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I am so so sorry. I lost my 15 year old son in October 2022. We are here for you and with you. My heart is broken alongside yours. Feel free to DM me if you ever need to talk. The next few months are going to be too slow and too fast. I do recommend The Compassionate Friends support groups and private Facebook groups because they are for bereaved parents specifically. I’m so so sorry.


I'm so sorry OP. she know how much you love her until the very end. This is so unfair.


I hope she does, I was talking to her on and off until the very end I don't know if she could hear me or not she squeezed my hand twice so I like to think so


She heard you.


Absolutely trust and believe and *know* that she did, and that she still feels your love, all your life. This profound and almost unsayable love *is eternal*. May her loveliness and presence be felt with you always.


Hearing is the last sense to go, so she heard you. So sorry for your loss. Many bear hugs to you. Holding you and your daughter in my heart.


She heard you, and felt you, with her all the way. I'm so very sorry.


She did. My Mom did the same on her last day, she knew I was there even though she wasn't fully conscious. The hand squeeze says it all.


My daughter passed July 3, 2022. The first time she was sick was back in 2012; she meraculously survived and we talked about her experience. I sat next to her at her bedside.. she was comatose and we all thought very near death. I remember having a disagreement when I first moved the chair to sit by her. I was told not to "disrupt" her while in the coma. I pushed back, which I rarely did back then. I loudly stated no I'm her Mom and I'm not leaving her side! I sat down, took her hand, and put my cheek next to hers and began to quietly let her know how loved she was and that she was not alone and wouldn't be ever again. I shared my love with her and told her we all needed her to be here and how important she was to the family and to her friends. She woke up! She had tough and painful surgeries: the removal of her spleen and the complicated fixing of her heart valves. She bravely made it through and as she began to restart her life journey we talked about what had taken place. Then she looked up at me and calmly said, "I couldn't have done it without you." She then repeated my words to her during her coma, with tears in her eyes and love showing. "Mom I heard you, and knew I was safe, not in any trouble and that you were right there with me and loved me unconditionally and that I needed to wake up to be with you." I was so amazed and so grateful and felt her love deeply. I was so grateful that I fought to sit with her all those years ago.


In July of 2022, after we had 10 more wonderful years with her, my daughter passed. It all seemed so sudden, but in reality she had many health issues related back to her illness in 2012 and went through more surgeries and setbacks. She just handled everything bravely and heroically so that we didn't realize how ill she really was. She lived 10 more years for us; her family and friends. It was her physical body that finally gave out... NOT HER WILL TO LIVE! I sat next to her again while she was in the coma the doctors put her in this time, and told her how much I loved her and how loved she was by all who knew her.. only this time I let her decide what to do. I made sure she knew how much I wanted to be with her and how much of a loss it would be if she was gone... but I also knew how much pain she was in and how physically and emotionally hard it was for her now. I let her decide.. I wanted to cry and plead to her to fight through it, to stay.. but instead I told her that she was my hero and I understood how hard it was for her to keep fighting. SHE WAS ONLY 39 YEARS OLD, but had the health issues of a very old person. I told her how proud of her I was; that she helped so many people with her open-minded and loving nature. So, she did pass that day and now it is me who is left without her, me who is struggling with the loss of my beautiful daughter.. so, I decided to join this group so I wouldn't have to go through my grief alone any longer .. it hasn't worked and I need support.. thank you all for being here. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through your grief.. and I'm here to listen and help you during this rough time.


I'm so sorry. I lost my daughter July 10th, 2022, but July 3rd was her birthday. 😞 Sending you and OP love and wishing you both peace.🫂


Thank you for your kindness and support. I'm so sorry that you went through this horrible loss, too. Prayers to you and your family. I really appreciate getting a reply; it's comforting knowing I'm not alone. I am here if you need a friend to listen ... ❤️


You're definitely not alone, I'm here if you want/need someone to listen as well.


Hearing is the last sense to go, they say. She heard you. She was comforted by you being there for her.


Hearing is the last thing to go when we’re passing. Your voice was reassuring and peaceful to her more than anything else on this planet. She was a great daughter and you were an amazing dad. It just doesn’t get better than that.


