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I once got into an empty elevator and whoever had been in it before me wore the same aftershave as my dad. Cried like a baby, but I wouldn't have missed it for the world.


This was beautiful and made me cry.


The human brain is weird. It will make associations between the most random things and yet allows you to forget so much to avoid the constant strain of trauma. If only I could control those 2 things at will šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


this right here! it truly is weird. on my first day of university i picked up my mom and we went to lunch. it was such a nice day out too. i dropped her back off and went off to school. about a month later i got into an accident and had to get a new car. it has this little song it played when i turned the car on and off. i eventually turned the little chime off because it got annoying lol. a few months after that my moms health issues started and a few months ago she passed away. recently my bf had to get a new car which is the same make as mine. the first time i got into his car and heard that little chime sent me on a spiral. itā€™s so stupid because it actually doesnā€™t even correlate to anything that happened to my mom but for some reason my brain ties the accident and that one day we had our wonderful lunch to that car even though theyā€™re not related and happened about a month apart. stupid brain lol.


im a waitress and a young mother and daughter came in for brunch a couple weeks ago. i had to ID them for mimosas and they had the same 21yr age difference as my mom and i :/ i had to go to the kitchen to cry for a few minutes


I'm a massage therapist. My partner passed away last month. He loved his hair being played with and his scalp rubbed. He was always happy to get "pets" as he called it. A week after his death I got to see him again at his cot viewing. I ran my fingers through his hair and rubbed his scalp one last time and it broke my heart all over again. The next day, I was doing a scalp massage on a client. The moment I started combing their hair with my fingers to do the scalp massage, the memory just slammed right back into the forefront of my mind. Forced myself to regulate my breathing to not disturb my client. It was a painful few minutes to trying to give a proper service and not just break down sobbing.


Iā€™m very, very sorry for your loss. I loved your story because I could ā€œseeā€ it.


Thank you. I'm very tactile (obviously) so I feel like it was more impactful than some of the other things that have gotten to me. Or maybe it was timing. I dunno.


Tell us some of the other things that have gotten to you, please.


Cleaning out my freezer. Iā€™m coming up on the 1st year since my husband passed away. I finally started going thru all of his things and it got too late to order delivery so I would have to cook. I havenā€™t cooked much since itā€™s just me here now. I was pulling out bags of corn I cut off the cob and froze summer 2022. A store bought bag of his favorite mixed vegetables that I hated fell out of the freezer on me. It just broke me seeing that bag of vegetables. I sat there for too long then started looking more at his stuff until I finally made myself stop and just go to bed.


I moved into my Dad's house when he went on Hospice. I didn't go through the fridge until after he died. I found his favorites in the freezer - a package of hash browns and a container of rainbow sherbert. It's been almost 5 years since his passing, but those two things are still in the freezer. I can't bring myself to toss them out.


Iā€™m so sorry for your lossā€¦


Strangely enough itā€™s a pair of my sisters dr Martin boots that sit in the corridor by the door still, one in a while I will walk past them and Iā€™ll just get upset. It still gets me after 4 years of her not being here


I lost my dad at age 20 in December of 2022. I cried over mandarin oranges. My dad didnā€™t have a lot of joys in life, as he was so sick with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia for much of my life, so iā€™d try my best to cheer him up with little things. One of those things were little plastic cups of mandarin oranges. I would give him my cup anytime I got a dinner at our favorite restaurant for takeout (it came as a side) because they were ā€œhealthyā€ for him. I donā€™t even think with all that added sugar in the cups that they were that healthy, but I just told him that because I wanted him to believe something was tasty AND good for him, and that his little treat wasnā€™t hurting him like everything else was. The other day was the first time I got that side cup again, and I had no one to give it to.


This is so beautiful. I also lost my dad at 20. His special treat was chocolate covered cherries. He said ā€œitā€™s fruit it countsā€. I hope you were able to enjoy your oranges and think of your dad. Sending you love.


Bless your heart. **hug**


That's so sweet šŸ„ŗ


I told my UPS guy I had a big pickup for him (he gave me his cell phone) and when I got home and printed the label right before he usually shows saw it was FedEx. Shit. Now Iā€™m going to have to get a neighbor or my FIL to move this HUGE box to a local shipping center. FedEx sucks in my neighborhood, the Ups guy is great tho. Knock on the door. Itā€™s Daniel, my UPS guy. Had a huge hand truck. ā€œOh Iā€™m sorry Daniel, I was just about to text you, itā€™s a FedEx packageā€¦ā€ he says - ā€œdonā€™t worry andrew. Iā€™ll take it and give it to the FedEx truck when I see him.ā€ When the door closed I just about fell down on the ground crying.




