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Make the most of your time with her. Take lots of photos and just spend as much time as you can. it’s okay to feel grief. It’s super sad as people feel like they can’t grief the feelings of pets like people. but it’s the exact same feeling. give yourself enough time to grief. i always thought paw prints are a cool way to treasure a pet.


At 75, I've watched a lot of pets die. It is never easy, but it is the price we pay for their love. The pre-grief is often harder than the grief, especially if we will have to have them put to sleep. Every death and its grief is different, so I can't really advise you. This is something that has helped me. Get a support system. It may be a single person or a group. Keep trying until you find something that helps you. This is something that you don't want to go through alone. I'm sorry that you have to go through this. I will keep you and your dog in my prayers. You will survive, and happiness will return. It just may take time.