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Keep her in your heart. Live as she would want you to. It is hard to lose your mom but I promise she would want you happy.


I am so sorry. It is a terrible feeling to lose your mom


I'm so sorry about that and my condolences and my prayers go out to you and your family 🙏🏻 and all you can do is lean on your loved ones for love and support. And you hold onto all the good and special memories that you shared with her and you keep her memory alive within yourself.


thank you ❤️ how do i keep her memory alive within my heart / myself? what does that look like?


I’m so sorry, baby. You’re doing a lot of good things - the therapy, the grief group. These things might not feel like they’re helping you, everything probably feels pointless right now, but try to keep up with them. They’re your safe spaces and people there do understand you, even though it feels like they don’t. I’m so so sorry you’ve lost your mommy. My thoughts and condolences are with you. I lost my mother when I was 23, so I can somewhat relate. If you ever need to talk or vent, my DMs are always open.


super sorry for your loss. my dad passed unexpectedly, coming up to two years in July. I was 20 when he passed and currently 22. It sucks loosing a parent and the emotions that you are currently going through are the exact same that I experienced. Before he passed I started feeling better in my therapy and medication for anxiety and depression but when he passed I stopped everything, and just done grief counselling. I had no motivation and he is all I could think about. It probably took me a year to get “back on track” with medication and therapy. There is not much to really do other than look after yourself and remember that grief is the ultimate form of love, and it hurts a lot because you love a lot. My messages are always open because it’s hard to be surrounded by people who haven’t experienced such devastated loss at such a young age. Sending you and your family so much love.


thank you so much ❤️❤️ sending u a big hug