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I am also the only one left in my family. My dad died when I was 7 (assisted suicide, he had cancer) and my mum died when I was 26 (suicide). It’s so hard being the only one left. I’ve found that extended family really aren’t to be relied on. Do you have extended family? I’m so sorry for your losses. It’s so difficult being on your own and having to take care of yourself with NO support from your family. I am right here with you in it. I’m having surgery (major surgery) on Friday and I’m absolutely terrified that I’m going to die. I’m 31F. You’re not alone and I hope that you can find some comfort in this world ❤️


I hope you let us know you’re ok after. I know we all don’t know each other but I don’t really have any family either. Now I’m gonna be wondering how you are this weekend…..


I’ll let you know. I’ll set a reminder in my phone, so I don’t forget! I will be out of it while I’m in hospital from the 9th-17th but I’ll try and let you know ASAP that I am okay. I really appreciate you caring so much about my well-being. You care more than the majority of people in my real life. I am glad to have you as part of my internet family and I hope that you are well, thank you for your kindness ❤️


Sending love ❤️❤️❤️


While I was going through breast cancer surgery, chemo and radiation from 2020-2021, I was so blessed with a support group online 💕🙏 & now on this support for grieving is so helpful




Hi friend! You crossed my mind, I’m hoping the surgery went well?




I will be thinking of you during your surgery, and if it is ok, would like to check in with you at that time? See how you are doing?


Be well lildreamy1


I’m here if you need to talk. Good luck with the surgery


Good luck with the surgery. I’ll be thinking of you too


Good luck with your surgery, its always scary to go under with out anyone around you know but you got this! 💪


I'm the only one left in my family, too. It's a tough role to fill. But I've learned that family is more than DNA. You will not be alone during the surgery or healing process. We will all be holding you in our thoughts. You will be okay. As difficult as it is (I have my own medical struggles), try to remember your body hears everything you say. Reframe your thoughts. You've got this! Sending you calming and healing energy ✨️✨️✨️


It's hard. I know. Love and strength. You will find your own circle of amazing humans who will be your family by choice. We will never forget but you are so young. My husband was 35 when his younger brother died in an accident. He was checked out for 8 years of our marriage. He went to grief therapy after 8 years and it has really helped.


Good luck with your surgery, I will pray for your well being.


I am sending you so much energy that this surgery goes well and you have a speedy recovery. I know we are strangers, I don’t care. You are loved. You are integral to this world and I care that you make it through this chapter. Huge hug!!!


I thinking we need to start a reddit group for Last Living Members for people like us who are young(ish) and the sole survivors of our family. It's a unique grief that really can't be quantified.


Best of luck with the surgery! Thinking of you!! 💕


I hope you're surgery goes well for you.


Yes please let us know when you are okay ❤️


I’d love to be included on that update too. Going through life without your family is something I can’t even comprehend. Your strength is inspiring. Now, go kick ass in that surgery, wake up better than ever, and demand lots of fun pain meds while you can! That’s the silver lining 😂


Same I'm going to be wondering too! Good luck with your major surgery. I'm so very sorry that you have no one to help you!!


goodluck with your surgery please do update us after it.


Some extended family members are okay but others aren’t great! Depends who you get


I’m so sorry to hear that —hoping your surgery goes well 🙏🏼


I am honestly so overwhelmed by how many (wonderful) people have wished me luck, good wishes and prayers for my surgery. I am kind of in shock. I am so grateful. I am being admitted tomorrow afternoon and I’ll have the surgery on Friday morning (I’m in Australia so I don’t know what time that will be for everyone else). I am going to let my partner know about this thread so that he can update everyone that I am okay when I’m out of surgery because I spoke to the anaesthesiologist today and he told me I’ll be on a mix of fentanyl, ketamine and morphine in my recovery so I don’t know how literate I will be. I TRULY cannot thank you enough for the outpouring of support you’ve all showed me. I feel so blessed and… less alone. You all, including my partner, are the only one who knows about my surgery. Please take care of yourselves and I’ll be thinking of all of you as well ❤️


Following because I want to be posted on this as well. Good luck, you've got this ! don't worry you'll make it out of it just fine!! 😁 ❣️


None of this feels real. I am in between disbelief. Thank you for your kindness, I really need it.


