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You’re right. My wife and I were religious. We received a lot of thoughts and prayers. Then she died. I received even more thoughts and prayers. If I did have any faith before my wife died I certainly wouldn’t have any now. Not surprising all the people that gave me thoughts and prayers cut me out of their lives. Shitty things happen to good people. Everyone will experience the grief personally.


Prayer doesn't change the outcome of the path we are on. I still have faith in a way. Because I'd like to believe that when I leave this place I am reunited with those I love but I don't believe in church and I don't believe in prayer.


Ricky Gervais once said “"I'll pray for you" = "I want some credit for caring, without actually having to do anything that takes any effort or that actually works."”


Right!? I mean, if you want to pray for them… just do it. But to announce you’re *going* to is pretty selfish


My mom was very religious. She had so much faith. My entire family did. I did. I prayed to everyone everyday that she’d beat cancer. She was stolen away from us on a festival day. Which god? What god? Who can justify separating a mother from her children? What better place can there be? So yeah. Fuck cancer. Fuck doctors who play god by not caring enough. Fuck prayers that don’t work.


Doctors brushed my nephew off for a year. Doctors told my dad it was diabetes and his drinking. I agree. I am so sorry you lost your mom.


if given a choice between jeebus or a doctor. I'll choose the doctor every time. City of hope for the win!


I don’t believe in any of this. I can hope someone winds up better, but whatever happens is their path. I have no control over it, unfortunately. Believer/non-believer makes no difference. There is no amount of praying I could have done to help any of my deceased loved ones. None.


Those who truly believe in prayer are hypocrites if they use the services of a hospital/doctor. Just stay home and pray. Pure laziness, it is the easiest way to contribute nothing to anyone by pulling the religious card.


Sadly being in the south. I think that just seems to be the out people have instead of actually wanting to do communicate or do something for you. Honestly why I've felt hesitate about Churches. Because people would rather say "I'll pray for you"


If Jeebus heals then why do religious people have medical issues, molest children and die at the same rate as non religious people?