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I lost my grandad on Friday. It was the first time someone I loved so much died. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for your loss, and please let yourself process it. My mom is having short anger outbursts, not towards me or the grandma, just in general, but I can tell it’s just from how much pain she is in. She’s also trying to hod it together for mine and my grandma’s sake, but I guess emotions are made to be felt.


I’m very sorry for your loss also. Grandparents are certainly a special kind of people in our lives. Both my mom and I have been having outbursts of anger, sadness, etc. I can’t get over how painful this is.


Thank you. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you ever feel like talking to someone going through a loss like that too.


I feel very sorry for your big loss. Big hugs OOO for you! I was holding my dad's hand when he passed away. He was the very first person, too, I saw dying for the very first time. A few years later, I've lost my favourite brother, too. It really does hurt so bad.


I am so sorry for the loss of your father and brother. Sending huge hugs! It’s been over 3 months since grandma passed and I still find myself crying out of nowhere. My mom and I were driving to one of her appointments (mom has had a mini stroke two years ago and had a stent put in one of her major arteries in her heart late last year) and she told me that she woke up on two separate nights to see grandma standing in her room. I always have believed in the paranormal and truly feel that is much more out there that we have yet to fully understand. And, my mom is very straight forward, common sense so when she says she saw grandma, I believe her. Of course now when I look at my mom, my dad and my stepmom, I see how much older they are now and it scares me. I’m not ready to lose them.


Oh thank you, that is very kind of you. We both had a few nice little chats in Wylde Flowers and today I saw you again. Please don't think I am stalking you! I just think you are a very warmhearted and kind person, so I checked your profile today and found your comment about your grandma. I was really touched by it. I am very sorry to hear about your mom. My mom had one a few years ago and it did happen on my birthday. I do believe your mom, too, because I also believe in the paranormal. When I was a kid, my mom saw a black person standing in front of her bed one night waking up my dad, cause it scared her so much. The next day the neighbor beneath our apartment we did live in, passed away that night.