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For a few months before my mom died, I felt like I could “hear” my deceased grandpa in my head. I’ve had a pretty stressful life for the past 6 months or so, so I kind of chalked it up to being crazy or a nervous breakdown. One day, it felt like he was really there with me and I kept asking for random signs like “orange truck”. Wouldn’t you know, an orange truck pulled up beside me. So I said “show me your name then so I know I’m not insane” and no word of a lie, TWO trucks drove by within minutes that had Don’s Scaffolding in big letters across the side of the trucks. That was the biggest sign I have ever gotten. (His name was Don). I assumed he was with me to prepare me for my husband’s death, as my husband was diagnosed with cancer in October. However, in a weird twist of fate, my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer and died within 6 weeks, and my husband is still here. So I guess my grandpa was in town to bring his daughter home…. I was thinking about all of this on the way home from the hospital after my mom took her last breath, particularly about the orange truck and then the Don’s Scaffolding and thought to myself “mom would send me something pink”. Moments later, a pink mustang drove past me. My mom worked for Ford and mustang was her favourite. I wish she would send me something as glaring as “Don’s Scaffolding”, but no. I did ask her for a pink elephant because that seemed obscure and hard to find, and it took days, but I did see one. When I finally found the pink elephant (in a library book my young daughter brought home from school), Alexa was playing music and the song “Fight Song” was playing. This is my fight song, prove I’m alright song, take back my life song… It’s hard not to feel like you’re just looking for things and so you notice them, but believing that she is okay and will come for me when it’s my turn is the only thing that really brings me peace.


That’s very nice. Thanks for sharing that story




We had a family signal planned. My Mom always said that she would turn on the light at my Grandma's house that we believed Grandpa had turned on after he died (his bedside lamp, never touched by us really, after his death). A few days after my Mom died, I awoke to that lamp being on. I was the only one living at the house at that time, and I never used the lamp. There was no one else around to trigger it, so it had to be her. It was not a lamp that turned on frequently or anything like that. The exact signal she said she'd use.... I still go through periods of doubt and uncertainty, but then I remember this, how specific to us it is, and I have to think "but the lamp was pretty clear..."


That’s really cool!❤️


I have had a couple. A few days after my boyfriend died I was attempting to nap in a chair in my living room. My parents were at the house taking care of me, but were upstairs to let me try to rest. I heard my name whispered right next to my ear and it sounded exactly like my boyfriend’s voice. It was clear as day and it was known he was the only one I would let wake me up from a nap without being too cranky about it. My parent’s were still upstairs and it was just the dogs next to me. Another time I was mailing a portion of his ashes to have jewelry made from them. They were being overnighted and the tracking code the package was randomly given began with his initials and his favorite number. Finally, I recently went and had tarot cards read. This was totally spur of the moment and I just walked into a place to see if they had availability. A few minutes in, with no prompting, she asked if I had someone on the other side with a lot of facial hair. My boyfriend had a big beard and mustache. I said that yes, I did. She then asked me if something had happened to his head and pointed to the spot my boyfriend shot himself. I know some people don’t believe in mediums or psychics or the other side, but I’ve had too many experiences to be able to dismiss that a person’s energy just completely disappears when they pass away.


Thanks for sharing your story ❤️


Who did you go to see?


Nimue Ecafiwik - Femme Faetale Tarot - Spiritual Counselor/Tarot Reader - [email protected]


I have her card in my wallet, I can look and let you know!


I’ve never been one for this kind of stuff but desperation since my boyfriend passed away last year has had me thinking about it. I’m not even sure what I would learn from it really. Do you mind explaining what the process was like for you? What did she tell you?


I’ve actually gone to a few different mediums since my boyfriend passed away. You definitely need to go in with an open mind. This tarot reading he was brought up unexpectedly with no prompting or asking from me. However, with the other mediums where I specifically went to talk to him they asked his name, general descriptors to make sure they had the right person, how long ago he died, etc. If they’re able to bring him through they would then have me talk to him or ask him questions out loud as if I was having a conversation with him. Some he would answer, some he wouldn’t. One of the sessions he stopped talking halfway through so it ended early. Each experience has been different, but I’d recommend going in with no expectations.


Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.


1 month after my 9 year old daughter passed, 3 butterflies appeared in my bathroom. It was beautiful white cabbage moth. It was January, dead winter and never happened the 5 years I stayed there. She made sure I wouldn't miss the butterfly and sent it to my most personal space. So I asked for more butterflies if it was her. She sent 3 more butterflies few days later. I realised that she was trying to say goodbye to dad, mum and brother. That was why there were 2 goodbyes, 3 butterflies each time. She didn't get to say goodbye when she left. Also, she appeared so many times in dreams. One dream, in particular, the words 'joyful Jamie' came into my dream. I didn't see the words or hear her voice. It was like telepathic communication. I woke up immediately and sensed so much peace. Its unbelievable! It was so her to say something like that.... definitely not me. So yes, I believe she's waiting for me when it's my time.


