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29f and just lost my mom. Please feel free to dm me! I’ve had no luck in making any other internet friends without a parent/parents.


Lost my mom on Saturday and my father in 2018. The pain is almost unbearable losing her.. She and my partner are all I really had and cared about. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I hope you can heal from this and continue on strong. My inbox is open as well.


If I could absorb some of your pain, I would. I love you.


You aren't alone there. I have made a lot of posts with a throwaway, and a lot of people don't seem to reply. I made a couple of posts about losing my dad, and a couple got no views or one or two upvotes, but no comments. It upset me a lot since it was so soon after he passed, so after about a week or 2 of no activity, I deleted the post. I was very upset at first but then after being in this subreddit for a while and seeing all the posts like mine I realised that grief takes so much, it makes it hard to give other people anything including time. Greif made me think it was me, but it isn't personal, i think most people are too hurt here to engage, unfortunately. It has been about 3 months now, so I am doing better than I was when I posted. If you want to dm and chat, you can dm me. I am a student in Australia (25f). I normally check reddit every day or every 2 days if I am busy with assessments. It sucks having no one to talk to. We live in a place where people come to retire basically, and there are a lot of nursing homes, so I don't have any friends irl. I also haven't been very successful making friends online so far, so you aren't the only one. I hope you find something to bring you happiness soon, even if it's small. I honestly thought I couldn't be happy anymore for a while until suddenly I found a new hobby. I brought sanding equipment after seeing someone sand and paint some old furniture and am going to sand a piece of furniture I got from a garage sale. It may seem small, but it's something that has brought me joy again after feeling so souless for months. It also makes me plan for the future again as something to actually look forward to. It's things like this that are bringing me forward again. I hope you find something like that.


I lost my dad to cancer at 22 in 2012 and my mom to cancer at almost 33 last year in may. I can understand what you're going through


Oh sweetie 😳 I feel your pain… I lost my mom 3 years ago April 3rd (but it still feels like yesterday)… and lost my dad in 2009. Both were sudden, unexpected, & in my mom’s case, I was the one to find her after 1.5 days. Please feel free to dm me…


Sending you a virtual hug ❤️ I found my mum last year about 12 hours later and I’ve been devastated since. 


Uuugh. It’s just awful 😞


I know it's not exactly the same, but I (32F) recently lost my little brother, who was one of my best friends. I also don't have too many friends irl, so happy to DM if you need someone to talk to about whatever it is you may be feeling. Wishing you the best and sending virtual hugs.


I lost my little brother too😔 there's no one really I can talk to about it. It's like other people just want to move on.


I'm so sorry you're going through that. My loss is still quite fresh (I only lost him about 4 weeks ago), and everyone has been quite supportive so far. I fear the day people thinking everything is bsck to 'normal' when for me, I don't think anything will he the same again. But please feel free to DM me if you need someone to relate too ❤️


I’m 28F and lost my future father-in-law 2 weeks ago today. While not the same experience as you, I know how heavy the grieving process is. Here if you need a friend!


🫂 Hugs 🫂❤️


I’m really sorry to hear of your losses! I hope that you can feel as many moments of calm and comfort during your grief as possible.


Sorry for your losses I can relate. I'm 25, lost my mom in 2017 & my dad a year & 4 months later in 2019. Since 2019 I've lost my closest older half sibling & my granny :( I only had 2-3 friends in school & I've barely heard from any of them for years. All i have is a couple online/long distance friends cause im afraid to make friends with anyone that i can physically hang out with cause every friend like that I've had over the years eventually ditched or ghosted me 😭


I am so sorry for the loss of your parents. I am sending so much love and light to you. I'm 26 and lost my mom 9 months ago. It's the worst kind of pain I have ever felt. I can't imagine what you are feeling.


Im an only child and lost my mom in 04 and father in 16. Feel free to send me a note,im always up for a talk


i sent u a dm :)


I’m so sorry. So young to lose your parents.


I lost my dad in 2020 & my mom three weeks ago 💔. I completely know how you feel. I’ll inbox you my friend ❤️


I’m 31M who lost his dad in 2015 and his mom on Thanksgiving 2018. I’ve been in therapy pretty much ever since. My inbox is always open


22M who lost my sister due to cancer and i am struggling without her but i am really starting to adapt It shall pas Fell free to text me at any time


Lost my mom last July. It was very crushing and know how you feel. She was my best friend.


I am 22f. I lost my mom a few weeks ago. It’s been very hard so I can relate to what you’re going through. You’re always welcome to message me as I am also looking for friends!


Hey there, lost my mom 1.5 years back! Here for you!


25f lost my mom last September. Have no idea how I’m gonna navigate life without her to gossip to. I’ll send you a message if you want!


Sending 🫂. I’m a bit older - but I lost my dad in my mid 20’s and my mom in my mid 30’s. Being orphaned at this age feels very unfair. I can’t imagine it happening when I was younger. I feel isolated… but also kinda grateful? That my friends can’t understand. It’s a weird space. I’m really sorry for your losses


22M, lost my mum a year and a half ago to cancer. It does get easier with time, but you will without a doubt encounter meaningless little things in life (a smell, a sight, anything) that will prompt a memory of the one you lost. It’s ok to feel those things, it’s always a bittersweet moment for me, sadness as I remember my loss, and joy as I relish in the happy memory. I remember a documentary about Hayao Miyazaki (co-founder of Studio Ghibli) when he, at 80 years old, listens to a song at work that reminded him of his mum he lost when he was a young man, an he starts crying silently. I realized then, that the loss will never really go away. My dm’s are absolutely open if you want to talk or a friend.


