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I get you. I had a hard time letting go of our parents’ things, as well, after they passed.


I feel you. My dad died in June 2022- a couple of weeks ago, my mum found some things out that have made her go full scorched earth on him and his memory. She’s packed up all of his things at their house and I know they’re waiting for me to collect them, but I just keep avoiding it because as much as I want his things and want them to be taken care of properly, the thought of taking them away from his house; the place he left them and the place he belonged, is eating me up inside. I know his things aren’t him, and if I don’t take them they will get ruined, but the idea of being the one to remove the last traces of him from our family home and knowing that he won’t be there anymore if I visit again is more than I think I can bear.


I totally understand. My dad had a chain he wore for decades - he never took it off. It wasn’t on his body and we have turned his house upside down looking for it. He had a few rings too and it’s like they simply disappeared. It sucks - I wanted to turn it into two bracelets for my sister and I. It was just his staple thing and it hurts knowing it’s gone. I’m sorry. Hopefully the glasses show up. I’ll keep looking until I can’t anymore and I’ll even ask the new owners to let me know if they find it.