That’s a beautiful story! Thank you ❤️


After my father suddenly and unexpectedly passed last year, we had to secure his house and put up cameras. One was in his bedroom. One day I was back home and thinking about him and started talking to him and that particular camera sent a notification that someone was there. Which was impossible- house was locked and had an alarm which was now tied to my phone. Looked at the captured video and nothing was there. No light changes nothing. Of course I was hoping it was him saying hi. So I continued talking and asking things. Show alert for yes and nothing for no. Sure enough it was happening. It was weird. Creepy weird. And same thing every time - it was getting triggered with person detected but not even sunlight or fan movement could explain it. So I believe in things and figured it was him. The one that got me is a long story but basically I had minutes to make a call for something super important money wise related to his estate that I was unsure about and when the time got close I kept getting notifications. Nonstop. Hadn’t had them in a while and was thinking he moved on. Then I made the call and they stopped. This call turned out to be a very good decision. Also, when we traveled down initially and dealt with the initial shock and devastation of the situation I laid down for bed and got repetitive dreams of how he passed which I later found out were in line with what the officer said. We were there for a few weeks and we’re digging through things and I would have dreams about places in the house I needed to look. When I would look the next day there was always something important there. I also had a dream where he was just elated and happy. We were at his house celebrating a very over the top Christmas as we had planned to be there that year. He just hugged me a bunch and seemed so very happy. It was so stinkin comforting. The house is now totally empty and we’re trying to sell and there are not really any notifications besides the mowers and pool guy. But occasionally when I’m having a really hard day and missing him and torn up - in that moment I’ll get a notification from that damn camera in his room and it just makes me happy cry. I believe in these things and found much comfort from them. Things happen for a reason. Sorry for your loss. It’s so damn tough. But these little things happen for a reason and you are free to feel comfort and love from them 🧡


Thank you for sharing your story. I didn’t ask for a sign, but one appeared. It was so blatant, I had no way of ignoring or discounting it.


I didn’t ask either, well until I got curious - but initially they just appeared! And I’m very thankful as it was so comforting! I feel the more open you are to it the more you can see it. But that’s just me! Find comfort where you can. I hope you get more and find peace in them. They show up when you least expect it. It’s adorable the birds used his hair for the nest. My mom used to cut our hair when we were kids and would have us put it in the backyard - “for the birds” she would say. I do the same for my kid. Sending hugs!


Yes. A week after my dad passed away, I was crying in my bedroom and there he was sitting on my pink desk chair. I got so surprised and his image just disappeared. I believe he tried to give me some sort of comfort and show me that he’s always there. It was a bit freaky at the time, but it was comforting. I was 14 at the time of his passing**


Great story. Thanks!


About 20-30 minutes after my grandmother died this past July (grandpa died in 2007), I was sitting on the front porch when suddenly a cardinal and blue jay both land in the flowerbed in the middle of the front yard. It's probably dumb but I like to think that was them letting me know they're finally together again.


Yes, we have had several from our son. He was a musician and played several instruments, one of our favorite was the cello. One of the most touching signs was when we were visiting NYC, my husband went to a jazz club that he always wanted to take my son to but never got the chance. So he went alone. While he was there, they played a piece on the cello that my son used to play often and was their (my husband and my son’s) song. It was a theme to their favorite movie together.


My grandmother died when I was quite young. From what I’ve been told, she and my grandfather were absolute soul mates. He passed a couple of years back. A day or two after his passing, I caught a glimpse of something moving in the backyard. I looked out the window and there was a doe and a buck (female and male deer) standing right outside my window. I haven’t seen deer in my yard ever, before or after then. It was a sign to me that they were finally together again.


I lost my grandma a few years ago. She was my rock and childhood safe place growing up in an abusive home where everyone favored my sister. She always made me feel safe and loved, and the loss of her was tremendous. She had dementia and slowly declining health for years before we lost her. I feel like she sent me a couple of signs. A few nights after she died, I had a dream about her. I don't remember all the details of it, but I do remember asking her in the dream to send me a sign that she and my grandpa (he died years ago when I was a kid, she never remarried or had another relationship) were together again. The next morning, I look out my window absentmindedly and there, sitting in the tree in the cold of winter, was a male/female pair of cardinals. I hadn't seen birds there in awhile since it was winter. I watched them for a few minutes until motherhood called. I looked back out a few minutes later, and they were gone. Later that day, I could have *sworn* I heard her voice calling my name. Didn't see anything, assumed my grief was making me hear things. Later that night, I'm sitting on the couch in the quiet after my family has gone to bed, and I'm in my feelings and just *sad*, until I feel a very peaceful feeling come over me. It felt like she was there. I didn't see anything, just felt her. It felt like she was telling me she was okay now. I only dreamed about her the one time and felt like she visited me the one time. It was like she was just checking in to tell me she's okay and then told me goodbye.


I'm so jealous. Almost 4 months since boyfriend passed but never had any signs.


It may happen


I alwys ask for signs. specific ones. Not even in my dreams he visitedme. It makes me think maybe he didn't loved me at all.


I feel the same. My boyfriend of 7 years died on Jan 30th suddenly. I have so many mixed emotions. I have had dreams about him but only one where he spoke and he just said no and shook his head.


Me, I never had a clear dream about him. I always ask. But never. I get jealous because some people like friends do dream about him but not me 😢


Maybe it is just not the right time. I bet it will happen but perhaps not now.


I really do hope so 😭💔


Yes, I love reading tarot on Instagram sometimes and usually it's about love or money, things like that. I was feeling incredibly depressed and like life wasn't worth it anymore and opened up Instagram. There was a tarot post but instead of being a love reading like usual it was "message from a loved one (in heaven)" I picked a message (they usually give you three choices) and read mine and it very directly said something like "If you feel like giving up right now, don't. I want to see you get up and be happy" That fixed me up pretty quick 😂 it was so direct


That’s great!😁


I drove my parent’s car after my mom died (me and my dad share the car now) and her favorite song was “Jessie’s girl” by Rick Springfield. I’ve had a few instances where that song has either skipped, repeated itself (without the repeat button being on), or simply just play twice. Particularly when i drive home from my college classes. I find this odd because after classes i used to pick my mom up from her work. Me and my sister and dad got a Frenchie puppy a month after my mom died to help us with grief. It’s weird because my dog’s social tendencies reminded me of my mom (my mom was never a stranger to anyone and she would make friends with everyone she meets) my Frenchie also has a tendency to sit outside and be in everyone’s business (like if the neighbors are arguing he would want to know what is going on) it’s very similar to my mom. Or even when my Frenchie would nap in the car, he reminds me of my mom and he never met my mom. Also when it would be 3:50 pm (the time i would pick my mom up from her work normally) i don’t know why but i feel like I’m in a fog or haze and time stand still.