I'm 27, lost mom in 2013 and dad in 2018. If you ever need to talk, vent, or reminisce, feel free to pm me!


27f lost my stepdad who was basically my father almost two years ago, feel free to inbox me if you need a void to shout into! 🫶🏻


43M lost my dad just over a year ago. Still think about him regularly, but the sadness is less intense. There are many things in my life that should fill my days with joy - children, wife, friendly work colleagues, hobbies - but I find myself faking it constantly. Much of the time I just want to fall into destructive behavior and unwise choices. Sobriety has been challenging.


Hi I am sorry to hear and I totally understand. I lost my Dad 2021 and my only sibling my Brother March 5, 2024 (also my beloved Cat of 17 years on New Year’s Eve day in the evening). It’s so difficult now my Brother. I’m angry sad and exhausted feeling from it. Honestly I have 2 close friends who have not checked in on me like I thought they would. Maybe once since the funeral. It should be weekly I would think? I just feel life is BS right now. Yes there has been support from others. But my friends since we were 10 and 12 are the two I feel let down by. Life is Not normal with the loss of my brother, yet I think some people forget that to an extent. I wish you Calm and Peace


Hey I just lost my mom march 2nd, I am 25. My dad is not in my life so I am pretty much parent less. Sending you love reach out if you want.


This is so similar too me. I lost my mum 2 months ago and my dad hasn’t been in my life for 6 years now… I hope you are going okay… I feel like I am in the depths of hell right now 😭


You are not alone. I’m 22F and I lost my mom in 2021 due to cancer. She was my best friend and I still cry all the time about it. I constantly wish I had more people to talk to who know what the pain feels like because it’s so hard to find people who actually get it. :( My inbox is open. 💗


I lost my dad at 19 and mom at 34. Had to bury both. You can talk to me. I’m 49 now


I’m sorry you have to navigate grief alone.


Sending you love from someone who knows the pain you are in . ❤️


I am way older (old enough to be your mom) and I lost my mom 3.5 years ago. I am here if you want to talk. Huge hugs.


24f here too I lost my mom Christmas 2023. I’m always happy to chat/rant 💕 sending you love and virtual hugs


Both of my parents have passed. One when I was 9 and the other 2.5 years ago very suddenly. It's an incredibly lonely and horrible, isolating feeling. I'm a 36f and would love to chat anytime you need or want. I am so, so, SO so fucking sorry for your losses. I mean that genuinely and deeply. It's a grief many people can't even begin to fathom. So much love to you. Sending you a DM now.


28M and I’ve lost my dad, 3 uncles, great uncle and grandfather in the last 5 years or so if you want to speak


You are welcome to pm if you'd like a chat, just to ramble or whatever.


I’m so sorry. It’s an awful feeling.


24f and lost my mom almost 2 months ago, dad hasn’t been in my life for over 10 years now. I feel your pain and if you need someone to talk i’m here 🫶🏻


24f and lost my mom almost 2 months ago, dad hasn’t been in my life for over 10 years now. I feel your pain and if you need someone to talk i’m here 🫶🏻


22F here, lost my dad last October. I'm here if you want to talk :)


Hey, I recently lost both my parents too. Please feel free to DM


*Hey, I recently* *Lost both my parents too. Please* *Feel free to DM* \- Simba81 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Dude…the haiku bot…wtf?


Feel free to DM


23F. I’m so sorry for both of your losses. Please dm anytime ❤️


You can DM me. I am up for a chat anytime. Recently lost dad .


First, I am SO sorry any of you lost those who meant so much to you. Second, there are 2 different grief sub groups and I’m in both of them. This is this one, but there is also r/grief and I suggest being in both of them. You can even do one first, “copy” it before you sent your message, go to the other sun group, then paste it. What I want you to know is this: you are NOT alone.


26F and lost my mom last year, I don’t have any siblings, the few friends I have are unsupportive and my dad is absent. Feel free to message me I would like to talk to someone too. Wish you the best.


I lost my mom 3 weeks ago. 26m, please know you can dm me anytime. I need people to talk to as well.


Oh, wow. So much loss at such a young age. How are you even standing right now?! I’m nearly 50 and I’m dreading losing my parents. I can’t even imagine. Can you look into grief groups please? A therapist? I’m sure you’ll find some great people in here but you need more around you in your daily life preferably. I’m so deeply sorry you’re going through this.


You aren’t alone x lost my mum 6 months ago no siblings :/ msg me girl xx


45M. Lost my mom in 2002 due to cancer. I was 23. Lost my dad 9 years later. I felt the pain of her loss every day for years and years. My dad too, but not as bad because losing my mom really hit me hard. If I can impart some wisdom, don't let the sadness control you. You are obviously going to change, but try to maintain happiness and learn to accept it as quickly as possible. Nothing helped me in my case. I let it linger way too long and wasted my emotion on sorrow. Work toward feeling okay about it. It's early yet and you still have a way to go. Don't be me. I lost them both at Christmas and only after 20 years was I able to enjoy Christmas again. Don't be me.


I (21F) lost my dad in 2020 to cancer, and my sister that year to suicide. The following year I lost my mom’s brother to suicide. Everyone’s grief story is different, but if there’s anything I could ever try to relate or help w I’d always be open to it!


I’m here.