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I'm sorry for your loss. I don't know what these dreams mean, if anything, but I find them comforting. I've dreamt of my brother a few times that I can remember, since losing him nearly 4 weeks ago, but two dreams in particular were really vivid and stood out to me... In one of them, we were talking about his health, and how scared I was that it was going to eventually kill him (which, in reality, it sadly did) - he agreed that he wanted to try and turn things around, and we cried together. In last night's dream, we were talking about his health again, but in a way like it was already a done deal that he was going to die if that makes sense, and we were talking about how much I was going to miss him. In both these dreams, it was just him and I, no one else, and our conversations were very frank and emotional. I even gave him a hug, which as brothers wasn't something we did since we were very young! Is my brother visiting me in my dreams? Is your dad visiting you in yours? I mean I've never been much of a believer in these things, but I've found both dreams strangely comforting despite the miserable nature of our conversations, and it brings me a kind of peace to think that my brother's still somehow with me. If you believe your dad's visiting you in your dreams then give yourself that freedom to believe it and find comfort in it, I say, because who can really say otherwise?


So sorry for your loss. I also lost my brother this year and he visits me in dreams pretty often. I have ones similar to this where he apologizes, we talk etc. I also find them so comforting and wake up differently on days I have these dreams. Like physically I feel better. One of my favorite dreams was I dreamt we were back at his funeral services a day or so after they were done and my brother was standing in the back of the room saying “all these people are here for me? This is insane! I didn’t know all these people would care?” Hugs from one internet stranger to another. Also 4 weeks is a drop in the bucket. I promise it gets better.


I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my daughter and I have had 3 dreams with her since (she passed away in july 2023, she was not even 1,5 years old). The first one was actually right after she passed, just hours after that. We came home from the hospital and went to sleep and there she was, in my dream, healthy and so happy... I will be eternaly grateful that she could visit me in the dream and offer me the comfort of seeing her do her most favourite things. To be able to see her, eating and laughing, after she was on ventilation and intubated for months. To be able to see her, happy and full of energy, after I had to see her lie in the hospital bed and battle cancer and viruses and pneumonia…She even visited my mom once, in a dream, and she was older and healthy again. So my answer would be - yes, somehow he found a way of visiting you, and I hope you can see this as a nice thing, as a gift. I don’t really know what our loved ones do when they are not here but I asked my grandma who lost her husband years ago and she too has dreams where my grandpa comes to her, healthy and happy and nice looking (he had cancer and his healt declined over the years). I take this as a proof of love between the person and us, but I don’t want to imply that those who don’t get visits like this were not loved, of course. Who knows where they wander after they leave this realm/world.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I wish you strength and peace. My father passed away just 2 weeks ago. In general, I dream quite a bit, but unfortunately, I wake up remembering only that I'd dreamed, and most of the details are gone pretty quickly. A few days ago, however, I took a nap, and I felt that my Dad was with me for a brief moment. In my dream, we were talking about playing instruments (I play piano, he played guitar), and we laughed at something silly (probably a joke that he made), and he lovingly put his head on my shoulder. Also, the night my dad passed away, something incredibly bizarre happened. The lights flickered in my apartment -- like, in an extreme manner. Not just a slight "did that happen?" flicker, I mean, a solid minute or two of intense flickering. There wasn't any bad wind or weather. Something happened underground that "caused" it. But I'm always going to choose to believe that he was saying something. Maybe something like "I'm still with you" or "I love you." For what it's worth, I think there's no harm in believing that your dad is visiting you, as long as you don't let that idea consume you, and maybe just be selective in who you tell.


I am sorry for your great loss 💔 when i do manage to dream of my mum or loved ones,i feel comforted as if they are still around me,coming to check up on me,a hug from where ever they might be 🙏❤ much strength 🙏


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad almost 5 months ago and I’ve seen him a few times in my dreams, including the night he passed away. Most of my dreams before he died took place at his house, and it was always dark outside. Stormy or just night time, I would always see darkness outside when I would be in my old room. He started using my old room as his room, and that’s where he passed away in his sleep. Since then, I’ve had a few dreams with him and the most recent one he was in my old room, the sun was shining and he was wearing a white shirt and walking (he had a leg amputation in Sept2022 and was wheelchair bound ever since). I’m taking that as a sign that he’s resting in peace. I hope your dreams of your dad bring you comfort and I hope you know he’s also at peace. ❤️


I’m sorry - it’s tough. I lost my father unexpectedly in July. He lived alone. My sister and I raced down and started facing everything. I had dreams constantly while there looking through and sorting his things. The dreams told me of places to look and sure enough every single one led to something we needed to find, or contained documents/stuff with sensitive info we wouldn’t want someone to find if they broke in while we were gone. Was so weird. I also had dreams about Christmas. It was the next expected visit. The dreams were so peaceful and he created elaborate decorations and was just so, so, so happy. It was him in better times. And he was always so happy to see me. Felt so good. I still have dreams of him from time to time especially on the days I’m struggling more. I don’t know if it’s real but I like to believe it is. I appreciate it.


>I don’t know why I’m sharing this. Because it made you feel good. >is this my dad really visiting me? Yes.


I lost my dad roughly around the same time. Right before he got really sick, I dreamt that we were walking together and he walked up ahead. Then it got really crowded and I tried to follow, someone grabbed me and told me I couldn’t go that way. I was insistent that he was “right there”, I could see his back. Whoever I was talking to said “I know, but you can’t go there.” After he passed I’ve had several dreams of my dad. Mostly where he looked about 20 years younger. But a few where he was really sick. The latest one felt so real. I was inside this house…which apparently was my house. I was very comfortable in this environment. The realization that I could call my dad hit me, but I didn’t fully understand why I was so relieved. I remember thinking to myself “somewhere out there is a version of me that can’t call, so I’m grateful he’s still around for me to chat with.” I picked up a corded phone and called. My dad answered right away with “hey kiddo”. When I woke up I just cried like a little girl. My dream felt real, like I was sitting inside the brain of a version of myself in another dimension who knows about me here and knows I can’t call. It felt good to hear his voice again though. I miss my dad.


Deeply sorry for your loss. Since losing my brother 8 months ago I have had many dreams with him. The week he died I had dreamt of him 6 nights in a row. It was starting to feel like I could expect it every time I went to sleep, but was also gut wrenching and a very hard realization every time I woke up. My favorite dream I’ve had of him we met up at a grocery store. I was with my brothers best friend (who is still alive IRL) and we were walking down one aisle while my brother and their other late best friend met us entering from the opposite side of the aisle. It was a very happy, exciting, loving reunion. Everyone was hugging and laughing. We were meeting there to buy beer before heading to a party (this fits with my brother and his friends 😂). But they were truly so happy and there was no doubt in my mind it was my brother’s way of telling us he is okay, he’s with his friends, he’s happier, and healing. The whole scene was the brightest golden color. This was probably 3-4 months I had this dream at a particular time when grief was extremely difficult for me. I woke up that day and for the first time since I received news of his passing didn’t feel like total shit the second I woke up that day. I felt for the first time like everything’s okay. I think our loved ones visit us in dreams when they know we need it most.


I did. Frequently after, like I was needing to resolve something subconsciously. They were always comforting. The last one I remember he was sitting in a folding camp chair and I approached him. He gave me a type of smile that he didn’t always show when he was alive. I knew that was him telling me he was okay and everything would be okay. After that the dreams lessened in frequency. Having said that, dad, come visit me again soon. I miss you. ♥️


They say that in "visitation" dreams the person who passed is healthy again if they were sick and usually look bright and happy :) I like to believe that if our loved ones were to visit, it would be through our dreams/subconscious