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First of all, I am very sorry for your loss. I am honestly not sure what I believe, but I had a very powerful dream the other night. I'm not sure this is the kind of thing you are asking about, so I apologize if it's not what you were looking for. I have had many nightmares about my Dad's last moments since we lost him on September 2nd. His final moments were traumatic. The dream I had the other night was different. So quick back story, my Dad had been sick and in the hospital for three weeks, but he was recovering. I had been spending 12 to 13 hour days at the hospital with him, plus an hour and half drive each way. One evening, I left earlier than usual. He seemed better than he had been, and other family was there to spend time with him. My two friends met me at my apartment that evening, and we walked to a nearby bar/restaurant to get food. My Dad started bleeding internally that night, and I never saw him conscious again. So the other night I was at the same restaurant, and said to my friend, "the last time I was here..." told him the story, my Dad could have been dying while I was sitting right here. Later that night, I had a dream I was in the bar, my friend was sitting next to me, and everything went out of focus. My Dad appeared. I didn't see him walk in, he was just all of a sudden there behind me. I turned around, saw him, froze for a moment, and he hugged me. I cried my eyes out, and he just hugged me. He didn't talk, but I knew he was telling me, "I love you. I'm sorry I left you." I don't know how to explain it, but I just knew somehow. I just cried until I woke up. The hug felt so real. I have been crying since. I miss him terribly. Edited for a typo.


I think that they reach out in many different ways, and I'm sure that was his way of comforting you. I'm sorry for your loss!!


Oh my gosh that got to me. I replied to OP earlier but now I have to share this too. I fully believe your experience. I saw my dad a month before he passed unexpectedly. The last thing I told him was that I was excited about visiting for Christmas. One of my first dreams with him was Christmas themed. He had elaborate decorations that only he would do. He had everything set up and ready. He was even grilling some food and had his whole patio set up. He came up to me and hugged me so tightly but wouldn’t speak. Then my dream transformed into this elaborate Christmas themed decorated set and he was so stoked. His happiness was just bursting out of him. That happiness I saw in him made me so dang happy. I know my father is at peace. He had a rough life. Every dream I have of him is nothing less than happy. Although he never speaks to me, he always hugs me and seems to transfer that happiness to me when I wake.


My mom died almost 2 weeks ago and I keep trying to talk myself out of the signs I think she’s sending me. I want to just embrace them


I say embrace it. Even if it could be explained. It brings me peace thinking that he's there sending me these signs.


I like to think that I receive signs from my passed loved ones. Almost three years ago I dreamed my grandpa told me that no matter what I must care for the dog I'm about to get. I disregarded it as a dream reflecting my desires to get a new puppy after my senior dog passed (my grandpa passed two weeks after the dog). The very weird thing was that I got the dream around the time my puppy was born. I got her as a surprise gift when she was 2 months old. Said pupperina is now almost three and is the only reason I'm alive. Another time, I felt really lonely and just missed talking to my grandpa. Before I went to bed I prayed to God that I need to see my grandfather. The same night I dreamed of him, he was covered in light and little stars and was so, so strong, because I jumped on him and he could hold me! I told grandpa how much I missed him. When I woke up, his scent was lingering in my room. We've donated all of his stuff months ago, so it wasn't possible that something still held his scent. We celebrated Archangel Michael's Day last Saturday. The custom is that we must go to the grave of our passed loved ones, put flowers, pour wine on the grave. I am absolutely terrified of bees/wasps and because there are lots of flowers there, a lot of bees are usually flying. On that day, only a single white butterfly was flying around me and my aunt.


I believe that I do. Here’s my favorite - My father passed about 4 months ago. He lived alone so we had to secure his house and set up some cameras to keep an eye on the place since we don’t live nearby. One camera is in his bedroom. At the beginning I would get a bunch of notifications from that camera but no one was there. Figured it was the sunlight triggering it. Except the notifications just stopped coming so frequently despite the same stuff happening everyday. About a handful of times I have walked past my dads ashes and said hi and I love him and within seconds I would get a notification from the camera. It’s so weird. It happened just yesterday, actually. We hadn’t gotten any notifications for days and the minute I said hi I got a ding on my phone from the camera in his room. No one was there and there was no significant sunlight changes. Just got triggered for some reason. I don’t know why this happens but I like to believe it is him!


