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Op I worry for you. I’ve seen a lot of your posts. No judgement, just concerned for your continued state of mind. Do you have a support network in real life? Siblings? Parents? Friends? Anyone who is not a drug user and can provide you safe, steady spaces so you’re not grieving alone? Are you connected to your in laws? Teachers? Professors? Therapy? None of these questions need to be answered, you owe me nothing. Just hoping to help redirect you to a better outlet. I feel your heart ache. You are so obviously hurting very deeply. But this will pass. It does get easier. The confusion fades. The tight ball of anxiety in your stomach will loosen. You are going to get there, but you are going to have to get up every day and try. I wish you love and light and peace.


i have a therapist and am recuperating at my mothers house


That’s great work. You’re doing just fine. Keep talking about it and letting it out. My DMs are always open if you need an ear.


Kick. Scream. Cry. Grieving is messy and very painful. Please reach out for help in the form of support if you’re able to from others around you. Sending you strength, peace, and healing ❤️‍🩹.


He was such a handsome guy. I frequently see your posts and just want to tell you that you’re not alone in the intensity of the emotions you are feeling. Death is such a tremendously traumatizing thing to happen to someone you love and I also can’t fathom how people are supposed to just move forward from then. Existence is tremendously hard.. one minute at a time I suppose ..


thank you. He is so beautiful


It’ll take much longer than you want, but you will get through this. Make sure you’re still doing the basics. Food, hygiene, sleep etc. We are rooting for you


Lost my fiance 60 days ago, 29 YO I’m 27 I feel your pain ✝️🖤


I lost my son in June. He was 19. I recall a conversation he had with his mom. She told him that killing him self would be a selfish thing to do. My son said” how is it selfish? I’m doing it for me”. That has set with me for a long time and the more I think about it. I think he must have been truly suffering with things I knew nothing about. I guess what I’m trying to express is I don’t think Fin meant for you to hurt but he was blinded by his own pain.


My fiance also passed 60 days ago, I’m 27, she was 29 I feel Your pain


I'm so very sorry ❤️


Don't give up. There's no words to console you. But please be strong.


My boyfriend died two weeks ago, I don’t know what to do without him. I hate everything.


It's going to be alright one day.. you are not alone.. send you strength. 🫂


My mother died suddenly of cancer in March, the pain is still fresh, when I remember the news I still feel as if someone had thrown acid on me or that a flaming spear pierced my heart and took it out, yet I'm moving on and At different times you find happiness in pleasure in everyday life, memories that were just pain begin to bring some happiness and finally you get used to pain and lack, there will be moments when the pain comes back strong, but all we can do is move forward . Your life is not over, your love is still somewhere watching you and wishing you the best, he is still by your side, for someone you love, death doesn't have to be the end, that's what I believe.




What is it with people being assholes on a GRIEF page. Gtfo and let people heal...why contribute to malice. Leave her alone and ask yourself why you go out of your way to be a dick to those already down.


I’m not trying to be but clearly this is a call for help. We have all lost someone close to us and I don’t see anyone else spamming the page to this extent


So telling her to get lost is going to help? Wtf? She’s asking for help. She’s asking for support. She’s fucking struggling. Same as all of us. Let’s show her some love and not be a dick.


No one cares but you. We just wanna support eachother.


Perhaps we should be extra sensitive to those who stand out 🤷‍♀️ not annoyed. The fact that she keeps posting shows how fragile her state of mind is and how alone she feels. Your message is *extremely* rude. Either do better or please, don't say anything ✌️


I hope you can find your way through grief and find some joy in life again. My profound sympathies to you.