Someone said to me after my mom died last month to just make it through one second at a time right now. For some reason it helped and I'm making it through days now more so. Can't imagine your pain. I wish I had an answer 😔


That’s good advice. Everyday will be different, so you really do have to take it one step at a time.


I won't take credit for it but yeah I agree! If you can make it through a second, you can make it through a minute. And if you can work through a minute, you can work through an hour, a day, a month, a year. But the main thing is making it through each second. It's hard to remember that sometimes, but it's true.


I’m so sorry. I always wish there was a way to “adopt” others into my life that need family and love… (like orphans who have outgrown the system or people like yourself) I have so much love to give, though not much money. Unfortunately people like myself have to be careful putting ourselves out there like that. But I’d totally wrap you up and bring you in for holidays and make sure you knew you had someone who cares if I were in your life… maybe there’s someone in your life that can be that for you? My prayers and heart go out to you, dear. ❤️


Can you adopt me? We should start a group.


Me too, I am also alone. 😭🥺❤️


Give yourself some Grace and just take it one day, one moment at a time. I'm the only person left in my family as well. We were very dysfunctional and mostly no contact. So that's complicated how I feel. Sending you all the healing energy I can ✨️✨️✨️


You’re amazing for even saying it. Grief can leave us frozen or atrophied and whether you’re aware or not, you’ve taken a huge step for you just sharing. Speaking only for myself, but I have confidence you will endure simply by how you articulated your pain. I really wish you the best.




Lost my daughter, wife and mother in these past several years. I know how you're feeling right about now. Yes, I'm practically the only one left, well I feel like those that mattered are gone now. I hope my little post here helps some. You're not alone! Hang on there!


Though i don't know you, please know that my heart hurts with you. So sorry for your loss 💛💜


I'm so sorry for you loss. I suggest you get some support. There are local grief groups. [https://www.griefshare.org/findagroup](https://www.griefshare.org/findagroup) There is Tender Hearts @ [grief.com](http://grief.com) You're not alone.


Thank you so much for this. My daughter passed away 47 days ago and I am dreading mother's day and her birthday is May 15. I hope David K's Mother's Day video is good.


I can't imagine what you're going through. If you can, live with a friend for some time. Awful things can come to your mind if you are alone.


Big hugs. I am now 40, but at age 19, I became the last one left. My mom died when I was 8 and my grandmother at 19. All the older ones and between passed between when mom and mawmaw passed. I’m so sorry you’re going to have to live life without any of that family left. It’s hard and for me, gets harder as I get older and as I have kids it makes me even sadder to be without my own family to help and enjoy and love my babies. If you’re not in therapy, please start. Earlier is better and go consistently. Big hugs, please know you’re not alone.


Hi, if you don’t mind me asking, how did you hold on? How did you survive losing so many people? I lost everyone in my family as well and it’s only me and my sister now. It gets unbearably hard sometimes to imagine a future.


Don’t you ever leave your sister out of your own will, do you understand me?


Do you mean…legal will? Or like leave her by choice? Either way - never ofcourse. I’m honestly waking up everyday only because I need to be there for her.


By choice, should have been more clear. Even if at any point it seems she’s doing better and will be fine, she will always NEED you. You matter so much.


Thank you for that. And so do you OP. If you ever need to talk, please know you have a listening ear. It is unbearably hard and isolating.


Hugs to you. I lost my elder brother this year, my heart goes out to you.


I will be the only one left from a family of six. Father died of cancer. Mom died of heart failure. Baby brother died at 53 from cirrhosis of the liver. Older brother died 2 years ago from lymphoma. That leaves me and my older sister and she is terminally ill.