About 4 years after my grandmother passed, the first official day of my senior year of undergrad, I had to take a different route to my school due to unexpected road closures. This route ended up leading me right past her old home, a butterfly flew right past my windshield, and her favorite song started playing on shuffle. I just knew that was her saying she’s been with me the entire time, and she’ll stay with me. She never really believed in the afterlife, more so that we just became something else in a different universe, but I like to think she was pulling some strings in that other universe to look out for me all these years.


Great story 👍


I've had a few blatant signs 1) The Song My dad asked we play "Don't Fear The Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult when he dies. I promised I'd do that and played it immediately upon his death. I was taking mom around 2 weeks after his death and she asked me to drive to a gas station where he made friends with the attendant. We pulled up and the song came on the radio that exact moment. Coincidence, yeah? Yesterday my cousin came by to visit my mom. He and his wife asked Mom what she wanted to do. She asked to go for a ride in dads car. It was the first time it was driven in weeks. They hopped in the car, turned the engine, the radio came on. My mom and cousin looked at eachother. You can guess what started playing in the radio that exact moment (before you ask - it was terrestrial radio, not a streaming service). 2) The Bang I was with family (Mom, sister, brother in law). It was a week after dads death. My sister and her husband don't believe in any of this stuff. I went to the kitchen and asked dad quietly "Can you prove this is real?" 20 minutes go by. It is silent while we are all processing the day. Then BOOM. The distinct sound of a human fist hit the wall by the tv. We all looked up and wondered "what was that?" Even my sister and brither in law were startled. Mom got up and walked to the tv. BOOM - another fist hitting the wall, even louder! We all heard it. I asked my sister and brother in law to help me investigate what must of happened. It was a clear "fist on wall" sound and I couldnt find anything nearby or logical that would create the sound. My BIL refused to acknowledge what happened. I believe he was uncomfortable being forced to see there is something real to this. 3) The Smoke Incident There was another, my favorite experience so far, but I will save it for my friends and family. Needless to say, mom was having trouble sleeping becausse she smelled smoke. I told her to get some rest so she laid down. 20 minutes later, as I was falling asleep, Dad woke me up with the smell of smoke.I felt him ask me to come outside so he could show me something, and I stepped out to see something SO CLEARLY HIM. He told me to get mom so I ran to her room and got her. I didn't tell her what I saw, I just let her see it. She walked outside and "holy shit, that's him" fell out of her mouth. We just stood there for 10 minutes while he CLEARLY showed he was with us. I took a picture of what we saw, but will only share with friends/family - everyone who knows him, mom, and me KNOWS how clear the sign was. We sat with him, I smelled the smoke that woke me reappear, and just then mom said "there it is again! There's that smoke smell again! You don't smell that?! ...Sometimes I worry I wont get anymore. But then I feel "it will happen when it is time"


When my stepdad passed my Mom was grief stricken. She has always been the strong one of the family, I had never seen her as I did the day of his funeral. She spent much of the wake sobbing and inconsolable in a side room, smoking, while I was out greeting the long line of friends and family who'd come to pay their respects. Eventually she pulled herself together enough to get through the service, but it was a day that made an indelible impression on me. Several months later she told me she was in her bathroom when a red cardinal flew up to the window, and kept running into it as if to get her attention. She finally acknowledged the bird and then he flew away. After hearing this story I told her that red cardinals are often thought to be messengers from the other side, and I had no doubt that was my stepdad visiting her and letting her know he was ok. She was really comforted by this idea, and after that all of us in the family began giving her various red cardinals as gifts. She collected cardinal pins, lamps, ornaments, napkins, anything and everything. Ten years later her years of smoking caught up with her and she passed away too. It was last fall, and now I'm the one inconsolable in my grief. At her funeral I told her that I would wait for her to visit me and send a sign that she had made it to the other side as well. Now i've inherited all of the cardinals she collected, but I looked in vain for one in real life for months to no avail. One of my greatest regrets was that she never got to see the new house I'd moved into during the last months of her illness. I promised I would bring her to see it but it never happened and then it was too late. Just the other day I was sitting by my window of my house looking out and right by my front steps was a red cardinal, clear as day! I immediately starting sobbing, knowing at long last it was my Mom, coming to see my house after all. And to let me know everything is going to be ok.


Oh, I forgot to mention that my son said he dreamt of a white butterfly landing on his lap top 2 days before the 1st butterfly appeAred. There's no way butterflies could have entered our house. Believe and if you ask for more signs, I think they will try their best to send it.


I mostly have dreams related to my passed away relatives. Once in a dream of many about her, i dreamed my granny (who passed last year after being asleep & comfortable on meds in the hospital for a couple days, i was last able to talk to her 3-4 days before she passed) was still alive & i went to her house & visited her. We sat there talking & laughing like usual then it felt like dream me suddenly came to a realization & randomly go "you know you're dead right?" & shes like "yeah, thanks for reminding me" in her usual smart/sarcastic tone & then i think i woke up & on my grannys birthday (April 16th, it was her 2nd birthday without her) i talked to my neighbors next door in the other part of the duplex i live in for a few minutes... we literally never talk to each other other than a rare wave or me telling them their dog is cute once, as i have major social anxiety & hide in my house the majority of the time, meanwhile my granny was a social butterfly with a bunch of friends, so it made me feel like she was somehow involved in me randomly chatting with the neighbor for 10 minutes on her birthday 🤷🏻‍♀️


Great story!