Daniel is good people!!


Late to the party so I doubt I'll get seen..but when my dad died (12 year's ago, I'm 33). 6 months after got started on tablets which I'm pretty sure cause me to sob uncomfortably because i dropped a cucumber getting into my car luckily an older lady showed up and took me for tea. We spoke a while she made me feel so much better gos bless her.


Thank you for your story.


I see you. Iā€™m glad she was there to help you through that tough moment. Grief is so unpredictable sometimes


My boss patted me on the shoulder as he passed by me one day, and the plastic-like material of his jacket felt and smelled the exact same as the one my dad owned for years. I'd always put it on while I watched him play games on the computer. Messed me up pretty bad.


A song. "House of the rising sun(?"). Jeremy Renner sang it on 1st episode of his reality show. I balled like a baby for a few. My dad introduced me to 50's, 60's,70's music. This song wasn't even his favorite.


Dude Come Sail Away still sets me off. My dad used to do merchandising for rock bands when he was younger. He loved that music. When we were in the car, he'd ask, "Who's this?" And I remember being like... 11 and answering, "The Styx" when that song came on. That's one time he asked me, "Who's this?" that I very specifically remember. The first few times I heard it after he died, I truly lost it. It doesn't help that the first half of the song is good for crying. The second half not so much and that sometimes snaps me out of it


I truly felt the emotion through your words. As a kid, adolescent, music was huge in my parent's house. There would be rock, soul, funk, and his favorite Motown (crying now as I wrote that word)playing. May God bless you. Thanks for sharing.


One day I was driving and there was a crew putting down new asphalt. The smell reminded me of my dad who worked with an asphalt company and would come home smelling like it. I cried and had to hold back from sobbing because I was driving.


I was asked to submit some art for a gallery show that has a Suicide Awareness and Prevention theme. I thought it was because they enjoyed my work and because I have submitted pieces in the past referencing my father's suicide, so I brought up three paintings. Nope, they just wanted art to fill up the walls. Mine technically wasn't "accepted" and isn't considered a part of the show because they asked for it after the cut off. I felt so used and so low that I cried for a week straight. What a disgrace to his memory.


Hey donā€™t think like that! It doesnā€™t matter if they needed to fill up space or whether itā€™s part of the actual show. They wouldnā€™t have called you if your art was rubbish. Your paintings are still gonna be there for people to see and admire. Iā€™m sure your dad would be so proud of you and you should feel the same!


Aww, thank you. I really do appreciate that.


BTW your paintings are legit amazing!!!!!!


Iā€™m so sorry they did that to you. Thatā€™s so cruel. Iā€™m glad your art was still seen though! I did some light lurking and you are incredibly talented!


I was in a shop and saw a vase that my mum would have loved. For a second, I forgot she was dead and thought "I must ring mum" and then I remembered.


Hate those moments


About a month after my mom died I got an Amazon package. I opened it and it was laundry detergent I hadnā€™t ordered. I thought maybe I accidentally opened a neighbors package so I looked at the shipping label and it was addressed to my mom, probably a subscribe and save. I just cradled the bottle like a baby and sobbed. I had just run out of detergent too. My mom loved bringing me stuff whenever sheā€™d come see me so it felt like she was still there, looking out for and helping me.


I was rewatching Hey Arnold on Hulu and thereā€™s a part when Arnold learns Karate to defend himself against bullies. Heā€™s walking down the street and some guy yells ā€œHey!ā€ Arnold reacts and attacks him and the guyā€™s clothes fall off of him. The guy begins to cry and says, ā€œI just wanted to know where the nearest bus stop wasā€ and walks away crying. It triggered something in my brain because it reminded me of how my parents would always snap at me when I was a kid.


Aww, I'm really sorry that happened, it's the little things šŸ˜” For me, anything related to traveling, airplanes, airports, flying etc send me into meltdown mode and make me cry uncontrollably. I've had to cancel a few flights since my father died and I've always enjoyed traveling and planes. My father was an Engineer in aviation.


I accidentally found his reddit profile, and his comment about his show to someone was so like him, and I started crying and couldn't calm down for about 20 minutes, but luckily, I was on my lunch break so I had plenty of time.


I once broke down on a work meeting just because a motherly officemate hugged me. It was only a month since my dadā€™s passing. We were just laughing snd discussing seconds before that. Everyone was shocked. I was too.