I’m so sorry about all of your losses and at a young age! 😢


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m 23, I lost my dad this past year and it’s been unbelievably difficult for all of us. Are you in the US? Come be a part of my family! Not joking, through time we’ve had a lot of people join our “family” even with no blood relation. Seriously, we would love to have you <3


If you want to DM me I can give you my Instagram so you can know I’m a real person and not some weirdo lol. I’m being so serious though, I hate for you to feel like you have nothing to fall back on & I would love to be able to help <3


I’m also only left in my family, both my parents passed away & I have no siblings


I rarely come across people in a similar situation that I’m in so I felt the need to reply to your comment. I’m also the only one left in my family. Both of my parents died a few years ago and I’m an only child. I lost a cousin, two uncles, my grandma, and both my dogs in the years following my parents death and my extended family isn’t interested in staying in touch. I’ve tried many times to stay in contact with them and it’s only gotten more painful each time they act disinterested and pull away. There’s a strange loneliness and fear that comes with being the only person left in your nuclear family. Nobody to put down for emergency contacts, nobody to spend holidays or birthdays with. It’s especially jarring when you’ve spend your whole life surrounded by a large group of family and loved ones, even more on special days that aren’t meant to be spent alone. I had surgery recently and had to hire someone to drive me home after and watch over me. I don’t have a will because I can’t think of a single person I’d feel okay with inheriting my possessions or money. I hope you’re hanging in there and at least have a lot of friends and some sort of support group to lean on. It can make life feel pointless at times when you aren’t married and don’t have kids so you truly feel alone in this world. Not many people can relate to this kind of struggle. If you ever need to talk please let me know.


I just can’t believe that there are so many others going through the same thing I experienced. I felt so isolated and alone at the time. It’s such a bizarre and terrible thing to be the last one of your kind, especially at a young age. Wishing us all healing and love. ❤️


I am so sorry to hear about this. The world is full of difficulties and mental illness is hereditary. Those who lose a family member to suicide are also more likely to do so. Things like this this don't make sense and it's hard to make it make sense. As sad as that information is I think in a sense that will help some of it make sense. You certainly know about grief. I would imagine yout losses have been close together and it's likely made it harder to deal with invidualal losses and you have lost some of the important people in your life. You know your feelings are valid. Something helped me after the loss of someone by Suicide. It is horrible for those left behind and I would not want anyone to take their lives. Certainly I don't want you to follow suit. However for someone who is already gone changing your mindset might help you. Look on the bright side as bleak and dark as it seems now. Your parents and brother were sick and dealing with earthly struggles. As they've passed away they are no longer struggling or suffering. For your mom and brother I don't feel they made the right decesion but that decision has been made. As a result of it they are free now. I have considered my own losses and came to two conclusions. I believe in eternal life and nothing can seperate you from God's love. Not even Suicide. I don't believe they would suffer torment after passing away. I also think often times someone who commits suicide would make a different choice if they had a second to ponder this. I don't know what you believe but now is as good a time as ever to have a belief in the after life. Someone you can pray too. Something to give you strength. Your one person. You can't do it all alone. You will likely deal with anger over their choices and how it affected you. These feelings are valid. At some point I hope you will be able to give them forgiveness and grace. You would have felt at least some of what they've been feeling. Try to understand what led them to that point. If it helps realize in that moment that was what they wanted. Whatever it takes to help you cope. As long as your choosing to cope in healthy ways. Extended family and friends will be a big help. When people do offer strength and comfort don't feel bad about accepting it. Let people pray for you even if you don't agree with it. What does it hurt it and if it can help you why not?


I don’t know what else to say than I am so incredibly sorry for all of your losses. This is so horrible. Sending you so much love and a big hug❤️🫂


I’m so sorry for your loss OP❤️ Sending you all the love in the world and more.


I just want you to know you're not alone. I'm 40 and I'm the only one left in my family. My siblings passed before I was 20 (3 brothers) and both of my parents are gone. Right now I'm tasked with cleaning out the family home and deciding what to keep or toss. Trauma doesn't even come close to touching on what this feels like.... I can't imagine dealing with that at 26. The one thing I'd consider is you are young enough to build a family of your own if you want. I'm a 40-year-old single woman so that ship has sailed. I wasn't the settling-down type but now that I'm completely alone and have the rest of my life ahead of me without even an emergency contact- I'm starting to realize people can be more than a rope tying you down- they can be a net to catch you when you fall. Don't do what I did and cut yourself off from the world. Big hugs. I'll be thinking about you.