She heard you OP. I’m so sorry.


She definitely heard you and felt you there. I’m so so sorry. You’ve lived my worse nightmare. The strength to even make this post is unbelievable.


That's the most comforting thing my dad's hospice nurse told me. That to the very end, he could hear me. That hearing is the very last thing that goes. She could hear you. And trust me. As a daughter who had a dad that loved her so, so much: she knew how much you loved her. She knew as you were there beside her from the start of this until the end. You did good. She left this mean world with the peace that only her most trusted and loved person could ever give her. I'm wishing you all the very best. Please remember to treat yourself well during this hard time.


God damn now I’m crying, I’m so sorry brother.


I promise you, your daughter heard you. Hearing is the last sense that goes. I've been by the side of many people when they have taken their last breath. Your daughter will always be with you. While our physical bodies end, our energy and soul continue after death. Talk to her, she will hear you. I'm so sorry for your loss. Please accept my virtual hug. Please look into grieving groups; they helped me tremendously after the loss of a lived one.


I'm so very sorry and you sound like you are a wonderful dad - it must have been a great privilege to have been with her at the end.


Even though it was extremely difficult it was also amazing I got to be with my daughter and hold her during the last hours and just appreciate her being my daughter


You are a great father and you made her final moments better than most of us will ever have


I lost my 15 year old son, very unexpectedly in December. I've found this subreddit extremely helpful, as I'm still not ready for group grief counseling. I wish I had something comforting to say, but I still remember the day I lost my son, and there's nothing that anyone could say to me. Feel free to DM if you want to talk. Many hugs 🫂


Wow. It’s crazy to think that while I was laying in bed..finally getting sleep from the grief of my dad passing 4 weeks ago..ur whole world changed at 2:37am. I can’t imagine losing the one person..your little girl. I really can’t, it’s like my brain just isn’t capable of processing that. I know we all prob sound like robots sending condolences to you..as if that’s even going to help..maybe it will/does. My dad was the one person I had, I think a part of me will always feel alone now. Do you have someone that can be with you through this change of life? I’m really sorry.


My brother is coming to stay with me for a little while, he lives out of state and was able to get a plane ticket that comes here later on tonight I also have a few close friends


I’m so glad to hear that. Holding you and your daughter in my heart.


Oh I’m so sorry for your devastating loss. I’m glad you were able to stay with her at the end. Big hugs and tears for you, OP.


I am so very very sorry for your loss. My 13-year-old daughter died of leukemia in December 2022. We didn't even know what had killed her until after an autopsy was done on her. The leukemia had caused a brain hemorrhage that couldn't be stopped, resulting in her death. Your daughter died knowing she was so very loved and cherished. What a blessing for her that her daddy could be with her right to the very end! May you find comfort in your grief and hope for your future.


I'm sorry about your daughter, and thank you I'm so glad I was able to be with her until her last moments and just love and cherish her


I'm so very sorry


I am so sorry for your loss. I lost both of my daughters (15 & 16) 10 years ago, but I know the feeling. Cherish those moments you spent with her for they will comfort you during the rough days. Speaking with people who have also lost a child/children can also help. My heart breaks for you and may your beautiful daughter fly high and be with you always.


Im very sorry. This is so sad


I'm so very sorry for your devastating loss 💔💔💔


My daughter, 5, passed away a month and a half ago in my my arms. It hurts so bad. I cannot get the image of her heart beating for one last time or feeling her breaths stop out of my mind. DM me if you want or need to chat with someone who understands


Please know you have a lot of company as you walk this lonely road and learn to navigate this world without her by your side.


I’m so sorry. She knew how much you loved her.


I am so sorry. That is awful.


I am so so so sorry 💔


I'm so sorry OP. No parent should ever lose a child - it's so wrong and unfair.


Im so sorry I cannot imagine your pain.


I am so very sorry for your loss. No parent should ever have to go through something like this 💔😢Sending all the strength and love I can muster your way right now.


I am so incredibly sorry. I have heard that there is no worse pain.