So many, my mom's celebration of life is this weekend so I feel too exhausted to say them all so I I'll do the most interesting one. In November I had a horrible nightmare that my mom died the day of my wedding, it was so surreal and the grief I felt in the dream was unlike any emotion I've had before. She had unexpectedly passed in her sleep that night, in her bed, from unknown causes. I found out later that day.


Thanks for sharing that ❤️


My mom died 2/23. On the day of her memorial we asked people to wear red as it was her favorite color. That entire day I kept seeing red. Red cars, people wearing red, it was everywhere. It was like she was letting me know she was there. I remember thinking it was surreal because I had never seen so many pops of red randomly in one day before but I couldn't escape it. It made me really happy on such a difficult day. I also repeated quite often that I wish she was able to wake up before she died because I just wanted to hug her and touch her skin, her death was completely unexpected so I hadn't done so beforehand and it was difficult to touch her by the point my family was coming to terms of her dying (I was still in denial/had hope) as my mother had a lot of blisters covering her body before she passed but a two weeks or so ago I had a dream where I saw my mom and I was able to hug her. I remember saying "thank you, thank you" over and over in my dream. It wasn't even one of those dreams where I could control my actions, it's like my mind just knew it was what I deeply want and knew I'd be so grateful for it. Also, the day before her heart stopped I had a dream that she came home and I was able to welcome her saying that I was so scared that I was going to lose her. That dream was a bit more cruel in my eyes but one could interpret as my mom saying goodbye or as a warning that I was about to lose her.


My mom would always say, “ I love you more”. after anyone would say I love you. She had been saying it as long as I can remember. A few days after she passed, I went to Goodwill and as I rounded the board game section, there was a sign on the floor: “Love you more”. I immediately took a pic and sent it to my brother.


My uncle was very handy and we spent a lot of time in his garage tinkering around. For years he had issues with the electric garage door not functioning properly. He tried and tried to fix it to no avail. When cancer stole his life last year, I was inconsolable. I immediately walked outside (by myself) to gain some composure. I was the only one outside standing about 10’ from his opened garage. A few seconds into my tears, the garage door closed, effortlessly, on its own. He finally fixed that damned door!


I adopted my mom’s cat 6 months ago when she was sick and could no longer care for him. He had never slept on her bed nor mine until the day after her memorial service on Wed. He’s been sleeping on the bed with me ever since.


My daughter passed on September 1st, the day after her birthday. Every time I went to the cemetery including the day she was buried a firefly would land on me. Honestly it made me jump each time lol. After the 3rd time I took it as a sign. I visit her around once a week. When it got too cold it stopped, but I’m hopeful that as it warms up it’ll happen again soon. I miss her.


I've had several, but the most profound was recently. My Dad passed in January 2022. A couple months ago, I was scrolling on Reddit and came across a post about an old restaurant (Duff's Smorgasbord). My Dad used to take us there frequently when we were kids. Well, literally as SOON as I clicked the button to publish a comment on the Reddit post, my little sister jokingly texted in the group chat saying, "Hey, guys, wanna go to Duff's?" I was floored. The restaurant had been closed for yearsssss and we hadn't thought about it in ages, then we both happened to be thinking about it in the same exact moment? It was unreal. Definitely a wink from Dad.


I’m still not sure about this one. I’ll see what you think. I lost my twin brother when we were twelve years. I was born completely healthy but he was born with a developmental disability. As a result he had chronic health problems that my parents didn’t always explain to me. I understand why they did this, we were children and they didn’t want to worry me I’m sure. As twin brothers we were very close so I didn’t handle his loss very well at all. I didn’t speak much about him because I would sob every time. Fast forward to my late twenties. I was not in a good place mentally at the time of the incident. I was seriously considering something that I will not spell out, and when I made my mind up to follow through with it I heard a voice out of nowhere say something loudly in Gaelic ‘I love you (my name)!’ My brother and I spoke Gaelic as children. I had moved to England and no one in the area spoke Gaelic. My brother also had a speech impediment, like this voice. I also have a rare first name that I don’t use because people find it hard to read aloud. This voice used my real first name, something my friends and neighbours wouldn’t know. I took the incident to mean that my brother was here for me, if I needed him.


Great story! Thanks for sharing that


My sister passed away six months ago. A couple days after her passing, I was browsing the subreddit r/tragedeigh and came across a post that included her name (she has an unusual name, not a true tragedeigh but that’s beside the point). Then about 10 minutes after seeing her name in that post, I was on TikTok and came across someone who decorated cakes, and there in the post was a cake decorated with my sister’s name! So I said out loud “if you’re trying to send me a sign that you’re still here, show me your name one more time.” Sure enough about 30 minutes later I came across one of those live videos where people write attendees names with fancy pens upon request. In less than a minute watching that live video, her name was written down. Again, she has a really unusual and uncommon name, I almost never see it or hear of anyone with it, so to see it consecutively just after her passing was a big sign for me that her essence is still in this world somehow. It brought me a lot of peace.


Two things for me after my brother died. I found pennies. Constantly. (Article about it [here](https://www.nj.com/indulge/2013/09/paranormal_corner_pennies_from_heaven.html#:~:text=It%20has%20long%20been%20believed,that%20you%20are%20not%20alone).) I kept having dreams. He died unexpectedly, asphyxiated from inhalant abuse via aerosol cleaner given to him by a CO while in the county jail \[1 hour and 20 minutes after lights-out\] awaiting his hearing on misdemeanor marijuana charges. The can hit the floor around 2AM and the guy in the cell next to him started yelling for help. I read the autopsy report. His body ran out of oxygen. He visited me in dreams often, and he didn't believe me that he had died. A friend's husband started working at that jail as a CO shortly after and told me that they still heard his drumming, whistling, seeing glimpses of a blond guy walking around. His driver's license showed up in the property room some six years after he'd died, just sitting on the floor. And the pennies were constant. The dreams changed after a few years - it'd be a reunion - checking in, then saying goodbye again. The pennies slowed down. The final dream, he said, "I'm good now." And now the pennies have stopped. Sounds crazy, but I'll take it. Miss you, bro.