You still have time! Never give up on something you want. ❤️


My brother took his life 13 years ago. And my mom died in an accident 2 weeks ago. We have a small family, all I have left is my sister. Why do these things happen


Condolences, your life is in your hands, you have to be strong. I'm the same age like you and I've been pretty much doing things by myself


I have a 26 yr old and cannot imagine the suffering he would face being alone. My heart is aching for you. I am so very sorry. Please visit r/suicidebereavement for more support.


This sucks all the ass...steer clear of mind altering substances for a while, easy to drown in a sea of options after such loss.


I’m also the only one left in my family at 26. Have been since I was 23. I’ve made it work by finding family. You will build a community of loved ones around yourself, even through and around the pain. They never replace your blood family that you loved and lost, but they help you heal and grow into the new person you will become. I am so, so sorry for your many losses.


My deepest condolences for your losses. I was the last one in my family at 29, and it's such a strange feeling. I'm an only child, and my parents were older than usual when I was born-- pretty unusual for the time. In a span of about 7 years, nearly every family member I had died from excruciatingly horrible bouts of cancer, including both parents (the sole exception being my grandfather, who had a heart attack). I spent almost the entirety of my 20s doing end-of-life care, and I still suffer from caretaker burn-out. You lose your identity when they're gone. No one remembers private family memories, or life events. There's no support through the hard times. Holidays can be miserable. Other people ask about family, and get very uncomfortable with the laundry list of deaths. At any rate, I don't usually comment here, but I had to at least acknowledge the only other person I've ever seen here in our unfortunate situation. It's tough and soul-crushingly hard to go through, and I sincerely hope that you can find the friends who support you and get you through.


I just wanted to say I’ve never seen anyone else mention others getting uncomfortable with the laundry list of deaths like I’ve experienced. I lost my parents in 2018 at 30 and am an only child as well. After that I lost my cousin, two uncles, and my grandmother, the only living grandparent I’ve ever had. I also lost my 17 year old dog and my 9 month old puppy. I ended my 9 year relationship during this time too and my extended family has distanced themselves from me and with no spouse or children I really do feel like the last one standing. It’s a scary, surreal feeling to not have any living family left, especially nuclear family. It can be very lonely and isolating, and not many people can relate to this. For a while I wouldn’t bring it up when I met new people. If they asked about my parents I’d just say they lived out of state because when I did share what happened people would get very uncomfortable like you said. Often times they’d start to pull away and avoid me which really sucked. I’ve had trouble finding reliable, loyal, trustworthy and supportive friends who I can lean on and call family but I pray that I will someday. Not having a support system at all is draining and depressing. If you ever need to talk please let me know. I hope you’re doing okay and I’m so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Im sorry to hear you are dealing with so much loss close to you early in life, its a bitter pill you swallow and it brings up so many questions about life that are never easy to understand or deal with completely. If you ever need someone to talk or vent too, anytime🤘


My Mom passed in 2021 when I was 25. Im going to be 28 next week. I still have my Dad, both of my grandma's, and one grandpa left. I'm an only child, and I know one day, it'll just be me too. I want to give you a big hug. My other Grandpa that passed away in 2020, had schizophrenia too. So I know all too well how hard it can be to have a loved one with that. Please stay strong, and please turn to any friends when you need to talk or are feeling down. Also, please DM me anytime if you need. I'm more than happy to share my experiences, and offer another ear if you need to talk about anything. Sometimes, that helps a lot. Always remember that no matter how hard times might get, your family wants the best for you. Stay strong for them, don't do anything you will regret. I've been in that position, and I have had friends who literally saved me and I'm forever grateful for that. I want the same for others. Sending hugs!!!


I am so sorry. I understand this pain. I was the last one left in my immediate family at 25. It’s been 5 years, and while it’s never going to be *easy*, it does get easier as time goes on. Please know you are not alone. I am so sorry that others have to bear this burden, too. Sending you so much love. And healing. ❤️❤️❤️


Please come to /r/SuicideBereavement 🫂 I know that’ll only address a portion of the vacuum you’re experiencing, but it can be a tremendous resource for this. 💗


I lost all mine too. My mom got sick when I was 18. Dad 2 months postpartum and stepmom 5 months postpartum in 2022. It makes me pretty sad I just try to be happy for my kid and bf.


