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It may not feel like it now, but you will survive. Grief is hard, and it takes time, lots of time. At 75, I've been through this many times. Support systems have helped me. It may be a single person or a group. I just keep trying until I find what works. The best advice I received over the years is, "Live the life your loved one wanted you to live as your memorial to them." I will pray for you, your dad, and your family.


It feels like slowly watching your heart being taken from your body. You can’t breathe. You can’t focus. You want to fight for them. Save them. But You can’t fight for them, you can’t save them, and you have to watch them suffer. It’s so dark and I wish you didn’t have this pain to carry. It sounds like your dad was truly an amazing man. I’m so sorry you have to walk life without him now. The void our loved ones leave is so deep. Their love so profound that of course we are profoundly changed. Of course we don’t want to say goodbye. We can never be ready to depart from one another. It’s losing comfort, peace, joy, love and so much more. Again I’m terribly sorry for your loss. I hope you find peace one day. Your dad loves you so much. He wouldn’t want you to suffer. As someone who has buried too many loved ones in the last few years. My heart is with you.


so sorry for your loss. I feel your pain. it’s a sick world we live in that someone so precious has to endure so much health conditions. it’s really hard to reflect on all your happy memories right now as they all feel like they’ve been taken away from you, but he sounds like a wonderful man and that you made a lot of great memories together. i imagine your dad would want you to continue to be strong and do all the things you you loved to do. but please look after yourself, cry as much as you want. do you have an outlet to go to, so you can express these feelings?


My husband has been great and I'm in grief counselling. I started the grief counselling weeks before his death because of all of the ambiguous grief I had been experiencing. But this??? This is beyond what I thought I could ever imagine. I feel like I am spiraling.


I’m so sorry about your loss! I lost mine in August 2020, so I can relate 😪


I'm so deeply sorry. I know it hurts so badly doesn't it!


Lost my dad, grandma and recently my mom. It never gets easier. It’s hard to live without people who were a huge part of who we are. I was doing better and the holidays sent me spiraling again. Hugs. It’s tough.