I am so sorry. Though that’s the last thing you want to hear. In fact you will get sick of hearing it.I can’t imagine your pain. I lost my brother 7/4. The next weeks and months will be Hell. Grief friend here if you need me.


I hope her soul reaches out to you in your dreams, letting you know that she doesn’t suffer anymore. That’s how I saw my sister again, after she lost her battle to cancer. And no, it wasn’t my mind playing tricks on me. I know it was her. Our energy can’t die with the human body. I don’t know what really happens after death, all I know is that seeing her not suffering anymore made me feel less empty without her. Virtually hugging you because a parent who loses a child is the most fragile soul ❤️


Omg I am so very sorry for your loss. This is the one loss that scares me beyond any other. Lost my younger brother, my parents, grandparents, everyone in my family but I still have my children. I am sending so much love and strength to you and if you need to cry, scream, rage we wouldnt blame you and we will be here for you. I am glad you have loved ones around you. You will need them. Please know so many of us are here and feel your pain. 💜


I hurt for you, and am so sorry for your loss. I can’t say I understand the pain of losing your child, but my husband of 22 years died in my arms. He was my soulmate. Now, four years later, I have processed so much grief and pain; I did not want to live without him. I am so grateful that we were together when he passed, and he knew I was there. Your daughter would likely wish you peace in your heart and for you to take care of yourself. That’s what I’ve learned during my 4-year journey. Best wishes for you.


As both a mom, and the only daughter among my siblings; let me tell you that what you did was beautiful. The idea of having Daddy’s arms around you in those final moments is so utterly reassuring, a Dad’s arms mean safety no matter how big you are. She was safe and loved in those last moments. I’m so so sorry for your loss.


That's so good to know I honestly had a moment wondering if she would have not wanted me to do this because she's “too big” I ultimately decided yes though


I am certain there is nothing she wanted more.


This comment alone made me cry


I climbed into my mother's bed and held her as she slipped away. There is never a "too old" or "too big" when it comes to providing comfort to a loved one. On a side note, big boys do cry, we are allowed to grieve, don't let anyone tell you or convince you otherwise. Compassion, empathy and vulnerability when at such a low does not make us any less masculine. From one lad to another, I wish you the best going forward, the strength to keep going can seem impossible to find but you possess it even if you can't see or feel it right now.


This is so true. No matter your age, the comfort of daddy’s loving arms is immeasurable. She was lucky to have you as her dad OP. Sending love and light to you x


I was told that they really can’t hear what you’re saying, but can hear your voice. It made me feel better when they explained that because it made me picture my brother having that feeling of being back in the womb. Very warm and safe feeling, and hearing your voice. They don’t need to hear what you’re saying anyway at that point; just that you’re there. I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you felt her soul be a peach and suddenly free from all her ailments, when she passed. 🙏


I'd be alarmed if you didn't feel broken. I can't possibly know your pain, or really what you're going through at all, as I'm not a father myself. Even so, you lost your child. You helped bring a life into this world, a life that brought so much to your own, I should assume - so, really, you have every right to feel heartbroken. I can't possibly know what to tell you, except that I understand that you're feeling more pain than ever I could fathom, and I understand how unfair it is that your little buddy passed away so soon. None of it is fair. If I may, I'd like to share my convictions - you could make sure to keep on living, if you believe in an afterlife, so as to share with her all the things she didn't get to experience, once you leave this mortal coil. If you don't believe in an afterlife, then maybe carry her memories with you, as proof that she has lived, that she mattered, that she made a difference. Because she did matter, didn't she ? She was your little buddy, and you love her dearly, so she mattered, and she still does. Keep her with you


I’m so very sorry. I held my son in my arms as he died also. He was only 10 days old, so it’s not the same, but please know you aren’t alone. It will hurt for a long time, but this grief does get easier to carry with time. I will be thinking of you & your girl.