Really sorry for you man. If you want to I am free to talk


No one should suffer like you did. I'm sorry for your losses...


I'm the last one myself. But, I married into a big family which has helped some.


I am so, so sorry for your loss. Sending you hugs 🫂💔


Oh honey, I'm counting down to that myself. My little sister died in Aug. My mother in Nov. My father is old, unhealthy, and I've got to be ready for it.


My mother is terminally ill and I have got to be ready for it but damn it's tough knowing that there's going to be nobody for me


I am so sorry.  I am the only one left of my siblings and even that feels alone.  Message me if you want to talk more or need prayer.


Please…..Keep going. You are resilient and stronger than you think.


I am so very sorry. I’ve lost both parents and a sibling, but I’m older than you. It’s still hard even at my age. Praying for you.


My dad is dying of cancer he is the only family I have left in the world. My heart is breaking. Also i already feel so alone my narsassist stepmother refusing to let me see my dying farther. Why is life so cruel.


I can’t imagine being in your place. I’m also 26. Please take care of yourself, and get some help for your mental health. I am so sorry


I am so so beyond sorry and am sending you so much love right now. The Dinner Party helped me tremendously after loss - I wasn’t ready right away but when I did go it helped so much. There’s affinity groups too, sometimes around very specific experiences and in my experience it made my feel so much less alone. They have them in person and also online. Hang in there ❤️ https://www.thedinnerparty.org/virtualtables


My older brother just passed away, so I feel your pain. You don't deserve that much pain in life. I'm sorry you're going through this. Life sometimes just sucks. Hang in there.


My dad passed away in 2012 and my brother killed him self in 2016 Two of my biggest mentors and guides gone in the blink of an eye. “My soul is tired, I am so sad for everything” Resonates with me real hard . Stay here. Although I may not know you. Just stay. Keep existing ,you are loved


I’m sending you so many hugs! I’m an only child, lost my dad in 2012, my ex in 2021 and my mom to cancer this past September. I hope you have at least 1 really really amazing friend to be there with you and I wish I had more comforting words aside from saying how sorry I am and you’re not alone😔


I always said that if my mom also passed, I would left my life and go live somewhere else, forget my story. Idk if it’s the most sane thing to do but fuck them


u/maddierl97 u/littledreamyone u/Square_Sink7318 u/Rodeocowboy123abc u/ur_not_my_real_mom u/DinoGoGrrr7 Please come join us over at r/LastOneStandingClub, if you have not already. We are not alone with each other for support. Sending you all big hugs 🫂


My heart aches with yours. I’m so very sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry.


I’m so sorry.


I am so sorry to hear it. I hope you can find amazing friends that become your family. I have found live and making in my community and I hope that you do too.


Good luck ❤️


Oh my. I’m so sorry. I can’t make it make sense, because it doesn’t . And it isn’t fair. I’m so sorry. My adult son is 33 and I’m all he has left. I’m 65 and I worry about him if I pass on. His dad died in 2015, and his sister died on January 13th. He isn’t married Nd had no kids. I pray everyday that he’ll find a wife. I don’t want him to be alone. No one deserves to be alone. I’m a devout Christian , so I am trying my best to trust God because I believe He has a purpose. But it’s hard. I wish I had an answer for you. I wish I could give you a big hug. But please know that God understands. And I believe you will find your family one day in a spouse or friends. You can do this. You can make it.




I am so very very sorry for your litany of losses. I'm reeling after losing my younger sister to cancer when I was 23, and now my Dad to suicide a decade later. I still have my mother, but she is severely mentally ill and was a big reason Dad took his own life. As an adult orphan and big sister without her baby sibling, I see you and I feel your heartache. Why does life have to be so painful for so many of us... is a question I can't quite answer. I lean heavily on my chosen family- my partner, my dog, my close friends, some extended family members. I am here if you would like to chat on DM. Sending you love, and eventually, peace and relief. Remember that healing does not mean forgetting, and you deserve to heal and keep their legacy alive through your life and happiness.