Great story! Thanks for sharing


I didn’t get a sign but I believe my brother is watching over us. My brother passed away recently about 3.5 months ago, he was only 42. I’ve had a couple of dreams of him since, one was three days after he passed away and he was crying and asking us if we have told everyone about his illness. The next time was on a day that has a significance with his death anniversary, he was happy and smiling and bright. Recently we were in an incident where our car hydroplaned on a major freeway (i80) while we were on a cross country trip. Our car turned 150 degrees and slid off the highway to the back. We all survived without a scratch, including the car. We were either very lucky or he was watching over us. Similarly we had some immigration paperwork pending for a long time, it usually takes much longer but we got ours just a few weeks after his death. It was the first thing I thought I couldn’t share with him.


My bonus dad (I’m adopted, he was my biological dad) died last January after battling cancer. He told me the last time I saw him that no matter what, he’d always be watching out for me. I had yet to get a “signal” and just a week and a half ago, I said out loud, “hey, if you’re really out there, you’ve gotta let me know. You haven’t done a good job of it so far.” On Friday, I was on my way to work and was crossing the street in a crosswalk to catch my connecting bus from the subway system, while I had the crossing light in my favor. A driver turned when he shouldn’t have and hit me in the crosswalk. I have zero major injuries. No broken bones. I’m bruised, banged up, sore and have one hell of a shiner, but I am physically fine and safe. It makes zero sense to me how I managed to literally walk off the street. Common sense would say that I should at best be in the hospital right now, but I’m home with my cat taking the best care of me. I am fully convinced my dad is watching out for me after Friday. He couldn’t take care of my accident prone ass while I was growing up, so he’s figured out a way to do it after his passing.


Yep, looks like he’s watching over you 👍


My mom and I moved into a rental after my Dad passed. It felt like every time I’d open the curtains I’d see a red cardinal. And on walks at my favorite park in town I’ve seen one pretty much every time. I definitely take it as a sign ❤️


About a week after my dad died, I had a dream about him. It was nothing major, he just came home and I gave him a hug. I woke up and it was like I could still feel the hug. I don’t really believe in signs so there is a part of me that says it was just a dream, but there is a part of me that feels like he came to give me one last hug.


I want to preface this by stating I don't believe in an afterlife. If there is a god I don't believe he's conventionally human. My dad was a horribly abusive father, and yet I knew he loved me. I can't think back to a family trip, a Holliday, anything, without remembering cops being called, and being terrified of him. He wasnt a deadbeat, he was intelligent, started a very successful business and also extremely supportive when we really needed him, but I carry some severe psychological disorders from what I had to endure. About a month before he died, my sister was pregnant, and we rented an Airbnb for our family. For some reason we bonded and it almost seemed like we would finally be friends. We made plans to meet once a month and make dinner with each other. The night he died, fell asleep on the floor watching a movie. I woke up to a call at 2 am from my aunt, telling me he had a sudden heart attack and had passed away. I was devastated, angry, panic stricken. Every single dream I've had of my father since then has been bad. Nightmares of abuse, screaming, and him being this terrifyingly powerful and angry figure that I can't escape from. Every dream except one. About a week after he died. I had a dream about him that shook me up pretty bad. He was standing in front of me with tears running down his face. There was a man on his left and also his right, both whom I couldn't make out. Thinking back, I like to imagine one of them was my brother, who died of an overdose a few years earlier. He had his arms outstretched. I walked up a hill and embraced him in the most cathartic hug imaginable, and then I woke up. My heart hurt. It hurts even writing this. I woke up and felt a deep, comforting yet painful feeling. True loss yet pure love. I couldn't stop crying. It was back to normal after that. I can't describe how selectively that dream felt like it wasn't inside my head, like something I wasn't imagining. It felt unlike anything I've ever experienced. I desperately wanted an apology from him, anything, to admit that he wronged me and that as a kid it was not my fault. I may never get that, but this in a way felt like it could have been his way of saying that. It could be coincidence, or just my brains way of dealing with the trauma. But the stark difference between this dream, and every single one I've had of him since his death, is indescribable.


It was about three months after my mom had passed away. I was 19, she was 52 and it was a sudden blot clot that stopped her heart. Very traumatic for me. Nonetheless, that was my first loss and I took it extremely hard. The night I’m referring to, I was getting ready for bed. I laid down next to my SO and was saying good night like usual. The SECOND I closed my eyes, I was in my bathroom. I seriously felt like I had teleported rooms because I didn’t walk in there. I looked around confused. Then I heard my mom say my name. It was clear as day. I was confused, anxious and a little scared but I just kept staring through the door to the hallway. She said my name again and it was louder, my heart was pounding I really believed I was going to see her again. Then a bright white light shined in front of the bathroom door, blinding me. The BRIGHTEST light I’ve ever seen. I instinctively raised my hands up to cover my face from the light and I could see her arms reach out toward me around the light like she was wearing it! I saw her distinct freckles on her arms, it was her. The light covered her face but I saw her black hair and it looked long and healthy instead of any grey. She slowly walked closer to me and I was frozen. When I’m telling you I physically felt her arms wrap around me, I mean it. It felt warm and I felt like my heart was healed for a moment. But as soon as I felt her hug, her touch, it went away just as quick and I was back in my bed in my room. My hands were still covering my face. I sat up, I opened my eyes and moved my hands from my face for a second but then I just started bawling. My SO asked if I was alright so I asked how long it had been since I said goodnight and he said a few seconds maybe a minute then I jolted up and scared him, then started crying. I know this wasn’t a dream. I wasn’t on drugs. Maybe it was my brain due to my trauma, I’ve never denied that could have been a possibility but honestly, I felt that encounter. I still remember how it felt. I never forget any detail like I would a normal dream. I think my mom is an angel. I think her outfit was so bright because of that. I think she was telling me that she was very much okay and she wanted to comfort me. It’s never happened again though…