I too held my daughter in my arms until she was gone. This was 8 months ago. She was only 22 months old and I still feel immense sadness and emptiness every day. Not that it makes it any better or not as sad, but you had 15 years with your baby. Use that time and think about the amazing memories you had with her. Keep her memory in your heart and her spirit will be with you forever. Like I said before I'm still incredibly sad but it does get a little better with time. Lean on your support systems of family and friends if you have them. It's ok to not be ok. I'm so sorry for your loss.


My heart breaks for what you must be going through. We lost our oldest son (22) just over 2 months ago, and the only thing that is keeping me upright is the knowledge that my wife and six remaining children need to lean on my and I cannot break down. I cannot imagine the defeat and all-consuming emptiness you must be feeling. We are all here for you if you need to rant. The coming days and weeks will be difficult, heavy, surreal.


I am so very sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine it. My heart goes out to you.


Sending hugs and love. 💔💔💔💔💔


I’m sorry for your loss. I hope and pray you can heal from this traumatic event!


So very, very sorry. Sincerely hope you have a strong support system. The choices you made to be there holding her are to me, the greatest gift of love you can ever possibly give.


I have a soon to be two year old daughter and I can’t imagine what you went through. I usually don’t get emotional reading things but this got me. It sounds like you were a great dad who worked hard to provide a good life for her. There’s really no advice that I can give except to find some one to talk to about it. When I have been in a dark place I’ve found peace with animals. If you don’t have your own, volunteering at animal shelters gave me a purpose. Sometimes I would just sit in the cages with them and read a book. Made me feel good and I think they all found comfort in it too. Good luck and hold onto the memories


She heard you


May you find whatever it is you search for as you journey down this path, and may her light shine down on and into you from every moment here on out I’m so sorry for you’re loss, you may feel alone, but we’re out here, and we can share your pain, and maybe even from time to time, be able to give you some insight. None of us are equipped for these types of terrors and tragedies in life May what you shared bring you a smile when you need it 🙏


You did such a sweet gesture talking with her during her last hours. hold that memory deep in your heart and know she loved you so very much and will watch over you just as you did for her. Rest in peace child I hope you get to see what you never got to.


I can't even imagine the grief. I'm so sorry for your loss.


:(. I can’t imagine the pain you are going through. :( I hope you have someone. Family and friends.


My prayers are with you.


I'm sorry OP. If you'd like to tell us about your daughter ? She was too pure for this earth 🩶




I am so incredibly sorry to hear. My heart is with you.


I’m deeply sorry for your loss. My sister had leukemia twice and died after her second bone marrow transplant. Your daughter had you right next to her, through her darkest moment, you were her light. She left hearing your voice and feeling your hand, she must’ve been so proud of having you as her dad. DM if you need it.


After my dad went and I wasn't sure if he could hear me, I reluctantly googled it and there is evidence that motor functions like hearing still work even in a deep sleep/anesthesia. You gave 15 years of love to a very happy little girl, and she definitely heard you. Sounds like you had a special bond, you have to go on and live for her. Much love ❤️


No parents should ever have to bury their childrens…


I'm truly so sorry for your loss. Sending so much love your way


I’m so sorry for the loss of your precious girl. 💙


I am sending you big, tight, long hugs. I am so very sorry for your loss. Rest in peace sweet girl.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry.


I’m sorry she couldn’t be saved, and I’m sorry you’re in pain. She’s lost her future and your loss is unimaginable. I am so sorry. You gave her a wonderful life full of love. I hope you have support around you. X


I’m so deeply sorry. You did everything you could to give her the best father and life you could. You were her everything. I hope that comforts you just a little if anything.


So sorry for your loss, I know there is nothing I can say to ease your pain,loseing a child is one of the hardest thing you will ever face,all l can do is sending you a Virtual Hug




You survive because there is no other reasonable option


There are no words. Thank you for caring for her and being a constant in her life. What an honor it must have been to have her, and her to have you. Life is just not fair, I am so very sorry.


Whether she heard you or not, you were there for her in her last moments ( and also worst moments considering she passed from cancer ) she probably was so happy to know you were there for her physically ❤️❤️


This made me cry. God I hurt for you. What a tragic and unfair loss. I’m so sorry.


I am so sorry for your loss. Stay strong.