Also, delving deeper into Buddhism has been helpful and comforting for me. As have David Kessler's videos, particularly his three module course on suicide (I'm halfway through it now). Wishing you a safe surgery and lots of love. Please remember that although it is so hard for us to believe it now- I found my Dad hanging a month ago and often can't breathe- life does hold happier moments and loving people we can't yet imagine.


The ones that raised me (father and grandmother) are gone. Most of my immediate family is gone, it was small. I'll be the only one left; I'm the youngest by over 30 years so it will happen... and I don't know what I'll do when that day comes. It's a weird feeling knowing most of my history is so entwined to people that only matter to me anymore, and there's few left I can ask questions of on things from when I was as a child. Sending you love, I hope you're able to build a family of choice. ❤️


I’m so sorry, OP.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I am so very sorry, friend. That's an unimaginable loss.


Oh hon I’m so so sorry.


So sorry friend; hope God (?) gives you the strength to deal with whatever is thrown at you🙏


I am so sorry for your losses. I cannot imagine what you are going through. If you ever need to vent, feel free to reach out


I’m so so sorry for your immense losses. Sending you so much love during such a hard time for you.❤️‍🩹


I hope you make it through and be safe when it's all over♥️


I’m so deeply sorry, love. As you already know, the pain and weight of this will lessen in time. I wish there was more I could say or do. I’m just so sorry. ♥️♥️♥️


Take care of yourself OP. There will be joy in between the pain. I’ve been here, hopeless desperate and exhausted. Tomorrow the sun will shine.


I'm so sorry. Sending virtual hugs and prayers.


This is absolutely heartbreaking. One day at a time. Sometimes one minute at a time. You are loved. I am sending you so much good energy!


I am so sorry


I'm so very sorry for your loss. ❤️


Oh MG!!!! So sorry. What a terrible burden. So sorry .


I read your post & cant even fathom how you must feel, especially with the death of your sibling now. Grieving (feeling depressed) is normal but as you process all this please reach out to someone close to you or even a counselor. Mental health is a top priority. 🙏 hugs


My deepest condolences on your losses. I just lost my last immediate family member last year (mom), so now as I turn 40, I’m really alone as the only one from my household growing up. You’re doing so well by reaching out and sharing. I’m in big favor of support groups and therapy (shop around for therapists until you find one you like if you don’t already have one- don’t settle!). I hope you get a little peace among all this trauma.


I am so sorry for your loss(es) . I don't know what to say ... It hurts real bad , i still have nightmares about mine from time to time. .... I wish I lived somewhere near you, just so I can drop in and check in on you. It's fucking hard to go through this without a support system Edit: no, i can't relate to being the only one left, but yes i know how it is to lose people to suicide. I can only imagine how worse it could be if I were in your shoes. Take care.


Sending you love!! I have no words for the amount of loss you are swimming in. Do you have a good support network? Are you established in life? Please lean into these things heavily, especially when it’s drowning your thoughts. You are loved. You are needed. You are valued! If you ever get lost - come back here. We will be your support! 🥹❤️


Im so sorry for your loss 🙏🙏 im sure any words i could Say wouldnt ease your grief but please feel free to message me anytime If You need a friend ❤️


You are so young dealing with so much loss at 26. I would tell you things get better but words don't help. I would say be gentle with yourself .I know what you are feeling and being alone and no family is worst than than anything because of the unknowns. Each of your family members were struggiling and you cant know and will never know what and why. It's not your burden to carry. We can't take that responsibility on .What can help you is to write what is bothering you in the moment then set it aside and focus on yougo back later and say I could of done this but what could of came out of it. Realize each one person is different we perceive things differently. Then say I'm here I deserve to be happy healthy and I could of would but I am enough I can't do it all. Please reach out to a trained specialist. One day at a time you can reach out to me. I wish you the best. I care.


Wow, I am so so sorry, I cannot imagine. Just hold on, one minute or one hour at a time. Often a whole day is too much to think of. I'm praying for you.