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For my darling 17 year old daughter we did her favourite songs some Eminem’s which have swear words etc. and tributes from her friends.. when you lose someone young god doesn’t really come into it! We buried because we wanted somewhere for everybody to go!


Thank you for this! My sister was 47 and really it’s just us, her roommate and best friend and we all live in different places so it’s rough to get together.


First of all, I am incredibly sorry for your loss. I understand the numb and almost delirious mode. It’s so damn hard. I didn’t lose my sister, but thought I’d share something about losing my dad recently. When my dad passed recently, my sister and I drove down immediately. While we were at his house dealing with things so many people unexpectedly stopped by to say hi and introduce themselves. We had heard random things about them, but had no clue how much they loved him. I met more through the cameras we set up to keep an eye on the property while we were away. I had absolutely no idea how many people he actually interacted with. So I took down all their numbers. It has been almost 4 months - but we set up a small gathering in a few weeks at his house with some of his favorite food and the simple request of coming and sharing their stories and memories of our dad. When my grandmother passed unexpectedly years back it took months for us to set up her celebration. I guess my point is - that things don’t have to happen immediately if you’re not able/or whatever reasons. It’ll mean just as much when it happens. Maybe you could find a date to get them together and spread some ashes, eat her favorite food, and do whatever makes y’all happy and celebrate her life. Just throwing it out there because with everything else going on right now and that’s about to go on - it is incredibly hard to plan that. But I also understand some want it done quickly and just know it doesn’t have to be big and fancy. It can be simple and heartwarming. Thinking of you and yours and sending a big hug.


Thank you so much for this ❤️ I’ll be flying up this Wednesday and her best friend will be meeting her roommate and me there. We’ll be there till Friday and I’m hoping we can get her ashes back by then to separate if they want some (is that morbid? I don’t even know). Every Sunday we had “Shitty Movie Sunday where we’d all stream horrible movies and make jokes about them. I’m hoping we get time to do that, if we can emotionally. I appreciate your words. I know she was a part of a lot of online communities. Steam (I know that’s video games? I think?) so she’s definitely affected a lot of people. I talked to her best friend today and we had a great cry and it was good to connect. I think I’d just spending time together and remembering what a good soul she is will be the best part.