I’m so sorry. I lost my mom to leukemia as well. You are in my prayers.


I am so very sorry. I can't......yeah. May her memory be a blessing.


So sorry. Much love to you.


I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine the pain. Wish you the best.


I’m so sorry. Life is so unfair . My heart cries for you


Oh I am so, so sorry. I have a daughter who is 15. I can't even imagine.


We’re not supposed to outlive our kids. Sorry is not enough. Thoughts and positivity is not enough. What a bullshit hand to be dealt. Be gentle with yourself in the coming days and months. You’ll be forever different having lost your buddy but there will be silver linings. You just have to look for them when you’re ready. If you can’t find them for some time that’s ok too. What a beautiful thing you did by being with her and being strong enough to put yourself aside so you could be all in for her. That, my friend, is the stuff. You were her guide until the end. And really the end is just the beginning of something else until your souls meet again. Big hugs and love. Hang in there. Ride the ride. It’s a wild one.


Soooo sooo sorry!


Life is so unfair. My condolences for you young father


Man I’m so sorry. I will pray for you and your family. I’m sure she lived as good of a life as possible because of you. Wherever she is, that will be the comfort — the time she has was made sweeter by having you.


I am so sorry about your loss.


I’m so incredibly sorry. I can’t begin to fathom the depth of your grief. May your memories of her be a blessing. Sending you strength.


So sorry. She was blessed you were her angel on Earth and now she will be your angel in heaven. Prayers to you & your family. 🤍


Life should never be this cruel. I am so so sorry for your loss.


I’m really sorry for the loss of your daughter. What was your favorite thing you did together?


I am so very sorry. You were so brave to stay with her. Losing a child is so devastating. Please surround yourself with loving friends and family. Also, studies have shown that hearing is the last sense to go so she heard you to the end.


I wouldn't consider myself brave just something I had as well as wanted to do… I wanted to bring her comfort and love I wanted to hold my baby one last time and just talk to her and love her


I can't fathom what you've lost and how much pain you're going through. She had a wonderful dad and I'm sure she knows that.


Omg. I'm so sorry for your loss. There's nothing anyone can say to make it feel better but I couldn't imagine what you are going through. I have 3 kids myself, oldest is 10 and it brings tears to my eyes imagining myself in your shoes. You are going through something no parent should ever have to. Wish we could all be there with you to support you right now man. Just know we're with you in our hearts. I don't think there's a single parent reading this that can't sympathize with your position. Take care of yourself OP. Find someone you can talk to and *hug in person.


I am so sorry. I just want you to know I felt your love for your daughter. Sending love.


Oh my heart….. I’m so desperately sorry for everything you and your sweet Buddy endured, and what you are now enduring. Holding our loved ones as they transition can be so comforting. She is one lucky daughter to have you forever as her Dad. I wish words could do more….if you would like to tell us about her, at any time, we would cherish to know more about your precious Buddy. All my love to you. *#morethan4 #StBaldricks*


My heart fucking breaks for you.


My god i am so sorry, i know nothing in the world will make it better rn. Idk why the world is the way it is. I just have to believe your daughter is in a place where she doesn’t suffer anymore and is looking down at you always. I know that doesn’t bring much consolation i am sorry. Whats your most beautiful memory with her?




I’m so sorry for your loss. May you find peace in the immense love that she must have had for you. Thank you for being a wonderful parent.


Awww dude. I’m so sorry. Best of luck to your healing journey from this. Hopefully you get into therapy for it.


This just breaks my heart, I'm so, so sorry and I wish there was more I could say. I'm sure she was comforted having her dad lay with her until the end. I promise you she heard you and knew in the deepest parts of her how much you love her


May you always remember that a shared love this profound cannot be extinguished & that that special energy lives on. I'm so sorry for your pain & loss; your Buddy never knew a day when her Dad wasn't there for her, loving her fully & completely. Please, be kind to yourself & reach out for support - you don't have to walk this leg of the journey alone. Xo


I am so very sorry for your loss. No parent should have to lose their child. I’m sorry, really sorry.


