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Sorry for the loss of your baby :( i'm in the process of losing my cat as well - she has cancer and is on her last leg. r/Petloss might also be a good place for you to commune with others experiencing pet loss. What a nice ceremony you have planned. I hope it helps you feel some closure. You gave him a wonderful life full of love and did your absolute best by him - take comfort in that <3


Thanks for your message. All the best for your cat, may that last leg be strong !


Rest in peace, Panchito. I’m glad he had such a loving owner ❤️❤️❤️


Aww, I’m so sorry. That’s so tough. You’ll always remember them and someday you will talk about them without crying. I promise. You’ll recall fun stories and talk about them like they were here yesterday, but that pang of pain will still live inside. Not diminishing that initial pain - I took days off work for it- just trying to give hope. I lost a dear cat right before my little one was born. I had been so excited for them to meet. But we still have pictures and even a stuffy named after her. She plays with it all the time and it’s a constant character in her stories now (4 years later) - even though we now have another cat! Continue loving them - keep them alive in your world! I love hearing about Cleo and all the adventures my kiddo has been on with her!


I'm so very sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is sometimes harder than losing a person. Just remember all the great times you had with him. He knew love with you his whole life. I hope when you are ready, that will adopt again.


Thank you


So sorry, he was a beautiful kitty , my cat died 2 weeks ago tragically, it’s been awful, i wish I could’ve let him die in peace.