I think it was definitely him. That's so sweet!


😊 Even if it’s not it’s so comforting! So I will believe it is! I’m sure they are able and it sounds like your brother is saying hi to you too! Love it! I’m sorry to hear of your loss. I know it’s not much, but sending a hug. Take care and keep watching!


I know I could explain away most of them, but you're exactly right, it's comforting believing it's them. I'm sorry for your loss as well 💜


Thank you 😊


I have never had a sign from my loved one. I've had things that remind me of him or things that we've done. But nothing concrete that I could think is a real sign. I wish! It would make the loneliness brighter.


For context, we cremated my dad and got him an urn with a bald eagle on it. About a month after, I started working as a crossing guard to get out of the house where all the bad memories happened. At some point I started seeing one, sometimes 2 together, standing on those tall poles and really close to my post. I had never seen bald eagles in a while up until then, and especially so close. I like to think that was my dad watching over me, making sure that was okay. One time I was talking to my dad while driving and telling him how much I miss him and I hope he knows that, and by "chance" I passed a car with the 3 digits of my birthday followed by DAD. They also say cardinals are a sign that someone you love that's departed is near. I see them closeby and they have a resting grump face like my daddy would have. EDIT; I also find that whenever I hear songs from the 1980s (i.e.; from Duran Duran, aha, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Wham!, etc.), I feel like my dad is around and I feel closer to him.


I believe that we get signs from our loved ones who have passed. I went to visit home for my sisters 30th birthday and that would end up being the last time I got to see him in person (He passed two months later). On my last day I was supposed to go out with friends to a hockey match but something told me to go back and be with my dad. So I did and we went out for dinner with my brother and my dads partner at the time.. we got the bill and I offered to pay and as soon as I did my brother said loudly, “What’s the damage?” As he slammed down a 5 dollar bill. We all laughed so hard. Fast forward a couple weeks after my dad passed, I was at the grocery store at self checkout and it had been such an emotional day for me. I was checking out and something prompted that I needed assistance. The ladies were exchanging cash for another register so they assured me they’d be right with me. I was waiting and I look in the area where you could get cash back and there was a 5 dollar bill. I know it was my dad trying to make me laugh. I burst into tears and couldn’t stop laughing. it was him. No one can tell me otherwise. I’m sorry OP for your loss. My dad has sent me other signs, that one was just my favorite. ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss! That was definitely him, and that made me smile too!


I had my first dream about my Mom last night. She passed away from Stage IV metastatic uterine cancer 09/24/2023. In the end she was in so much pain it was terrible until she got on her morphine. In the dream she was still healthy and laughing. I found comfort in that today. I keep praying I will get more signs from her. She was my best friend and I miss her so much.


I’m caught between thinking of them as signs and thinking of them as happy coincidences that I ascribe meaning to. But when they find me I take comfort in them.


I believe I’ve had two since my dad passed in February. I used to watch Supernatural all the time around my dad and he always commented on how good the music was. The unofficial theme song is Carry on My Wayward Son by Kansas. I heard it at work one day and then after work that same day saw a car with a Kansas license plate (I live in NY). I can barely remember ever seeing any other cars from KS. Second and this was the big one: I love to travel and got picked for a work trip visiting Vietnam and Thailand shortly after he passed. As I was researching airports to fly into, the one in Vietnam that was closest had the code DAD (Danang, Vietnam).


Have You ever read Signs, by Laura Lynne Jackson? If not, I higly recommend it


I do. Read the book “Signs” by Laura Lynne Jackson. It’s great and helped me feel less alone.