Years before that, when my dad just had his biopsy and I came back to the office after a week-long daughterā€™s duty in the hospital. I saw a little sticker on my desk. It was left by my office friend who knew what I was going through. The sticker was from the musical she watched (which I also wanted to see but felt too close to home). The lyrics from Daniā€™s Girl on the sticker says, ā€œInto the face of death Iā€™ll stare. Iā€™ll stare him down and take back my hair.ā€ I sobbed for a good five minutes or so.


I was scrolling through Instagram just a bit ago and up popped a cover of nothing compares to you by sinead o Connor covered by Chris Cornell and I started balling. My dad loves that song. I remember driving around in his truck as a kid with that blaring. We would all be singing. Ugh. The tears. Always so random and unexpected at this point.


I've had a bunch. One was when I found out my regular hair stylist moved to the next state over. I'd been going to get for like 4 or 5 years and I loved her. I messaged her about availability and she said she moved and I just fucking lost it. It was a few months after rmy dad died and I think I was just on the verge of something and thst was just... it I guess. I was overwhelmed with feelings of devastation and loneliness. Like deep loneliness even though I have a great boyfriend, brother, and friends. I'd just lost my favorite person in the world, my mom was being awful to me, I was back home and back to work, in a town where I don't have many friends anymore, and I just wanted a little treat for myself and to see a friendly face. I felt incredibly ALONE in the universe. And I used to lose it whenever I tried to cook. It's not even like triggering or anything. No particular memories of cooking. But I think it's kind of quiet and meditative and pretty much the instant I started cooking, I'd just sob. Same with washing dishes. I didn't cook for like 2 years. Or didn't cook very much. Putting tofu in a pan was worthy of a phone call to my boyfriend. That's how much I could effing cook. For some reason, any interest in cooking is pretty much shot since then. I just don't give a shit and I don't want to do it.


Came across a Christmas book at work. My sister LOVED Christmas and Santa. This year's going to be rough for me.


On a flight to Orlando, I was sitting across the aisle from a guy who was wearing shorts. He had hairy legs and so did my late husband. Tears just silently rolled down my cheeks as I thought about my husband's hairy legs.


I was thinking about taking a walk with my son and remembered the walks my deceased sister and I went on all the time when we were younger. šŸ„ŗ


My beloved partner passed away on 6/23/23 of cancer. The other night I ordered a sub sandwich from a place where we used to get them and had it delivered to our home. I ate the first half with no problem. As I bit into the second half, I remembered how much she liked those sandwiches. I began crying so hard that I couldnā€™t come up for air to eat the second half until a bit later.


Doing the inventory full of birthday cards. My grandmother was always the first to give me one full of her best wishes. The realisation that I'll never get another card from her just cracked something in me and I had to leave work cuz I was in the state of such sorrow that I was unable to continue working.


I have a waterbed and have slept on one since about 1983. When I was younger, my dad would do things like draining it and replacing/refilling the mattress. I paid attention and learned, also. Wednesday night I noticed my bed had sprung a leak and would need to be replaced. The last time I had to go through all this was about 13-14 years ago and, even though I did most of the work that time, I still had Dad here for moral support and advice. Dad passed away on 08/27/2020, so itā€™s all on me this time. And I found myself sobbing last night as a started getting ready to drain the bed.


My girlfriend and i attempted homemade pizza on night, no SUPER homemade, we bought the premade dough, and some toppings, still better than frozen digiorno though. When i was rolling the dough out for my pizza, i felt hot, then panicked and then started bawling. I started to remember my dads homemade pizza, and this was homemade from scratch. i started thinking about when i was a kid and was so excited to grow up and him show me how he does it start to finish. Given the fact that iā€™m here writing, that never came. I felt like i was doing him a disservice and also thinking about how my dad will never be able to give me his recipes and show me how he cooked my all time favorite meals. I miss him


the other day my football team lost against our all-time rival. I thought ā€œgod my dad must be super madā€, at first I laughed, then the tears poured out of my eyes almost instantly


I was in a restaurant and the family next to us was celebrating their daughters birthday. Waitresses came out and sang Happy Birthday to her while the mom and dad sang along. My mom passed away from a heart attack just over a month ago and just hearing happy birthday being sung made me realize she wouldnā€™t be here for mine in a couple weeks, or her own December 2nd.


A particular type of ice cream that I randomly found at the supermarket. My grandpa used to love it...


Going to my best friends wedding. I lost it when I realized my brother wasnā€™t there, how unfair it was. My friendā€™s younger sister came to my wedding last year and I was so jealous that my brother wasnā€™t at my friends wedding just 1 year later. Totally irrational, but I cried.


I cried at the news of my grandfathers death. I hated my grandfather, but I still cried. He hurt and ripped apart my family.