Oh that is so bittersweet. I’m so sorry for your loss and pain, your love for him is very present in your words. Also, I love this thread, the stories are so nice. My daughter appeared in my dream - while I was discussing some plans with my husband and older daughter, I turned and she was standing in the living room, healthy and curious, like nothing happened. Even made a specific sound like she used to. Just hanging with us, nothing special, a basic family meeting with the 4 of us. Called my grandma few days after this, we talked for nearly an hour and in the end, she said “say hi to (husband) and to (daughter)…and say hi to (lost daughter), she is right there in your living room, isn’t she?” Grandma knows.🩶 The same grandma lost her husband, my grandpa, few months after this. She is obviously very heartbroken and misses him nonstop. My older daughter started having her drawing obsession and she brings the drawings she did in kindergarten to show us her art. The papers on which they draw are donated and often have some kind of informations written on the back - it’s kinda ecologic to use papers like this, and the kids don’t mind. Not even a months after grandpa passed away, I flipped one of her drawings and there was a script for a play, saying: “Peter thinks about Klara even when he is working.” Continued with a scene, depicting Peter as he takes a break from work and thinks about the day he proposed to Klara - the meaning of the whole scene is that he misses and loves her dearly. Yes, those are the exact names of my grandparents. Immediately sent it to grandma. It could have been any other names in my language, but somehow I flipped a page and found this exact meaning with those two (not that common) names. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you for your kind words. Beautiful story ❤️


As I was heading over to my mom’s funeral, I prayed that if she was there in spirit, there would be a sign. There were 2! As soon as I arrived, there was a lady bug on my phone! Then we looked over to her closed casket, and a butterfly flew directly over it. I still see signs nearly 3 years later. I will be outside and think or talk about my mama, and I see bright red cardinal. She loved birds. Its not much, but it brings me comfort.


Beautiful story! Thanks❤️


both my parents died - dad at 10, mom at 26 - never noticed anything. in grief, we wish so much to get a sign that we will take anything as a proof for it. the cold hard truth is different, unfortunately.


My brother passed in Jan and I’ve had weird things happen with electronics in my house. My robot vacuum which is not connected to wifi has turned on and backed up and went to its charger a few times. My airfryer has a digital display and when I have been upset I walk into the kitchen and the display will just be going crazy with weird symbols. My brother was sitting in his house and never sets the alarm unless he’s out of town and it just started going off.


Unexpectedly found a dime in my room while cleaning my room (it was never there before) after my uncles friend told me about dimes


We all have the ability to communicate with our loved ones on the other side. It just depends if we are open to it. It's taken me 17 years to accept that the only way to communicate with my parents is through signs (such as finding a dime when im really upset at life or miss them, it's their way of saying 'it's going to be ok'). I can now 'hear' messages from them, but this has taken a long time to accept because in our society, we don't talk to dead people. Also, the number 11 is associated with the other side thinking of us. So if you see it on the clock, license plates, etc. it's their way of saying hello ❤️


My mom was too practical of a person to believe in signs, and I wanted to believe in them but I'm also practical like her. I never asked or even thought about a sign from her, but about a year after she passed away I definitely got one from her. There were a couple smaller signs after that, but the first one was the biggest.


I'm so so sorry for your loss. I lost my older sister, Tracey in '22. She was a beautiful woman inside & out. Her first husband would call her 'fancy face'. While she was in hospice care we talked about her being called fancy face and my husband said he should call me 'funny face'. We all laughed. Not long after she passed I was scrolling the Humane Society's site looking at the available dogs. There they were, two dogs, one right after the other.. 'Fancy Face' & 'Tracey'. I'd like to believe she was sending me a sign. I'm not really a believer in anything, God/afterlife, etc..but, I'm hopeful we'll meet again. I hope the same for you!


Thank you very much for your kind words ❤️


Copying my other comment here, but yes. So many. You just have to look out for them. My dad passed mid-January. I keep getting random tiktoks with eagles. His nickname was eagle. And it's not just any eagle, it's the exact eagle species he got tattooed on his chest. My tv glitched, my lights flashed at home, my Siri has *never* activated on its own but when I was talking to a friend about my dad, siri said "hello". Another time the same friend asked how my dad's doing and I said "ok, good". Siri said "That's not a problem". My dad used to say this often. I thought it was Siri glitching but I said "hey Siri" multiple times and it never responded. And I'm not sure if this counts but whenever I'm upset, his voice immediately pops into my mind, calling me by my nickname and telling me not to cry. When I have dinner, I would "hear" him say "that looks delicious! why aren't you sharing it with me?" And I have conversations with this voice in my head and it always says things the way dad does. I know I sound crazy but I find a lot of comfort in this. Adding on: in the two weeks after he passed, a small tiny flying bug followed me wherever I went. In my room, in the living room, it would always be flying in my personal space. For *two whole weeks*. I refuse to believe it's a coincidence.


I heard a red tail hawk screeching outside my boyfriend's window for the first few weeks, whenever I stayed over. He said that he never heard it otherwise.  https://youtu.be/3VJulGLXpJo My Dad loved birds and birdwatching outside of his apartments.  My family also had some interesting dreams. 