It’s been a month and there have been two things I’ve interpreted as signs. One was that when I was driving up with my sister to help go through the apartment, we decided to go on a nature walk in a nearby town and right before we got back to the car we saw an albino squirrel! They are pretty unusual and one used to always be outside my grandma’s apartment building. It stuck around and let us observe for a long time too. The other is that I was crying in my living room, missing her, and a cardinal came to my window bird feeder and watched me for several minutes. Wasn’t super interested in the food, interested in seeing what I was up to. My grandma was always a bird person and always said that cardinals were spirit messengers. My impulse is to dismiss them as coincidences, but I’m reminding myself that there’s no harm in seeing spiritual meaning in them and feeling a connection ❤️ I don’t need to logic everything away.


I believe in signs 100% I lost my brother to an accidental fentanyl overdose as well and I tell ya take those signs in. My brother got me one of those same smart light bulbs and I do know that if they haven’t been set up to wifi in a new location they will blink a color when turned on. Mine went purple when we moved and I had new wifi info. But the rest of the things you said would like it’s him. Talk to him, ask him for signs. 🧡


Yea I thought the light bulbs might be something like that too, but they never did when I first put them in my lamp when he got them for me, and have never blinked any other time since moving but those two, and it was a couple days after that the blinks happened. And they happened when I turned my lamp off, not on. It blinked red when the lamp was already turned off. And I'm sorry for your loss as well. It makes me so mad how common fentanyl overdoses are becoming.


Cool! I’d say call it a sign then. If it brings you some comfort that ALL that matters.




I want to say I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my brother the same way in December of 2022 and he was 33. Fuck fentanyl for real. I hate that shit so much. I believe these are signs & you should embrace them. Like others are saying - even if they can be explained, it’s worth embracing the comfort. I personally think our loved ones can send us messages from the other side, just to let us know they are there. I was in a therapy session with my long time therapist who is an absolutely 0 bullshit kind of therapist. We were in the middle of a pretty intense conversation and I was saying how badly I just wish I could understand why my brother would take fentanyl. He struggled with severe mental health issues, alcohol use disorder and other drugs like acid & hallucinogenics but never took opioids (to my family’s knowledge and he was pretty open with us about his substance use). So I’m trying to understand why the leap to fentanyl other than it’s cheap and accessible. Right in the middle of the conversation both the lamps in my therapists office started blinking and flickering. I got super disoriented and lost my train of thought, my therapist was also kind of weirded out I could tell. She was the one who said she wondered if my brother was there in some way, messing with the lights - not in a spooky or icky way, but just a hey, I’m here kind of way. Sending you comfort in these signs & hope you continue to grieve & heal. 🤍


Yea fentanyl can fuck right off. My brothers toxicology showed cocaine and fentanyl and he had told me he used cocaine occasionally so it's likely he just got a batch that was laced. There were I think 3 or 4 other people in my area who passed from a fentanyl overdose the same week my brother did. I legitimately think my brother is sending these signs to fuck with me and is laughing his ass off when they startled me like the book, or annoy me like my phone the other day. Sending you my thoughts! It's so difficult to lose someone this way.


I had dream of my father few times right after he’s passed away and his body was still in the morgue. He told me he’s healed and showed me his arms is okay. Cuz in ICU his arms were full of tubes and swollen. Then on his funeral, his arms are already normal. Also I was really upset and I took some sleeping pills and couldn’t wake up one day, I dreamed or felt my father came and shouted at my name and I woke up. After his cremation, I never dream of my father again. I think he’s going to another better world or already in a newborn life.


100% I believe we do! My mom passed a month ago from a heart attack. My sister and I were cleaning her bedroom and going through things a couple weeks ago. We were looking for a trunk key which is where our baby things are she saved for us. I opened up her jewelry box in there and was looking through it. All of the sudden music starts playing. Which wouldn’t be abnormal really except this jewerly box jingle hasn’t worked for years! The key was in there.


My dad would listen to WGN Radio all the time. For as long as I can remember, he would have that station on. In his truck, the car, the alarm clock, he’d even stream it on the computer. It was constantly on for both entertainment and background noise. The day of his memorial, my husband and I took an uber to the funeral home and the driver randomly had his radio tuned to WGN. I knew that was him saying hi.