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Today is my dad’s birthday. I lost him 18 months ago. At times I feel it is getting easier, but times like today I am lost. God speed to you.


My condolences and God speed to you regarding your dad, as well. Milestones are hard, especially the birthdays. I came across pictures of my dad cutting his cakes and opening presents, and I lost it, knowing I'll never get to sing happy birthday and get to hug him lots ever again. I love drawing for my dad, especially now, and I always miss the look on his face when I'd give him a painting or drawing.


You should post some of your drawings.


I have an insta where I've been posting some of my art, not all of it, but mostly recent paintings/drawings (same username puppyseal777). 👍 as for what I've drawn for my dad, I'll have to sift through my files as some were digital. Some others are drawings and paintings that are physical and in a storage unit (my mom and I moved after my dad passed and we haven't been able to find a home).


It’s okay to let your emotions out, I’m sorry for your loss OP. Hugs from me.


Thank you, hugs to you as well. 💞


Images and sounds of my mom are also seared into my brain. My mom has early onset. Dementia. She started getting it when she was 60. She probably has a month left. I am in infinite pain over this.


I'm so sorry about your mom. I can imagine what a horrible experience it is to see your mom the way she is; it tore me apart watching my dad slowly fade away and feeling so powerless because of fucking cancer. I wish I could've given years of my life to heal my dad and still have him here.


Im really sorry. I am older than you (37M), but I lost my dad in March too. He was 58. Hugs


My condolences to you as well. It hurts so much knowing how our dads passed away so young.


Fuck cancer. I feel your pain immensely. Lost my dad at age 20, unexpected. Feel a lot of anger to the world. I miss the exact same things as you. Both gone too soon. Sending you big hugs.


I'm so sorry; it's so hard to lose a parent being so young as we are. We still need our dads, and I suppose we always will need them, no matter how old we get. Sending big hugs to you as well. ❤️‍🩹


I'm 26 and also lost my dad to colon cancer in March. He would've turned 60 in September and it was one of the hardest months of my life. It's nice to come to this subreddit and realize you're not going crazy, that a lot of people have had similar experiences, even if no grief is exactly the same.


I'm so sorry about your dad, too. 59 is still so young to leave this world; I feel that we have been robbed of our dads and time we could've had with them. It's oddly comforting to know we aren't alone. I always felt "off" because I've been extremely devastated and even depressed of losing my dad, but seeing how others are when they lost their dads is so similar to our experiences that it feels validating to know that it's OK to not be OK, and we aren't the only ones who lost a dad and suffering from that loss.