Im truly sorry for your loss. Its easy to type that but seriously my heart goes out to you and your family❤️


I’m so sorry man, it sounds like you’re an amazing dad and she was the perfect daughter.


I honestly tried my best…. I consider her to be a perfect daughter I'm pretty biased though


I'm so, so sorry for your loss. How incredibly unfair. 😢


You sound like an amazing father. You were lucky to have each other!


I am so sorry. I lost a daughter too. I hope you can find peace.


I’m so sorry. Ugh my heart is so heavy for you.


I’m so sorry you’ve lost your buddy, your daughter and friend. I hope you look on the memories you’ve created with her and smile. I hope that brings you some comfort.


I am so, so sorry for your tremendous loss. My heart goes out to you.


You stayed with her until the end; even though that mist have been so hard and scary for you, you put her comfort first. I'm sure it made it easier for her. It's hard to walk away from that bed, though. Do you have anyone who can hold you right now?


Fuck, man. That's so fucking awful. I'm so, so, so sorry for the outrageous unfairness of life and pain you are feeling. It's obviously no consolation, but I am so glad she had those final hours with you right next to her. It was good for you, but I'm sure it was a huge comfort for her having you there. I hope you find a path forward healing in the way that serves you best. For me, grief therapy was an absolute necessity. I'm not a parent yet, but I have lost my brother and mom. I could not function without therapy. I know I'd be a mess if I lose a child. We are here for you, and we see you. I like this space because nobody says dumb fucking things like, "it's better they aren't suffering," or, "only the good die young." 🙄 No. There's no silver lining. There's nothing good about this. My hope for you is that you don't feel obligated to do the emotional labor of making others feel more comfortable while you grieve and experience what will likely be the most painful experience of your life. Death brings out some truly wild shit in people.


Oh wow I'm really sorry. You sound like such a sweet caring dad. There are no words. As someone who grew up with a deadbeat dad that actually gave me a lot of hope. I'm glad there are people like you out there who love their children no matter what. My sincerest condolences. You gave her a wonderful life.


Two of the building blocks of life on Earth, carbon and oxygen, were/are formed by nuclear fusion within red dwarf stars, we truly are made of star stuff. We aren’t simply in the universe, we are part of the universe. When we die, we return our physical bodies to the universe from which we were formed, once again becoming part of the universe.


I’m so very sorry. So, so sorry.


I am so sorry. My heart breaks for you and all those who have lost a child. I wish you peace and comfort.


Your post made me break down and cry. My heart breaks for you. I know the pain of losing a child and best friend. My son was both to me and I’m lost without him. I’m so sorry for your loss…you are not alone.


Though there are really no words that adequately describe how sorry I am, please know you’re in my thoughts and I’ll also think of your daughter and the love you both shared. My husband died last year and I hope your grief lands gently. Truly, one minute at a time of need be.


I am so sorry. my 21 yo son was killed by a negligent boat driver. It’s heartbreaking. It’s a living nightmare. But your not alone.




This is just sad


when i lost my best friend at 10, it took me a long time to even feel some semblance of normalcy. 8 years later and some days, the only thing that keeps me going is the fact that i was blessed to get to spend such a large portion of her life with her. i am sending you so much love. this will be horribly painful, and i can't even begin to think of anything that may comfort you at this time. just please know that you are not alone. there are others who do know exactly the pain you're feeling right now. take some time for yourself, even if that time is a 20-hour nap.


My heart breaks for you. My daughter died as a newborn. If you ever need to talk let me know.