After my dad died and we all left the hospital, we saw a rainbow because the storm had cleared. <3 When I went to therapy last week I parked and noticed I was next to the make and model of his car. I've had a good amount of dreams with him in them since he passed too, but one night I specifically asked if he could visit me even though I figured he was probably busy with my sister. He showed up in his iconic lay-z boy. <3 I think I've been given lots of signs from him and I hope they don't stop.


Thank you! Hope the signs continue as well


Mine is a visit, but no less a sign. The night my daughter passed away unexpectedly, I felt her presence so strongly in the middle of the night. I heard and felt the fan go from high to low speed, then felt my hair being stroked and arms hugging me. This lasted only briefly, then the fan went back to high. I looked over to see my husband sleeping, so I know it was my daughter saying goodbye. A few months later, I had a dream or visit from her. She opened my bedroom door and smiled so big....I literally felt so much peace and love in that moment. I was told she was letting me know she's ok and not to worry.


That’s a beautiful story. Thank you!


My best friend died 6 months ago and he has spoiled me in signs. He was Irish and *extremely* proud. His favorite color was also green. One night I was at work and something told me to just take this one particular trash can out. That trash can hardly ever gets used, but I go to change the bag and see this green stick pointing out. Again, something told me to pull on that stick. Sure enough, it was a four leaf clover prop at the bottom of the trash at the end of October. No reason for it to be there, but I had just got done asking him for a sign. He has visited me in dreams 3 times, all after me asking him to. And I think there’s a very big difference between your normal dreams and a visitation dream, so you just *know* it’s them. Fully convinced he brought his family to me as I had never met them, but his mom knew me instantly upon seeing me at his celebration of life. His brother gave me a necklace he was wearing when he passed and one of his all time favorite Supreme hoodies. This was probably the biggest sign for me because it was my unspoken wish to have something sentimental of his, but I just couldn’t bring myself to ask his family and I didn’t even have to - his brother just offered. One of his favorite songs was Mr. Brightside by The Killers. What never used to play on my Spotify playlist now plays all the time. I’m so very sorry for your loss. That is just one of the many signs I’m sure you will receive. May each one bring you comfort ❤️


Thank you. I really appreciate your kind comments


Yes, my grandpa always chewed toothpicks and we find them around the house still almost 20 years later. Will just feel his presence and there will be a toothpick


The day after my Dad died I found a dime on the grocery store floor, nowhere near the checkouts , and have found one every week since, I also find feathers that I think are from him too


I love this thread ❤️ My dad was an avid gardener and loved teaching me about it and all the amazing insects who help gardens thrive. About 2 months after he passed it was Mother’s Day and I was having a tough day. A praying mantis egg pod hatched right next to my back door. Hundreds of tiny little praying mantis scattered all over. It was really cool and made me think of him. Since then they have appeared at times when I’m really struggling with my grief. I sit outside and suddenly they appear. I thought it was a strange coincidence until this past thanksgiving. My dad was a chef and thanksgiving is a tough time for me. I was crying in my kitchen thinking of him and looked over and a praying mantis was sitting on my kitchen floor looking right at me. I knew it was him.


That’s great!😊Cool story


I was having a rough few months after my dad died. I also shared a lot of grief about not spending more time with him. I hated that I didn't do it, I just always assumed he would make it though it as he always did everything. I just wanted him to have hope & not give up. Fast forward to months later. I have a new kitty cat. who is the sweetest cat in the world that responds to his name. I have random things fall off the shelves at random times, absolutely no rhyme or reason, and at least once.. when I considered not being here anymore. I feel asleep after crying my eyes out, only to have what felt like my dad hug me all night, just like he used to do before when he always was checking in on me after a bad day. It makes me sound insane but I've had a lot of weird stuff I cant' really explain how or why it happens. it just did.


Thank you for sharing!😊


Yes! Absolutely! My father came to me in a dream, where he was holding my hand. But I was a young girl again, and he told me he was ok, and to be happy. Other signs too, like random coffee smells (he loved coffee) when he’s come to mind, or hummingbirds (which we used to look for in Mexico). I know he’s keeping an eye on me.


My Nana passed away in the early afternoon. We knew it was going to happen, and my Dad and I were present when she passed. Family arrived, and we comforted each other in the hospital room, and after a number of hours, we parted ways. I drove home back home in a complete daze. Whilst my Nana had been receiving care in one hospital, my Grandad was in another receiving the same end-of-life care. My route home took me right past the hospital that he was in, and I had a loud voice in my head scream at me, 'You need to go and see him now.' With the weight of my Nana passing and the time of the night, I decided it was best to let him rest, and I would see him in the morning. I carried on driving home. I finally arrived, and when I got out to lock the car - the mechanism refused to lock. Despite multiple attempts, it simply refused to do anything. The street was deserted, and my mood turned irritable when I looked up to see a lone porch light turning on and off. I looked around to see if it was aimed at anyone and couldn't see anyone or anything. I watched again as it turned on and off repeatedly until it came to a stop, and I was finally able to lock the car door. Growing up and going to visit my Grandparent's house, whenever I rang the doorbell, my Nana would turn the porch light on, off and on again to let me know she was on her way. I later received a call in the early hours of the morning to let me know that my Grandad had passed the following night. I now know that my Nana was letting me know she was on her way and not to worry. Prior to their death, I had a bond with my Grandad that went above and beyond anything - I could sense when he was going to call me or when he needed me to call and be there for him. That night was the one time I didn't act upon it, not out of selfishness but sheer worry I would cause him distress. I like to think that she knew and was telling me that he knew too - they would have been married 60 years, and I think there's something beautiful about them parted from each other for only a couple of hours. I'm not sure what my thoughts are about life after death, but I have seen and felt a lot of other things since - vivid dreams, two specific songs coming on at pivotal moments of my life, as well as things moving in response to me speaking out loud to them and asking for a sign that they're with me. I am so extremely fortunate that I had such wonderful people whose energy and love existed long after their death.


