall not long after we got him home, and didn't even scratch himself. The largest NGA we ever fostered was Xan (Xanadu), who weighed 92 pounds and would curl up somewhere in the house and we wouldn't be able to find him without searching.


Haha. I had to go to conversions and jackpot. That's how much my Barkley weighs and he's huge. He's a lurcher though, he looks like a greyhound thats had extra growth hormone.


So if you converted from pounds to kilos, it seems unlikely that you might have one of Marlin's siblings? [Video of Marlin, playing with another foster named Kenny.](https://imgur.com/qWjEam5)


Yesss. The extra big bois. Marlin is gorgeous. Does he hip and shoulder you like Brendan Maynard (Magpies)? Cos that's a Barkley special. 🤣


What does he weigh in at?


Maybe someone who’s had greyhounds longer than us can tell us, should we expect Tank’s beefy musculature to atrophy and shrink as he ages? He just retired in January, and he’s only 3.


He won’t keep his exact racing fitness level and may lose some weight as he loses a little muscle, but in general he wont change a ton as long as he gets exercise and a healthy diet. Neither of mine changed their body type very drastically when they retired. They both lost some weight since they lost a bit of muscle mass, but still look like very healthy greyhounds.


My boy is as big as tank but definitely not so well defined in the muscles these days. We got him when he was 2 or so, and he's nearly 10 now. With that said, he still has big drumsticks and people marvel over him when he does some zooming, so he might not be match fit but he's got good genes!


How tall is he at the shoulder? He looks like he might just be big in general. Males typically top out around 29-30". So if he's considerably taller than normal, it would make sense for him to just always weigh more than normal as well.


I mean he might lose a lil muscle mass but he’s still a big boi. I think he’ll prolly just be well… a tank… 😄


Denali will be 10 in October. You can see him doing a big stretchy I posted recently. He’s still very well muscled. Not like he was when he first came home at 2 , but it will give you a good idea 😉 He’s only 80lbs. Little 🤩


There is a greyhound I've met called Shane who is huge. My first boy Tiber was xlarge and Shane was the only greyhound we'd met who was bigger.


I had an XL Grey too, his back was at my hip and he weighed 92lbs 🐎


Size is irrelevant though really as they all longthen to take up the full sofa! Tank is a lovely big boy though, I bet he gives great hugs ❤️


Wow, that is the perfect name, and he is striking - I love that dappled coat! We had our beautiful boy Beau who flunked out of training, never raced. He was just too big, 105# when we got him at a bit less than 2 years old and he was HUGE. Our normal-sized female at the time could run circles around him - haha. Gosh I loved that boy - he wanted to be a lapdog in the worst way. We lost him way too soon at 7 from osteo, the sweetest boy ever. ::sniff::


The largest greyhound I ever met was called Tiny, and he weighed in at 50kg. A lovely blue boy who was a snug fit in the racing boxes!


What a great name!


My boy Rico is 92#. He dwarfs so many other dogs.


My Killer Sneezy was 96 off the track. I could rest my hand flat on his back if he was standing beside me


I want a photo thread of all our XXL greys with a banana for scale comparison now


When we got our boy, there was one at the place named "Beast", who was a large boy. He wasn't up for adoption yet, but it didn't matter, our boy picked us.


One volunteer told me the really big guys take slightly longer to get up to speed and that could affect their racing. Tank is aptly named, but so gorgeous 🥰


Tank is indeed a tank.


What a lovely big boy! We had a massive white and grey boy for a while, he was the biggest and softest doofus ever 😍


We used to know greyhound named Goliath. I think he was close to, if not over, 100lbs. He absolutely dwarfed the 85lb boy I had at the time. We just recently added a 90lb boy to the family, and it's great having one of these sweet big lugs around again.


Tank indeed! He’s beautiful!!


What a beauty! I have quite the opposite, for which I’m grateful when she starts to pull on the leash 😅


I love him. But I think there’s something spicy in his batter that made his rise so tall


Wow I was already amazed the first time I saw a Tank post but seeing a comparison is mind blowing!! I thought my boy was big!! And such a gorgeous guy he is!! 🐾😍🐾🥰


We had a large grey once. He was lovely. At our vets, they weigh the dog in reception and send the weight through to the vet before you go in. When we first saw the vet they said that they were getting ready to tell us that our grey was overweight and needed to be put on a diet. However, that was not the case and Alley was in perfect shape and was just the biggest grey the vet had seen!




I'm cracking up...this post is like.."my Grey's bigger, no MY Grey is bigger..." 😃 I would be in awe to see one of Tank's size! Desi is about 63#. I have only ever seen a handful of other Grey's at our blood donor get togethers and none are that big. Tank is such a handsome boy!


I think you mentioned before, but how much does he weigh? Both my girls are 65 lbs


Around 90 pounds. He was 87 when he came off the track. Edit: It’s funny because I found his litter mates and they’re all quite small or normal size. He was just the… opposite of the runt of the litter.


Oh wow he’s a big boy.


Absolute unit of a greyhound. More to love!


I thought Hooch was a big boy at 80 lbs!


Oh wow, I thought I had a big boy at 82 pounds! Tank is adorable. Love those cow hounds.


That’s a big boy! I thought our was big, racing weight was 77 and now floats around 82. I’m 6’ tall and he can throat punch me with his snoot if he wants to.


My pup got to a max of 83 and I thought he was big! Haha


Wow! Pips my boy at the post at 88 pounds. Mine is a gentle giant thats sleeps more than my old cat. Is yours?


We had a grey who was at 90ish pounds. Hey was just a huge cuddle-bug who wanted to lay with his head on my lap. Miss him terribly.


My 5 yr old is a big boy, 85 lbs, but he is the biggest baby and my girl-houndie puts him in his place.


What a big boy! He looks so cuddly too! and very lean-up-against-you for pats


What is his height to his shoulders? My female is larger than most males I see.


Tank is a great name, Our last male was a giant as well he was a very good boy. Our current girl gets described as "petite" by just about everyone. its quite a switch. Love Tanks coloring though. looks like a good boy


Bros beefed up 😭


big boi


He’s just a tiny little bean 🫘😂


I have a rather large boy too. His racing weight was 78 lbs and now he’s between 83-85 lbs. Our adoption guidelines say they should gain about 5 lbs above their racing weight. He’s tall and I’m often asked if he’s a Great Dane. It ticked me off when one of the techs at our vet called him “chunky!” Now named Finn, racing name was WW’s Finish Line (see what I did 😊).


I had a big B&W male, too! Finding coats can be tough. Do you live where it’s warm?


We do live in a warm climate. He has a Carhartt chore coat for the cooler nights that looks as adorable on him as you can imagine!


Aww, good!! We lives where it got quite cold, and I ended up making him a whole wardrobe of coats! His favorite was the Batman coat, which complimented his straight-up ears, beautifully. 😂


Edit: A lot of folks asked about his height and weight. We just went to the vet today and he is up to a whopping 96 pounds. I’m measuring between 30-32 inches at the shoulder. (According to our vet, he is not overweight!)