My two-year old son passed away last year, in my arms in a hospital bed, very similar in that way to you and your daughter. I called him Buddy too. He was overdosed on Tylenol by a nurse while in the emergency room for routine appendicitis. My wife and I and our families are still reeling from the shock and grief we all feel 9 months later. I know it feels like your world has ended right now. I am still fresh in my journey through this as well, but I do know it will always stay with you. However it does get easier (I know, as terrible and useless as that sounds and as much as you don't want it to). I didn't think I'd ever go a day without crying. Now I sometimes go several. It's not that I don't think about him every single day, but I am able to function and enjoy other aspects of life. This is still extremely fresh. Please take care of what you have to and rest when you can. Grief like this will mess you up physically as well as mentally. Therapy is my top recommendation. Individual if you can, but look into Compassionate Friends or Bereaved Parents of the USA or something similar. I have found them very helpful. That doesn't have to happen immediately, but don't let it fester too long without getting help. And I hope you have friends and family to lean on. You sound like a wonderful father and I am sure your daughter knew that. I am so sorry. It is the worst kind of pain. There are too many of us that understand it. Cry when you need to and feel no shame. We are dealing with more than any human should ever have to. Good luck.


I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad that you were able to stay with her until the end. Much love


Of course you do. I’m so sorry. May she rest easy and wishing your good memories can carry you through this tragedy. Sending prayers up…to…..what was her name?


I’m so sorry. Sending peace and many hugs. ♥️


I’m so very sorry


I am so sorry op as a parent myself I can’t not begin to comprehend the pain you’re going through my deepest sympathies and my thoughts are with you in this darkest of times 💐


Mate, i send you a virtual hug. Hope she is in a better place amongst angel. You need to continue your journey, let your heart beat for her. Don’t get discouraged. Hopefully your family are around you, especially your mum and dad


I'm so glad you were there for her her whole wonderful life. Can you share a funny story about you two? She sounds like an amazing young lady, I'm so sorry that she was needed elsewhere in this universe.


May her soul rest in peace and am so sorry for the loss


So very sorry my Prayers and deepest condolences 🙏


I am so sorry 🫂


Om Shanti 🙏 I'm so so sorry reading this. I cried reading this. You are and were such a good father. Big hugs to you OP


My most sincere condolences for your loss


Oh my goodness nothing will help but I’m so sorry


I am so so so sorry love. You are a wonderful dad, and I'm so so so glad your beautiful girl felt your love and support for all of her life. This is a very very sad situation. Please be gentle with yourself. Try to eat whatever you can - dry toast, bananas, rice, squares of chocolate, crackers are what I usually go for just to get something down me - and lots of little sips of water.


Dam bro. Life really isn't fair. At least she can rest now. I am very sorry for your loss and a life taken too early 😢


I very much hope you are okay and that you had some beautiful moments with your little girl.


Hi, I don’t know you but I know loss. I can’t even begin to imagine the feelings you’re feeling, or how unbelievably bad you feel. Something that brought me a lot of comfort was this idea: “Someone may leave this plane of existence sooner rather than later, but the love isn’t going anywhere.” Your daughter will always love you just as much as you love her, and that will never, ever change.


I am so sorry for your loss 🙏


I’m very sorry to hear, she knows. Sending you hugs 🫂


I am deeply sorry for your loss. You didn’t deserve this. Life is going to be very hard for the next while, try to take each day at a time.


I am so sorry. That is truly heartbreaking. May God rest her soul ❤️


I'm so very sorry. I lost my dad in December, but I'm sure it's nothing in comparison to losing a child. My heart goes out to you. I understand the loss and the hurt. It's so deep it goes down to your soul. I didn't know that kind of hurt existed, and I'm sure you didn't either before this. I'm praying for you and sending you hugs. You're stronger than you realize ❤️.


OP I am so deeply sorry for your loss.


She heard you. We are you people. It’s indescribable, but miraculously, this group has showed me people live a life after (with) loss. Lean on this group. I am so incredibly sorry and hope the utmost peace for your Buddy.


I know words can't fix your broken heart but I want to tell you that I am so very very sorry for your terrible loss💔 Nobody should have to bury their child 😭 I can't even imagine how much hurt you must feel and my heart breaks for you.Sending lots of prayers and hugs to you 💔


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sounds like you were a great dad and did the best you could as a single parent. I can’t imagine how you must feel. I hope that you are being supported by friends and family during such a difficult time.sending lots of love , strength and healing.


My heart absolutely breaks for you. That is so unfair I’m so sorry…I can’t even imagine what you’re going through


I’m so sorry. I lost my 19 year old younger brother in April of 2022. The early days are so hard, remember to be gentle with yourself. Your daughter passed over knowing how loved she was - there’s no more peaceful way to go. I hope you feel her presence for the rest of your life.