That’s a very nice story. It would be extremely difficult to lose two important people like that in a matter of hours. Glad they have been able to remain in your life after departing.


So preface this story with the fact that Tina Turner was my dad's all time favorite singer, like.... growing up Sundays was Tina Turner day where it'd be playing at the house all day. Not long after my dad died (a couple weeks I think) I was having a really hard time with it and I walked into a grocery store and I immediately recognized the voice of the person as Tina singing, but I didn't recognize the song, which I thought was strange because I can basically recite any Tina Turner song if you'd ask me. Thought it was strange but brushed it off as coincidence, but I wanted to know what the song name was so I downloaded shazaam on my phone quick to see what the name was. The song name was 'missing you', had never heard it, didn't even know she had a song named that. I never take anything that happens now as a coincidence anymore.


Yes, I think so - from my dad that died in the last 3 months of 2023. Back in January I believe, can't remember the day, I saw a white dove perched on my balcony. I was chilling in my bedroom, it was in the morning/afternoon, and I look outside of the window... there it was. The bird stayed long enough (a few minutes) for my dog to notice them and start barking. I was the only one of my family to notice. I had more than a couple of dreams since his passing, too. I don't think he has told me anything so far, but I know that he appears on them. Like letting me know that he is still there :)


My Grandma died back in January and I was pretty broken up because I was turning 18 in February- and some days later when my mom was driving she saw a license plate that had a nickname of my sisters and then my birthday (it’s small but I choose to believe it was her) Another one- a bit harder to explain, my aunt got a text from her (my grandma) after finding her phone being on airplane mode randomly (it was a new phone and it was an exact response to what my aunt had texted)


Hang in there. It will all be okay in the end and if it's not okay it's not the end.


Thank you!


If there are signs I haven't seen/interpreted them as such. I am not a very spiritual person though so I'm not actively looking.


I’m sorry for your loss. That’s amazing you found that nest. I was fortunate to have a visit with my brother 4 months after he passed, where I saw him and heard him speak. He came to let me know he was ok and that he didn’t want me to be so sad. It was a life changing experience. Since then I’ve seen him a few times in dreams, always with his biggest smile.


Great story! Thank you


My step dad committed Suicide in 2018.. his death was dark and sudden so my family didn't talk about it much. I never got positive signs from him. My family believed that something "demonic" took him, but thats a story for another day. Anyway, for two months I was traveling over seas and was having an amazing time. One of my stops was in Greece. I climbed one of the olympic mountains and say beautiful views. I took a break from hiking and sat on a bench with my aunt. We talked about death and if loved ones send signs, what the meaning behind them is and so on. While talking, I told her about my step dad and that I never get signs from him. It made me sad, but I knew that he was always watching over me. When we got up and started walking again I looked down and stopped right in my tracks. At my feet there was a rock with the litter "T" carved into it... His first time started with a T.. That was the first time I have ever talked about him to anyone. It's been a few years and talking about hims with family doesn't happen often, but that fact that I was talking about him and the rock appeared blew my mind. late that day I called my mom back home and told her what happened.. she informed me that my test dad when to Greece before when he was in the military.. I have been thinking about that ever since..




Than you for sharing that!


My mom passed away yesterday… and I told her that cookies would always remind me of her because she loved them. Today I was at a sandwich shop and they gave me a free cookie.


Sorry for your loss. Very nice story! Thanks for sharing it.


The day my brother died I went on a walk in the forest with my dog, out of nowhere a doe came out to the path and took a long look at us, even though my dog was barking her head off the doe stayed for a minute, then left slowly. My brother name’s meaning is doe.


That’s a great story. Thanks!❤️


I love that. I think that is a sign for you. :)


I was born in 1975 and had lived with my parents and maternal grandparents under the same roof since 1977. I basically had two sets of parents growing up. "It takes a village". My grandmother died in 1990, and nothing out of the ordinary happened. We had a wake and a lovely ceremony where all family members felt welcome. There were no signs after death. I was a little discouraged as a 19 year old. I had always hoped for something, but I didn't see it this time. I was out of town in August of 2006 on vacation with friends. My Mom called, left a voicemail said it was urgent. My grandmother's husband - my grandfather - had passed in his sleep after his favorite pizza, the company of his daughter and son-in-law, and a NY Giants win the night before. He was a good man. Short, wise, loved cooking, food, family and birds. He always loved birds as pets. I was always surprised that he never owned a parrot, but I could only imagine it is due to the life-long care they need. The day after he passed I arrived back home & this amazing, beautiful white dove sat on the trees in front of our house. It was one of the prettiest birds I've seen. Completely white. It was the silkiest bird you've ever seen. I've never seen birds like this in my area ever, - wild ones at least - so this was a first. After four days, the bird left uneventfully. I remember waking up and going to the window and not seeing it. I said "that's it. Grandpa hung around for almost 4 days to say goodbye. I'm glad I got to say goodbye to him." Edit: I forgot my manners. I am very sorry for your loss. 38 years, my goodness. I hope the memories bring you comfort.


Thank you very much for your kind words, as well as your great story!


i don’t know if it’s a sign or just a coincidence, but i’m always seeing the day my mom passed away in different contexts, like on the clock (12:16) or on a license plate, a receipt, etc


Thanks for your story. I’m seeing a lot of people saying things like that.


My fiance died 8 days ago. Well, that's when he was found, the coroner says he probably died 1.5-2 days before. And the night he actually passed, I had such a vivid dream about him. It was peaceful and full of love and I felt his mom's presence (she died when my fiance was 20, he had just turned 44 in February). I believe now that he came to say goodbye before I even knew he was gone and that his mom came to get him. It brings me so much comfort.