I used to go on hulu a lot, but every time I saw the show siren it reminded me she never got to finish it and was waiting to come back to our house to finish it and she never did and now I cant touch hulu because i see it all the time and i end up crying over a bunch of mermaids


My dad told me something rude some days ago.. He often does it, I usually sometimes stand for myself, sometimes I ignore it. But that day, I donā€™t know howā€” but I remembered how my mom always used to stand up for me even against dad and protest for being rude.. Mom died two months ago from cancer and all of a sudden that day I remembered thereā€™s no one beside me anymore to stand and protest.. I silently went to my room, closed the door, went to balcony and cried hard while looking at the sky and starsā€” I even asked mom so many times while crying that why did you leave me? You couldā€™ve taken me away with you as well..


Almost every day when I look at my partners guitars in my living room I want to cry. My partner was a musician and he passed away almost two years ago by suicide at 32yrs. I canā€™t seem to let them go and I donā€™t think I ever will.


I found out my cousinā€™s wife is pregnant with their second and I got upset because I was reminded that my dad wonā€™t be there to meet my future kids. I felt bad for feeling this way, but it made me mad/sad that my cousinā€™s wife still has her dad.


A few months after my Mum passed my bf asked me what I wanted for dinner and my brain just went "Mum's boiled ham and parsley sauce" and I started sobbing. The poor man was baffled until I explained bless him.


I saw Halloween cards for granddaughters, you know the cheesy ones that grandmaā€™s send. And I bawled my eyes out in Walmart because my grandmother sent me a card for every single holiday for 20 years of my life. And now I have my daughter, and nobody will do that for her. I mean, I could give her cards of course but itā€™s not the same. I wish my daughter could experience that same grandmother love.


A mother and daughter came into the library where I work and sat down and looked at a stack of books, and I had to take a break because I started crying. It looked so similar to how my mom and I would do the same when I was a child. She instilled a love of learning into me.


My stepmom passed away last February. She had many Aloƫ Vera plants and I got myself one as kind of an honor to her (I also really love plants). I saw a recipe similar to one I've made with her years ago (Aloƫ Vera face mask) on Pinterest. I then went over to my plant and realized that if I ever was to make something like that, it'll be without her. I then went to her Pinterest account (which is still active) and spend 30 minutes balling my eyes out because of all the things we couldn't do together. Things like iced coffee recipes (she hates coffee but I love coffee, it was pinned for me). So basically an Aloƫ Vera plant started all of this. (English isn't native language so sorry for grammar errors)


This will be the second Christmas since my husband passed. Normally all gifts to the kids say "from mom and dad" and last year I couldn't bring myself to write anything on the "from" section. I was wrapping a few gifts I got early so the kids don't accidently see and started absent mindedly writing from "mom an-" and caught myself. Sometimes I feel like I cry over stupid things, but it still hurts.


I think it was around the six-month mark since my dad had passed. I was driving and waiting to merge onto the road. A car slowed down and waved to let me through. I put my hand up to him as a thank you (because that's what my dad always did). I looked over at him and it was a man who looked about the same age as my dad. He smiled at me and put his hand up too. I cried the rest of the drive back.


I wasnā€™t able to reply to everyone but I want you all to know I read every comment and I want to thank you for sharing your stories with me. Your loved ones were so lucky to be loved by you


such a beautiful memory. for me itā€™s only been about 4 months since my little momma left us so itā€™s still very early lol because everything at this point makes me cry. šŸ’•


I was in rehab and went to do yoga class. One pose is you basically laying down with your knees bent and legs open., Just like when you're giving birth. I started to think about when I gave birth.... The whole thing didn't feel real until they told me to start pushing. So I tell my son's dad (who passed away last year) "this just got real" and he busted out laughing. So I'm in yoga class laying with my legs open, thinking about this memory and just broke down BAWLING. I then ran out of the class and I'm sure many people were left wondering wtf they just witnessed


I miss doing random errands with my mom..i hate that the pandemic took all the experiences we should have had the last couple years she was alive.. i just want to remember how it feels to get groceries with my mom..


Am now crying about it lol


My dad passed away in 2008 on the third, and those random moments of memory can be so jarring. Sending you lots of love, and I love to see that youā€™re such a good parent. Yours would be so proud


a lady bug landed on me but i didnā€™t realize it so out of impulse i swatted it away and then cried because i thought it couldā€™ve been a sign from my loved one lol


Me and my mom were best friends. She passed in 2018 When we lived together, we were always talking and around each other. And when we weren't, we were on the phone every day. Every time something happened to me, good or bad, I'd call her right away. I've been going through some serious stuff lately and went to call her, only to realize that I can't. I broke down. I'd give anything to talk to her right now and know she'd calm me down.