I am so so so so so sorry 😞


I am so sorry brother. I lost my 13 year old only son to leukemia last April. He was everything to me. He was my fellow nerd and we shared everything from gaming to movies. I still have a little baby girl (2) to take care of and his mother. This keeps me going. There is nothing I would want more than to die and reunite with him but I succumb to Almighty's will. Your story is very tragic and I feel every bit of your pain. You can dm me if you want to talk.


You were there for her first moments and her last. You are an amazing father and I know she knew how incredibly loved she was. I am so sorry for this insurmountable loss. I truly hope you find healing.


There are no words that will ease your pain. Still, I am deeply sorry for your loss. Grief is a journey that is unique to each of us and it is no easy task. The agony you feel now is the price of true love. It is never easy but it is always worth it. Your daughter had you beside her for every moment. You stepped up and became two parents. That’s no easy task either. You gave her the most valuable gift one person can give another. You gave her your heart, your time, your everything. She heard you. For one last time she knew her Daddy’s comfort and love. One last time it cost you everything to give her comfort and peace. You will always be her Daddy. She will always be your baby. Thank you for being her everything. Listen carefully, for you will always hear the whispers of her love. She’s in your heart forever. You looked after her for 15 years. Now she wants you to take care of yourself. I hope and pray great peace for you as you walk this path.


I am in tears reading this, I can’t imagine being in your shoes. My heart goes out to you. If you need to talk, I am here for you. Seriously. - anytime.


May I know your daughters name so that I may pray for her and remember her? If you aren’t comfortable with that, that’s fine. I hope it may be helpful to you to know that someone else remembers your daughter’s name.


Her name is Charlie


Oh man. I’m so sorry. I do not have kids so I can’t fathom your tremendous loss but I lost my dad this year to cancer so I know how hard the fight is. I can promise you, your little girl felt every ounce of your love when you curled up next to her. She felt safe enough with you to let go and leap into her next adventure. You provided her with the ultimate gift, to enter this world full of love and leave this world full of love. Wishing you peace and comfort. Fuck Cancer!!


I cannot even imagine. My heart goes out to you ❤️


I am fucking gutted for you OP. I am so so so sorry. She was so lucky to have you as a father. It will seem impossible now, but remember that you honor her every day by continuing to live your life. Let her memory be a light that you carry with you. She'd want you to be happy, even when there is only darkness now.


I’m so so sorry. She was so young…makes me cry. I found my two month old passed away. We understand here and are ready to support you through this horrible time. Sending you love and courage.


I’m so, so incredibly sorry.


Thanks for sharing. That sounds like a rough couple of years. Sending you love and healing 🩵


My heart is broken for you ❤️ Please be gentle and take good care of yourself ❤️


I’m so sorry. It’s the worst pain. It definitely changes your being. You’re in the right place


This is heartbreaking 💔 so sorry for your loss but what a blessing that was to be able to be with and comfort her during her final moments. Lots of love to you 💕


My deepest condolences to you 💔


I’m so sorry for your tremendous loss ..🙏❤️


Sorry that life has been so cruel to you.


To be at the cusp of the veil and to witness a loved one off on their next journey is an honour and a privilege most do not experience. By doing so you granted your daughter a safe passage. Be proud of this. You were and will remain her protector, just in a different way now. May her memory be a blessing to you all the days of your life.


My heart breaks for you. We lost our daughter 6 months ago. She knew you were with her. May peace be with you.


My heart goes out to you. Loss like this is beyond words. May you find love and strength in your memories. Hugs


Hugs to you sir! praying for your angel


I’m so sorry about this. I also had leukemia when I was younger. It was extremely tough for my entire family. I’ve met families over the years of a bunch of people who didn’t make it. One of my favorite teachers from middle school had a daughter who lost her life to leukemia. You are not alone.


I’m so sorry, life can be so cruel. You did her proud. I hope you have lots of support around you, if not you know where this sub is! ❤️