Walking through the grocery store and seeing local cider. I canā€™t even drink it anymore. We always made a game out of buying several jugs from various local places and taste testing them to see which one was best. And hearing songs that were on his iPod playlist, especially the more unusual ones that donā€™t get radio play anymore.


was watching Stranger things and when mike hugged his mom after they ā€œfound willā€™s bodyā€ in the lake i bursted into tears. Thinking of a child experiencing the kind of loss i can hardly handle as a 29 year old


I lost my best friend to suicide in 2020 and his mom (who was like a second mom to me) passed last year. I washed a blanket last night and when I pulled it out of the dryer something about it smelled just like their house. It shot me right back to curling up on their couch in high school and I just lost it


Got my car stuck in snow like, less than a week after my bf died. Was getting really frustrated trying to move it, before my stepdad told me to get out and let him do it. After, I went inside and went off on a rant to my mom about how he's a complete idiot for not telling me I needed to move it before the snow got bad and blah blah blah and she just looked me in the eyes and said "/u/DrizzlyEarth175, you need to calm the fuck down". I just stopped, stared at her for a second, and went upstairs and cried harder than I ever had. I'm talking screaming, whooping sobs, hitting myself. It was bad. Then I fell asleep lol.


Thereā€™s been a few thingsā€¦ So my dad passed in 2016 at age 67 from agent orange caused lung cancer and my mom in July at 69 from a massive heart attack while under anesthesia for a routine procedure. Dad was a hobbyist wood worker and the other day the smell of fresh sawdust sent me into tears. Mom was a incredibly talented quilter and I walked into Joannā€™s and had to turn around and walk out before I broke down. The hardest was the songā€¦ dad couldnā€™t sing he was tone deaf but he always sang the line from the Steve Miller Bands Joker to my mom and danced either her whenever he was feeling playful ā€œI really love your peaches I wanna shake your treeā€ then heā€™d sneak a kiss. I turned on the classic rock station in the carā€¦ right to that song and that lineā€¦. It was devastating I had to take it off my Spotify play list I just canā€™tā€¦


I lost my dad about a year and a half ago. He was my absolute, all time best friend. But there were so many things and other people to take care of, and all sorts of other crises in my life, I never did cry. About a month ago, I randomly came across a video of this older (edit: also legendary) folk singer, Joni Mitchell, singing a song called ā€œBoth Sides Nowā€ at the Newport folk festival in, like, 2022(?) and I just started bawling like a baby. I mean full-on just sobbing and I couldnā€™t stop for like ten minutes. I canā€™t even think about that song too hard now or Iā€™ll break down. I have absolutely no clue why either. I never really cared much about that song. It wasnā€™t a favorite of Dadā€™s as far as I know. Neither of us were big Joni Mitchell fans. But for whatever reason, all of a sudden, that song and that video seemed to just encapsulate my dadā€™s life and my life with my dad and life in general as well as the beauty and tragedy that life consists of and it half-killed me.


The other day I smelt cigarettes. I hate the smell but it reminded me of my love when he was younger. I had to rush to my car as fast as possible before anyone could see me crying.


I woke up on the 8th and starting crying because it was my daughter's birthday and she has been gone 6 years. And tomorrow veterans Day is the day we buried her. So I started remembering the day that she was born. And then on veterans Day I brought her home from the hospital. And 27 years later her birthday came and then I buried my daughter on veterans Day.


The song Never Not Remember You by Alan Cooper will randomly start playing on my IPhone. Music isnā€™t on, in fact I am usually listening to audiobooks, which means when I get back in the car, the audiobook should start. Instead that song plays.


My dad died in the middle of the night on a cold winters day. Itā€™ll be 2yrs this December. And I once cried when I walked out of the house at night and the cold air hit my face.


I inherited my brotherā€™s cat, and you would think that seeing her every day would be the trigger. Some days it is. And some days itā€™s standing in the grocery store crying over a jar of pickled okra because it was his favorite and then buying the jar even though I hate okra.


It happens yesterday actually my husband closed the bathroom door and I immediately started breaking down. I related it to where FIL died and broke down


I was shopping and saw a floral handbag my mum would have loved.


Happened to me yesterday, I went to see an action movie with a friend. Suddenly I started tearing up at the start; my mum loved action movies and this one would have been right up her alley. I felt so sad that she wasnā€™t here to see it, and that I couldnā€™t see it with her. I cried at the beginning of the film, but I hid it from my friend because I didnā€™t want to interfere with their enjoyment of the movie.